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Everything posted by Pog

  1. +1 You made some great RC events in the past. You also made some really fun Bith RP which I will post below
  2. Pog

    More Stealth Weapons!

    +1 suppressed weapons are pog. A variant for 212th would be cool too.
  3. This application has been VOIDED by the author. You are permitted to put up another application for other positions, however; If you void another commander application within 30 DAYS, then you're subject to a 30 DAY cooldown from applying. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - DENIED
  4. In off-topic or commander section? Your call
  5. Pog

    Bacta-212th | 501st

    7/10 It was ight, it was clear that it was randomly thrown together but it was fun
  6. +1 even though he is a 187th supporter (kinda weird)
  7. After a very long talk with Bacta, I have been convinced to -1.
  8. -1 It's all already been said, this application was posted just minutes after you threw a tantrum and got off of the server. Like Mavelle said I hope you can learn and improve from this. Edit: Just went past you in-game and heard you joking about the -1's on this reapp... For a guy that talked about maturity in half this app so much you seem to be lacking it.
  9. +1 Bad model bad, good model good.
  10. After a long talk with Bacta I will be updating to +1. Here is the audio for those who care and want to hear Bacta's plans: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13_nc-y7FghNZVjlmZoCv94cSu3XrNr1t/view?usp=sharing
  11. @BactaDo you plan on responding to my questions? I've heard Kohls keeps you very busy so if you want to go over them in TS that would work as well. I will be sticking with my -1 until you can answer. There is no excuse for you to take nearly a week to respond to a simple set of questions.
  12. Please keep any messages in this thread on topic, and limit messages to either +1/-1s or questions for the applicant. Thanks.
  13. Because I keep getting this question in game, In pms, Over teamspeak, etc I have decided to lay it to rest here. I will not be applying for Cody. I do not have the time needed to make a good/attentive BCMD. I love 212th and it will always be my home, but it is also time for me to experience more things and put myself in a position where I’m more accessible to the rest of the server. Frankly I’ve been very insulated as Longshot and Cody, focusing on just my battalion. I have not been making friends in other battalions or have really acted like a community figure. I rose really high extremely fast because my work ethic and dedication to 212th was what was needed in their command structure at the time. My plan for the next few months on synergy is very simple: Engage in more RP, Try and make friends within and outside of my new battalion, and be a good officer in 212th. Maybe one day, after I have had time to open up experience new stuff, I will return to 212th as Cody. As of right now, I’m leaving it to those with more experience. However, I do have a few questions. As a former BCMD I have to agree with Comics on this statement: I have never heard of you or seen you do anything with the 212th. I'm not sure if this application is a joke or why I haven't heard of you, but my first question is: Who are you???? I have a couple other questions, please answer each one to the best of your ability. I will be -1ing for now, but if you can answer these questions properly I may change my vote. Before I +1 or -1 Got some questions. Follow up questions will be Green to prevent Cluster 1. The Communication issue that 501st has had for awhile now have been tried to been fixed by several BCMDs now, With your Ideas presented what makes us positive that these ideas can be stuck to? Follow Up - What makes you able to fix these problems that the previous BCMDs couldn't? 2. With the "TC Wipe" A lot of 332nd members went to TC, how can you ensure 332nd wont die like TC did? 3. When you talked about the 501st Jedi Leadership, there has been 1 major concern for the Jedi leadership and that is you really only have 2 Jedi in 501st that I know of, one being Anakin and the other Ahsoka. How are you as a BCMD going to fix the Jedi Program and make other Jedi want to be apart of the 501st? 4. You talked about a Disconnect from TC and High Command. As you are currently the TC how are you going to make sure there isn't a disconnect with the Next TCC? 5. In the previous statement, you said the "State of the Battalion is kind of weird, Our future is bright but we could easily die again with a Lazy High Command" What is currently wrong with the current High Command and how are you going to fix these? Follow -up: You stated that the Communication is not going to be fixed with a "lazy high command" Are you planning on revamping the High Command, or bringing in new Commanders? If you plan on bringing in new Commanders how are you going to ensure they are not lazy?. 6. What currently makes you a better candidate then the other individual? 7. You have stated that when you were a 2ndLT you were not mature and that was holding you back from progressing, But you then stated your Maturity improved in and outside the server. Currently other believe you have not improved enough yet, could you explain in more details how you have improved your Maturity? 8. When Nova resigned, he stated that he didn't realize how much work the job of a BCMD is and he also stated he wasn't ready for the position, what makes you ready for this position as BCMD? Do you understand what your taking on? How will you balance both the job of a BCMD and IRL? 9. I assume you are aware that the 501st Reputation hasn't been the been the best lately, how are as a BCMD going to fix the Reputation? 10. With the "TC Wipe" you were a TCO at the time, but you also stated that TC and HC Had a disconnect. Were you apart of the decision to wipe TC? and what were your thoughts on the situation at the time as a TCO? 11. What are your opinion currently on the state of both TC and 332nd, and what are the current issues in these sub units? 12. What are your opinions currently on the Regiments in 501st and are there any issues in the regiments? Follow-up: How are you going to work with the REGL to ensure all regiments are in good shape? 13. Currently what is your opinion on Trainings within 501st?, do you guys have regular trainings or irregular?. 14. How are you going to better Battalion Relations with other Battalions outside of the Attack Regiment? 15. What are current thoughts on the Reserve Roster? Follow-up With your LOA/ROA rules and the Reserve Roster is meant for indefinite LOAs, are you still going to implement the Reserve Roster? are you going to remove it? and if a Officer goes on reserves with your Rules will they be removed etc.? 16. Another question regarding communication, With Phaser being Ahsoka and equal to a Commander, he has shown his frustration with being left out of the loop and 332nd things aswell, How are you as a BCMD going to ensure everyone is on the same page and if not how are you going to get on the same page? you stated weekly Officer Meetings, but will they be Weekly? or will they be Bi-Weekly because you have previously had "Weekly Battalion Meetings" That have gone from Weekly to Bi Weekly. And how are you positive they will fix the communication issues? Thank you in advance for answering these questions, and if you somehow get this position I wish you the best of luck. Edit: Updated to +1. He will be the greatest BCMD this battalion has ever seen.
  14. All I have to say is I will be leaving a lengthy -1 on his reapplication. Those meetings have left me with negative lasting effects, I am not sure I will ever be the same...
  15. +1 After futher conversation about his plans he has said he will be adding a trooper of the fortnite award, in conclusion I will be transferring to 104th.
  16. This shit was so unfunny that it broke the emote
  17. Pog

    Papa Kal's Return

    I know just the place!
  18. Pog

    Papa Kal's Return

    +1 Fuck it I'm crossin' the line today
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