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Everything posted by Baron

  1. 4/4/5 - So, to start I had a great time. The RP we wanted to do was respected and allowed. It was overall fun; which is the goal to strive for. However, this event was over hyped. It still felt like a standard shooter even with the additional objective. To give of idea of an event which you've done which I thought was better in terms of story that would have matched the hype you were projecting, I'd like to refer you to the Find the Oil deployment you did for SOBDE and RANCOR. I think if the event was more focused the vision you wanted to share would have been more clear but you tried to do to much.
  2. It shows dedication to the server and how long you have been around. Based on your profile creation and that you recently join Rancor, I'd suggest getting some time on the server before applying for staff. This is regardless of your previous experience. So for now I will have to -1. Please do not take this personally.
  3. This thread shouldn't exist. Shroud already has it rough enough. I mean, he is Shroud, isn't that enough?
  4. 5/5/5 I find that stealth is really difficult with large amounts to players, especially went spread out, but this went very well. I really like how you allowed the, uhh, drop pod "accident" that turned this into Saving PVT Bro at the start.
  5. ^ This. -1 This is the same reason why HO slots are limited. People already abuse their tac-inserts to rearm as it is anyway (please at least do the minimum RP and go to the armory). A better suggestion would be to have a rocket box in the armory in which HO can go resupply, but even then HO's are going to stack 9999 rockets every time. Reworking the ammo system built in Source or an ammo box entity that puts each player who uses it on a cool down similar to the Daily Spin would be a better suggestion. That being said, due to tac-inserts this isn't needed as players are going to take the easier route to getting more rockets then pestering other players for rockets or going to the ammo box.
  6. Damn, you really caught @Fyi in 1080p. SMH, really disappointed.
  7. -1 This isn't as big of an issue as it seems. Minges come on to the server, they MRDM, you respawn and go back to what you were doing. If it hurt RP in that instance then take a deep breath, ignore what happened and resume the scenario or even reset. The Minge gets arrested, kicked or banned and we move on with it. The current system allows players and staff to focus more on playing that game itself then spending 15-20 minutes (with a good CC not a minge) "training" them. In the instance where you mention someone was perma-banned and were still playing, shouldn't this situation have been escalated to +D (if it wasn't that is)? If they are using Alt accounts isn't that a greater issue here then the training system? If it is 100% confirmed they are an ALT that is. Going to use my soapbox here and say that, what @Bacta is saying in terms of interacting with CTs for their first impression is incredibly important, but isn't necessarily a thing only staff should do but as a community. Give CTs a chance and treat them like they are already in your battalion, help them out, don't just make assumptions. If treat new players with respect and as equals they may stay around, Minges may reform, but if you are just being a dick to them, they will always remain a dick.
  8. As some have brought up KU has a Westar and will most likely be used over the 15x. Now if this is something you think is really needed or want, and you want them to conduct themselves the same way as ARF, would you be willingly to sacrifice the Wester on this job so they solely have the 15x? You have said it yourself, "stat wise the DC-15x and Westar do the same damage in the same amount of time," if this is the case why not swap out the Westar and Z6 to have that designated marksman/sniper role? Then this way you will have a true KU ARF trooper.
  9. 3/3/5 - It was fun interacting with the EJs.
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