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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. Suggestion: Add global objectives that can be set by gamemasters on the server RP Rank: BCMD of the 6th sky corps Implementation: Add a command for GMs to add "global objectives" which would appear on the HUD of people on the server while active. This could be done in a variety of ways, giving GMs the option to change the name, description, and completion status of the objectives with commands, either way they would definitely make it a lot easier for players to keep track of things that are communicated by GMs during an event at any point. Whether a player joins late, didn't pay attention to the briefing or the GM just gave way to much information in the briefing for you to concentrate on what's important, being able to readily see what they have designated as "objectives" can only be an improvement It can be on the top of the screen and have it, this can help alot with events outlines and in general would be a excellent addition to events that wont be confusing Lore:star wars
    1 point
  3. Eagle's Goodbye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Eagle / GC 1stLT Eyeball During my ROA/LOA in the 212th I have been very busy with my study, friends and work. As a result, I have little time for GMOD and I find that quite unfortunate. So this is probably the time that I really say goodbye. I've always had fun on the server. And I find it therefore ok to summarize my history on the server with plenty of @'s of course. My time started with Gears, Punisher and Claw. @Gears and I worked our way through the NCO ranks together back then. And I can remember how many trials you hosted for the jedi sentinels. I always found doing these trials together really fun and enjoyable and you always hosted a lot of them. @Punisheralso often helped with the trials and he was one of the people I talked to who was in the officer core of the 212th at the time. @Claw you are someone I really chatted with a lot. From the start till now. You've always been someone I can have good conversations with. You work really super hard and you have super discipline. I honestly wish I had as much discipline as you do. I can remember when you were in the now deleted 327th as I was for a while where you taught me a lot about how to be a good officer and important part of high command. @Willyworm1, you helped in this as well. You are always super chill and calm and you work hard on top of it. I always saw you as someone to look up to. As a Bly I was also always proud to serve under you in the 327th. After 327th I had a deal with jagger so I could easily make my way back into 212th. @Jagger, you have truly been an inspiration to me when it comes to RP and taking leadership. Now comes the time where I am back in 212th. This is where I met @Comics, among others. With you I always had discussions on different topics. I always enjoyed the interesting discussions. As for the rest, I also got to know Jr better. You have always been, in my opinion, one of the most kind and optimistic persons I have talked to. @Shockpoint, you have always been an inspiration to me when it comes to being a GM. Like Jova and many others, you have been an inspiration to me in this area. @Jovanovic, you have given me inspiration to do a little more for the GM team. I really enjoyed discussing new deployments with you. @Bacta, you are someone who works super hard on the 212th. You have amazing perseverance and together with Finn you are a perfect duo to lead the 212th. @Finn, I've known you for a while. You are one of the people who stayed in the 212th for a long time and always performs his duties (often behind the scenes). Also you, @Prophet, are someone I've known for a while. When we went to titanbase I got to know you better because you had good ideas for sims. We discussed these when not many people were online anymore and I always enjoyed my conversations with you. @Whisper, you are one of the most chill guys on the server and you are the best Wooley. @Chill, you showed me the important side of medRP even though I was never that much of a fan of it myself. @Mantis, I still think of you as my ARFL to some extent. @Gaster, I also got to know you along with @thedween really well during my time in 212th ARF. I'm really glad I got to know you guys. Also, to the people I met later on, I would like to say my goodbye. @Cuzzo, you were always someone I could talk to in DU. You are truly BCMD material. @SgtGlass, you are a great part of the current 212th @Mater, you are a hard worker and I am glad you saw the work I did in the 212th. I know that I am far from having all the wonderful people I have met on this list. I'm just afraid that this list will get really long if I continue to write. I would like to thank the rest of the people on the server for the great time in the past 2 years. Eagle (Eyeball), Over and out! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 point
  4. ponder no further young padawan, you must seek though bag and prove yourself worthy.
    1 point
  5. +1, can't wait to set the objective to "get laid"
    1 point
    1 point
  7. +1 probably the only smart thing Bacta has ever said
    1 point
  8. If you have good aim then it’s better. The low mag count makes it pretty challenging to use
    1 point
  9. Enjoy life man you deserve it, had a lot of fun with you can’t believe it was a year ago o7
    1 point
  10. +1 Big fan of Tomm, friendly guy with a good ethic would love to see him on the team
    1 point
  11. +1, for some reason I really like the format of this.
    1 point
  12. o7 Eagle. Been a pleasure having you here with us. Take care.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. You've always been wonderful in 212th, and you've been one of the most hardworking and dedicated members of the battalion. If new troopers show even 1/4 of what you have, the battalion will thrive for sure. I hope you do well in you next adventures, and if you ever decide to return, you'll always have a home in 212th!
    1 point
  15. o7, Cya buddy. Hope you will be back on the server one day
    1 point
  16. Arguably one of the most dedicated people to the 212th Battalion. Your work ethic and kindness never ceased to amaze me. Please don't change :). o7
    1 point
  17. Denied, You have not been approved for retirement, I'll see you bright and early tomorrow.
    1 point
  18. I still can't get over you having your monitor plugged into your motherboard for a year instead of your graphics card
    1 point
  19. I'll +1 it but I don't want to see a trend of people following this suggestion and we end up just adding jetpacks back to every battalion, they were removed for lag lol. But yeah 1 more job than right now cant hurt. Especially since its lore accurate unlike Lancer and he still gets a jetpack lmfao
    1 point
  20. I tried to come back, but uh... no free time. If Null comes back I'll literally quit my job to be at the tryouts though... Love y'all
    1 point
  21. "187th deserved it but 327th and 91st totally didn't. I swear"
    1 point
  22. Man who could've guessed, Dennis taking advantage of a weakened faction to take control and assert himself some saviour. How many times do we have to go through this with you and your horrific leadership. You killed CIS in the water by refusing the give it up after you provided nothing to it for months, RANCOR & the server was fully unified against that report and you were barely saved by a technicality. 2 factions you were promised to fix & bring greatness to. You served as a Base Ops commander once before but as we've seen Base Ops was only saved around the time Bro & Freck began it's actual recovery, really puts into question your legitimacy to be a naval Leader. Not the mention you went from PO3 (reinstated rank of old) to CAPT, purely awarded on what was a whim of hope you'd "train" a better generation, of course you used this to your advantage to snake your way into another applicable position. Let's also not forget your fucking suggestions to remove navy, you've spent more time trying to get navy removed than you have being an actual leader of it. Your app is bare bones and says pretty much nothing, a majority is taken up by you patting yourself on the back with all these hollow titles which generally garnered through large bouts of failed leadership. This is one of the most egregious power grabs I've ever seen in time in synergy, you only waited this long so you didn't have to gain the legitimacy of a waive. I like how there's 0 mention of any work you've done so far, likely due to a lack of any. I don't like to place ill will onto people but you've got a solid track record of holding nothing but ill will & incompetent command aimed at gaining titles. -1, one of the most incapable leaders naval has ever seen. A power grab of this kind shouldn't be acceptable in any way, shape, or form. I'm very tired while writing this so it may be a little ramble-esque.
    1 point
  23. This. Every interaction I have seen of you as Gume, or on clone has been negative. You use Gume as a reason to be toxic in game towards people to a point where its not even interesting to talk with you. This is on top of the time you refused to roleplay as a senator, by pretending to go afk when the CIS tried to kidnap you, then 'coming' back after we walk away. You come back we TP you as we had you in RP, you bitch and moan then pretend to go afk while talking in the 212th channel then proceed to not follow roleplay at all and say fuck you to the people doing the Operation. We reported this obviously, but it appears that the leadership of senators did not do their job as you should of been removed from your position then. Why should we support someone to lead senators when you can't even follow the rules that you are meant to enforce? Oh yeah, and you were just banned for racism, I do not know how that is not grounds for removal from senators either but the more you know. -1. To everyone saying. "+1 no one else wants to go for it" this is entirely the wrong mindset to have. Just because there is a lack of quality candidates does not mean we need to lower our standards for the positions.
    1 point
  24. Alright so it isn't a secret you and I really don't get along, but I will try my best to not bring up old drama and focus on senator. In all honesty, I think you are the best senator we have. However, that bar has been set so low its below sea level at this point. The only senators I ever see on their jobs period are you and Deku, and Deku is Wolffe so he isn't even on the job half the time. Congratulations! You are the most active senator! Oh, wait, I saw you once in the last month on the job. I'm not even referring to your ban or LOA period either. While you hit the activity requirement, it is very minimal, and it has been stated by many that simply hitting your activity quota doesn't mean real activity. Your activity is downright abysmal at best, and in all honesty, I don't know how the last few Mas Amedda's got this position either. All have been removed for inactivity or ingame consequence, and considering your track record, I could honestly fit you in both descriptions, without the ban in play. I don't think replacing the job plagued with inactivity and problems with a guy plagued with inactivity and problems is necessarily the best look for senators. There are many, many, many problems senators have right now, and they need someone that will own up to the faults of the program and bring about change. Whenever you are punished, I have never seen you admit fault. You never admitted fault when you got removed from Attack Reg after being given numerous warnings, you still challenge that your ban was stupid even though everyone else around you has apologized numerous times and vowed to be better. In all honesty I don't really think you learned anything after your permanent ban, and it would be a spit in the face to the remaining senators left if you are given this position. In the history if 212th, there hasn't been a single person that has lost their honorary after being Cody, but problem after problem, you ended up being the first Cody to be given nothing but the guest tag. Your immaturity is unmatched, and I told you after you got removed from Attack Reg to take a long look at yourself in the mirror. I didn't expect you to shatter the mirror. I think that you are decent at RP on your senator. You have your fun Techno Union gimmick, which is cool. However, when it comes to actually roleplaying, you either refuse to, or act like a child. A prime example of this was during a CIS op, you were captured. Now I can understand not wanting to be captured, as it happened to senators quite a lot. However, rather than joining our channel and saying "Hey look guys, Ill participate, but after this, I want to talk about doing capture operations less." Should you have said that, I would have commended you as I agree with this point, and you are doing it in a mature way. Instead, you decided to act like a petulent child, and whine in OOC. You then went AFK before we could march you to the CIS base, so we brought you. You then told us you didn't want to be captured, and you were going AFK. However, Myself and the grievous at the time went in the channel you were in while you were "AFK" and you were just chatting with the guys in the channel. Not only did you lie, whine, and act like a child, you proceeded to bitch when we called you on it. You have all but gotten worse since your removal, and if you got this position I would be truly shocked. -1
    1 point
  25. That unfortunately did not answer my question so I will rephrase. Can you please cite specific examples of instances in which you have directly impacted the 501st Legion in a net positive way within your time as a commander. Personally within my time on this server I rarely see you get on a 501st job in game. In fact I didn't know you were still Vaughn till you posted this application. From the people I have spoken too there are clear fractures within your leadership and you seem to have no intent on fixing them, instead heading towards a more taxing HC position. Your BCMD is even reaching out to people who aren't even in 501st for guidance. Bud I truly want to support you but all evidence leads to a overall lack of leadership and unsustainability within your current battalion. In addition to Masons question you did not answer it once so ever. He was asking for details as to how you would bolster the Officer Core and steps to implement that.
    1 point
  26. I'd rather just see the return of Naval, removal of PTL/Pilot granting by officers, and restore their former glory as the GALACTIC REPUBLIC FLEET YEEEEEET
    1 point
  27. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // Moving to Acknowledged Reports
    -1 points
  28. no it isn't. I really doubt they will be going back to the 212th models seeming it's already done and they gotta focus on the other battalions models that haven't got their new models yet. I may be wrong as Jayarr may be able to help, but a small change like this doesn't seem to be priority.
    -1 points
  29. absolute G of a Yularen youll be back when base ops is back :)
    -1 points
  30. name one person on the server who wouldn't
    -1 points
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