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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2021 in Posts

  1. Alright, I'm going to be looking over this and picking some things out. So, you did indeed create a new roster that I am happy with in the end. However, I will bring up that multiple times during the creation of it, you attempted to just place changes that would affect battalion structure (limits on amount per rank, removal of REGO positions, etc) without my knowing. When I brought up the matter with you, you'd attempt to argue with my over why the inclusions (or lack of) were better for the battalion. You seemed to completely disregard either making a public suggestion, bringing it up in officer chat, or just even speaking with me about it beforehand which was not very appreciated. You attempted to say "It's already too far in to change" to which I threatened to drop the new Roster project entirely if it couldn't be done which suddenly made it able to be changed. This is true, but you along with the rest of the officer core has neglected to actually run them. It has become a chore that essentially command has been left with since you nor the rest of the officer core actually takes the initiative to run them without being outright told to. I'll repeat what I said before here then. ARC leadership format something dictated by Rancor. They say that each battalion has 1 leader position, 1 officer, and the rest are troopers. SUP formerly had 3 places in our battalion (2 with the changes to KU SUP) so that isn't an SO only job. ARF leadership is, quite frankly, a waste of time. It is something that is easily managed by SO lead / 2IC as they are SO troopers. Not to mention I think this is a very misguided aim with the current state of the battalion. The main branch is struggling, KU candidates are not widely available, and SO is the only branch that is actively doing well in 21st. Rego is helpful in the lack of an REGL at the time or lack of branch leadership (a current issue in 21st). It is a fallback for branches that might not currently have leadership and lack suitable people for the position without throwing more work onto the CMDs or the REGL. It's also a proving ground where someone who is willing and eager to do work can show it to let 21stHC know they are capable of taking on higher responsibilities. I was really hoping that having this app placed would alleviate most of my worries about vacating the position, but it honestly just hasn't. I'd remain neutral if it was an option, but I'll have to place a -1 for now. Feel free to change my opinion. Edit because I missed a part - In regards to this, I've repeatedly stated I don't only look at merits when considering to promote them nor do they dictate a definite promotion even if they're filled. I am aware of how to make judgement based off the behavior of someone to decide if they are or aren't ready for a promo. Just to show this isn't a remotely new mentality by the way.
    7 points
  2. The rest to my knowledge was said in teamspeak in my office so I guess take the "already too far in to change" as hearsay. This is just outright false lol. The first week, we did flash GMACTs without logging for 21st officers because we had a large amount to do. Since then, every officer trained has had the ability to host it. Since that week, the only ones hosted were the one I started and outright told people to help with. (The GMACT 3 was a series of them that I started that day, but Paladin took charge of it). Why? If it's about tracking their activity, that's already the job of the SO lead, SO 2IC, and any officers in general who work to make sure 21st are active. The structure exists, you're just attempting to make something more convoluted. Okay, I'm not going to approach the subject of redundancy with being your own REGL as BCMD. But my point is that if the REGL needs to go on an LOA for 1-2 weeks and I'm only returning home after 5EST, I want to make sure people can still enter into our Support, Heavy, Med, and HVO branch in the absence of leadership.
    6 points
  3. Still waiting for the next SOBDE wipe from Chambers. I miss you Quill. How's the twitch life treating ya?
    3 points
  4. Doesn't everyone deserve a 2nd chance?
    3 points
  5. Most of the battalion thus far has voted in support of him. The ones who have voted against are former bat or myself. I just didn't want this to give the wrong impression.
    2 points
  6. This is the most 21st App I have ever seen. I have very little grasp over all the weird in-battalion stuff you're all complaining about so it's hard for me to make a judgement without reading these absolute tomes you people have written. I think this might apply to other out-of-battalion individuals but I think I'm just not that smart. I do not personally think paladin is incapable but it seems your battalion is pretty split on you as an individual leader. I can see this being insanely disruptive to your term as you will be in a constant fight against those who fervently disagree with your policies and plans for innovation. It seems like controversy upon controversy rolled into one neat bun that has just exploded into the public frame through this application. My vote is torn because this sort of position with the state of said battalion clearly requires one fantastic BCMD who is willing to enforce their doctrine will also listening to the criticisms of others in order to create the best change possible. I can see this going horribly wrong but this is why he have an interview and High Command system, to keep check on BCMDs. If his reign truly is disastrous and tears an even larger hole in the 21st I'm sure his regimental will have a word or two. a reluctant +1, I truly do wish you the best but it is a monumental task
    2 points
  7. I never said it was my idea, if you read it carefully I said "helped create the updated GMACT system", I never took sole credit The resources you speak of is nothing. Although ARF is currently watched by the SO command, I want to give it Leads and Officers so that people host more trainings, involve themselves in higher RP and act as a way to assist the SO command I never once said it was cause Dennis made it, I am cool with Dennis, he does good work, I just feel that the reason we had REGOs was cause the BCMD didn't want to take over if you went on LOA, this is no shit talking to Castle, I just feel that the Command Team should step in place if the REGL is feeling overwhelmed, but in terms of that work, it's just approving documents and doing interviews. I'm not saying Discipline is a problem, I just want a higher focus as a whole. Discipline is fine, I just want to see it upheld towards the end, with a prioritizing focus on the Foundation of the 21st, The Code of Conduct So I did ask from time to time in the officer chat people's opinions, but I also was vocal with Castle in DMs about possible changes, I would debate for a little providing my opinion of pros and cons. Some stuff got approved, some stuff got denied, and I was happy to fix the stuff that got Denied. It may not change your mind, but that's a bit of clear up on what I meant
    2 points
  8. After all that has been said from the different points of views some of this doesn't fall directly on paladin some of this stuff was already in the works or was shouldered by other people in the battalion I understand theirs a lot of confusion from this back and forth but I honestly believe if paladin is given a chance it will straighten out for the better and people we see the new direction of the 21st implemented different ideas and tactics. I also would like to state for the record I +1 Paladin because his plan seems solid looking back the battalion could of been better off yes but moving forward the only way to go is up give him a chance and the battalion a time and we will prove that things will be better.
    2 points
  9. Reason: NITRP BB-Maestro SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101739286 Time: 1627264421 Length: 86400 A_SteamID: STEAM_0:0:126366648 BAN_ID: 9479 Reason: NITRP BB:Lively SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101739286 Time: 1627442387 Length: 259200 A_SteamID: STEAM_0:1:129950383 BAN_ID: 9491 Reason: NITRP, 4th arrest BB: Luther SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101739286 Time: 1630120362 Length: 86400 A_SteamID: STEAM_0:0:85114462 BAN_ID: 9675 Reason: NITRP 4th Arrest BB Ren SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101739286 Time: 1630214334 Length: 86400 A_SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45142583 BAN_ID: 9681 Reason: NITRP | BB: Void SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101739286 Time: 1630798460 Length: 86400 A_SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54134076 BAN_ID: 9702 Reason: NITRP Multiple bans [Joker Beatbox] - BB Guac SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101739286 Time: 1633227301 Length: 259200 A_SteamID: STEAM_0:0:180837896 BAN_ID: 9868 Reason: Reason: NITRP BB: Kortnul SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101739286 Time: 1633568071 Length: 259200 A_SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92075356 BAN_ID: 9926 Reason: NITRP BB. Baba SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101739286 Time: 1633990456 Length: 43200 A_SteamID: STEAM_0:0:555970102 BAN_ID: 9949 Reason: NITRP BB: Turtle SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101739286 Time: 1634421416 Length: 86400 A_SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99149114 BAN_ID: 9968 whoops misclick
    2 points
  10. @Sock Monkey @WoenyWho the hell is this guy?
    2 points
  11. I am going to -1 this app. While I don’t dislike you personally, I don’t feel like you are fit to be the next Bacara. 1. GMACTS While you did have a major part time n rebuilding GMACTs, the basis for these changes were laid FAR BEFORE you joined the Battalion. Originally it was Matra and myself who fought for the revival of GMACTs. Most of the work done was on the second dupe, we reused two old gmact dupes for gmact one and three. The new documents were indeed largely written by myself and you, but instead of consulting with anyone else involved in rebuilding gmacts you took executive action to design and rewrite the documents. You stated on multiple occasions that you would just “redesign them” if we made changes. The groundwork for this training was also already finished, it was shelved over the uncertainty over the future of the 21stNC job with the new models. 2. ARF. I will tell you the same thing I told Bitter when he first became SpecReg, as long as SO is in 21st this is a massive waste of time. 21st gets five ARF slots in a sub unit based around Stealth, Infiltration, and recon. You essentially want to waste time and resources on fixing something that isn’t broken. SO Leadership is completely capable of running ARF, there is no need to instate a lead and further complicate the command structure of 21st without a good reason. 21st has larger issues to worry about, largely with activity and encouraging NCO hosted entertainment, which you are not addressing. 3. RegO. Your “strongest” arguments against REGO are “Dennis instituted the role” and “It’s redundant”. It was instituted BECAUSE IT IS A REDUNDANCY. It alleviates the stress of being 21stHC by ensuring the system runs even if the REGL and BCMD are not present, Serves as a proving ground and place of training for the future REGL, and allows eager troopers to show that they can handle authority before they’re handed large responsibilities. They take no authority away from the REGL and serve as a valuable resource for the REGL to draw upon. You have proven time and time again that you simply just do not care enough to understand REGOs in 21st, you disagree with the idea despite its merits and dismiss it without a second thought. In fact, as the most recent REGL, I can confirm that the REGO position has been nothing but positive in 21st. My RegO, Misfit, did nothing but good in his position and made my job 10x easier. 4. Discipline. The last issue 21st had with battlefield discipline was MONTHS before you joined. It was handled appropriately, and hasn’t been an issue since. The only other situation since then was a complex issue being handled by multiple officers and was more a pattern of behavior than any one large/definitive event. Instead of trying to encourage better behavior in said trooper, an active and productive member of 21st, you advocated his removal from the get go. 5. The roster debacle. While all members of 21st appreciate the new roster, you attempted to ram through SEVERAL major structural changes to the battalion unilaterally. You did not consult 21st HC, you did not make a public suggestion, you felt said changes were good decided to sneak them under the current BCMD’s nose.
    1 point
  12. Just thought I'd check in. :D How is everyone?
    1 point
  13. I don't really stream anymore, but I'm doing well! Miss you too. :D You gooood? Yo! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Chambers and I about to tag team staff. Watch your back! xD
    1 point
  14. +1 Back when I was in 104th Palladian was basically who I had in mind for next commander and someone who could possibly replace me due to me having IRL shit going on and I trust paladin can do a good job in the position of Bacara plus he use to kiss me goodnight and smack my ass after every mission we succeeded on
    1 point
  15. I never once said I wanted to bring back the old documents. What I meant was I want to bring to fruition what was discussed at the Officer meeting prior to the wipe such as the more stable HC, a higher focus on the Code of Conduct, and Discipline Officers if we were struggling to control members. True I forgot about this conversation, but that was me wanting to express my opinion. Fair I may have been slightly upset, but I believe what I meant was you wanted to add more to an already crowded roster that I would have had to compress and redesign. But fair. They don't commonly get logged, but it is not my fault for the Officer core not hosting them. However I stand that if this system continues not to work, I have no hesitation to dismantle it and make the standard trooper the GM again. Possibly even making PVT/PFC NC ranks. I don't believe it is my fault that Blackout has not provided you the documents but I know they exist, simply asking him and having him pin them in the either the Senior Officer/Commander/Spec Ops chat is the solution here ARF is the standard job for SO, not the battalion, there is no one stopping someone with ARC to immediately become an SO ARC, or someone with SUP to become SO SUP. Being that, if your argument is SO has Blackout and Jet to watch over ARC/ARF/SUP, then the argument follows that Bacara/XO watch over SUP/HVY/HVO/MED. SO doesn't handle REGs You're entitled to your opinion that a REGO is needed, I just personally feel that people don't want to become Officers and leads of regiments cause REGOs take the tryouts from them. They server a slight use, but it should go REGL, if they're unavailable then CMD, then XO, then BCMD, then after all that, you can set a temporary REGL from the Senior Officer team
    1 point
  16. I had dissapeared from the server for a month after i went into the interview phase, and thus was denied as i did not contact an HA within a week. But this time around, i actually have motivation and ideas for events, and other staff activities
    1 point
  17. Understandable, I'll just defend my case and let you keep your opinion as it is if this doesn't change your mind :) I did put these changes onto the roster, but brought them up over multiple times during DMs, and happily changed them per your request after a little debate. I could understand your opinion, I was just voicing my own. I have added said REGO positions, and if we ever reach more than the limit I put on the roster, I add the required slots. In terms of asking in the officer chat, it's true I did, but I just wanted to ask the Battalions input of it, I felt being more open to people would be for the best. And to the "It's already too far in to change", reviewing DMs between us I don't see messages stating I couldn't make the change. GMACTs are actually being hosted, the problem is that channel isn't used, the officers are running by the basis to host them when a member is appearing. I think the problem you're relating to is there is no mandate been put in by the High Command, as well the Community hasn't been informed GMACT is a public training. I don't quite get what you mean here, I assume you mean you don't understand them. But the problem is that if you haven't personally talked to Blackout about it, that would be worrying, because I sat down with dupe, and ran through it detailed with yourself, Apoc and Bane. This is no callout. I am more than happy to run you through it again but it seems a shoddy system to just let people into SO. Activity wise, yes SO doesn't fantastic with activity, same with KU, this is cause they're the Sub-Units people mostly join the battalion for. I'm not stating having a tryout for ARF, I'm more suggesting creating a Lead for the sense of keeping track of their activity, it's a bit of a tough shit situation if they don't get to do recon, but if they preside on the server, they're a regiment, and a regiment needs Structure and Leadership, regardless if it's the base job. True that is what REGO is designed to do. But I believe if the REGL is struggling, they can always fall back on the BCMD, which I am more than happy to help with, when I was 104th BCMD I acted as REGL for a month and a half happily, even going so far as to help create some documents for those regiments rather than saying "You're [Regiment] now". And throwing much work to the CMD and REGL is a bit of an problem, a REGLs job is interviews, documents and hosting regiment tryouts for regiments that have no Leadership, so I believe it's not much of a task to step up to host some interviews, read some documents and host some 10 minute tryouts during a REGL's absence. I understand that may be conflicting of your command style, but I believe it has a chance to flourish. Feel free to keep your opinion if it doesn't change your mind, or it doesn't exactly make sense, I'm not exactly the best with words through typing
    1 point
  18. @Forseen What's the word boss?
    1 point
  19. +1 He's been doing a lot to help out the 21st since he joined and would make an excellent Bacara. P.S. Chadcara supremacy.
    1 point
  20. I think the biggest issues with roll bonuses in the past was the complexity that came from it. It was hard to tell who had what and some people miss used this. I’m guessing that’s what Hanz is saying in his response. People heard +10 to all and took it to the extreme and abused it. In order to ensure this doesn’t happen I’d like to cut down on the confusion as much as possible and simplify it across the board. Lore characters would still get bonuses to their speciality so wrecked would get his EOD bonus.
    1 point
  21. I don’t believe anyone ever had +10 to detain. To simplify I would be looking to split up roll bonuses into what I see are the 4 groups of EOD/TECH/ENG/MED. something like: medical troopers/consulars?!?!/BH medic Get med bonuses. HVO/EOD sobde get EOD bonuses. I’d keep them job specific inside of regiments. I personally would never give anyone + to detain. All of the above are PvE.
    1 point
  22. Dam, it took 9 months but that plan we made in that meeting we had in January before the wipe is coming true haha. Paladin is very capable, as I eluded to, he was going to run for Bacara before the wipe. He is confident, approachable, active and has the support of the 21st. +1
    1 point
  23. @ForseenWhat's the word boss?
    1 point
  24. +1 Worked with you as XO in 104th. You really helped bring us out of a tough spot and you stayed active your whole term. I think you got this!
    1 point
  25. -1 Someones gonna come along in a couple monthes and be like no I wanna be Gregor and then spend their term getting kal switched. Its dumb. Theres a simple solution in adding the kal model to the job so everyone has what they want, and the ideal behind "Oh lets remove the models from the job" Are dumb. In saying that you're basically saying m Y o P i N i O n is the correct one and every BCMD will share it after me. If you wanna be kal as bcmd which doesn't make sense to begin with because Null is gone and 10000000000000000 other logical reasons just add the models and keep the other ones instead of taking away rp to add a small portion of rp. Doesn't make sense to me.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. the favoritism is strong with this one
    1 point
  29. This I disagree with, Unless your instantly pinging founders People still message me for tags like @Brooklyn for example, it takes 2 seconds to give them, doesnt bother me one bit the same for @ Director and @ Management and if People are ignoring (and you know they are) please bring it up instead of saying it doesnt matter
    1 point
  30. Steam Name: finn RP Name: major ass or something RP Rank: inactive because i fix people's breaking shit Steam ID: inactive Battalion or squad you are applying for: atk reg Experience: i made 212th great Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: because i'm good with google docs Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: idk about 104th but 2ndac best battalion Availability: CbT nuggies, i'm inactive as fuck Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: too fucking long like fyi Do you have a microphone?: it's pink Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: make google docs good Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: no because i'm already inactive Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: people will ask me if i'm going for atk reg every three months
    1 point
  31. Steam Name: PaladinPlague | Synr.gg RP Name: Paladin RP Rank: Major Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52905577 Battalion or squad you are applying for: 21st BCMD Experience: [Doom’s Unit] PVT-CMD | Intel Deputy Director & ARFL (DEC 2018 - SEP 2019) I joined DU back in Late 2018, immediately I joined ARF at the Rank of CPL, later down the line I attained the position of ARFL where I stayed in it until the end of my time with Doom’s Unit. During my time within the battalion I acted as Intel Deputy Director, flushed out the ARF regiment, assisted in the creation of Havoc Squad and rose up to the rank of Commander. During my time in DU I learnt everything that since this is a game, people are here to have fun, I developed my way of commanding around that to trust my troopers in their abilities and give orders that could be openly interpreted. Once my time within the battalion was finished I left the server for a year due to personal issues. [21st Nova Corps->Galactic Marines->Spec-Ops] PVT - CPT | Intel, ARFL & Spec Ops (NOV 2020 - JAN 2021) Once I returned to the server back in November 2020, I joined 21st as a Spec Ops ARF where I later became their ARFL. During that time I helped with creating new Spec Ops Documents, brought many members into the battalion, helped write the UT-AT Training documents and earned the rank of CPT. During this I proved myself to many other Battalions with my commanding skills that earned many shoutouts from BCMDs. When I ran any kind of trainings I always made sure that honesty was an important thing, when someone was obviously lying or caught lying about doing something to take credit, I would punish them accordingly. After the High Command Left, I and a few Captains were left in charge of the battalion to deal with it’s ever increasing negative reputation and discover ways to improve that, such as Discipline officers and before it’s eventual wipe. [212th->2ndAC->Parjai] 2ndLT - CPT | SUPO & 2ndACS (FEB - MAR 2021) After bouncing from Battalion to Battalion I later made my home at 212th, joining the 2ndAC and proving myself for the Parjai squad as Parjai-Four. During my time in the battalion I proved myself to go for the position of Support Officer and earn the position of 2ndAC Sergeant by running constant SUP related trainings such as ENG, PLT, AT-TE or TX-130. I helped in recruiting many people into 2ndAC and assisting with Parjai Tryouts when I could. [104th->Wolfpack | Warthog -> Wolffe] 2ndLT - BCMD | Intel Director, SUPL, WPL (MAR - AUG 2021) After I left 212th I went over to the 104th to assist them with their Support core. I was waived for the position of Warthog by the BCMD at the time so that I could flesh out the Support troopers and assist the main problems within the battalion, so I got to work on a Support tryout and bringing members into the Regiment. After a while in the battalion I rose my rank up to Commander and was entrusted to run the battalion after the BCMD resigned. As Wolffe I had massive intentions of fixing issues within the battalion, from creating new TX/AT-TE documents, upping the battalion’s Activity, having a piercing target on Regiments and increasing the frequency of trainings. During my time I managed to in my opinion complete most of them, The battalions activity rose thanks to the presence of an Active BCMD and XO, Trainings started being attended after showing examples of trainings that interested people, regimental positions were filled & regiments rose in numbers, and the new TX/AT-TE documents were more efficient & up to date. During my time commanding the battalion there were many struggles such as people struggling to adapt to new ways, creating new/creative ways to entice people to come onto the server and putting people I trust into the correct positions, but I still managed to surpass these problems. To take a lesson from it, no matter what I wanted to complete, I didn’t let anything stop me from achieving it. Other Positions Held Trainer Manager, Head Admin, Brute/Guardian Manager/Lead, 41st Buzz, Alpha-66 Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I’ve seen how the 21st runs before the January wipe, and how it runs after the wipe. The new 21st isn’t the best, but it gets some things right, and I have my way of envisioning a mix of both these structures, into one of the best. In terms of full on experience, I’ve been Battalion Commander for the 104th where I structured Recruitment, Discipline and training for my time as Wolffe. I’ve been a Commander in Doom’s Unit, I’ve created many documents for many different battalions that most are still used to my knowledge. I have already put in some of my new changes to the battalion from new Rosters, helped create the updated GMACT system, assisting Spec Ops with the development of their new tryouts, dupes & trainings, and overall giving the 21st a new coat of paint and I want to keep bringing things that worked in 2020 21st (The stuff that was discussed by the officer core before the wipe, the stuff that is in my app below), things that worked in present 21st and ideas that I’ve seen work in my time in other battalions. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes Availability: (University may conflict with activity until December) Monday - Friday: 6am - 6pm (Excluding Thursdays) Thursday : Discord only Saturday & Sunday: 6am - 7pm EST Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: December 2018 - [Present] 3648 Hours Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Discipline - 21st is one of the battalions that prioritizes being disciplined during events, and being stable outside of events, it’s why we have the CoC (Code of Conduct), meaning if someone breaks our CoC then we deal with that personally. But recently the CoC has gone unnoticed, I don’t want to start a iron fist rule of things, but it would be nice if 21st returned to its roots of following this structure. I understand people like to have fun outside of events, but as long as they are doing no harm to others or breaking server rules, then I find no judgement of what they do. Activity - Activity is highly based off if the commander+ team are coming onto the server, this hurts activity if the team goes on LOA. I want to set out a system that will allow members of the battalion to keep themselves busy, entertained and well known on the server. Be that improving the rewarding of completing activities, or encouraging proving themselves to other members of Battalions to provide shout outs & recommendations. Stable Command - One of the things needed in the battalion is a Solid Foundation of High Command, people that know what they’re doing and don’t hesitate to step up in the BCMD’s absence. I want to set out a High Command of people that personally I think can keep the Battalion running, know the inner workings of the whole Battalion and set out people to run the Battalion once the BCMD's term draws to a close. Merit / Requirement Changes - Merits and Requirements are a sketchy system that some people want, and others want gone, rather because I am an EU player this benefits me to know who is doing what. Rather I want to make it that Merits don’t dictate a definite promotion, but instead improve the likelihood. At the same time, because 21st has specialized trainings, requirements should be put into place that someone should be trained for Boarding/GMACT once they attain a certain rank, similar to how RANCORs ARC trainings dictate them getting promoted to SGT. Recruitments - Recruitment is a difficult thing to get on the server as of recent, but it is my hope to have the Battalion on a good track to focus on tryouts. Be that introducing Recruiters of the week, improving on recruitment merits or other methods, it is my objective for the Battalion's member count to flourish. Regiments - The problem with regiments in my eyes is that it is set up poorly: ARF - I hope to work with the REGL and the Spec Ops Leadership to work on the return on ARF Leadership, cause as it stands in 21st, the battalion only allows 5 ARF troopers in the whole battalion and debates the argument that since it is a standard SO job, we must not give it leadership, but allow ARC/SUP leadership to preside. REGO? - This position is highly unneeded and just dumbs down the position of REGL. It should stand that if the REGL is overwhelmed then the BCMD or CMDs should step up and help. It really harms other regiments because members won't go for Officer/Lead positions cause these REGOs are doing the tryouts for them, which takes merit from the leadership of that regiment. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
    0 points
  32. Sorry you forgot a foot Ur 5'8 I'm 6'1 we are not the same
    0 points
  33. This post is artistic
    0 points
  34. 0 points
  35. This suggestion has been ACCEPTED. // LOCKED // MOVED TO FORUM SUGGESTIONS - ACCEPTED But Artistic will no longer be a reaction, unless a new suggestion is made.
    0 points
  36. @SquareWhat’s the word boss.
    0 points
  37. I voted no from a BH perspective. Random BCMDs shouldn't get a +10 when trying to detain someone. Although I do think for actions that are not with others such as EOD, Tech, Med, etc. They should be added back but with PvP interactions they shouldn't have them.
    0 points
  38. Unfortunately your application has been DENIED. For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or a Head Admin. You may re-apply for a staff position after 30 DAYS from this post. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - DENIED
    0 points
  39. After a VERY long conversation with all of Community Leadership, we have come to a compromise and have decided to VOID this suggestion. Thank you all who expressed their opinions! @Jad <3
    0 points
  40. This is not been the first time, I remember tags being wiped like 3 times total in the past 4 months. Also you said not just HA's and Liaisons can give tags, which is true. But HA is kinda the deadline for being able to give tags, it's not like VA's can give tags and anything past HA is too far up the ladder for them to care.
    -1 points
  41. Just a reminder I am 6'2"
    -2 points
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