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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. Issue resolved For future reference if anyone has this issue, please ensure you are subscribed to the correct content for the respective model. For extreme cases, please DM me.
  2. 9/10 Was fun rolling around as Kal.
  3. This whole post doesn't really accomplish anything constructive for the people involved in the creations of the tags Instead of simply calling them ugly and walking away, what if you actually described what you found lackluster in them? Even if the change is "unnecessary" to you, that doesn't change the fact that it happened in the first place. Provide constructive criticism, not useless feedback. Yes, I made the tags alongside every person Forseen mentioned. The goal was to introduce uniformity to the tags to a certain extent. If you think something looks bad in any one of them, feel free to DM me and I'll run it through them again.
  4. I don't doubt your ability as a leader, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm confident in every other area. In short, your activity and general drive to play the server and otherwise maintain activity within your battalion has seemed otherwise lackluster. Activity can always be fixed, but this depends on the reason for your inactivity. If it's something like your work schedule or school times, it's understandable, but it gets in the way and it likely isn't a good idea. If not, then I would ask, are you able to/willing to become a lot more active then you have recently appeared? Like I mentioned, I don't hold any primary opinion on you aside from your activity, so if you can stress that you will be active to help out your battalion and not just get the position and dip, you would have my support.
  5. I've generally refrained from commenting on reports in the past, but I feel like this is a needed. From what I've seen since my return to the server, there has been not a single good word put in for the battalion. Everyone that I've spoke with or heard word on the battalion from has either painted a bad image upon the battalion itself, or otherwise made it obvious how lackluster it's become. And I can do nothing more then agree with what's currently been stated. The state of it from the outside is nothing short of horrible, and from what the report states, it seems even worse on the inside. What positivity can be stated on behalf of the battalion seems otherwise easily invalidated by the overwhelming negativity and bad reputation the battalion is currently maintaining. Everyone knows it, and it's about time something was said publicly about this. +1
  6. Jayarr


    pepsi and a single poptart
  7. Unsubscribe from all your addons, then navigate and delete all files in the following folders: \steamapps\workshop\content\4000 \steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons \steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps \steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\download After you have deleted all files in these folders, verify your game data, then relaunch it and let the addons install. If the issue persists, reinstall gmod as a whole.
  8. 9/10 Fun stealth mission with big scary massiffs
  9. 9/10 Definitely one of the most immersive events I've experienced on this server. The combination of the RP effort between all who attended was something I wish I could see more often coming out of the server. People tried their best to maintain character at all times and everyone ensured everyone understood everything.
  10. Jayarr

    A Rocky Start

    While nothing short of tedious and laggy, I will admit the character interactions were what made this thrive to me. It's always a joy to interact IC with others in the midst of chaos. 7/10
  11. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  12. I mentioned this to @Square, and this would be good. I took a quick look at it and it's caused by an issue within the map itself, which would require recompiling the map overnight and uploading our own version, which isn't the most fun process. I'll move this to acknowledged for now, but the solution is ultimately removing it as a whole.
  13. How often was this map used, if ever?
  14. It would be client sided, and I generally don't think that changing anything around on the server should be encouraged. Especially if it can be used for an advantage in any scenario. It does take know-how, but that doesn't change the fact of how easy it is in the long run. Like I said, I doubt it would be an issue, but it certainly has potential to cause a stir. In my opinion it shouldn't even be given a chance to start causing issues if it's viable that they can be caused. Cut off the head before it can bite, per say And fun fact about client side stuff, I actually was banned once by mods (if you know who that is) years back because I was utilizing a client side script for bhops, showing how much of a concern some client side changes can be. This obviously isn't that major, but allowing them in general can lead to unwanted side effect imo
  15. We questioned the extent of why it caused lag as well. Maybe it can't be narrowed down to anything other then coincidence, but who knows. It likely wouldn't be a prevalent issue, but it is 100% worth stating that it happened and has may have a chance of happening on the server. In short, you can utilize the "where is" button to figure out the path of where the material is located, then you can replicate that path and VTF it lists off, make your own material, then press rebuild VTF for it to read from that path instead of the addon itself. Typically you can imagine this is used by map devs to quickly test what a different material would look like, but it can be used to do otherwise questionable changes Seeing as I doubt this has been done before in the past, that'd require some digging on the founders end to see if they could even make a lua to add restrictions to the menu, which keep in mind is inbuilt Ultimately it isn't that harmful, but seeing as people were questioning reasons for as why it could be disabled, I gave feedback to that. I doubt the base feature could be used for much harm, but I think it's better safe then sorry to go for an addon specifically developed for this function instead of a sketchy inbuilt system
  16. The base game feature is debatable in functionality in a multiplayer environment. I've done private testing with this feature in the past on a server, and my friends noticed a momentary FPS drop whenever someone would open the menu. In my opinion, what minimal strain this can cause on a private server of no less then 3 people may become a more prevalent issue with 50+ people at a time. This isn't that big of an issue by itself as server specs vary, but there's a few others things about this feature that are equally debatable on if it should be allowed. For example, lets say someone who has experience in rooting materials in source gets hold of this. With the inbuilt rebuild VTF feature, they could ultimately change whatever texture they choose if they root it to the right path. This can very easily be abused. For example, someone could change say an event jobs material and replace it with a bright pink material to see it at all times. This is a very extreme example, as the majority of the server wouldn't even know how to do this. But in the instance that someone does wish to, it would easily be accessible to them. That said, this is all a bit nitpicky in terms of it's functionality. If it helps, there are multiple material editor addons out there with similar functions and more. I personally utilize this one when blocking out maps, due to the texture scaling option, but that said it also has one or two issues. For the concept itself, definitely +1 For the means of accomplishing it, not so certain
  17. App's definitely less then informative, but I trust you understand what to do. +1
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