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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2024 in all areas

  1. I think it's very wild how some people here have done nothing but bitch and moan about Arroyo and Shady, without stating names. BUT COULD JUST AS EASILY dealt with this kind of problem through directors if they thought it was that huge of an issue. But obviously this is a "wait for the app to shit on the previous bcmd" type deal. So, respectfully, I can't take anything y'all say seriously. Kaiser, get this bread. My opinion of you has only gotten better the more based you got. I have respect for what you are trying to do, and think you literally have the best chance to do ANYTHING with CG. You are the type of person to deal with issues when they arise, and not the type to blame issues on others. Cause that isn't productive. +1
    2 points
  2. I also agree with this. However I felt it would be easier to slowly rebuild and see how everything gets handled then to completely add everything and if it goes poorly we lose everything as someone can make the argument, "See it didn't work." I'd love to see all the ranks back, but I believe in one small step at a time. Let's show people that they can be handled.
    1 point
  3. +1 We now have the sustainable population, and most battalions have the numbers, to support a return to form with the old ranks added back. Personally I think all the old ranks should be added back (the 2 NCO ranks, the 3 Officer ranks, and XO), as it allowed a more obvious chain of command, and allowed battalions to establish different responsibilities while also allowing for progression. It'd also be better to add everything at once, instead of adding back some ranks now, and then someone suggesting adding the other ranks back in 6 months.
    1 point
  4. Based on your experience and my experience with you in Rancor, I will +1 The thing with the 41st is, that they have a special culture in the battalion, a good one, chill and nice, but not too strict. What I experienced in my term is, putting harsher standards into the NCO/Officer core can be a good thing, but also a very bad thing. So I think you should be careful with that, and find a balance. Afaik their current way of enforcing disciplin and activity is good, unless it has changed.
    1 point
  5. +1, but I'd only like to see COL back.
    1 point
  6. All interactions Ive had with Boof have been great! I would love to work with you closer! +1
    1 point
  7. Hi Chips thank you for the explanation! Very long and detailed reply! I would like to sit down with you because Im always wanted to widen my connections! However with that I will be changing my vote to +1 and I wish you luck! I am glad that you have said here as well that you do believe Kaiser will be a good fit as it answered a question for me that shows your willingness that if you dont get Fox to jump ship and continue to work!
    1 point
  8. I have only had Positive interactions with you and I have seen the respect that your previous battalion members hold for you. If the officers in the 41st support you, even though you are new to the battalion, then I know you will do a good job and allow 41st to reach new heights. +1 Best of Luck Iceman!
    1 point
  9. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
    1 point
  10. @Baron Oh hey Baron thank you for getting back to me on this I am usually on the server from 3-9pm PST Ingame Persona: - 21st HVYO WO ThaiNi - Hunter Tye Wun
    1 point
  11. -1 only reason is there a battalion whose Officer corps that actually need the extra ranks because seems most of maybe at most 6 to 7 including the BCMD. Update: +1 Honestly COL should be back since it’s a lore rank but it’s also a good spot for people to be before Commander. I just really hope people don’t do fast promotions to COL or other ranks that get added because it would this ranks feel more like filler.
    1 point
  12. -1 as a current CG officer I have seen you actively do nothing to benefit the battalion for the better. You have actively gone against every suggestion brought up to better CG. You are a strong supporter of the CG TS channel being locked and never open. I have also personally seen you play different sides to different parties with your own personal interest in mind. You also lied to your own officer corp about a "merit" form; which you now are calling for a officer wipe, because the vast majority of CG officers want to take the battalion in a different direction. Finally you have spent exactly 217 days as a commander; which is 2.4 Fox terms. If you couldn't better CG in that time frame as a commander; why would you as Fox?
    1 point
  13. Okay so basically you're agreeing with some of these ideas and saying that current CG HC won't work with you...isn't that literally exactly what an outside BCMD can do to help?
    1 point
  14. yeah I totally understand and I would be skeptical too of outsiders. I think your feelings on this are extremely valid. I'd like to look at what you just said on Arroyo's BCMD app. "I have been in CG for almost 2 and a half months now, almost my entire time on the server, and during that time I have never seen you contribute to CG in a meaningful way even now as a CG officer. (besides some routine document work). I have no personal issue with you but I cannot upvote you in good faith knowing there are more qualified candidates." I think that kinda speaks to the current feel and tear between the officers within CG right now. That is your CMD, someone you should be on good terms with imo. If you're not, maybe it's time for a change?
    1 point
  15. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: WHERE IS THIS ANSWER -2
    1 point
  16. oh thanks! -1 You are part of the issue with CG as it stands. You are the highest rank where is the effort to fix the battalion already?
    1 point
  17. Right when your term was done, we had a chat with Bacta and you stated you wanted to join 41st and HELP Hector. Out of nowhere you get waived and throw an app up. You didn’t know what you wanted to do until this point, so how can you prove you’re going to stick with it? Changing 41st to serious is a tall task. MANY previous Gree’s said they were going to do this, and fell extremely short of the mark. How are you going to ensure this actually happens? And how are you going to make sure it stays this way after you are gone? My final thing is I have an issue with you actually following through on disciplinary action. Will you even be able to do this?
    1 point
  18. I have edited the document to make sure I filled out the needed areas. Sorry for the inconvienance.
    -1 points
  19. Agree with Brooklyn, I enjoy the longer wait times to get promoted on the server we have established, I would be ok with just COL and just addicting back more of the JO ranks also. But honestly I think were fine where we are personally.
    -1 points
  20. Name: Spartan | Centurion RP Rank: Sergeant Major Suggestion: Readding the Senior Officer ranks back. Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel. Adding more of a building block to get to Commander and having a better Senior Officer Corps than just a group of Majors. Why?: Personally I played back in 2021 and since then they were removed, I personally am unaware of when exactly that change happened. But from talking to people on the server I was told that the main reason a lot of ranks were removed was because of low server population. Well seeing as the server is usually hitting 90+ per day, I don't see the low server pop as an issue to keep this away. But instead of nostalgia onto the ACTUAL reason why. It adds the ability for Senior Officers to build and show their leadership skills before earning the rank of commander. It also really allows the existence of a Senior Officer Corps again. Right now we have a Enlisted, NCO, SNCO, Junior Officer, and Command. Major just feels like a buffer rank into command like how Warrant Officer is from SNCO to Junior Officer. A trial period instead of what Junior officers can go to when their not sure of something. How it should be implemented: I asked my BCMD on what the limit of Majors was. Cause back in the day it was 4 Majors, 3 Lieutenant Colonels, and 2 Colonels Leaving a grand total of 9 total Senior Officers allowed. In a perfect world you'd have a healthy Junior Officer Corps before you had a full Senior Officer Corps. This was also the days with 4 Commander Slots (including 1 XO slot) However, now we only have 2 clone commander and 1 Jedi Commander slots in a battalion. So my proposition is 3 Majors, 2 Lieutenant Colonels, and 2 Colonel slots. The Colonels would, as they were, the top of the chain before command. So 7 Senior Officer Slots in total along with the current 2 clone and 1 Jedi commanders. Implementation: Adding Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel into the rank tree. Let me be clear I have 0 clue about the coding aspect behind the scenes. IT could be simple, or it could be complicated. I have 0 clue. Lore: This one is a bit tricky as I don't think the clones used Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel in lore, but I also don't think they used most of the enlisted ranks or Major either so ya know. Workshop Content: Requires Development, adding the commands into the server along with having the additions to rosters. Other: Yes I'm an old player, yes some of this is nostalgia. I've talked to a good amount of other players about it and they've all stated their openness to the ranks return. But I've also heard that rank additions have been shut down for awhile. So we'll see on that end. If this fails, aw well. I can at least say I tried. Thanks all for your input!
    -1 points
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