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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. 10/10 I got to make some weird ass noises to simulate the worm leaving. Would do again
  2. +1. This protects against Metagaming and while yes, comms are considered secure, we all got yelled at earlier for the mass Metagame.
  3. 10/10 great as always Heart! Loved how when I said we picked up Asteroids on the scanners you guys spawned em in!
  4. While age and experience are a concern, they are not defining characteristics. I haven't seen you much on the server but I don't recall anything particularly negative or positive. This is a +1 from me but be more active! After all, we had to start somewhere so this is your chance to earn your place.
  5. 6/10. Next time add substance to the event rather than have some droids that fight things. Add some story, spawn droids. Have fun with it! You are the GM and while yes, the server was quite small, there was room for improvement for RP and shoot em ups.
  6. +1 Hes a good guy and deserves this!
  7. 9/10 as always Hearts events are fantastic but again. Small area, too many people.
  8. +1 or at the very least give NCO's the ability to pull people for tryouts or something like that.
  9. +1 if Smalljeff doesn't get Gregor something is wrong. This man also has a bigJeff in his pants, that's why his body is called Smalljeff
  10. Heh y'all got weak ass stories. In my middle School in 9th grade a group of kids thought it would be a great idea to throw smoke bombs into the commons. The commons had lights that could be shut off and for the previous like month or so prior to this people would shut them off and it would be chaos because the human race is fucking retarded. Anyway, it was in the morning at like 730 or something like that and I was chilling with my friends at our table before classes began and the lights shut off. We we're all like "For fucks sakes this is getting so old" and all the kids were screaming and stuff blah blah. Anyway during that time (I was sitting at a cafeteria table with my friends) I heard a canister or a water bottle or whatever to my left on the ground. The lights came back on and 5-6 seconds later there was this cloud of smoke and a large hissing coming from underneath my seat and I shit you not I never ran faster in my life to get the fuck out of there. I actually thought there were gonna be some bullets flying it was so bad. Anyway, these dumbasses who shall not be named were so goddamn stupid that they filmed themselves throwing the bombs and posted it on Snapchat. We were all evacuated and it took like 4 hours for the school to be cleared out. They we're arrested within like 30 minutes and they went to court and shit I think they got like 2 years house arrest or something like that. And then a news story came out about it and they put some fucking girl on there who was scripted to say "my lungs were burning" and it was like bitch no, you weren't even there. But yeah that's my story. I have a video of it somewhere for you skeptics out there.
  11. +1 Everytime I go up to him he's always healed up and I feel bad about myself
  12. 9/10 Excellent event, really enjoyed the idea and the RP from those that were infected
  13. 8/10 good idea, too many battalions. It gets too clustered in some areas and there's a lot of idle time and chaos. Other than that I enjoyed it
  14. I agree wholeheartedly with this (I was actually going to make a post pretty soon about it). I think it all boils down to lack of discipline and enforcement of the rules. (Sorry didn't realize this was staff only)
  15. I don't want to sound like a dick or anything and please don't take this the wrong way but no, this is a terrible idea. Balance my ass, the fact we have sith in general is kind of whack imo but the core of this server is CLONE WARS RP not SWTOR. Just for the love of God no. I love this server and I get that it needs to be unique but this is not the way. Throwing away timelines and basic lore is going way too far and takes away from the RP aspect of this clone wars server. When I joined this server I got a clone wars atmosphere, now it's MRP but with a star wars skin. Adding something just for the sake of adding it destroys credibility and causes more issues. What happens when Sith troopers are deemed to powerful? Well looks like we need Havoc troopers now. What happens when it's a huge fuckfest of Jedi and sith fucking around at their respective temples? The rest of us are stuck with our thumbs up our asses hoping some droids will attack or something. Furthermore, YOU joined this server for the sake of being a clone trooper or Jedi and if you want sith troopers then there are plenty of SWTOR servers out there. Again, don't take this the wrong way, I'm offering my opinion and do not intend to come across as a dick. This is a huge mistake however. -1
  16. Blueberry Juice


    We should put it in the training room then if advert is considered open comms. Neutral
  17. Jesus this is depressing. Skate fast and eat ass brother, we'll be waiting if you ever come back
  18. while the idea itself is good, there is simply not enough EOD or Tech or ENG experiences to go around. On top of that, having EOD medics and commanders and heavys etc, would contradict authority with ENGL and such. Essentially you're asking to create a battalion with their sole purpose being to defuse bombs. Also, SOBDE usually handles these kinds of things which would undoubtedly cause some conflict. The idea is good, but much like a Utopia, would never work. This is a -1 from me.
  19. Name: Blue Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155833067 Staff Rank: New admin Were you VIP: yes Date:1/10/19 Reason for leaving: I have too much going on and I can't designate time to be a staff member, even though I would really like to continue being one and I've only been on the staff team for about a week. Sorry Farewells: none cause I'm not leaving the server.
  20. There's a lot of places we could put it, BCC, DL, One of the high command rooms, somewhere like those places. The problem is that it gets way too clustered in Medbay during interrogation, everyone gets pissed off, and it just doesn't make sense to have interrogation in a medical facility. There are portable medical machines and SOBDE can simply request a medic if they need it. On top of that there is a lot of discrepancies and lack of command in the Medbay during interrogation; medics yell to get in, SOBDE yells to get in, everybody yells to get in and the doorman is like "holy shit who the fuck do I let in". Too many people in one space (meds, SOBDE, battalion leads, base Ops when they were here, etc.) It turns into a large cluster fuck, taking it away from Medbay would not only mitigate that, it turns it into a less stressful and fucked up situation.
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