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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Baron

    Turrets Mk. 3

    +1 Need more dakka
  2. +1 My weapons bar isn't full enough.
  3. Baron


    I showed up late so i didn't get to experience the start to take my rating with a grain of salt. 5/10 There was clearly some story that occurred but as I said I showed up late and can't really rate based of what I didn't see. Also, please keep hostile EJs out of bunk halls. Getting shot as soon as I load in is not "Pog".
  4. I am not fond of Bacta 9/10
  5. 8/10 - I had fun, it was fun. I do hope to see this continued on the event server with the way it ended though. Despite being a bit silly it did lead to something with a potential continuation as a Jedi event + others of your choosing.
  6. -1 The increase is way too much. A decrease in prices maybe a better alternative or adding more options/items at more reasonable prices.
  7. 6/10 pushing towards a seven. I'm not sure if the latter half was planned out with what intel to give us in interrogation but that could just be from my perspective.
  8. 5/5/2 It was brought up that some may find the event too long, for me time flew by so fast because it was such a fun event I didn't even realize how long it had been. I think this event showed that a long event isn't bad as long as the players are kept entertained and invested. There was clearly a lot of and effort put into this event. The EJs were perfect and fun to play against. And I will give massive props to the EJ B1 who was allowing us to sneak (I think it was Misfit) and hack the terminal. It had Ratio, Bro and myself shitting ourselves trying not stay stealthy. Performance wasn't very good though. I and a few others crashed a few times. During part one it was very laggy in the tunnels. Overall fantastic event and my favorite from the series. A minor criticism, this event was definitely a Delta event and not a joint-op event. That's not necessarily a bad thing, nor can I speak on behalf of the current Delta members, but I think this should have be an event just for their squad rather all of Spec. Now I'm not ungrateful for attending, I am glad I got to experience this even if the start of part 1 was a bit shaky. But this could have just been a Delta event or RC event at most. Nothing more I can say that was bad or could be improved on. Everything was great!
  9. 7/10 There was some thought in it, and I enjoyed what you did.
  10. 3/2/5 - Negotiations could have gone a lot better, but the players involved refused to take it remotely seriously and ruined it. Not the fault of the GM. Grievous could have put more effort into their side of the negotiations, but at least they attempted and it changed things up from that being a standard shoot-em up, but it still was a standard shoot-em up. This appeared to just have been thrown together last minute with no thought put into it. It was a standard "CIS warps in, oh looks pods" with a sprinkle of a random Grievous appearance. Not the worst but below average. Performance was great. Experienced no issues on my end that hampered my "experience".
  11. 8/10 Don't apologize for extending the event
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