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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by Tinovious

  1. Both of these fine gentlemen who are running are good lads and have good aspirations for the Coruscant Guard. So I shall be supporting both of them! Good luck! +1
  2. Both of these fine gentlemen who are running are good lads and have good aspirations for the Coruscant Guard. So I shall be supporting both of them! Good luck! +1
  3. Why you posting pictures of me, EH ZACH!?
  4. o7. You’re a good man, and I wish you the best of luck going forward. Take care of yourself and good luck with your future endeavours.
  5. https://gyazo.com/d8dbac7950be44f7cf980476ec29e622 @Neptune
  6. OWO moving day. Hope you settle into your new home fast, bröther. Good luck!!!
  7. 9/10 Was very fun! Keep up the good work
  8. +1 Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. You'll do a good job regardless, Just don't get bad batch wiped ;) Good luck buddy. You've been doing fantastic ever since you came back, and we're also Squad buddies.
  9. +1 I wanted a leather jacket when I was Kal'buir. Get the leather sniff
  10. "We cheat Death from his rightful victory. No one can defeat us we are glad to plunge feet first into hell in the knowledge that we will rise." See you in the drop bay Neptune. o7
  11. o7 Brother. I love you. You're a g, and you did amaze in your time as Hunter. <3
  12. 8/10 Keep up the good work, Lizard man.
  13. Get well soon Sniff, I’ll hold the fort down with Bard’ika for as long as you need.
  14. Myself and Marvel use to mess around with this photo shop app, and once you finished your picture it would watermark your account name. So one time Marvel as Nord accidentally sent a picture he claimed to make and it had Marvel's account name really small in a corner. My friend discovered it and eventually told me and Marvel came clean lmao that's fucking hilarious
  15. So I’m sitting here on the bus and I was wondering if you guys had any weird encounters with alt accounts? A few years back when me and @ Marvelfirst met on Halo. There was a dude named “That one Nord”. It all started when he joined the discord and was looking for a clan to get started in etc. So after developing a decent friendship with Marvel and Nord, Marvel had to leave for a little why due to IRL shit. So, It was me, myself and Marvel’s friends and Nord. Nord eventually became a “regular” in our friend group and would play often with us, unknown to me. Nord was dropping subtle hints at who he really was, A couple months of getting to know the guy. My friend drags me into a party and is like “Dude, Nord is Wade!” (What we use to call marvel at the time due to his gamer tag) Anyway; Turns out Marvel had a little alter ego and managed to keep us off his tracks and fooled us into believing Nord was a real person. Man would throw subtle hints into pictures and would randomly talk quietly when we weren't listening. some of the lads ended up liking “Nord” more than they did Marvel and it was pretty funny. We’d talk to Marvel about Nord being this cool you and Marvel would sometimes have conversations with himself on the group discord. Fucking weirdo. Little shit managed to keep it up for about eight months too.
  16. Marvel, Marvel, Marveeeeeeel. Nord😉 You know what’s right for SO BDE, Delta and overall have a ton of experience that benefits everything you touch. I’ve been with you since we were little clan kids back on Halo, and I know that I can’t follow you into the howling dark and be your polar opposite as the blue boy. Although, things are tough right now and I know you’ll do great my friend. “Hyper Lethal Vector” you’ll bring that title to SO BDE once again and do amazing. Good luck my brother from another mother. The reclamation has begun. +1
  17. o7 brother. You did a fantastic job before you lost your interest, love you dude. Don't be a stranger! ❤️
  18. Forseen. I do not doubt your experience outside of SO BDE or inside of it. Although, I'd rather see a current member of SO BDE apply for the position. A lot of Squad Leads have burnt themselves while being High Staff because they have their priorities fucked. Omega in my opinion is currently is operating as the best and most active SO BDE squad; Therefore the current state of the squad doesn't need changed. It's been a long time since you were in SO BDE and a lot has changed, Your experience does out weigh most although, It's a different ball game actually running a Squad instead of a battalion or a regiment, or whatever it may be. This is a very lenient -1. As I'm just worried about the whole idea of "outsider" running for it, furthermore the idea of you being Head Administrator also might ruin the whole experience for you. I wish you the best of luck in the application process; Although my overall opinion may change in the future. ❤️ you. **Edit** Changing to a +1. Good luck dude.
  19. o7. Round about this time last year me; you and Aaron were just fucking about in the 501st. You went far piffy boy, thanks for being apart of my synergy experience. All the best to you, lad.
  20. yer a fucking walloper with a fake chin ya big bastard
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