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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/29/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  2. This Application has been DENIED due to the other applicant getting the position. You may apply for a Commander position in 30 days. //moved to denied
  3. You have been ACCEPTED as our newest Commander Bly! Your term will end on 1/21/2020 //moved to accepted
  4. This Application has been DENIED due to the other applicant getting the position. You may apply for a Commander position in 30 days. //moved to denied
  5. You have been accepted as our newest SO BDE Regimental Commander! Your term ends on 12/18/2019 //moved to accepted
  6. This Application has been DENIED due to poor community feedback. You may apply for a Commander position in 30 days. //locked //moved to denied
  7. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/24/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  8. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/24/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  9. 7/10 thank you for giving me a send off
  10. @Kronos Jones They are coming back, we kinda forgot it seems
  11. 7/10 was a shootemup but some how a good shootemup Best Main Server event I've been in in a while
  12. LOA Completion DENIED Take a few more decades //locked //moved to completed loas
  13. Also may take on the perfect battalion setup: Attack Regiment: 501st Legion - Full frontal assault 212th Attack Battalion - More unique tactics for attacking. 2ndAC Paratroopers, Foxtrot Group etc Recon Regiment: 41st Elite Corps - AT-RTs, jungle bois, alien relations 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps - BARCs, not jungle bois, cool Specialized Regiment: 104th Battalion - Mechanized Assault isn’t real! Tho it seems to work so why not. Take negotiations away tho. Jedi then High Command should handle that. Shock Troopers - VIP Protection / Internet Police Special Operations Brigade - Zero Five Commando (Delta, Omega, Veshok for uniqueness) Advanced Recon Commandos (Null and Alpha Classes, bean Valiant tho. Maze should be up in the bitch. They could handle training battalion arcs with assistance from the RC) Clone Force 99 is a maybe but sadly with the new season they gotta happen. I would also like to make Jedi more military like on the server or at least the Jedi Generals and Commanders. They should have a more pivotal role on the server and within their respective battalions. Base Ops wouldn’t be a thing. High Command can run the base fine. Yularen could be like a senator type job (obviously not a senator just operates like how we currently have them)
  14. Bruh. Not dissing Rancor I’m dissing the dead dudes and if it was up to me I’d purge all the dead idiots anyways. Sev isn’t MIA yet. We’re at the Battle for Anaxes so Kashyyyk hasn’t happened yet. Yes all those characters are dead, Base Ops be Base Ops, makes sense for ST/CG to be on this base considering the several Senators/Representatives that visit including the Chancellor, that argument for 21st is dumb and Mygeeto would have been pivotal for the Clone Wars if won but 4head got beaned, I don’t know why you’d ever limit yourself to canon as Disney has fucked it up the ass, and Torrent Company is more than the named characters we see, they are much larger than 9 people. A Company is about 150 troopers and 332nd would have never of replaced Torrent Company as it is only seen to have been utilized during the Siege of Mandalore, Echo might be joining Bad Batch we just gotta wait to see, and Foxtrot, a Commando Group (500 Commandos) got beaned a while back but 212th in the server have actually created some cool RP with the RCs we see in Foxtrot on the server and Gregor obviously came back we just don’t know the exact date when. >asks why I diss Rancor >attempts to diss as many different groups on the server. >stonks
  15. X What purpose would the Rancor Commanders serve? Two of them are dead anyways and one is a LEGO. No thanks.
  16. I mean all ARCs are under SO BDE so.... (move alpha into SO BDE and have them handle it and limit the batt arcs even more to make it special. bean earc and alpha designation and actually make arc feel like they are all elite how it should be)
  17. Debrief always looks like a half empty skittles bag... I will always be on the side that less battalions would be nicer as seeing 4 battalions with 10+ ppl each looks better than 8 with 3-5 running around.
  18. Hey at least he put a space in SO BDE //locked //moved to accepted
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