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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2022 in Posts

  1. Orion Resignation from server Reason: I had my share of fun with the community but its time for me to take more time for myself and resign its pretty hard to be writing this Farewells: @212th @501st Just wanted to say to all of you that im really thankful for all the oportunity and good times that we shared with you guys i always considered this battalions to be part of a family. I really had the most fun and never regret joining and never leaving Here we go hopefully i can get everyone: @Mavelle This guy right here joined around the same time i did in 212th, you are an amazing person and never let no one tell you otherwise really enjoyed playing music with you. @Finn You have been really supportive and im glad i had the chance to meet you @Katy During my grind you have been a great mentor and especially a great friend aswell im really grateful @Jovanovic Met you when you were a youngling and look at you now being a Marshall CMD, imma miss you man @Stix Man i had so much fun with ya best Ahsoka and Bariss combo for me, Glad you can be anakin @Atlex Really glad you made it to Rex im sorry i wasnt there for Anakin but you did great work in 501st and im really glad where you left it at. @Deku Met you at the wierdest of time but i really glad to be ur friend you are a really understandable person and really helped me out when i needed i appreciate that, imma miss you @Conrad Im thankful for the oportunity you gave me. Best anakin i had while i was ahsoka you keep doing great @Phaser You stinky you keep care of 501st (she beat my longest ahsoka term gg) i always loved you and keep watch then for me i know you will do great and better to come im gonna miss you <3 hit me up if u wanna play RL @Babatunde Cant forget my homie, im glad that we could build Red Squadron and leave our mark better take care of it or imma hunt you @Bacta You’ve been a great person since i met you in foxtrot(212th), you’ve grown since then and became a great friend im gonna miss ya Flower Boy > IGOR just @Hanz Imma miss your annoying ass <3 @Shpack @Pog @Mater @Silly @SEXICO @shroud @Drage @Cuzzo @Abraham@Pythin@Sock Monkey @Forseen @Maxwells @Jad @Square Keep doing great work with the server and thanks for making it a great experience for everyone Alright im doing this on my phone and im definitely missing a shit ton of people just gonna say for everyone thank you for making me part of this community and i dont regret nothing its been a good ride for me so this is farewells feel free to text me in discord or anything. Much love for everyone Here you go @Tazsrry i forgot my slow ass brain of course imma mention u
    9 points
  2. Context for ban with screenshots of what happened. If you go to that website "lmaobox.net" (visit at your own risk), it is still live and actively being updated (last update Feb 13th, 2022) you actually see links to download and purchase this software which could even be malware at this point in time. -1 Think before you send things in chat. This is not to mention that you have been toxic in OOC and TS chat for a very long time, insulting people for little reason and continuing after it's no longer jokes. You have insulted Head Admins and have received PT for it, and got a strike in 501st for insulting people after being told to stop. Clearly sending this in chat is an extension of the same behavior as before. You even had this to say when you got banned: <11:02:51> Maynard: i regret nothing @Maddoxx was justified in banning you.
    4 points
  3. From the Office of High Command 3/6/2022 From the Office of the Chancellor - Conrad General Updates Currently open applications are SPEC Regimental Commander, and BCMD Doom. In the next two weeks we have SIEGE Regimental Commander and BCMD Gregor opening. Get your applications ready and good luck applicants. So this is my first update in a while. As many of you know I’ve had quite a lot of IRL things that were happening over a course of about 3 weeks. And while I would get on the server here or there I didn’t really do too much, and just kind of existed hanging out with friends. However as of last Monday I am back full time, and have been settling back after being long for a bit. It has been a lot of fun being back and I’ve really been enjoying myself. I want to say thank you to everyone for the well wishes while I was gone and thank you for your patience. This won’t be the longest update since I've only been back for a week, and haven't done too much this week as I've just been trying to reconnect and touch base as I come back. However I hope that this can be a return to this update coming back out regularly for the foreseeable future! Roleplayer of the Week I have two this week, to make up for the couple of weeks I missed while I was gone. First we have @Tomm coming in for his roleplay as kit fisto and as a jedi. While he might no longer be fisto and working more on BCMD Gree, his RP as kit fisto was always fun to interact with, experience, and be around. Second we have another 41st member, @Joe (probably not him, its a common name, if someone could let him know for me in 41st!) coming in for his RP as Improco fi. He was put up by @Batdogdue to outstanding medical roleplay and his growth as a character as he’s started to take the server more seriously. It's very cool to see someone grow like this into a position and on the server, great work. Please contact me for your rewards! Question for the Community What's your favorite time period in Star Wars history? Obviously star wars is a long period spanning thousands of years, but there are some that are a bit more prominent than the others. Which is your favorite? I’ll have some of the big ones I can think of as the voting topic! Clone Updates Biggest thing that I'll be putting my effort towards and working with is the Coruscant Guard. As of yesterday I will be acting RCMD for the CG for the foreseeable future. I look forward to working with @Jhonathon and the rest of CG to help establish them after the rocky state they’ve fallen into while I was away. Please reach out to me if you’re inside the battalion and need something or if you’re outside of it and can’t contact a CMD/BCMD for something you might need! Navy Updates No update for the navy this week due to the short week. Jedi Updates I want to thank @Sixta for his time as Yoda. It was great working alongside you and getting to know you my friend! Secondly, a big thing I’ve been doing for a bit and will keep doing until she can settle into the position is tag alongside @Katyas a source of information and advice while she settles into the role of yoda! Guild Updates No update for the navy this week due to the short week. Senate I just want to congratulate our now third term holding @Willyworm1for not only getting the position for a third time, but wanting to be Mas for a third term. Very few people have attempted a second term in this position and it is quite impressive to see a decent consistency from the senate for such a long time. For positions that are not known for 24/7 activity and aren’t really mained by people, it can be hard to keep interest in these positions. But Willy has worked hard to maintain this and I look forward to seeing what he has to do in this term! Notes As always, I am more than happy to talk in TS or discord at any time about anything. Just send me a message! No update from Jova this week as he is on LOA!
    2 points
  4. After seeing evidence that was brought to the table, and due to our strict policies on advertisement and potential scam links/phishing links circling in our community currently and previously, this ban appeal is going to be denied. Advertisement is not tolerated at all in our community, and urging players to buy potentially harmful programs is a huge no-go.
    2 points
  5. Old Republic is by far the most interesting time period. 2 big factions constantly fighting that hate each other, yet are so similar. Meanwhile you have multiple giant conglomerates or corporations for hire, gangs controlling entire planet sectors, and way too many dead civilizations with cool technology to find. The characters seem to be way bigger too. Emperor Vitiate, Darth Marr, Darth Malgus, Satele and Bastile Shan. Fuckin ballers. Hell, Jace Malcom (a regular trooper) punched a Sith in the face and broke his jaw. Tha top.
    2 points
  6. I I can confirm the site is still active. Tried it myself super sketchy. I was on the fence but now you’ve lied about the sites status as not being up anymore on top of the advertisement. This seals it for me. Thank you shrimp. -1
    2 points
  7. The title is pretty self explanatory! I'd like to know who, if anyone, would be interested in participating in a recurring (like, actually recurring- not a peter-out-in-two-weeks thing) Star Wars DnD 5E game. It wouldn't be very combat-oriented as that isn't really my style (as you could probably figure) and I don't really have a preference for an era (although, I mean, mid-empire is really cool :)) ) Let me know if you would have a day free each week to do that and if you'd be interested! @Conrad, @Spieler, @Brooklyn, @Lyonaxis, @Daytona211, @Naffen, @Brooklyn, @Guac are people off of the top of my head who might be into it. I mean, like really goin' into it. Like really goin' hard. Every single RPG I've played in the past 2 years has been so lighthearted, and I REALLY want to try something a lot more grounded!
    1 point
  8. 5/5/2 It was brought up that some may find the event too long, for me time flew by so fast because it was such a fun event I didn't even realize how long it had been. I think this event showed that a long event isn't bad as long as the players are kept entertained and invested. There was clearly a lot of and effort put into this event. The EJs were perfect and fun to play against. And I will give massive props to the EJ B1 who was allowing us to sneak (I think it was Misfit) and hack the terminal. It had Ratio, Bro and myself shitting ourselves trying not stay stealthy. Performance wasn't very good though. I and a few others crashed a few times. During part one it was very laggy in the tunnels. Overall fantastic event and my favorite from the series. A minor criticism, this event was definitely a Delta event and not a joint-op event. That's not necessarily a bad thing, nor can I speak on behalf of the current Delta members, but I think this should have be an event just for their squad rather all of Spec. Now I'm not ungrateful for attending, I am glad I got to experience this even if the start of part 1 was a bit shaky. But this could have just been a Delta event or RC event at most. Nothing more I can say that was bad or could be improved on. Everything was great!
    1 point
  9. You guys are the best. This is awesome!
    1 point
  10. Awh thank you guys! It is an Honor!
    1 point
  11. 6.5/10, honestly, I commend you for being able to throw this event together with what you had to work with. This type of event would do 10x better on event server for sure. If you decide to do a part 2, please claim event server, get yourself an event job team that you are confident will not tarnish the RP, and have a well thought out story and direction that you want the event to go in. This one was alright, but there were some issues with EJ's, the fog for people who WERENT jedi, etc. It was pretty solid tho man
    1 point
  12. -1 cringe cheater and cheat provider be gone thot
    1 point
  13. Gonna miss you brother, it was amazing to meet you and be around you during your time as Ahsoka & Anakin respectively. Glad I could help you do some great things during my time in HC, and even more-so as your friend. Enjoy your life man, you're free. Adios, and good luck man.
    1 point
  14. Good bye my friend. I will miss you.
    1 point
  15. First memory on the server outside of 41st is being a youngling running around asking people how to do literally anything and having them force abuse me until i left. My second memory outside of it was running into you as ahsoka and having you actually tell me how to get trained, explaining the force system and combat, and answering the billion other questions I had. As much as we didn't interact as much later on, I'm really really glad that you've been around, and I can tell you with certainty you've positively affected my time on the sever quite a bit. I'll see you around my guy. Keep in touch.
    1 point
  16. 2 for Gameplay: Not much for the whole server to do and only a couple people were near the action. 2 for Effort: I was in the channel with you and it... uh... Man that was some weak organisation 5 for performance: I had 0 issues with lag, frames, etc.
    1 point
  17. Reminder the scale isn't 5/5 - the three numbers are separate scorings out of 5
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Yes but I'm saying, that this could be re-made/added alongside the new models with a new version to match. Suggestions have been taking longer to be implemented, and if this is accepted it should be added around the same time as the new models for 21st, hopefully.
    1 point
  20. @vCoil I will never regret the love, time, and effort i gave you. Its ok buddy, i won't demote you this time.
    1 point
  21. -1 I wasn’t going to publicly vote on this app and just keep my opinions to myself but at this point I feel that I need too. During my term as doom you showed great promise and had overcome your days of super minging etc and improved. I promoted you too fast from CPT to LTC and then commander. It went to your head and it showed. During Maddoxx’s term ending and stroodle’s beinging you kept removing people at an alarming rate hurting the battalion. you single handedly brought the battalion from almost 60 people to 20, with only giving people 24 hours to reply from long loa’s etc. when I spoke up about giving them more time to not harm the battalion I was met with hostility and told that we can’t play favorites even though I was speaking in general terms. You did all of this within the span of 2 months. you then went on a crusade to demoted long standing officers who had irl issues going on and pushed for them to be demoted to CSM instead of politely asking them to step down or resign. You targeted myself and my friends who want to play and have fun and relax and just enjoy what little fun we could have on the sever. You pushed them away and ultimately making them leave the community once again. You not only did this with my friends but others in the battalion who suffered from extreme irl issues instead of being a decent person and just letting them be and have fun. I know of at least 5 people who left after you removed them due to their loa ending after only 24 hours. It took myself having to go to the RCMD to get the issue fixed since you wouldn’t listen to stroodle. i have nothing against you personally I enjoy playing with you and your tons of fun on BH. I just don’t think your ready for the politics side of the server that being a bcmd+ requires. You don’t have the tact or gracefulness to not be the bull in the China shop. I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship but I needed to say this. -1, I don’t think your plans or experience have you ready. You still have much to learn and I do think one day you will make a great bcmd.
    1 point
  22. I'd argue if the logic for SOBDE getting it is detecting cloakers then it should just be put on every job capable of doing so such as RC, 21stSO, Assassin Droid, and any others I've forgotten at the moment. Jedi as a maybe but their detection is forced based so idk. Edit: Also as a note, I'm not really sure what this would do to drive up ARF numbers. It's cool, but it won't really do much since your starting post says specifically not to track invisible targets and most of the time you can hear something shuffling if they're on the other side of a wall. I could see a few situations where it might be useful, but overall it seems more like a tool for the sake of having something new.
    1 point
  23. Hmm. I'm a bit skeptical of this one. It's a cool idea and all but idk if it would make the most sense for ARF per say. If it can detect cloaked people then it would definitely be a really good idea to give to individuals that can actually see cloaked people allowing for the actual possibility to locate cloakers. I honestly see this more as an RC tool tbh.
    1 point
  24. First!! can’t wait for the chancellor to kidnap the chancellor again
    0 points
  25. 2/10 I had a spark of hope that a 6 commando droid event would be good with nice RP. But it is a shame this was not the case. The RP in BCC was not that good. The Commando droid got caught and apparently refused to take his helmet off. Next to that for me the event was just getting killed by a commando droid who ran up to me when I was near Aurek. After that I came back and Aurek was already taken back. This was the end of the encounter. Even for an encounter this was really short, It lacked RP and a good challange which would be a shoot m up.
    0 points
  26. Unfortunately your application has been DENIED. You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason. You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - DENIED
    0 points
  27. The ban was for posting advertisements thus the perma ban. It wasn't just posting a link you posted in in the form of an advertisement for the site. All in all seems like it was an even dumber thing to do now that you say the site isn't even live anymore. /.-./ This be what I say. I issued the ban so I'm not going to make any rulings on it, but I think you are a fucking idiot said so right after I ban you and even more so now that I've read this. It wasn't even a funny haha, so if @Fyiwants to unban you or lessen it that's up to him. I say keep it. -1
    0 points
  28. It already exists. This model was used for GM elite support back into 2019. Its un used since then as support was changed to pilot and model changed for no reason. GM support was the first job on the server to be able to drop armour. It was one of 21st batts buffs, it had a Medkit too, shit was wild.
    -1 points
  29. Name: bacta Who helped (If applicable): conrad smith Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): grevious comes out and does stuff yeah Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: brooklyn stole my tickets New & Experimental AAR system! Please rate using this scale (And give us feedback on the actual rating scale! This is not the new official AAR system, and we are testing it with events like these.) Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) How would you rate the Gameplay in this event? How would you rate the overall Care and Effort put into this event? How would you rate the server Performance of this event? (was there lag? Low Ping? etc) (If you can't read the pic!)
    -1 points
  30. That is just simply false, I was here first so there for he sounds like me.
    -1 points
  31. literally no one in SOBDE has labeled this an SOBDE tool.
    -1 points
  32. 1.2k andy here and I was thinking about replying but it was just mid
    -1 points
  33. Name: Not a doctor (CT PVT Maynard) Steam ID: STEAM_0:242421600 Ban Reason: i was banned for posting a no longer working link to lmaobox (a site that used to exist for tf2 wallhacks and aimbot. doesnt exist anymore though) Date of Ban: i believe the date of the ban was either yesterday 3/4/2022 or the day before that being 3/3/2022 Length of Ban: permanently Staff Member(s) Involved: maddox was the one that banned me and i don't blame him for doing it.honestly im a very polite player sometimes, i do love to goof around and this can be confirmed by many people. i know what i did was wrong and i will not do it again if im given the oportunity to rejoin. aside from that i love yalls server and the people on it. Evidence to support your claims: i dont have pictures considering i was banned. (rightfully so) but if you want pictures of what i said i believe maddox might have some and i think someone in 501st has them as well. sincerely Maynard
    -2 points
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