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Everything posted by Aegis

  1. Transparency will increase trust. Just be honest, ask for feedback, and maybe some there will be genuine things that have been overlooked. I understand surprises can be nice, and I'm sure a reveal would be cool, or maybe the idea isn't fully ready to be revealed yet. A simple "Hey we're planning to restructure the Senate under the Bounty Hunter Guild. This will happen to lay the groundwork for new things, and will take effect in tandem with the announcement of our plans." or something like that, can go a long way to easing minds or generating some hype.
  2. Steam Name: Aegis | Synr.gg RP Name: CG DSL XO Stone RP Rank: XO Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50686372 Battalion you are applying for: Coruscant Guard Experience: I have spent my entire Synergy career in CG, climbing from PVT to XO, and I have worked to achieve Guild Marshal as well. All the while I have been trying my best to engage with those around me, give my battalion a good face and reputation, and generate ideas I feel could help. Additionally, I've previously held the equivalent to Synergy BCMD on another server, where I had climbed from PVT to CPT to lead the recon company, rehabilitating their mingey reputation into a solid semi-elite company of scouts and marksmen. Throughout my time, I've learned some of the most important lessons; It's okay to ask for help. You don't have to have an answer for everything, but be honest about it, and try to find the answers. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: The Coruscant Guard is currently in need of updating, restructuring, and some active trainings. We need to ensure we have a stable officer corps, comprised of individuals who work well together, and not rely solely on the efforts of just one or two people. I feel I can build that team, instill discipline, and get the battalion that metaphorical fresh coat of paint in order to increase activity. Availability: I can find a few hours at minimum every day, barring any unusual circumstances, and even when not present I can be reached via Discord. To elaborate on my work schedule, I work on a 2-2-3 rotation. What does that mean? I work two days, am off for two, then work for three, then off for two, then work for two, then off for three, rinse and repeat. All my shifts are 12 hours, and I switch between day shift and night shift regularly (though that may change to steady days soon). Despite this I have still been an active member of the community, making the most of my free time. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I joined 2 Months & 16 Days ago, and have played for 521 Hours 17 Minutes 12 Seconds at the time of writing. Do you have a microphone?: Yes. Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: I want to establish framework to give Coruscant Guard members a proper ladder to climb, establish a team of officers to run different aspects of the battalion, clean up and consolidate our documents, restore discipline, and finally I want to get activity ramped up. This will be an inside-out approach. Fix internal flaws, improve training, give everyone the tools to excel, and the rest will begin to fall into place to aid in rehabilitating inter-battalion relations. There is also the elephant in the room in the form of the Diplomatic Service sub-unit, but I will save that for my last point. With the framework I wish to build, a new CG recruit will be able to know what is expected of them if they wish to climb to the next rung of the ladder, and officers will know what to look for in candidates for promotion. This will come in the form of a merit-based system that rewards consistent quality over quantity. This will help people determine for themselves how far the wish to progress, where they may be comfortable, and what will be asked of them in their position, current or desired. Secondly, by establishing a team of officers to run key aspects of the battalion I hope to eliminate having a single point of failure. If one person leaves, or needs to take an LOA, we have the personnel to compensate until that person returns, or a new candidate is promoted. Furthermore, by having a trusted team with the capabilities to take action we don't run into the problem of requiring command to micro-manage every aspect. The job of a BCMD is to command the Battalion, and they cant do it all if they want to remain sane, hence why officers are there. The NCO corps will be capable of directing the enlisted, and bringing the concerns of the enlisted members to the officer corps, or handling the minor issues themselves. This brings me to the culmination of my previous two points; comfort and enjoyment. While there are duties that someone may not like, there are others that may enjoy them, and this can create a balance where goals get achieved with gusto. Teamwork makes the dream work. Combined with a system to reward those who excel once they find their passions, I firmly believe that activity will increase, and members will feel involved in this success. As it stands with CG documentation, there is plenty to be done. I hope to consolidate things using a hub, as to have an easy source for the important documents and information. Once we have established which documents are necessary, they will be updated to reflect our needs, the needs of the server, and given a new format. To further aid in this, I have been coordinating with legacy members, as well as members who have been around longer than I, to dig up older documents that are far more thorough than our current ones, and can offer much to the Coruscant Guard. Once we have some lovely, thorough, and easily accessible documents, anyone in CG will be able to find what they need to know quickly and efficiently. As for the Diplomatic Services, I have been swamped with the sudden resignation of our previous battalion commander. That does not mean I haven't given any thought to the matter, nor have I failed to consider the current state of the Senate. The Senate is currently experiencing a boom in activity, which will hopefully bring more Senate Guard activity, and give the Coruscant Guard's sub-unit the opportunity to better fulfil their role. I plan to work in coordination with the Senators and Senate Guard to ensure that the boys and girls in blue can perform their duties as bodyguards, while the Diplomatic Service Corps handles the overall security detail. New trainings will encourage DS members to be a rapid reaction force, ready to respond appropriately, and proportionately, to any situation. While the Senate members are not present, DS can use these rapid reaction trainings to become a premier riot control/SWAT team. Kick it in; section it off; lay them out. The best part? I've already begun implementing these changes, with good results. The Coruscant Guard has been accepting new members, increasing activity, and diligently working behind the scenes. If I am given the chance I believe that by the end of my term there will be a well-oiled machine ready to accept the next BCMD. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes.
  3. 4/4/5 Was late, but that was a great Hutt impression! Interesting to see Jabba, weird that there was butt stuff.
  4. 4/5/5 10/10 would necromancy again.
  5. +1 very kind and passionate individual that I feel will do great with the plans outlined.
  6. Aegis

    Allow Fill ins

    +1 might help some people come out of their shells and see what they like, or discover something they excel at.
  7. Name: Aegis SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50686372 Current Staff Rank: Admin Are you Currently a GH?: Yes. How long have you played on the server? 457 Hours 06 Minutes 43 Seconds. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7.5 Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: yes. Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I want to continue working with the Synergy community and staff team, helping out in more ways, and learning new skills. In order to accomplish this, and continue to grow, I must become a Gamemaster. I enjoy creating RP situations for players, and feel that the tools available to Gamemasters would help me greatly. Do you have any suggestions for the gamemaster team?: Personally I'd like to see more deployments, as they're fun, but due to current player activity perhaps teaming up to find a way to run larger and/or longer events on main could help. If that's not feasible, then using main to set up for deployments could help bring players online, and encourage them to stick around afterwards. Have an event/encounter spiral into something bigger or go horribly wrong? Use that to inspire a deployment. Alternatively maybe have a mockup of the battlefield available for drills beforehand, in the same vein that Call of Duty 4 has the cargo ship mockup, to encourage players to hop online before their deployment time. Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have either been GM for or you plan on hosting: Main Server: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LJLfWEqfOpfBps7BmiPPEncKh_2i9L9oHIRqwnB90eA/edit?usp=sharing Event Server: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kvFYmQ8cM-e5RiCfn7hnKElVgNbHOb-MPmtKdZqo9Fg/edit?usp=sharing
  8. Aegis

    A Pile Of Bodys

    3/4/4 Weird lag spikes at times, the fight was a brutal slog, but we definitely succeeded in the end.
  9. Aegis


    4/5/5 Great trial by fire for me being a Jedi in combat. I loved the spooky first part, and then the combat of the second part.
  10. 4/5/5 Confusing. I liked learning blood magic and runes and stuff.
  11. 4/5/5 The keotine was anti-climactic at the end... Otherwise lots of fun.
  12. 4/4/5 I enjoyed that I could arrest the portals into the detention center.
  13. +1 on your application, but I still don't like red tails. I'll try not to let CG die.
  14. Aegis

    212th VS CG

    4/4/4 Classic PvP mess. Need to get CG some jetpacks I swear.
  15. Name: Aegis Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A patrol was ambushed by CIS droids. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No. Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  16. Godspeed, wish I could have gotten to know you better.
  17. I am sad now, but at least you aren't leaving.
  18. You make a good point with focusing on Marketing and Financials. There's probably a way to fund some advertising in order to grow the community. Furthermore, allowing autonomy would promote a sense of stability and/or confidence, which in turn would improve overall morale, making new joiners more lively to stay, and spread the word to others.
  19. I never really got to know you very well, but all the time we did spend together was a ton of fun. I wish you the best on your next adventure.
  20. +1 some people don't like being GMs, but want to grow their careers in synergy, while others love GM work but don't want to be staff. Those who wish to do both can still do so with this system, while also adding flexibility and opportunities for everyone.
  21. 4/5/3 Guess we found a weakness in the server. Performance could have been better, but we'll know for next time. Masters could have RP'd better, considering their station, but the performance makes that difficult.
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