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Everything posted by Deku

  1. Deku

    Siege Deployment

    6/10, Solid deployment. Seems as if it was a shoot-em-up but on a larger scale and with a small added objective with the CPT. Not too bad, I'd incorporate some more RP interaction with event jobs (once you can get a few haha) as well as some player driven RP.
  2. Changing this to an ROA, and it’s until March 4th. My surgery was a success @ Veteran Admin
  3. Name: Deku Staff Rank: SA SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96546050 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 2/11/2022 - 2/16/2022 Reason: Want a break for super bowl weekend + work/school is kicking my ass recently Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  4. 8/10, solid event. I really enjoyed the stealth part. We NEED more stealth deployments!
  5. +1, we need definitely need to have a chat about some things from a battalion POV if you do get the position, but I have confidence in your abilities and when paired with a solid high command team around you, I believe you’ll do quite well.
  6. +1, Shortly after my first & second term as Marshal, I had joined 212th and there wasn’t anyone else that I saw doing more work then Mater. Whether it was while he was an SO after my first term, or as a Commander after my second, he consistently put in good work and I think he’ll be able to take the battalion to a better direction for sure. Good luck Mater
  7. I know that for the staff boys, I just applied, got it, and immediately went on LOA. For you guys I’m sorry, if I had known that the shit going on IRL would’ve happened I wouldn’t have went for staff. This is some bad timing but I do still plan on coming back and getting my shit done to the best of my abilities.. so again, im sorry lads
  8. Name: Deku | Plo Koon | Captain Oscar Staff Rank: SA & Forum Mod SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96546050 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): January 12th - January 24th (may end early depending on situation/how I’m feeling) Reason: I’m tired man. I’m stressed to all hell IRL and I really don’t want to give myself another thing to worry about. I need this break so I can get my shit together IRL. (Sorry this is so sudden, this all came up for me just today too.) Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going onLOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  9. God, I come back and so does Maverick? Dub +1
  10. 10/10, I sincerely apologize for how long it took me to rate this! This is the first, and as far as I know, the only 10/10 I've given. (If I've given one before then this is the best out of those ones) The Roleplay between the event jobs and the people participating were amazing. This is a perfect example of an event done right. Each person who attended and helped carried the deployment in their own way. So not only do I thank you, @Mavellefor setting it up and getting us together, but I'd also like to thank: @Turtle@Stockings@Daytona211@Sixta@Phaser@Guac Thanks for the great deployment you guys
  11. RP Name: General Plo Koon | 41stEC ARC Captain Oscar Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96546050 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 17 Timezone: EST What was your previous staff rank?: SA Are you currently staff on a different server?: No Why did you leave the staff team?: I left the staff team during my ATK Reg term because I felt as though I wasn't able to adequately perform up to my own standard. I knew from the beginning that if staff ever took away from my activity as ATK Reg, or vice versa, that I would end up dropping staff, which I ultimately did. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I would like to rejoin the staff team because it's a side of the server I haven't explored for quite some time. It seems that so much has changed and it's genuinely something I want to be apart of. I really enjoyed assisting people with their needs on the server, especially during times where tickets often stayed unanswered or their timer ran out. I hope to bring that sort of gratitude/support back into my time on the server, also, now with the new GM integration of SA+, it makes it a lot easier for me who liked to primarily focus on the GM aspect of staff. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I think it went very well. Admittedly, I had a couple negative talk weeks but one was invalid and the other was due to me spending mostly all of my time on ATK Reg (oops). But other then that, I also got a few positive watch weeks, staff of the week, GM of the week and GH of the week, etc. So I would say my time as staff went well and I enjoyed my time within staff. GM was a huge focus of mine during my time as staff, and although I never did reach my goal of being GM Leadership, I would like to be given another go at it. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes If you are reapplying for the rank of SA, you are aware that applying will opt you in to becoming a Game Master? (Failure to opt in to GM will drop you down to the rank of Admin): Yes
  12. Deku

    Disparity on Vanqor

    5/10, Honestly I don't think people understand what a 10/10 rating actually means. A 10/10 is assuming this is a PERFECT deployment, and there isn't any deployment that could top this one. That was definitely not the case. I must say, I wasn't paying attention for half of it which could be why my experience was as bad as it was. But there were large portions of this deployment that I was very bored just waiting for whoever was lucky enough to get RP to do their thing. I understand the idea of abstract, make your own RP type of events, but on a completely desolate map it's very hard to do so.
  13. Bro this one hurt bad. Very bad. I'll miss you around man, come visit now and again. I had a bunch of fun with you around, and I'll never forget the work you put into the battalion. 104th HC will be trying to mend this hole for a very long time.
  14. +1, I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with you as MCMD. I know that you work extremely well with the rest of HC and when we had the chance to sit down and talk about situations that arose, it was amazing. One of the best palptines I’ve seen, and especially had the honour of working alongside. You’ve got my vote, and get a second term so I can see you as Palpy again
  15. Deku

    my jedi nft

    I wouldn’t expect such an old man like yourself to understand NFTs smh. Also check out this new NFT I got today too!
  16. Yeah you wouldn’t know, since you’re both XO and BCMD in 212th
  17. Please don’t stop these, I enjoyed writing them just as much as I enjoy reading them now
  18. I love you all, I appreciate a lot of you for everything you’ve done, even as little as just talking to me has had an impact on me.
  19. o7 Sina, my boy, and my Wolffe I worked under way back when. I’ll see you around my man, enjoy yourself.
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