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Everything posted by Baron

  1. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  2. What job were you on at the time?
  3. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  4. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  5. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  6. @Dono Are you still having this problem since we last spoke?
  7. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  8. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  9. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  10. Pettyness acknowledged. Could you provide a list of what alphas are suppose to be which colour?
  11. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  12. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  13. Would you kindly attempt to spawn your dupes in again and see if the issue persists?
  14. Could you please elaborate on these two: Wrong colours for some Alphas A lot more minor model issues which annoy people Thanks,
  15. Deus Ex, the very first one.
  16. 5/5/5 I enjoyed this. Do more.
  17. I was telling @Jayarr and @Brooklyn this, but this has been the best RP I've seen on the server in months maybe even years. And I really hope this creates a spark of motivation. Seeing every small plot line that characters had going on and being interconnected to each other, the crossing over and just how natural it all felt without having to rely on game masters made this an awesome experience. It was just all natural. It didn't feel like anyone was trying to 'get that W' either. I hope this experience carries over back to CW.
  18. 4/5/5 - I really do enjoy passive events. I think we don't get enough of them. I do like how we weren't forced into any particular direction to keep a lore character "alive" or out of republic custody. However, I do think you should take into account the criticism stated by Keegan as the same "bits" do get really old.
  19. 4/5/5 - A little bit more guidance at the start would have been nice. However, amazing event nonetheless!
  20. 5/5/5 Yarr this be an event like other. There be swashbuckling and ship boarding and we be showing those rapscallions a thing or two! We made those sea dogs walk the plank yarr arr arr.
  21. 4/5/5 - I think having the objective be inside a spawn point was a large oversight but you adapted to the situation very quickly. I'm very excited to see where this all goes!
  22. I've personally been enjoying playing and RPing a lot more recently because people have actively trying to be in character. There has definitely been an increase in players wanting to RP and trying their best too RP. I think overall we are moving in the right direction from a server culture standpoint, regardless of new additions to the server. There is still a lot to do. I think I'd like to see the stakes raised in RP. Currently I feel there are no repercussions for our actions, both good and bad. It is harder to do that on Main but I'd like to see more of it on Event at least. Like if we took long to do X and Y gets destroyed or a character we grew attached to dies. There's no gravitas, no reason to care other than entertainment for an hour or 2. When it comes to passive RP I've always found this to be the hardest thing to get people engaged with. It's not something for everyone as it isn't as "interactive" as shooting npcs. When I first started RPing it was something I also found very boring until I became more experienced. The community also appears not be interested in the passive RP portions of events, based of what I see in OOC or hear. But this could be a vocal minority or because they aren't directly involved in a situation. Not being in the know sucks, but sometimes you aren't the main character. But how do we encourage it? I'm not sure other than the obvious of trying to get higher ranks or "community leaders" to encourage it by demonstration. Monkey see monkey do. I think something as saying "Yes" to someone wanting to do a RP situation, even if it isn't something your character would do, but just going along with it would help. Saying "No" closes more opportunities to RP. But I also think passive rp has the stigma of solely being patrols and doing /me's. For me, I started to enjoy passive rp by using it to develop character or to decompress after an event by talking to fellow characters about how messed up the last attack was, losses, etc... This ties in to what I mean by no gravitas in events, without it there's no reason to do passive RP.
  23. 4/5/5 - Overall was a solid event if not a little long.
  24. 5/5/5 AMAZING. Best event I've played in a while.
  25. 5/5/5 - Standard shoot'em up but a flawless one.
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