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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. I've been working on a personal project as of recent, which has been to improve the quality of event jobs and such. Example (OLD vs NEW): This is not to say it'd get accepted by any means due to my rough development history, but I could make a better looking CGI model and hand it off to zim or something. Who knows. For now, I'd say that an HD model isn't exactly what we need.
  2. I'll toss you some perspective. I don't know when icefuse was made, but it surely wasn't popping early-late 2015. Go ahead and ask fizzik, forseen, or joah, even. I personally joined on November of 2016, and pretty much stuck about until now. What your saying is you had an old account (2015-2018?), and you lost the ability to use it, so you waited until now to use it? I don't usually go for opinions on staff applications, but posing as someone who played much longer then they actually did is very scummy as it can and will be used in certain scenarios to get by certain experience walls. I will leave this a -1.
  3. People on the other app mentioned how the 41st isn't holding up well. How would you be any different as a commander in 41st, as opposed to BCMD? Aka, how are you not affected the same as him in this claim? I will hold my vote until you can explain this.
  4. +1 Would be very useful for battalions
  5. +1 Seems fair enough for HC. Good luck.
  6. +1 You and mitchell are both good applicants, good luck.
  7. Mitchell, you were very helpful to not only me, but the battalion when I tried to mop up 327th after my time as marshal. It may not have succeeded in the end, but it was enough to show me that you knew what you were doing under the right circumstances. As long as you keep active and do what you say you will, as well as you have the ability to juggle staff and squad leading, I believe this is fair all and all. I've seen it before, let's see it again. +1
  8. Sure thing, toss me a DM on the details and I'll give it a shot tomorrow
  9. Not really. Occasionally I'll take a commission, but I'm an amateur, so I prefer to take a request and just give it a go.
  10. Forum lurker here. I made a couple of renders these past few days, some battalion related, some not. I might make more for separate battalions in the future, but as for these ones you may use them as you like.
  11. I was around for the start of synergy but went for odysseys shit halo RP server, so I only came around at the point where we were already on the ship. Stayed from there on out. @Freck
  12. Let's look at this chart of the past week: Now, past month: This topic has been discussed ever since the start. Stuff happens, it's just something to brush off.
  13. Haven't played in ages, but that won't stop a homie from backin' up another homie. +1
  14. "Go up two, minus one." You hit me with that AOS in less then two seconds. You were a chill doom, held on to the last of what I saw as a solid battalion. Have a good one, my guy.
  15. Unless you all still don't have a log system, and I presume you do by now, most decent log systems include all forms of chat moderation. If it's an issue, someone can report it and staff can check the logs. If the one guy does it when no one else is on in his battalion, then meh.
  16. Unlikely. Facepunch has another two years or so before they release S&box, and knowing the company they will have their ways of transferring their players. Unreal sandbox is seemingly made by a small, amateur dev team. By no means is that bad, but by all means it could be. But, if S&box flops, then maybe. I don't think anything could fully suck out gmods players. Not unless they shut down the servers, which is unlikely for the nostalgia value/amount of communities being run.
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