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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  2. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  3. Intentional, sorry. But your frames will be thanking me
  4. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  5. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  6. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  7. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  8. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  9. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  10. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  11. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  12. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  13. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  14. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  15. This is the point of the next update, and is not something we can simply push out. Patience is needed for this, and we're fully aware of the issue. It's unfortunate, but it's getting resolved as soon as possible, so just hold on a little longer.
  16. First, please attempt unsubscribing from every addon you have Next, please delete any files in these folders steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\download steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\cache After you have done this, verify your game files Try joining the server after all this. If anything arises, please contact me on teamspeak
  17. As Jad mentioned, this time frame is certainly exaggerated. In fact, I'm only coming up on a full year as a developer in roughly ~5 more months, seeing as I joined back again in october. I would love to go into every little detail on why the map is taking the time it has taken, but in truth, no one needs to know that. Through hell and back with compiling issues, bugs, issues we can't even fix, sometimes things like this just take time. This whole experience was a fresh and new challenge for me as a whole, I never even made a star wars map before, let alone this huge. But we've stuck through it as a team, and it's grown and developed into something new and better then ever. My skills as a mapper have grown tenfold, and that's all thanks to this project. That being said, the biggest thing I can put forward and mention is the fact that at one point, we completely lost the ground section/exterior section of the map. Through two months of work, the map ended up dropping dead over a small change I couldn't even trace, and neither could other namely experienced mappers. This was a huge set back. and primarily killed off a huge chunk of my motivation as a whole. Square let me take a bit of a break after this happened, as I was pretty much dead in the waters on what to do. But, we got around to it and kicked things back into action. I started conceptualizing a new, fresh ground section over the course of a week, and we've been constantly modifying, adding, and testing the whole map over the span of these past few weeks. We've hit a great position in time for the map itself, and as answered in the Q&A, there is only one or two issues holding us back, which we are certain to work out in one way or another. In general, I've heard frustrations like this countless times from the community over the spanning few months, and I completely understand it. Hell, I made a huge post about it back in 2020, covering similar issues to this. But something I realize now is how unfair it is to completely bash and demoralize the teams working on these updates, especially when you know said updates are in the works and coming out. As Jad pretty much covered in his whole post, we all have been working around the clock on separate things that are all going to equate to something bigger and better then ever, but it's going to take time, and that time certainly is not unwarranted, albeit frustrating on both ends. Just to end this off, I actually want to post what the original ground section was going to look like. I'm glad that we did move on, because not only do I prefer the new map, but this one would have been a little too small, lacked aerial gameplay, was too dark, etc etc. Don't get me wrong, it's very beautiful and I love it to death for how it helped me grow, but by all means, this is not something we can use. The album is linked here.
  18. Hostile factions have always been a great idea. But the community has proven one of two things Leadership is often times underwhelming and lead the faction into a bad direction The faction is held back by ideals that people often times are not willing to shift and/or change A hostile faction can provide passive events and/or encounters without the game masters being needed to do all the work, and that is 100% something we need as a community. If we wish to maintain players around the clock, there needs to be activities to do. Sure, we can do that now, but no one does. Bounty hunter is a 50/50 gamble on what exactly will happen, if anything, and is very situational on when and how it will even provide the players with something to do with full server involvement. But that same arguement can be said for clones too. It is the responsibility of the community to create activities to do during "downtime", but concepts like this can actively help push for that.
  19. Disney knows their market and how easily hyped they are for new content at this moment in time, and are trying to capitilize on it. However, its welcome by all means. The new shows have been hit or miss, without going into too much. Some of them try a little too hard, or otherwise have hit/miss characters, but it's 100% improving over time. In terms of future releases, I feel Andor is going to hit that very dark side of star wars that I personally love, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. Otherwise, mando and bad batch will keep up their reliable pattern by the looks of it, and kenboi is very promising just by the first two episodes. All in all, these new shows will always bring new lore, regardless of how shit their story may be, and that's what I'm down for the most
  20. Please attempt the fix stockings mentioned on this post first, before resorting to what I mentioned just about. I will repost it here just in case: The only solution we have found as of recent is a complete, fresh install of garry's mod. Please delete everything from these two folders: \steamapps\common\GarrysMod \steamapps\workshop\content\4000 After you have done so, please uninstall garry's mod from your steam library, then reinstall. If the issue persists, please DM me on teamspeak.
  21. This issue seems to be more common as of late. The only solution we have found as of recent is a complete, fresh install of garry's mod. Please delete everything from these two folders: \steamapps\common\GarrysMod \steamapps\workshop\content\4000 After you have done so, please uninstall garry's mod from your steam library, then reinstall. If the issue persists, please DM me on teamspeak.
  22. Seeing as the venator we chose was an edit of another map and not something we fully worked from the ground up, it's hard to say. If I'm reading this post right, this is going to be utilized on the event server for GMs, and as much as I'd love to have the time to fix every broken map we have for events, I just don't see it happening. After the current map is done, there are other projects that I'll have to focus on, so the likelihood of me fixing the venator map any time soon isn't high, sadly. That's not to say this suggestion shouldn't stay up, if the community wants it then we'll find a way to squeeze it in at some point, I'm certain.
  23. I started to get into stuff like this through generally messing around with GFX related studies. Stuff like logo design, editing stuff for steam profiles, etc. You pick up natural traits and knowledge through using your program of choice, and watching youtube videos on topics such as adding specific things to an image also helps. Personally, I use gimp since it's free, and a lot of stuff from photoshop video's has translated over to gimp equally.
  24. I've only recorded one other, and that'd be my first screenshot edit: Aside from that, here's a big dump of the screenshot edits I like the most; And these were made in blender;
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