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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2020 in all areas

  1. My brother played this game a lot, he loved the community and he was a nerd, but he wont be back. Shi or Phoenix as he was maybe known committed suicide on the 18th of August. I know not many people may have known him or liked him, but he always glowed when he talked about the people he knew through synergy and the work that he did. i only hope he left something good behind. If anyone knew him, have a beer for him. He wasn’t the best of people at times but he always tried. Thank you all for making him happy in the ways you did, and thank you for being there for him when he needed it the most. From the bottom of mine and my family’s hearts, thank you all. may the force be with you I guess.
    14 points
  2. "I want to make my battalion good" That's all I see. No word on how you will do it. Makes it hard to see how you will actually achieve anything. How can we trust you to run a battalion if you don't have any suggestions on method You also need to address the Commander Report situation. because I've seen how snakes operate. And they can't run battalions for shit. how do we know you're not just gonna get booted like Claw. Or that you not just using the report to snag the position. Unless Claw makes it obvious he wants you to take Bacara, XO doesn't mean shit (in that regard) -1
    7 points
  3. -1 There are multiple reasons why I don't see you becoming the next bacara. 1. Toxicity, you were toxic after the 187th were taken away from the server, which is a little fair, however you kept it going for a long time. Other examples was when I was blackout, you kept trying to push me down to the point where I said, screw it I'm out. And now you mention "that you have learned from previous Bacara's/Blackout's failure and success," What failure have you seen and where were you to help fix them in the time? And How do you feel you could improve where they couldn't? 2. Powerplaying - As soon as I left Blackout, you got the position within 2 weeks from being a major and from what I can see your activity was the same as mine. (Unless you don't sign the sign in log, since the last time you logged time was Aug 15/2020) Now granted I could be looking at Fenrir for your fast promotion, but still haven't heard good things since you became Blackout. And you only just got XO before Claw resigned just to make sure 21st wasn't running around like chickens without their heads. 3. More of a question, what was your views on the recent commander report we had against Claw? What are you going to do so we don't have another report against a Bacara?
    7 points
  4. Name: Bradley RP Rank: SGT Suggestion: Implement diversity based promotions. We need more poc, women and lgbt people on the server. Frankly its quite appalling to see that we don't have 50 percent women on this server. Implementation: Lower tryout requirements for poc and women this is to include SOBDE. Reason for this is they might not be able to compete at the same level as white males, and we need to raise them up. Lore: G Proof there is LGBT people in starwars. LGBT representation in starwars. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sinjir_Rath_Velus Workshop content if applicable: N/A (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following @Stockings @Daytona211 Great work you two. Really putting in work as POC.
    6 points
  5. +1 as a POC myself, I would like to see more roles being filled by POC/women/lgbt members.
    5 points
  6. Why don’t ya’ll wait a damn minute and figure yourselves out before you decide to shove a BCMD in. You don’t need one to work properly, you have an XO who’s capable enough to run a battalion, you have good enough numbers, and good regiment leadership. It has happened in 21st before, and every-time we try to shove some random fucker into BCMD, it goes to fucking shit. slow the fuck down. -1, just because no one is ready.
    5 points
  7. I got a notification for this. Words on a screen meant a lot to me, seeing the things you had for him but hearing voices say the words, he would be proud. He didn’t go out the way he ever wanted to but he had no other choice. One day day soon I will visit my brothers second home and I would be honoured to meet anyone who knew him. My name is Ashe, short for Ashely. This is something I will share with our family because I know it will mean a lot to them. My brother as some stated was an asshole at times, he was a loveable asshole, and his biggest critic was always himself. His attitude was at frustrations with himself and he always screwed with his own head in that way, he was never good enough for himself. For 18 years he dealt with depression anxiety and paranoia, for 6 years he dealt with cancer, and that is why he took the route he did. It came back and after the third time you don’t get any more options. Phoenix or shi or Indomitus as someone said was not the best person, but he was all I had growing up. He was my twin, we were called bracket and hinge from a young age and we were identical. We grew up on war hammer and star wars and music and games and everything, we were best friends. He was an uncle to my son and he was a good man. Someone said “if you believe in it, hopefully he is in a better place” to which I would say he is. He doesn’t have to suffer anymore, and although me, my family and everyone who knew him will feel this void for a long time to come, I am just glad to know that somewhere, in so many places and people, he left a good mark. So until I can thank you all in voice, thank you. Thank you for making this video, thank you for being there for him, thank you for being Synergy. You made his life better for it, and I hope he made yours better for it as well. RIP Josh - Phoenix, indomitus, paladin, Shi, requiem, Phantom, Titus.
    4 points
  8. Can you go more in-depth? This is lackluster and more information will be appropriated about your plans besides population
    4 points
  9. @Artemis - Phoenix I've only just heard about the passing of Shi / Phoenix as of this Morning. I can't put into words how much of legend that man was. When he joined CG he was nothing but helpful, brought laughter to a place that needed it desperately. He took no shit from anyone and that's what I loved about him. I could go to him and get a straight answer. No bullshit. I would like to think we were... I guess Friends. Though we had our ups and downs together he was ultimately one, if not the only person both IRL and in the community, who I went to about my own Mental Health problems first. I can't express my gratitude to that man enough, he gave me the confidence I needed to talk about my issues and get help. Now I only wish I gave my gratitude to him more frequently. I am truly sorry for your loss, Shi / Phoenix was a great man in my eyes and he will be missed dearly. - May the Force be with you, always.
    3 points
  10. I can't watch it again. Not this recently. But i'm glad we have it. Thank you for recording. "This is something that doesnt always happen, but it should. I would like to thank everyone who is a part of this community, everyone who has come before me, and everyone who will follow me. You are all good people. Thank you for making this community a good one, and keep up the good work. Work hard, play hard, but most of all, dont waste your time. Enjoy it, enjoy the company and make sure every action you make in Synergy is a good one." - Shi/Phoenix/Indomitus
    3 points
  11. This is your daily reminder from your friendly forum moderator to follow the Commander Application rules and regulations. Please don't flame on posts :) x Before anything kicks off
    2 points
  12. Isn't it weird that after you remove your own BCMD you seem to have no viable replacement. Your battalion votes out a BCMD for making a controversial move and the solution is to put in place someone who is even more controversial? This seems like a great way to doom a battalion's future by going back down the same rabbit hole which is gonna kill the battalion's activity again. I don't think it's the best choice to rush a random guy into the position who doesn't seem to want Next time. before you make a quick decision to remove your only good option for a BCMD. Find a viable replacement -1
    2 points
  13. Butters. I have a few things for ya. First off not having someone in the BCMD position doesn't necessarily a bad thing for a battalion. I should know, as I was leading CG back in the day as a LTC after Helpert stepped down. So having someone running for the position just for the sake of running is more harmful than good. That is why we have Commanders, Senior Officers, and Officers in general. Secondly, my time around you, even with my reduced time from school starting, I haven't seen a lot of leadership from you. But again to anyone reading this, this is only from a massively small sample size from when butters is on and when I'm on. But this comes from your time as Lead of ARF with in the 21st. I know there was things that was causing issues with this. There are other things from recent events that makes me concern. So if you want to talk to me about this, I'm open to it. And I am open to reconsider my stance. But for now, its a -1 bub. -PUCK
    2 points
  14. I've seen you in DU from private all the way up to 2ndLT. I've watched you in 21st grow from CSM to Major. You have great leadership potential, but first I have a few questions. How do you plan on increasing activity? How are you going to rebuild it?
    2 points
  15. Shake first off i dont like your negative attitude towards everyone and second off claw made the decision to leave not Jaydon...
    2 points
  16. -1 Kurt touched on one thing i wanted to speak on. TBH didn't know there was a blackout until like this monday, which speaks on your activity until recent when claw got BCMD. However as i have said before this could be due to timezone difference which i give the benefit of the doubt to 9/10 times. The experience section is lacking can you go into further detail besides what rank. What did you do to help the battalion, documents, trainings, just about everything and anything you did / have done in your past and current spots. The where do you want your battalion to be is nothing more than a box of bran flakes that expired a month ago. It's quite possibly the most cookie cutter statement anyone could put. what are you going to do different? To be completely honest it seems that the 21st has struggled until it seemed about ~15 new people came to the battalion to help. So far it seems a few have left and the battalion is regressing back to its previous state of inactivity. The battalion struggled for a while and has always struggled its a fact, when i was reg, after i left and since shanty has taken over giving you most of his time. Until further explanation is given i believe you are not fit for BCMD, regarding my questions and Kurt's 3rd point, i believe that it seems you had your friends put up a report and not comment on it, have him leave and then throw up your app, unless this is a big coincidence to me this app is a lot of big and vague promises.
    2 points
  17. @Artemis - Phoenix It might be a game but this is everyone paying their respects for Shi as best they can. Hope it can help
    2 points
  18. I am so glad that so many people have good memories of him. Once all of this is over I would very much like to experience what he enjoyed so for now thank you all so much, your words are appreciated more than you could know.
    2 points
  19. Sooo.... Things that are in his commander rights? It's his battalion, he can change it how he wants. He can promote how he wants. Sorry, I know I'm inactive, but the stuff I highlighted have zero grounds to be used for a report. The stuff that I didn't highlight though are definitely some valid complaints to have and will need a response from Claw for sure, but, seriously, you've got a lot of stuff backwards when it comes to whether or not a report is valid.
    2 points
  20. -1 Possibly the worst application I have ever seen.
    2 points
  21. Hey Guys! Came here from the dreaded Icefuse, let's hope I can be part of a community here. Anyway, yeah I am here now, so yano Icefuse are gonna Ice-LOSE a lot of people. Oh yeah, FUCK ICEFUSE
    2 points
  22. Fordo is now xiao and until a new valiant can be found if I do get the role I will be leaving alpha in the hands of the greatest valiant ever. barry bee benson!!!! That’s an alpha joke for those who don’t get it
    1 point
  23. +1 but did you let Valiant know that you won’t be an alpha anymore and that fordo will be open
    1 point
  24. +1 he'd be a good fit he's just got to reign in the silly willy part of his roleplay sometimes
    1 point
  25. +1 I can't think of a better fit for the role.
    1 point
  26. +1 I won’t lie about how hades is a close friend. He might seem silly a lot with the voice but I’ve seen him serious. He works hard. He plays hard. He role plays well. I’m sure we’ll see less willy because of this but it hopefull will be worth it.
    1 point
  27. +1 its hades dont need to think on this one
    1 point
  28. +1 He can knock this out of the ballpark 100%.
    1 point
  29. +1. All jokes aside I think you'd be a great BCMD.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. +1 But you can't play the bagpipes very well
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 10/10 i would have liked it to go longer but i loved it
    1 point
  34. Absolutely phenomenal. I feel like my experience as a traitor may have shot it up a bit, but it was still absolutely fantastic. Best use of Coruscant Underworld Ive seen, EVER. Quite a fucking event, with so many moving parts, and you did it all by your lonesome. 10 of fucking 10.
    1 point
  35. 8/10 Great attention to detail
    1 point
  36. 10/10 was one of the most fun deployments ive ever been on. cant wait for the next one from you!
    1 point
  37. Actual Blast, 10/10 Probably the most fun I've had in so long. Absolute mad lad, always does these amazing events that takes so much time and effort to put in to.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. 10/10 Loved it. Oddball got SET UP
    1 point
  40. This is dumb mad dumb. Your experiences are what shape who you are and what actions you're going to take. This statement alone shows me the level of maturity you have as a person and as a leader. -1
    1 point
  41. Butter is one my of officers That wanted to to work for a future as me as the bcmd
    1 point
  42. Hey guy's, this is the Memorial Video I took of Shi's Memorial. I am sorry for the quality and some of the off things with it but hey, He will be remembered forever. All quotes anyone has of Shi that they would like Immortalized please send to me and I will add them to the description of the video on Youtube <3 Rest In Piece Rear Admiral Shi
    1 point
  43. @Bleach @Pythin@Chaseman I not here to argue nor Do i disrespect your opinion I am just saying why judge someone on past experiences when they are trying to strive for a better future and also the simple fact of look how far Ive come even with the cards that I was dealt. My reasoning behind it is because other than Number and myself there are no other active senior officers and i say that with respect. The fact of the matter is that this battalion needs someone who is willing to be on and make changes. Therefore I do not see anyone else nor has anyone else said that they would run.
    1 point
  44. Battalion: 21st RP Name: BCMD Bacara Date: 9/6/2020 Reason: I am not correct person for the Battalion at the moment as BCMD Goodbyes: @Jaydon Best of luck BRO
    1 point
  45. I'm devastated.. Shi helped me so much from 2017/2018 with my own battles whilst he was fighting his own.. He was very simply an inspiration to all, and I personally looked up to him a lot as a role model. Words cannot describe my sadness.. If anyone needs to talk, don't hesitate to contact me. Goodnight, Sweet Prince.
    1 point
  46. +1 Only if you make Havoc Squad Terry lore
    1 point
  47. Locking it for further review
    1 point
  48. I’m gonna be honest. Every time this happens their are always people who will stir up shit, but tbh with you from what I see. It isn’t something that he should be reprimanded for. If it was something really bad then I could see reporting , but not for this. He’s just being a shitty person -1
    1 point
  49. I'm really sorry for your loss. I hope your family finds it's peace and I am glad Synergy could be an escape for you brother. I hope he found his peace.
    1 point
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