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Tyzen's Grand Master of the Order Resignation


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Battalion: Jedi Order

RP Name: Grand Master Of The Order Yoda

Date: 8/29/18

Reason: Just super burnt an I think its time that I pass the reins  on to a new person with more ideas on how they want to run the order


@Joah One of my best friends on this server sad to see you go an hand it off to jackson and zim i think they will do wonders with the community. Also FOR THE ALLIANCE 


@SquirtleKitty Ya know we had some good times on the server an we still will if i have the drive to play again as well You are the best ahsoka I've had in a long while keep it up with it. An as well one of my great friends on this server and out of it we will keep those time going :P. Also YOU SOME GAY. (also help she still has me in her basement with joah)

@Jackson @woeny23 You Both were the first people I met on this server an were great mentors when I was working my way up in the 501st an as well in the jedi order Both great friends hoping you two keep kicking and find your way around

@Tybo@thexan @Nightmare The Fan Fic God I'm proud to have you guys as my maces for terms you were all great windus and people.

@Zim It was a great time having you around as Pirate captain Snek it was a good time

@Illium We had some fun times running around with me on your head I hope we can have some more and also you were a great admiral. As well Keep on trucking with everything you do great :P

@Korm Keep doing you man Don't let anyone tell you what to do you were a great kal an as well a good regimental

@Jorrdan You are one of the masters we didn't think you would make it but you did i'm glad you were on my council and as well keep doing you man i appreciate you taking the time to do a 15 YOUNGLING TRIAL AT 8 AT NIGHT.

@ Jedi Council You guys have been the best council i've ever had in any server kept me going for a long time but its time to pass it on

@Lighig As for you I will be keeping an eye on you xd also you will be a great yoda maybe better then me

@WaterMelonWolf Stop being Retarded

An as well to everyone that i couldn't think of in my Goodbyes Thank you all for the good memories it has been a honor being your yoda for this long An I will do one last thing.


Hmm, Do or do not there is no try



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7 minutes ago, Tyzen said:

Battalion: Jedi Order

RP Name: Grand Master Of The Order Yoda

Date: 8/29/18

Reason: Just super burnt an I think its time that I pass the reins  on to a new person with more ideas on how they want to run the order


@Joah One of my best friends on this server sad to see you go an hand it off to jackson and zim i think they will do wonders with the community. Also FOR THE ALLIANCE 


@SquirtleKitty Ya know we had some good times on the server an we still will if i have the drive to play again as well You are the best ahsoka I've had in a long while keep it up with it. An as well one of my great friends on this server and out of it we will keep those time going :P. Also YOU SOME GAY. (also help she still has me in her basement with joah)

@Jackson @woeny23 You Both were the first people I met on this server an were great mentors when I was working my way up in the 501st an as well in the jedi order Both great friends hoping you two keep kicking and find your way around

@Tybo@thexan @Nightmare The Fan Fic God I'm proud to have you guys as my maces for terms you were all great windus and people.

@Zim It was a great time having you around as Pirate captain Snek it was a good time

@Illium We had some fun times running around with me on your head I hope we can have some more and also you were a great admiral. As well Keep on trucking with everything you do great :P

@Korm Keep doing you man Don't let anyone tell you what to do you were a great kal an as well a good regimental

@Jorrdan You are one of the masters we didn't think you would make it but you did i'm glad you were on my council and as well keep doing you man i appreciate you taking the time to do a 15 YOUNGLING TRIAL AT 8 AT NIGHT.

@ Jedi Council You guys have been the best council i've ever had in any server kept me going for a long time but its time to pass it on

@Lighig As for you I will be keeping an eye on you xd also you will be a great yoda maybe better then me

@WaterMelonWolf Stop being Retarded

An as well to everyone that i couldn't think of in my Goodbyes Thank you all for the good memories it has been a honor being your yoda for this long An I will do one last thing.


Hmm, Do or do not there is no try



I'll miss you man especially during TC jedi trials when I beat your ass and called u ass :(

Edited by Lucky
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Tyzen, you more than anyone will always have my respect. In our past on ASG we had some great times, and when you invited me to this community I was skeptical of it because there were no ranked CTs. But I can't thank you enough for bringing me here, as I have made so many amazing friends and I have had such a great time and you're the one I have to thank for all of that. 

I am sad to see you go, but I wish you the best of luck in the future and I hope we can talk every once in awhile.

I leave you with this POT CAT to carry with on your journey.


Convince the next Yoda to let me keep the CT HQ ❤️

Edited by Sock Monkey


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I think we butted heads more then got along but you were an amazing yoda :D 

Edited by Mishue

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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@Tyzen Yeah i'm pretty autist, I remember when you would destroy my self confidence all the time and saying I would never be master. Still don't know how you became Yoda Before I did, we were both Padawans together. 030afadc00ced29a3c896c95372e2eb7.png I don't know how we became friends but I feel like it was the lack of cromies in the domies that brought us to be friends. Come back for the new Map ugly head

"First Yoda on the New Map"


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O7 i know well still be in touch :) welcome to retirement

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I'm not an activist, and I'm not a cynic. I'm just a person who wants to get my message about Grandmaster Tyzen out to the world. Let me get to the crux of the matter: In public, Tyzen vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody's looking, Tyzen never fails to denigrate and discard all of Western culture. It's not necessarily the case, as he maintains, that he possesses an innate, fixed, pure, and essential identity that makes him superior to the rest of us. On the contrary, he wants us to believe that he can override nature. This of course is nonsense without any empirical validity, but Tyzen so vehemently insists that this is the best of all possible worlds and that he is the best of all possible people that this has come to be accepted wisdom, at least by the worst kinds of repugnant lowlifes there are.

We should agree on definitions before saying anything further about Tyzen's swinish prognoses. For starters, let's say that “neopaganism” is “that which makes Tyzen yearn to cause this country to flounder on the shoals of self-interest, corruption, and chaos.” He's on a crusade to get people to use the word “noninterventionalist” instead of “histomorphologically”. You've no doubt noticed that this substitution makes no sense. Tyzen is merely engaging in wordplay in an effort to deflect attention from his maligning and traducing me. I was, however, going to forget about the whole thing when it suddenly occurred to me that a colleague recently informed me that a bunch of adversarial, culturally insensitive trolls and others in Tyzen's amen corner are about to nail people to trees. I have no reason to doubt that story because I like how Tyzen will abrogate some of our most fundamental freedoms. I kid, I kid! Alas, the truth is far grimmer: What Tyzen is doing is not an innocent, recreational sort of thing. It is a criminal activity; it is an immoral activity; it is a socially destructive activity; and it is a profoundly inimical activity.

The first lies that Tyzen told us were relatively benign. Still, they have been progressing. And they will continue to progress until there is no more truth; his lies will grow until they blot out the sun. He acts as if he were King of the World. This hauteur is astonishing, staggering, and mind-boggling. As I've said before, I have often maintained that reasonable people can reasonably disagree. Unfortunately, when dealing with Tyzen and his famuli, that claim assumes facts not in evidence. So let me claim instead that of all of Tyzen's exaggerations and incorrect comparisons, one in particular stands out: “Human life is expendable.” I don't know where he came up with this, but his statement is dead wrong. Grandmaster Tyzen deserves whatever measures it takes to quench his sanctimonious lies. There; my ranting is finished.

(Memes never die, and neither will this man.)

Edited by Thexan
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2 hours ago, Thexan said:

I'm not an activist, and I'm not a cynic. I'm just a person who wants to get my message about Grandmaster Tyzen out to the world. Let me get to the crux of the matter: In public, Tyzen vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody's looking, Tyzen never fails to denigrate and discard all of Western culture. It's not necessarily the case, as he maintains, that he possesses an innate, fixed, pure, and essential identity that makes him superior to the rest of us. On the contrary, he wants us to believe that he can override nature. This of course is nonsense without any empirical validity, but Tyzen so vehemently insists that this is the best of all possible worlds and that he is the best of all possible people that this has come to be accepted wisdom, at least by the worst kinds of repugnant lowlifes there are.

We should agree on definitions before saying anything further about Tyzen's swinish prognoses. For starters, let's say that “neopaganism” is “that which makes Tyzen yearn to cause this country to flounder on the shoals of self-interest, corruption, and chaos.” He's on a crusade to get people to use the word “noninterventionalist” instead of “histomorphologically”. You've no doubt noticed that this substitution makes no sense. Tyzen is merely engaging in wordplay in an effort to deflect attention from his maligning and traducing me. I was, however, going to forget about the whole thing when it suddenly occurred to me that a colleague recently informed me that a bunch of adversarial, culturally insensitive trolls and others in Tyzen's amen corner are about to nail people to trees. I have no reason to doubt that story because I like how Tyzen will abrogate some of our most fundamental freedoms. I kid, I kid! Alas, the truth is far grimmer: What Tyzen is doing is not an innocent, recreational sort of thing. It is a criminal activity; it is an immoral activity; it is a socially destructive activity; and it is a profoundly inimical activity.

The first lies that Tyzen told us were relatively benign. Still, they have been progressing. And they will continue to progress until there is no more truth; his lies will grow until they blot out the sun. He acts as if he were King of the World. This hauteur is astonishing, staggering, and mind-boggling. As I've said before, I have often maintained that reasonable people can reasonably disagree. Unfortunately, when dealing with Tyzen and his famuli, that claim assumes facts not in evidence. So let me claim instead that of all of Tyzen's exaggerations and incorrect comparisons, one in particular stands out: “Human life is expendable.” I don't know where he came up with this, but his statement is dead wrong. Grandmaster Tyzen deserves whatever measures it takes to quench his sanctimonious lies. There; my ranting is finished.

(Memes never die, and neither will this man.)


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Ngl when I didn't talk to you I thought you was a fucking cunt. LOL

Then I started to interact with you more, talk to you and you're chill. You did a lot for the order and I respect that. You put me up for master and that's something. You're a good leader and you put your foot down when needed.


Best of luck out there in the real world.



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I was the best mace ever even though everyone targeted and told me they remind them of their son,  you stood up for me, also your not the best Yoda PJ was


also, I'm coming out and saying I'm a black slave 

Edited by Nightmare The Latina Man
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On 8/29/2018 at 5:04 PM, Tyzen said:

You are the best ahsoka I've had in a long while

Even Tyzen still knows who is #1 Ahsoka


Anyway, you had a great run bud. We used to have a bunch of disagreements when you were Atin, then you become big bOi yoda and was an absolute lad, and hands down the best Yoda that there was.

enjoy retirement. its much better.

Edited by Washington
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