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Everything posted by Comics

  1. -1, kinda pointless tbh. Can we not just whitelist him and spawn a lightsaber in the rare change he'll ever need to use this.
  2. Comics


    -1, damn shawty what you doing with all these literally useless vehicles which will never get used
  3. o7, it happens. You were cool
  4. -1, damn shawty what you doing with all these pilots
  5. I've never seen something so impressively useless. This tickled me -1, Halo HC is enough
  6. Boil ftw. Also forgetting all the Faceless GC character smh Longshot and gearshift :( How could you miss such integral characters
  7. -1, it's ugly like mega ugly but that doesn't really matter It is fucking enormous like mega mega mega fucking huge
  8. The events suck lol. Nothing to do. We all know it's a shitty population but we all like to publicly pretend it's not that bad and we can just "brush it off" we'll keep getting these posts for months until the forums get taken down because the server actually died :)
  9. 2/4 I couldn't tell where anything was cause there just wasn't anything to base it off tbh. The droids were insanely difficult and there was like 60 trillion droid pods and I had to destroy them all and I hated it
  10. -1, I've known you for a while and you've certainly proved yourself but the only issue is you seem to be completely outside of current HC. The other two candidates are highly active high ranking members of the community and you're, unfortunately, not. I don't see you being able to rally everyone together as you still need to get accustomed to it which is not what we need from a palpy we need someone who can get straight into it.
  11. 50 quid and a kiss on the cheek says +1
  12. The jobs were removed to make room for k-company and the models were replaced so we could keep 2ndAC
  13. Just not true. Look at all these responses. We want the map but we also want GMs to actually learn how to make events on the venator. When GMs are shit all maps suck and that's just how it is. A large portion of the community loves venator extensive and the rest have never experienced a good event on it
  14. We've only got EOD (which isn't special to us) and Stealth Recon (which ARF does) We got TECH and Negotiations taken from us and we have tried there is pretty much nothing we can do. We have been trying for months. All other sub units get their fame through their jobs. Everyone knows TC but they don't act any different from 501st. I feel like none of you are reading anything and are just deeming the the models "ugly". We like the models and that's what matters sorry you don't like them, that's unfortunate. You made a fake character for yourself and you also allowed Havoc Squad to be added to the server. This server doesn't give two fucks about lore and don't pretend it does.
  15. If you wanna pay to replace all ARC skins then be my guest
  16. Personally I love these models. It does suck that you, if you even play on the server, might have to see these "abominations" but i see god awful models every fucking day. You know what I say? I don't say shit because it's not my fucking model, I don't gotta use it. Keller is an HD model, SO pilot looks like wet leather, Operations Reg is play dough, some of the HC models are ripped straight from Halo, Etain is a fucking anime character. If you don't like the models, good for you. If you can find a set of models for GC that give us any level of proper distinction from the rest of 212th I'd happily adapt the suggestion but I get the impression you overlooked the reasons, took one look at the models and decided that you don't like them so we don't deserve them, which is sad. Once again, personal opinion doesn't matter with something like this, I'm sorry that the models we love might hurt your eyes but we love them and that's all.
  17. We'd get yelled at for having "too many skins"
  18. Once again, lemme say. Wether you personally like the models does not matter because we do. If you have a more objective reason go ahead but personal opinion on looks doesn't matter because some people clearly like the models.
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