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Square's S&S Senior Brigade Commander Application


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==========[ SOBDE & Specialized Senior Commander ]==========

Steam Name:

[SR] Square [OVS]


RP Name:

Spec Reg CMD Square | Padme Amidala 


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): 



Brigade you are applying for:

SOBDE & Specialized



Despite having some experience on Icefuse a while back, I feel that most of it resides on Synergy.

Synergy Experience:

Specialized Regimental commander 

104th Enlisted - Commander which began when the server first came out

Senator Lux Bonteri 

Senator Padme Amidala


Why should you become a Senior Commander?:

I wish to become a Senior Commander because through my experience as a regimental I have learned how important it is to have that position filled. For a lot of my term I had no senior commander and I had to tackle a lot of problems and situations alone instead of having someone that was there right above me to help. Although this proved to make my job a little more difficult it did help me improve myself as a whole and allow me to gain more experience. Once Jayarr got the rank of senior it seemed as if everything flowed a lot smoother. I was able to get another opinion on certain matters and assistance with handling situations. I feel that I can also be that kind of person who is there to support and manage the two regimental commanders in SOBDE and Specialized. I have gotten the privilege to get to know and make friends with many people in the specialized battalions as well as some in SOBDE over the past couple of months. All in all, I believe that I can effectively carry out the duties and responsibilities that this position that this position holds.

Do you understand the lore of your brigade?:

Yes I understand the lore of all Specialized and SOBDE Battalions/Units/Squads


Classes will be starting up again in about a week so I will be at school for around 3-4 hours on weekdays. In terms of work my schedule changes all the time. I usually have 4 check ins that I have to do which usually last around 2 hours but when scheduled on weekends they may take 3 hours or even more. Despite this, I usually spend the rest of my free time in game and in teamspeak when I am at my house. The only time I take an LOA is if I know that I will be gone for a period of time longer than 2 days which would mean that I am out of town either for work or vacation related. If I am ever away from my computer I almost always have my phone on hand and can be contacted via discord. I also have the teamspeak app so I can get on my phone to talk if something comes up.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

(Shortened version in case you didn't want to read the more descriptive one below this)

Synergy Administrative Team: New Admin - Admin - Vet Admin - Senior Admin - Vet Admin - Overseer

In Character Ranks: 104th Enlisted - Commander, Specialized Regimental Commander

Senators: Senator Lux Bonteri, Senator Padme Amidala

Training Program: Trainer - Trainer Officer - Trainer Manager

Game Master Program: Game Master

(^Same thing as above just some more detail behind it^)

In terms of in game rank, my achievements are making my way up to the commander position in the 104th, throughout this process I worked to help improve the battalion until eventually I thought it was time for someone to take my place. From here I got the position of Regimental Commander for all Specialized battalion which was the first high command position that I had ever held on synergy or icefuse. This position taught me a lot of new things and I feel that it made me a better leader and manager which is experience that I can retain in the future and even progress it more. When looking at synergy's staff program, I made the decision to apply about two weeks or so after I started playing. My journey as a staff member has really presented myself with new solutions to problems and as well as my Regimental Commander rank, really improved my day to day interaction skills with people and how to deal with different types of them. Just like everyone else that had just applied for the staff team I started at the rank of New Admin and after a about a month of training and taking tickets I got my promotion to admin. One of my main motives in the staff team was originally to be able to build and provide sims for the battalion I was in and even other ones, but that all changed when I realized how much fun I was actually having doing the staff work itself and helping people on the server. After putting in some more time and work into the server I got my promotion to Vet Admin which I was able to hold proudly for a while until all but four of the VA's went down to Senior Admin when this new rank was created. This event did make me a little upset but I didn't let that hold me down and would constantly put in more work until I achieved the rank of Vet Admin again. I believe it was about 3 weeks after achieving the rank that I progressed into a high staff position of Overseer which is where I remain to this day. The first branch that I joined was the training branch. For some reason I always had fun whenever I was training a new player because I knew the possibilities of what they could be and become on the server were endless. In the training program I was able to pass the TRO exam which gave me a new title of Trainer officer where I resided for a very long time. Probably about a month ago or a little less, I progressed from this position into a trainer manager spot where I am still at today. For the Game Master branch, this is one I joined a little late. I didn't join the Game Master branch until a little before the new map came out. I have always loved doing events and I always try to do them when I can but I really dedicated myself to the trainer program and other things like my staff duties which makes it hard for me to really stand out and put a lot of work into the game master program. Some of the most fun experiences that I have had in terms of RP is defiantly on my Senator job. Back on the old map I attended tryouts for the Lux Bonteri position when he first came out. Once the new map came out the Padme Amidala slot freed up and I don't know why but I really wanted to switch over and because of my dedication to the role I was granted to.       

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?:

I would really like to see the brigade running as smoothly and efficiently as it can. For specialized this would mean each battalion is maintaining healthy and steady numbers on the server and has good leadership in the positions that they deserve. For SOBDE their few positions would be filled with dedicated players who can enforce the seriousness their position entails and continue on the legacy of RC/NULL's elite status that Star Wars lore gives them. Another thing that I really want to see is the two regiments working together a lot more. I believe that this interaction between the two regiments will be healthy for the brigade as a whole. Overall, I want Specialized and SOBDE to be good contributors to the server in terms of maintaining serious rp, activity, skill, and overall fun experiences for all players.  

How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:

Improving relationship between the two regiments in the brigade can be accomplished in many ways. One of which could be more deployments which involve null/rc and specialized battalions fighting together side by side so they can have more communication and really work together to accomplish their objectives. I also believe that the squads in SOBDE have a lot to offer and teach in terms of PVP, RP, and other tactics. These things can be brought to those in the specialized regiment as well who might struggle or want more assistance so they can improve their experience on the server and make the regiment more elite.  

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?:



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Neutral, although personally I like you I talked with some of the former battalions members under me during my term and asked them how they liked you so far. The feedback was ight but a decent amount told me they were unsatisfied with your performance. Best of luck though.

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+1 You're easy to approach no matter what, fun guy to be around and knows when to get serious. Easily hands down the man to go the distance.

RC 39 Foxtrot LEADER Gregor

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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-1 I don't feel that you actually did anything with the Regiments you are in charge of now . i rarely saw you talk to CG the only time i remeber you doing anything with CG was when you wanted to Blacklist Xaze 

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@DexGunz I never tried to blacklist Xaze from CG... It was simply people misunderstanding things that were being said.

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GM Leadership

Eh Don't know you too much but hey +1, You did not kill Specialized yet so go on.



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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