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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Baron

    Ironhand Drop 1

    5/5/5 - Windu violated my rights
  2. Baron

    Another cis attack

    4/4/4 - Some people were saying they were lagging during the event. Was a good'ol fashioned rooten tooten shooten event.
  3. Baron

    Come To Curch

    3/5/5 - One of the main difficulties with running such isolated and detailed events is keeping the rest of the server entertained. It is on both the GM to keep the players invested and the Players to want to remain invested by doing their own RP. In this situation an additional helper to spawn NPCs or an EJ to entertain while the Player base while more serious RP was happening would have greatly helped in this event.
  4. That is character creation screen, not the character selection screen. It doesn't have any function other creating your characters for the 1st time and the back button at the top left to return you to the menu, where you can select the "Select Character" option.
  5. 5/4/3 - There were some lag issues during the event, mostly near the end as it expanded in scope. But overall was a good event, I loved the variety of droids used!
  6. I was only there to catch up the story I'm being forces down. So I'll rate this the best I can. 3/3/5 - Server performance was near perfect on my end. No hiccups that I noticed. The story so far feels very improvised or at least the presentation feels that way. The game play was mostly talking on my end, which isn't a bad thing at all but I'm giving it a middle of the road ranking since I didn't get to see all of it.
  7. 4/4/5 - The droideka spawn, as you stated, was kinda funky. For next time (idk if it is possible on those big interior props) but a console that stands out to the players so they know they can interact with it would have helped smooth things along because we players are dumb and need help with that.
  8. 3/3/5 - This was a very spur of the moment. I think some improvements would be is to prevent people from turning on the HMC again to keep the atmosphere. Another would be more lead up to the event and setting the rules of how to ghost operates and how to defeat it other than "lmao shoot it."
  9. Sniper: DC-15x, it just feels good to use. The sound is what really sells it and it is slept on. Rifle: EL-16HFE or "EL-Hefe" as it has been nicknamed. Tied for second is the A280 and A280c. Heavy: I don't own them but the Fordo pistols because they are just dumb and they are great. LMG: M45, it is just an M60. I can live out my scifi-vietnam war fantasy with it. Pistol: Bryar pistol aka the Kyle Katarn pistol. It is also just a m1911. Good for those cinematic RP moments. Shotgun: DP-23 is the most shotguny shotgun we have. I don't like the look of the other as they are either a giant blunderbuss looking thing or a sideways spas-12. The CIS shotgun is pretty neat as well. Honoury mention to the RC shotgun that the Commandos get. Despite looking dumb af I love the animations on it. Explosives: PLX for nostalgia.
  10. 4/4/4 - Mostly minor issues but overall a good event. Personally not a fan of "meme" events with the names, however it was creative with an event called the "internet virus."
  11. 4/3/5 - Gameplay was above average but nothing game changing. It was a basic shoot'em up with Maul making an appearance. Not terribly low effort but just enough though that the encounter felt immersive.
  12. 5/5/4 - First event in a long time I was fully immersed in.
  13. I came in at the middle of the event so I didn't catch the very start. For me I only really got to do the shooting part on my way to Aurek and didn't get much interaction then shooting NPCs. 3/3/5 - Gameplay was average for me, just shooting NPCs nothing engaging at all. From what I could see it was very basic "go to Aurek and shoot CIS". Performance was perfect but with such an early event it is to be expected.
  14. 5/5/5 - I thought it was perfect. I think EJs could have tried a little bit more to be scary, but going along with it and hamming it up was fun.
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