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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Baron


    9/10 - Honestly one of the the better well thought out events. Some minor issues but I am sure the others may be able to express better than I can. The pilot should have got used more but that's due to player choice.
  2. A sorta follow-up to my previous community question. What is roleplay to you? How does one "roleplay"? In your opinion does the server roleplay enough, too much or too little? Those who know me already know my stance, but I want to hear from the community to gain a better perspective. A follow-up question is: Why do you play on the server? What drives you to stick around?
  3. 8/10 - Enjoyed it for the most part. Some good RP.
  4. Sad to see you go. You may have slipped up but you do have potential. I hope you use this as a learning experience and I do hope to see you return in the future. Just because you've been removed from positions doesn't mean you will never be able to attain those positions again somewhere later down the line.
  5. Activity has always been a contentious issue on the server. People being called inactive, not being on enough, only X amount of hours etc... From what I've gathered from talking to people is they have different opinions on what is considered inactive and active. So, out of my own morbid curiosity I wanted to ask the community as a whole; How many hours in a two week period do you consider inactive/active?
  6. Baron

    More Senator Jobs

    +1 More opportunity for people to be creative and roleplay instead of just coming onto the server to pew pew.
  7. -1 As much as it would be nice to have CT ranks, the system your are proposing is not viable. The only thing I see is RP ranks strictly for RP with no real server power. And that is already a huge ask in it self. In an ideal world with everyone having a good head on their shoulders and the best intentions in mind, yeah this would be fantastic. But it ain't that world. But I'm going to take a moment here, for all those saying it is the jobs of SGTs or Commanders or whomever to teach CTs, that simply DOES NOT happen. CTs who come on the server to just RP and aren't interested in joining battalions get treated like garbage, I would know as someone who mains CT for a couple months and still do to an extent. Until the moment members of the community realize who you are OOC, if you're an old member, you are never given the time of day. And in a rare instances, get told you can't participate in events, even on main (yes this has happened to me, just ignored them though). And one last thing, if your issue is that people would rather stay on CT than join your battalion, that's because it isn't appealing to join said battalion, and that is a battalion issue.
  8. Pfft who would have ever done that.... -1, honestly not needed. Ranks are already arbitrary as it is and have no "real" meaning except for a select few. So adding more to the pile of redundancy is well, redundant.
  9. So there were some issues with the NPC being stuck at the start, and infections events are usually terrible (imo), but this is a great setup for future events and story line. I hope you use @Butter for consistency if you were to continue this plot line. 7/10
  10. +1 Has a clear vision and understand of what the BH faction should be. Was and still is a pleasure to work with you.
  11. I'm going to be honest. This is going to be a 1/10 for a particular reason. You should never, under any circumstances, have someone come to a player and tell them to not interfere out of character. There are better ways you could have gone about that, such as having your EJs threating them in character. This soured the entire event for me, because basically you told me on an RP server to not RP. You should always accommodate players choice, especially when they fuck up. That means when the player base decides to just nuke Besh despite your threat of killing a hostage, you should just kill them and not go "that wasn't supposed to happen" and bring them back. Remove the tracks from your events.
  12. Remove legacies +1 [now do the rest of the server :^)] . Best of luck to the 21st.
  13. 8/10 - RIP Scuba Steve
  14. 7/10 The RP at the end was kinda scuffed but overall it's a good event.
  15. +1. This is just your secret plan to bring back operations reg. You can't tell me otherwise.
  16. 7/10 - Really enjoyed it. The spawning was a bit weak as I didn't really feel there was a threat to the base. The dupes were really interesting though. Overall I hope to see more of this plot line.
  17. I'd like to hear from the affected party in this ban before I place a vote.
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