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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Dennis, you gave me the worst first impression on the server, ever. That being said, you most definitely have changed imo. I may disagree with you on stuff on the server and how you run things but we can be civil about it. But people hold grudges from things that happen over a year ago, which may or may not be coming out in some posts here. I think Jay was on the right path with DU and I hope you plan on continuing it and not return to old ways. I don't think it is fair to throw the failure of CIS at your feet alone as it was the community who also failed to show interest. I wish you luck with DU and I hope you do a good job. Please don't make me regret supporting you. +1
  2. Baron

    TL-50's RPM Stats

    -1 Essentially this would be dumbing down the uniqueness of this weapon in the lmg category and among other weapons. If you want something more heavy hitting in that category there is the option of the m-45.
  3. +1 I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors and hope you bring good things to the order.
  4. +1 You have good intentions and are willing to learn. I think you would be beneficial to the staff team.
  5. +1 Dudes already leveling himself up.
  6. +1 as long as we keep it away from @Thunder
  7. +1 I wish you the best of luck.
  8. Baron

    Rhen Var

    RIP George Gordon Haggard Jr. 8/10
  9. Baron


    Can't wait go on trial for things I DIDN'T DO. Also made naffen do VIP Escort mission for 2 hours 10/10
  10. I can see both sides on this: On the one hand it is better for there to be less battalions to concentrate the player base in certain groups to create a sense of actually being in a battalion, rather than a squad or fireteam. The concentration of players will also make sure that all batts stay alive as there are limited choices. Make it so each battalion has it's own slot to fill and be unique then to be copy pastes. On the other hand, I'm for players wanting to play whichever battalion they want. If they wish to be the grape coloured 501st or mustard 212th let them. Bring those batts back. If people are having fun playing those units go right a head. The downside is batts turn more into squads of friends then an actual battalions. It may lead to low numbers per-batt, some may even be dead, but may also lead to more players on server as they have more choices.
  11. BvB isn't healthy for inter-battalion relationships. It hampers it more by creating necessary competitive tensions and adds elitism. Anyone remember how SOBDE use to only want shooters than RPers? BvB adds more toxicity to the server and right now, since BvB hasn't happened it's been for the better. Overall toxicity amongst the player base has gone down from at least what I've seen. I'd assume most people come here to either roleplay or play a cooperative shooter, not to join FaZe clan. If you want competitive shooting go create/sponsor a Synergy Roleplay™ ESL/MLG team.
  12. 8/10 - The lighting was an issue. I'm not a fan of the intercom memeing stuff you do. I find it immersion breaking and would prefer you didn't do that. However, others may like it, to each their own I suppose.
  13. Baron

    Jabiim, Part 1

    9/10 - Summary of the event
  14. Just going off ratings 5/10
  15. +1 However, I think you should carefully read what criticism is posted here. Whether it may or may not be valid from certain POVs. I also think addressing those criticisms in any fashion would be beneficial, either on your application or potential second term.
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