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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. What if we put it somewhere in the BCC? When Base Ops is reimplemented the RP aspect of SOBDE and Base Ops will be less of a game of telephone and will possibly cause less conflict. Shock will gaurd the entrance and permission will be granted to people. It would be less of a cluster fuck and you wouldn't be hearing 30 people all screaming to be let inside. Plus, it would give Base Ops a more inclusive role in interrogation, considering they need to hear the information that the prisoner would give up. Just my suggestion, less cluster fucks for DL and Medbay and makes more sense than the Medbay (plus cutting off limbs of a prisoner is both illegal and highly counter productive).
  2. Fat +1 I'm so tired of being blown off even though I'm a medic. In the Medbay. Plus, if IR is moved then we can make that vacant room into a lab. It's perfect!
  3. Name: TR Rancor ARC MEDO MSG Blue Suggestion: Adding a Labratory to Medbay Implementation: Creating a new room to Medbay focused on being a Labratory, like it was on the Venator Lore: Doctors and Medics don't look at blood samples and make vaccines on a desk in a non-sterile environment Workshop content if applicable: Requires Development
  4. +1 this man is always a delight to be around!
  5. 10/10. Med RP is basically crack for me so yeah fantastic!
  6. Me and my boys are part of a gang. Juicy Gang. And I'm blueberry juice
  7. Big +1. This man is more patient and puts up with less bullshit then anyone else
  8. Blueberry Juice


    9/10 I was allowed to punch and growl at shock without getting in trouble
  9. RP Name: TR Rancor ARC MEDO MSG Blue Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155833067 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 18 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to give back to the community of Synergy. I love this server and I spend most of my free time with these people and I just want to help as much as I can. I want to make my way up the ladder to Game helper (or master), to be able to make events for the community when they want events. As a staff member, I would like to help out as many people as I can. My main quip is that I want to help the community and the people that make this server what it is. By being a staff member, I will be able to fulfill my goal of giving back to the community that has given so much to me. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): First of all, I like to help as many people as I can. I enjoy giving back to people and as a staff member I will be able to help people with issues. I spend a lot of time here on Synergy and I've been playing CWRP for many, many years. I've done a ton of staff work before and I know how to deal with minges and BS. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, but it was quite a long time ago. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 415:08:10 (Like I said I spend A LOT of time on this server). Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No
  10. +1 Heart dedicates himself entirely to what he loves and he he really wants Yoda. Give it to him.
  11. 8/10. I felt like there couldve been just a bit more droids and such. But the event was exceptional and it was exciting!
  12. Just say it wasn't your decision chief then boom, nobody hates you
  13. +1. One makes events the other deals with stuff. makes sense
  14. +1 Quick event turned into a 2 parter. Fantastic event
  15. +1 the new dupes were really cool and opens up RP!
  16. +1 Nice twist to the traditional droid spawning and ideas
  17. +1 Enjoyed the event and cant wait for Part 2!
  18. Everytime he joins a TS server everyone flames him so I'm going to give a +1
  19. +1 I liked how the event was not a traditional "oh no the ships are blown up the event is over" and instead expanded and included the temple and outposts. Good event keep it up!
  20. +1 Best event. Very well thought out!
  21. I'll miss you clank! You were always fun to be around in the 327th and I'm sorry I became a "traitor" as soon as I left for Rancor. Be well buddy O7
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