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Everything posted by Snow

  1. Big +1 I definitely believe you can keep the momentum that Rancor has going.
  2. Korm was like a compassionate father to a lot of us, he was kind and caring. It really hurts to see that he is gone now and I can only offer best wishes to his family. I wish I had talked to him more, and I regret not taking the chances to get to know him better. It really sucks losing those people you had wished you knew better. I'll miss you Korm, I can still hear your calm voice clear as day, I won't forget you ever. Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum
  3. Here it is I suppose, I've been lurking for a long time and was semi-active in the Rancor discord. To those of you who know me, I've made so many friends on this server and it's been a hell of a ride and really let me find people I connect with. When I first joined I was dealing with a lot of stuff IRL and it really helped me to be able come home from school and meet everyone and just play a game with such a welcoming community. I wanted to say a final farewell and leave a message for anyone I can remember. (My) OG Boys: @Dondi - An amazing dude, my best friend and someone I can level with and who honestly has my back, he's an amazing person and one of the best people I have ever met. @Vex @Llama/Yoda @Kazane - My friends who I talk to daily, seriously, would not have met them without taking the plunge into this server. @Vint - The first Rancor BCMD I had the pleasure of working under, he's a fantastic dude and taught me some valuable lessons @False - Has the big dumb, sometimes you make stupid mistakes but you have always been willing to deal with the consequences and learn from your mistakes, I've always loved talking and chilling with you, thanks for hosting that emergency weapons in tactics for us, lol. @Fizzik - Don't ever play a poker with this man, it's a losing battle. Love ya chief, I did some pretty dumbass shit when I first started thanks for putting me on the right path and your criticism is invaluable. @Akoxol - The OG Rancor Medic @Core - A real OG boy, he's been around basically every battalion, the stuff of legend. @Egg - The best boy, an amazing lad and always an absolute joy to be around. @Ginyu - First time I met you I was a random CG on Desk duty by myself in 3rd Floor @Extinzion - This is obscure as fuck, but you were the person I asked how to be an ARC trooper on the server back in 2017 and set me on the path to meeting the people on the server I did, so thanks for that. @Trig @Crow @Bbstine - I remember the random shit CG used to do together, loved my brief week in CG @MisterFister - Thanks for the Rancor tryouts and it was so cool seeing you get everything together and eventually make BCMD, I was hesitant at first, but you brought some real charisma that was sorely lacking. @Hades3481 @Dark-Gale @Tofu - Y'all were all there for my term as BCMD, while it was a rough time for me IRL, knowing I had you guys to support me made it easier. @Night453 @Tec @Dragon - oof, getting called back to Rancor was extremely weird, but it was a fun time, though a bit rough. The Null boys @Llama/Yoda @ISNIFFPROPANE @Joe @Tinovious @Rezdor @Cronis @Derv @Wynter @Venom/TJ @Duck - Seriously the most fun I have ever had roleplaying a character, thanks for letting me be Prudii and Ordo. Loved talking shop about Mandalorians and their culture, we really killed it with the RP, I have never seen any nulls at any point be as in depth with RP as we wre, we actually started using the language and learning a bit of it, actually the most fun I have had in a game, though sometimes it turned into a chore to get on due to work, I love every event I had with you guys. Misc mentions: @Conrad - Sorry I never went through on the Regimental thing. @Oxen - I never really interacted with you, but you are an amazing speaker and a very level headed person, wish I was like that, thanks for being director and dealing with us for so long. @Dennis - Goodluck with being in charge of Rancor, listen to your commanders, their feedback in invaluable. My time on synergy was a wonderful time, full of ups and downs and really helped my find myself as a person, but I have to move on now, best of luck to all of you. I'll hang around for a bit on the forums to check the thread but I will be gone after a while. ARC 2145 Snow is no more, I'll miss you guys. to all of you. Goodbye.
  4. 6/10 Loved the execution and I thought it was extremely fun, but Health on the Saber event jobs could be lowered significantly, it brought the pace to a slow crawl.
  5. 9/10 Thanks for allowing Null to go with Rancor. Definitely a well built event, good job keep it up.
  6. Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum Mosin I did not know him, but I have heard of him from a couple of people, it's always sad to lose someone in the community. All of us should take care to remember them so that they are not forgotten, and to take those memories with us until the end so that they can live on in that way. Mosin sounded like a kind hearted person, and it's sad to see this happen so close to Christmas, may he rest in peace. As far as something in game to honor him, no matter their reputation on the server or whatever, they were a member of this community and we should make an effort to let it be known that we respect all in our community and that no one will be forgotten.
  7. +1 The server needs some real balance and incentive for joining specializations and battalions rather than "CT with X"
  8. Snow

    Craig - Rayshield

    8/10 Fun event, didn't have too much of an objective besides "roam around" but I enjoyed it, thank you for having us in the event
  9. Thank you for being our 'buir and it was a great time RPing with you, I wish you would be Kal longer but I know how you feel about it, so this wasn't unexpected. You got me into SO BDE for the first time ever and has been an experience to RP with you and the rest of Null, It will be different with you gone, but we will still talk as always so it doesn't matter, it's just less on your plate which is good.
  10. -1 With a battalion such as Rancor it is the development of the leadership skills of individual NCOs and Officers that is most important, NOT how """"Elite""""" they are and in my eyes you do not have the experience and attitude required to develop people into excellent leaders, unless you have some way to address how you approach their development as leaders and all you focus on improving with Troopers is being """"Elite""""", then it will be a -1 until you can prove to me otherwise, and to be up front with the scheduling thing, I do not care about scheduling as that is something you could have fixed yourself by talking to Rancor HC and volunteering, so while having a schedule for EU players is to be commended this is not something that requires you to be BCMD. Not to mention you are a MAJOR which is the highest rank you can in Rancor get via requirements without proving yourself to be worthy of a higher rank, and you haven't proven to be active with your rocket troopers too much as far as I have seen, unless you can give me a good reason to change to a +1 this is my opinion.
  11. +1 You have the leadership and teaching abilities required for the position, you know how to develop people and talk to them on an individual level, in my eyes this qualifies you way more than the other applicant, and should not be overlooked should you pass to interview.
  12. Name: Snow/Prudii RP Rank: Lieutenant Suggestion: Add Mandalorian Event Jobs Implementation: Add Event Jobs for regular Mandalorians, Not Death Watch, just additional jobs to RP as regular Mandalorians, be it allied with the CIS, Republic, or doing their own thing, gives a lot more potential to RP than just having deathwatch, can also be used as Training Sergeants for inspections, plenty of RP potential Lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mandalorian/Legends Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1830150372 If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Add Job: Mandalorian Slots: 10 Pay: 600C (Standard Event Job Pay) Description: The Mandalorians—known in Mando'a as the Mando'ade, or "Children of Mandalore"—were a nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species and multiple genders, all bound by a common culture. Model: models/kylejwest/clanskirata/cgigotab/cgigotab.mdl models/kylejwest/clanskirata/cgiijaat/cgiijaat.mdl models/kylejwest/clanskirata/cgiini/cgiini.mdl (Is a white model that can be used to color the armor) models/kylejwest/clanskirata/cgitor/cgitor.mdl models/kylejwest/clanskirata/cgivenku/cgivenku.mdl models/kylejwest/clanskirata/cgiwalonvau/cgiwalonvau.mdl Weapons: westar35_blaster_carbine tfa_sw_westardual Other: N/A
  13. 9/10 Had a ton of fun with RP
  14. +1 why not, I don't agree with requiring the removal of something, since battalions should be able to be ran they want to rather than being constrained by arbitrary restrictions
  15. -1 At the beginning of a BCMDs term is absolutely not the time to do this, it's disrespectful to the work of the BCMD and Officers who are currently working their hardest, the best course of action would have been to wait until their term is over, or at the very minimum talk to the BCMD in charge.
  16. In the post there is a picture of the lore ranks that includes 2ndLT
  17. +1 we used to have it as Lieutenant way back in the day when we had proper lore ranks, I don't see the issue with changing it
  18. Snow


    Heck ye, Hill Country right here my dude
  19. +1 you have an excellent work ethic that drives you to help other people and other battalions and I think that is going to make you an excellent squad lead and allow you to succeed where others have fallen short.
  20. 7.5/10 Great execution as always, pretty low on RP, but we always appreciate a deployment
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