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Everything posted by Deku

  1. Hey Lovestruck, honestly this was the one I was waiting for. I’m going to tackle this comment in parts so please bare with me. Council Meeting Concern: When I first became master under @Sixta, one of the first things I told him, and the current High Council at the time, was that due to my work schedule and availability on the weekends, 2PM is too early and I would never be able to make a meeting unless I called in sick, or quit my job. And no offence, but the meeting isn’t more important than making money. Activity Concern: The big one, at the time of my removal from Plo Koon, I had a lot going on in my IRL situation that was very bad for not only my physical, but mental health. For starters, I have a seemingly spontaneous condition called uveitis (look it up if you want), which is a total inflammation that targets my eyes. Which caused me to miss almost a month of school collectively, setting me behind. Also meaning that for a long period of time, I physically could not get on the server because my eyes were extremely light sensitive. At the time of my removal, I was having another big flare up in my right eye. Currently I still can’t see through my right eye, and my left is still a bit blurry, but through all of this I still challenge myself to be on almost everyday, and put up this Rex application. Because it’s something I’m very passionate about. Secondly, in the past few weeks before my removal a lot of big events were happening in my life. Prom being one of them, and for us Canadian’s, finals. I’m a big advocate for IRL coming before GMod, and I still am. I believe I did what was necessary for my IRL situation, and I have no regrets for the activity problems as it was either not preventable, or my time was taken away to study for my finals so I can get into University. (Seems a little more important to me) Current/Future Activity: Now, I would love to promise you consistent, 8 hours a day activity. But I can’t. My availability is included in my application, it’s been the same for the past 3 years of playing on synergy, it hasn’t changed at all. Now, I’ve slowly been increasing my activity as I’m feeling more and more confident with my medical conditions current status to play on the server. But realistically, I don’t know if I’ll wake up one morning and lose all vision in my eyes. It’s pretty bad lol. But what I can promise is that no matter what, even through my current condition I’ve been making strides and making attempts to reach the activity requirement so that I can be there for 501st when they need me. What good is a BCMD if he is never present? I refuse to put this battalion through a BCMD who won’t even get on the server, I hold myself to that standard just as any other BCMD. And I will try my absolute best to reach it. It’s important to note that I have IRL needs, like schooling and work, that of which takes up my time when I’m not on the server, but I’ve been working diligently to balance all 3! Hopefully that clears up your concern with activity, it’s also nice to explain my side of things since you happened to mention my removal from Plo. Hopefully you understand the sudden drop in activity at that time. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask!
  2. Hey Seabass, hopefully I can clear up any confusion you may have had. To answer this question, the merits and cooldowns will act as a basic GUIDELINE for officers to promote NCOs without consulting anyone. Meaning that they still get their ability to promote, but now they have a guideline to refer to when doing so. Now, if this officer wishes to promote someone that doesn’t have all their merits done, or hasn’t reached their promotion cooldown, they can either start a vote within the officer core, and get opinions from all WO+ (MAJ+ if it’s an officer promo) or they can go straight to a CMD that can waive the requirements themselves if they agree that the person deserves the promotion. TLDR: Officers are keeping their ability to promote, now they just have a guideline. If they wish to promote people that aren’t ready merit or cooldown wise, they start a vote or seek a CMD+ to waive it. Hopefully that makes sense! It seems we agree for most points in this statement, I do hope to push for more interaction within all of our Jedi, not just subunit Jedi but of course them as well. I believe that people often forget that when going for a subunit Jedi position, they’re meant to stick with that subunit and Roleplay with them as such. To me that is a bare minimum, and should be a minimum when giving these people a tryout. Myself, Shroud, and Phaser would have to come up with ways we can possibly change our current Jedi trials to incorporate more RP, which in turn will hopefully give us a new generation of RP heavy subunit Jedi. Again, seems we agree! I don’t want to single out just lore Jedi for the lack of passive RP, it’s an issue with the large majority of the battalion. Now of course, being such significant figures in RP, it’s expected that our lore Jedi would take on that mantle to lead the RP. As for my plans to have lore Jedi more involved, I’d like both Anakin and Ahsoka to take on a higher leadership role within their subunits, voting on applications within TC, and doing tryouts for 332nd and interviews for 332nd lore characters. I know some of these ideas are already happening, but not consistently it seems. Now, I believe that each Anakin and Ahsoka needs to earn their position as a leader within their subunit, but upon doing so, I’d like Anakin to have an equal say as a TCXO and act as a second TCXO for Appo’s disposal. Having a second person to go to, whether to conduct interviews or vote on them, would be a nice change of pace. For Ahsoka, similarly to Anakin, I want her to take on a 332ndXO role. Currently, our Ahsoka can already do 332nd trials and tryouts, but giving them the title of 332ndXO makes it seem like a more legitimate position. Ahsoka will still be able to host trials and tryouts, but also sit in on big decisions made towards 332nd, and hold a vote for 332nd interviews when that happens. Hopefully I got all of your concerns/questions! If I missed anything please let me know and I’ll be happy to explain
  3. Steam Name: Xeitrix RP Name: Torrent Company Lt. Col Fives | Jedi Master Kit Fisto RP Rank: LTC | Jedi Council Member Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96546050 Battalion you are applying for: 501st BCMD Rex Experience: Doom's Unit PVT - WO: I stayed for almost 2 months working my way up the NCO/Officer chain, getting my requirements done quickly and efficiently. I had a goal in mind and I worked hard and studiously to achieve it, eventually landing me Warrant Officer. Although short-lived, DU was a lot of fun and I learned a lot under the High Command at the time, and the officers they surrounded themselves with. 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion PVT - BCMD: When I first joined, 104th wasn't doing too well. We were struggling to get more than 4 people on, it seemed like it was the same people on every day and that was it. We were getting no recruitments besides the 2 other transfers that I came along with and that was it. We joined to help out the battalion and because a few of my friends I knew from DU also had joined 104th as well. 104th later went on to blow up in activity and numbers from the staggering amount of transfers, which eventually snowballed into more recruitments coming to join. I saw the future 104th has and continued with it until my Wolffe term was done. It was, and still is home to me and I knew that battalion and the people within it like the back of my hand. I kept up with my activity as BCMD almost every day, working day in and day out to help out our branch leads, pushing people to do trainings, getting people on during downtime and a LOT of doc work. I put my heart and soul into 104th for many Wolffe's to come and I solidified my position in the 104th history books, accomplishing all of the goals I had previously set for my term at the very beginning. ATK Regimental Commander: When I first became the ATK RCMD I had a lot of big goals for ATK, I saw prevalent issues with all the battalions under me that I had planned to fix. For 104th, it was activity and getting new troopers to join and stay for the long run. For 501st, it was getting a strong High Command to lead the battalion and keep communication flowing throughout the battalion. For 212th, it was all about maintaining their numbers and the success they were been having. By the end of my term, 501st had a confident and strong High Command to oversee everything in the battalion, and they were kicking everything into overdrive to bring the once flourishing 501st back. 104th had been gaining new members by the day and slowly growing into the 104th I knew and loved, Now for High Command, this was my first ever position as a member of the High Command and I learned a lot. I learned that the position came with expectations, big ones, and I also learned how the server runs from a completely different standpoint. I had the power I needed to see positive change come to the server and I used it to better the battalions under me. I worked with a lot of great people during my time as ATK RCMD, and I thank them all for sharing some of their wisdom with me. Marshal Commander (2 terms): Immediately after my 3 months as ATK Reg, I became MCMD alongside Bro as Palpatine. Being MCMD has shown be a whole different side to the server, it taught me extreme discipline and forced me to hold myself accountable for my actions, especially since all eyes were often on me. I was taught a lot working alongside Bro, he helped me figure my shit out and showed me how a High Command member should conduct themselves. During my second term, I became MCMD again alongside Conrad as Palpatine. Similarly to Bro, Conrad acted as a mentor to me, and we worked very well alongside each other even with differing opinions sometimes. During both of my terms of MCMD, I believe I reached my goals I had set for myself and I was happy where I left HC for Jova to eventually take the mantle as MCMD. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I believe I should become BCMD for a number of reasons, I joined 501st and immediately fell in love with the atmosphere and the amount of lore to work with. I quickly pushed myself and became one of my favourite lore characters (Fives). Along with this, I believe that throughout my 1600 hours on Synergy, I've gained a sense for leadership and I've gained the experience required to make a level-headed and successful BCMD term. BCMD is probably the most fun I've had on the server out of all of my positions I've been. I hope to reciprocate that success into 501st and be the BCMD it needs currently. I want to leave my mark on this battalion with my term, and leave something to be remembered by. I want my term to stand out to people as I lead 501st and keep everyone round up. With the majority positive responses I've gotten from the current 501st, I know a have a lot of their support in going for the position as they've told me. I believe 501st needs a BCMD presence right now to look towards, and I think I've more than proved myself, and I keep proving, that I can be that BCMD. It's been a long time since I've felt this strongly about a battalion/faction, and I wish to help out in any way that I can, BCMD being a huge role in that. Do you understand the lore of your battalion?: Yes Availability: Weekdays: 5:00PM EST - 10:00PM EST (Due to work/school) Weekends: 5:00PM EST - 4:00AM EST (can go longer, but I'm not a fan of staying up that late) Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: MoH Torrent Company Lt. Col Fives has played for 1600:08:12. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: Before putting up this application, I laid all of these plans out to the current 501st Officer Core for their comments/concerns. This was done in hopes that they will see this level of communication and know what to expect during my term. A fluent and communicative 501st. Jedi - Jedi seems to be doing okay, I believe there is more that can be done with the help of our current Ahsoka & Anakin to improve Jedi interactions between them and clones, both within their subunits and as regular 501st. More than just passive RP, I'd like to see Anakin and Ahsoka take a bigger role in their sub units as true Commanders/Generals, more so now. Implementation: First, have a conversation(s) with Ahsoka & Anakin about improvements within Jedi as a whole, and as subunit jedi especially. Secondly, I hope to include them more on things within their subunits. I hope to discuss with Phaser and Shroud on ways they can feel more included within 332nd & TC, taking their word into account to make all parties happy and content with their responsibilities. Roleplay - Honestly, probably the biggest thing I want to work on. Roleplay is more than just a comms bind, our roleplay definitely has improved as of recently, but it can always be better! I don't think we have an issue with roleplay as our characters most times, but it's actively seeking that roleplay that we struggle with. I would like to see more roleplay interaction within subunits. (Ex. TC passively roleplaying with each other around base, boyishly making fun of each other and acting as brothers) Implementation: Roleplay is the hardest thing to just teach someone. However, leading by example isn't. I hope to be an advocate for roleplay alongside our Commanders, our lore characters, and our lead positions. Roleplay on a roleplay server should be a minimum. I want to have a better screening process for lore characters that involve judging roleplay that we've seen aka, taking past roleplay into account before accepting or denying someone for a ROLEPLAY position. This will also be a responsibility that will fall on you guys as officers, to be leaders, not only within the battalion, but in roleplay as well. Discipline - I believe that discipline within 501st often relies on only a few individuals. We also have a failing program, the disciplinary team. Instead of having a specific team, I wish to put the responsibility of discipline onto the officers. And for those who don't feel confident, we have confident members in HC that will teach them. Implementation: First, the removal of the disciplinary team. It will be completely removed, and instead enforced on the officers. With this, the officers will take on a bigger role within the battalion, giving them more responsibility and trust respectively. Secondly, for those who don't have confidence in their discipline, HC will offer their experience to our officers, and let them sit in on discipline scenarios for them to use as an example in the future. Torrent Company - This, and my points made for roleplay go hand-in-hand. Besides roleplay, I believe the expectations and standards should improve for those we let into the subunit. Getting a full TC is obviously a priority, but filling it with the RIGHT people takes higher priority. Implementation: Overhaul interview questions to provide a more challenging and demanding interview. Also, including a screening for applicants going for positions, aka taking in past experiences both good and bad into account, alongside the interview process. 332nd - Same thing as TC however, I plan on working with our current Vaughn to give the lore names of 332nd a meaning. While also keeping activity within 332nd, rather than it being a "stepping stone" for people getting into TC. Implementation: Possibly include an interview for lore names within 332nd, and having a long discussion with Corey, his 332ndO's, and current 332nd on what would keep them in 332nd. Merits - Merits are staying. HOWEVER, not required for promotions. Merits, alongside promotion cooldowns, will act as the basic guideline for promotions. By basic guidelines, it means that officers will promote based on this guideline however, through a voting process or through CMD+ waive, promotions will be rewarded to those who deserve it. No matter if they've completed their merits or not, or if they meet the promo cooldown. The merits will act as a way for HC to see the work troopers have done, rather than merits being mandatory. If the troopers would like to fill out the merit form, they may, but if not they can still be promoted by those who have seen amazing work from them. Implementation: Self explanatory, nothing is changing besides the purpose that merits serve. These are the plans I've shared with my fellow officers and where I want to see 501st by the end of my term. If you have any questions feel free to just ask and hopefully I can clear up any confusion. I want to see 501st thrive, and I believe I'm the BCMD that can help reach that goal. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
  4. Does this mean I’m allowed back in the SOBDE discord now?
  5. o7, one of my favourite Rex’s to interact with. Thank you for giving me the chance to be where I am now. I’m glad I could help you and Drage in any way I could. You’ll be missed brother
  6. Name: Deku Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96546050 Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 5/22/2022 Reason for leaving: I just don't have as much time as I'd like to consistently host events, I plan on coming back when I can fully dedicate myself to staff. Farewells: None
  7. 4/4/5 - You did real good, I was happy to see that there was little to no lag, and the whole deployment was well balanced difficulty wise. Good job man, we had a lot of fun.
  8. o7 it’s been a pleasure Turtle, I wish you the best of luck in whatever is coming next for you. I’m proud of the person you’ve become and the progress that you’ve made
  9. +1, I’ve worked alongside Slak for quite awhile now, and although we don’t always agree, we are able to come to mutual grounds for the betterment of the battalion. Slak has grown so much as a person and as a leader, as someone who’s been around him since the beginning of his change, that much is true. I’m confident that I’ll be able to work alongside Slak to bring 104th to greener pastures.
  10. Honestly, whenever we’re on the venator I usually just don’t play and only show up for deployments. It’s just a waste of a weekend. It was nice at first, I still love the idea of a map rotation for the weekend, but venator is not it. It’s nice to have something new every now and again, but it makes it less fun when we can’t even personalize what we have. (Little off topic) but even if we took away map rotations, let a mf use perma props again please, part of the fun is seeing what people come up with for their bunks and honestly synergy has been such a snooze fest recently. (I know, server box go brr. Seems like everything breaks our beloved server box nowadays) anyways, prop rant aside. The idea is solid, but poorly executed.. or rather, limited. The map we use for venator is god awful. I’d rather poke nails through my eyes than spend a weekend playing that piece of shit, and server numbers follow that same ideology it seems. Congratulations, you came up with the perfect way to turn the only members we have away from the server for a weekend. Now we can all go touch grass I understand and sympathize with server leadership though. We tried something, it didn’t work, we move on. I love the idea of a map rotation, but venator isn’t the way to go. At least, not the venator we have now.
  11. Name: Deku Who helped (If applicable): Bacta Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The CIS launched on all out offensive both in the air and on the ground! The clones were tasked with protecting the base. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  12. wow, this has been here for awhile and it still stings. You’ll be missed my man, if there’s anyone I’d want to keep in touch with after a resignation, it’s you. Love you bro, good luck with everything. p.s, I’ll never forget THAT night. One hop this time
  13. +1, damn another one? Conrad has done amazing work, both during my time in HC and forward. I’ve seen nothing but good shit, keep it up my man.
  14. o7 brother. One of my favourite people on the server who seem to just keep coming back. All jokes aside tho, im here if you need me man. It was good to have you back for the time that we did, 104th will always have a spot open for you.
  15. Deku


    I'm sorry king, I'll find who did this to you
  16. Name: Deku Staff Rank: SA SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96546050 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): March 25th, 2022 - April 3rd 2022 Reason: Work and School has been kicking my ass the past week, I need some time to prioritize IRL work. I’ll still be around in discord of course. Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  17. Yeah, honestly if DU had 501st clout they’d be the biggest battalion on the server. A wise man once told me that. Anyways, +1, this is a dope suggestion to make the Heavy regiment actually useful, I don’t think we need to take shields away from DU, but now other battalions get to share that shield ability. And uh… have you ever been on the DU heavy whitelist? I feel like you’re talking just to sound important rn (it’s a common problem with Synergy members, don’t beat yourself up over it), the whitelist already gets the shield…
  18. o7. One of the greatest to do it man. It was an honour to work alongside and under you all this time, I wish you the best in future endeavours my man. Stop in and say hi whenever you get the chance, and you’ll always be my PB-00
  19. Name: Deku Who helped (If applicable): N/A Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The 501st, 212th, some 104th and CG were deployed to Umbara to recover stolen credits from the Republic that would supply the necessary funds for a Bill the Senate has passed. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nah mate
  20. 6.5/10, honestly, I commend you for being able to throw this event together with what you had to work with. This type of event would do 10x better on event server for sure. If you decide to do a part 2, please claim event server, get yourself an event job team that you are confident will not tarnish the RP, and have a well thought out story and direction that you want the event to go in. This one was alright, but there were some issues with EJ's, the fog for people who WERENT jedi, etc. It was pretty solid tho man
  21. Gonna miss you brother, it was amazing to meet you and be around you during your time as Ahsoka & Anakin respectively. Glad I could help you do some great things during my time in HC, and even more-so as your friend. Enjoy your life man, you're free. Adios, and good luck man.
  22. Putin better stop before I have to get involved.
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