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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. Oldest I played was around either November or December 2016 (little sketch on memory). Went for 104th and stayed for more then half my time on icefuse.
  2. The model was added, then removed due to issues known such as him having no legs/feet, the arms being broken, no finger bones, proportions of the arms and spinal area being too bendy, and the lighting getting messed up in multiple scenarios. But if you want it beyond those reasons then that's chill.
  3. DarkRP itself is completely optimized and has been for the past few updates, as it is used by many many servers and the dev(s) actually listen to feedback to fix their shit. This is cause to a couple of things: Models having to render at certain distances, as gmod developers never add proper LODs to their models. Textures for models with normal maps can be resource heavy. The map itself may not combine well with some of the models. (not blaming the map, it's fine, the addons in combination with it are not) The scripts that could be running can take a heavy toll on things. For example, the developer for TFA acknowledges the fact that he's fucking horrid at scripting and his addons don't work with SWRP at all. Infact he despises darkRP and SWRP and refuses to fix it. The server finding issues receiving information for each player as they typically have to run each script included. (This is likely not the cause but it can prove to be a little resourceful.) Props also not having LODs and textures that are normally too high resolution or too detailed for a server with many players. Most people work on addons as a means for singleplayer, so half the time no one notices. But the people who develop for SWRP know jack all. Kyle and gideon were a rare gem in a dense sea of amateur devs who call themselves "the shit" for the servers they work for. It's incompetence from addon developers, not the people here. Though they do play a hand in it's addition. All and all, better addons = better performance.
  4. my man good ol 104th (and shock i guess from the brief time you were fox and i was hound)
  5. ew it's been some time since i've heard your name, good to see ya
  6. Let's not skim this by my friends. I've just been lurking, I don't give much care to what the fuck goes on here. But this is a good point. Albeit aaron was a little...out there, in terms of expressing himself, this should serve as a solid kick in the face to knock it off, as has been shown by a lot of previous perma bans that were appealed. I want you to kept that last bit in mind.
  7. CWRP can never fully die, and will be a thing that somehow manages to draw its breath for a long time. I'm sure anything with the promise of new content and proper leadership will destory the population for the server though. Atleast for a week or two.
  8. Eh, you come to a server with shit like rank structure, power players, things of the sort, then I don't think you're on the right server to enjoy yourself. I love to use the argument that it's just a game, but I don't think it applies on servers like CWRP and militaryRP where you're restricted in a shit ton of aspects in the first place.
  9. Most shock when i was reg n shit would get mad when i wanted to have fun with them but you were always chill. Keep it goin' my man
  10. Aw hell nah, though I find that fitting that he would take credit for that like he has over 2 other of my dupes in the past
  11. I remember building that DB because either core or max said the current one we had was hella awful, so I made a couple variations and found that looked best for the room size (granted the fucking middle wasnt centered and I died inside everytime looking at it) Anyways, editing this for the juice: My favorite image when i was doom Reggi gang Ex reggi gang @Korm the boys @Bbstine@traditional gang @Freck the SC and 104th alliance me and chop were forming i have like 1000-1500 SWRP screenshots in a folder but these are the few that chip at the back of my brain now and then (for synergy, that is)
  12. +1 For the love of all things holy. I have no personal vendettas, I have no quarrels, and I actually enjoy a couple of past people who ran the battalion previously. The fact of it is how no one wanted it, and still very very little people want it except for those who remain in it or friends of people in it. I will quote myself from another topic I posted on. "Look at 187ths scenario (sorry for using you all as an example but cmon). It's a battalion, it has potential to work in some world, but constantly and it has always been proven, it always gets the wrong leadership and the wrong people, and will continue to attract people as so." I have said this before and I will use it as a point here because in any and all honesty that's just how it is. I have only seen one good BCMD and that was the mad lad faoeoeoeoeeoeoe (accurate spelling of name). If people still want this battalion in the server with the constant struggle it puts itself in, the resources it always pulls away from high command and so on to try and push focus on it, and things of that sort, then jesus christ where are we. Event jobs are a suitable idea for battalions that people like that can never uphold themselves. The game needs to change, and change back to how it was when they weren't a thing is what I mean.
  13. I'm currently going through the storyline for sith marauder, it'll be my third storyline completed soon. I plan to play marksman after to have all the imperial stories finished. I'm rather lazy with it right now though. Star forge - Name is Malkozda for my sith marauder
  14. Interesting. I'll put a word or two on this. Look at 187ths scenario (sorry for using you all as an example but cmon). It's a battalion, it has potential to work in some world, but constantly and it has always been proven, it always gets the wrong leadership and the wrong people, and will continue to attract people as so. This is exactly what sith is and will be if it ever makes a return. Poor leadership, bad mentalities, no effort being put forth to further expand upon relations with others. Granted sith previously may have tried to RP with troops, I personally as regimental and even when marshal never got any sort of complaint or word from the sith leadership that they wanted to work upon the relations with clones and sith for further RP potential. People don't do that here, and that's why it would fail again. Communication is ass and will further be so for a long long time. This is not me being against sith or anything, I love the lore behind them by all means and I avidly play games like SWTOR and what not that expand upon the topic. However in a clone wars environment, especially how this server acts, it just can't work. It's worse then how MRP was run. [X faction] vs [X faction] isn't a good idea in gmod if you want an RP server. I'd say/recommend waiting another year or so when there's an overwhelming amount of new faces to bring up this topic, and see if the new majority agrees upon it's return. If not, then that's just how it is I suppose. But you still have a vast majority of players still playing who agreed to its removal. Overall just of this is; leadership is shit, people don't want to talk to eachother, so on and so forth
  15. There's a lack of staff for certain reasons. This pertains to things such as: - Overuse of quota systems that make people work their ass off for little reason - - Expecting much but giving nothing - - Lack of communication from the high end to the low end - - Egotistic people in command positions - - Branches such as game master lacking in their own ability to be amusing for both player and creator - Some of these things are okay to have, whilst others aren't. Forcing too many things upon a community that is turning lack luster in terms of staff, and soon enough players, is never a wise decision. As it has been stated that there is 50+ staff at the moment compared to the past 200+ staff, yes there is major faults here and there. I feel like the overall communication from one another and ability to do something for a pristine award or something along those lines could form a much better community of staffing. There are many things you can do to try and further progression for staff, but ultimately it's a game of trial and error with how the community acts now-a-days. It used to be much much more crisp and uniform and much more professional, but things can't last forever and I feel like moving on and adapting to how this community acts should be an ultimate goal for director+. I could go on a whole rant of "Oh this is how it used to be" and shit like that but that's not gonna help anything. So overall, my ultimate complaint about the whole staff this and that scenario, is listen to what people are throwing out there, whether it is upfront to you or behind your back somewhere else. If you get the community to appreciate you as a staff team (instead of needing a post or an announcement or a doc or anything like that to figure out what issues lie in wait) then you will gain more players, more staff, and more quality. This is no callout to anyone in particular, this is a personal overall view for now and the future.
  16. If no one but the old toxic members of the community wanted it in the first place, why does it exist. Just adds drama and another battalion to concern about when everyone saw it coming and didnt want it in the first place. Removal is a highly valuable and valid idea at this point, and people have been agreeing with that for ages. The only people who i've had argue it are people in the battalion or people who are friends with people in it. It's purpose is null and void at this point.
  17. An actual candidate that's been deserving of this for ages. You are dedicated, a leader, and a hard worker. Everything the battalions needs and wants. Good luck. +1
  18. Those werent complaints, I basically said you guys were good directors chose at a bad time line for the server. The complaint about how staff act was genuine though.
  19. And that will just prove my point on how people act if they cause drama on a post where someone is disconnecting themselves with the server, you see? Anyways, good luck my man.
  20. Battalion: 327th RP Name: Bly Date: 10/6/19 Reason: All in the post down low. Goodbyes:
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