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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. -1 guys a meanie JK +1 you're addicted
  2. Blueberry Juice

    Holo- bee

    9/10 Was fun to do some RP. Was a little secluded but was pretty fun!
  3. 8/10 Could've been harder considering it was a 1 life. However, as always your events are engaging and in depth
  4. 10/10 Loved every moment of it
  5. Hey there chief it's your boy Blue. Probably don't remember me tho...
  6. 10/10 Please just turn this into something we can do on occasion cause this was so much fun!!! I had to leave after 10 minutes and had like 18 kills or something I'm so sad I didn't get to finish it. Make it Droids v clones next time this happens
  7. 9/10 Enjoyed the RP aspect and the story, could've added maybe a little bit more for those who weren't involved with the civilians/ dragged it out longer.
  8. Kylie Jenner is going to kill u now Fizzik
  9. +1 would be great and I know he has many, many ideas
  10. 8/10 Got to sound like an ignorant hillbilly. Twas fun!
  11. Yikes, Fizzik this is a -1 JK you'd be a fantastic GM so this is a +1!
  12. 9/10. Great event, enjoyed it a lot!
  13. +1 this guy on more than 1 occasion abuses me.
  14. 10/10 Omg theres a reason youre staff of the month and this proves that. Fantastic event.
  15. I'm going to +1. Bruiser you have been a minge but as of late I haven't heard anything bad or even seen you in the masses, which is good, you haven't stood out and I have eagle eyes. However, it's up to YOU to change the minds of the people who view you as someone who can't get it done. But you have potential, and you've been doing good. If you need help, ask for it, people are willing to help.
  16. 9/10 Fun event. Not bland and fun to be in it
  17. It applies to Event jobs because of the discrepancies that have been occuring. When an event job would comms something in people would respond saying oh it's open comms or whatever. However, it does apply to EVERYBODY. Comms are considered secure unless hacked or otherwise mentioned. Essentially, putting SC in the message basically tells the defects "hey, this is secure don't react to it". At least that's my take on it.
  18. The rule is that comms are considered secure at all times unless either there is an indication that it's open comms or someone has hacked them. Advert is always considered open comms. This is stated in the server rules doc.
  19. RP Name: RANCOR ARC MEDO CSM Blue  Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155833067 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 18 Timezone: EST What was your previous staff rank?: New Admin  Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): No Why did you leave the staff, team?: I felt that I had too much on my plate and something had to go (regrettably). Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I regret my decision to leave. I want to help the community and I also want to fill those downtime gaps with something. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge ofthe server rules and practices?: Yes
  20. I think with time and experience with the server your repor as a reliable person will go. This is a +1 from me. I definitely think you will learn a lot from your time on staff
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