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Duck's 2nd SPEC/SOBDE Senior Term Application


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Do note I am color coding my Application to certain things. So Do look at the code as depending on the type of person you are when it comes to apps then it can atleast help give you a TLDR. (Only section that doesn't follow this is availability.)
Red: Important Would highly suggest Reading

Green: Semi-Important, read if you have down time
Blue: Its not really important, read if you have nothing better to do in life(Much like myself :()


Steam Name:


RP Name:

   Senior Commander Armand Isard/Arligan Zey/ Names go on.

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Brigade you are applying for:

    Specialized-Spec Ops Brigade


As I stated before on my previous applications, I typically hate writing a lot in the experience section, but seeing as this is the 3rd highest RP rank I feel as though I'm required to write a little bit more than I did before.

91st Major:

Although I only made it up to Major within the 91st back in November of last year, I feel as though I learned a lot about leading from 91st. It was during this time I learned from the Commander at the time,Zander, how to run a battalion so that you keep people interested. Such as running extra trainings, PT or just any kind of generally fuckery. I learned from Zander that if you want to keep a alive and well kicking battalion then you shouldn't worry about tryouts first instead you should worry about what you do with your new members AFTER tryouts. I also feel as though 91st help me get a feel for what the other battalions in specialized do, because I often found myself talking to the other battalions alot like talking to Sparks or especially Fizzik when he was redoing Rancor to what it is today.

However, 91st was removed from my Brigade, I still feel this experience help set me up for leading overall instead of just leading "Recon" battalions. Thus is why I still decided to leave them in my mention for my experience


Sentinel Leader:

I’m guessing most of the people who know me were expecting me to put Windu here instead, but I feel although SL actually has helped me more. When I became Sentinel Leader this was the first time I ever really got the sense of how a battalion should run, how much structure is needed for a battalion, and last of all I learned how much the branch(which is almost like a battalion) depends not only on the leader but also on the people that the leader puts into position to help him run the battalion(as they will be the ones seen on the server more than the leader, The leader is more of there to put together and holding together the structure.)


Foxtrot Tech Trooper Harrison:

Now you probably going wtf, how is a trooper spot anywhere near experience for a Senior. I feel although as this spot gave me experience not because I was an RC member but instead because I was under mereel. Mereel showed me why Trainings were important for a battalion, before then I always thought it was some random bullshit to fill the time, but after being under Mereel I learned that training helps improve relations with other people and teach you how to work with them. I also believe trainings help you get a feel of how a battalion runs shit while also helping a battalion improve their relations with other battalions. Ex: Rancor with their ARC Trainings.


Aiwha Squad Leader:

Now holy shit, this position taught me patience. Through this position, I ran 14 total tryouts before I got my first member. Throughout this time I had people telling me “Just make them easier, just give it to someone already” in which I ignored. I felt that a commander should stay true to what they believe and no crack under pressure because the “process is taking too long”


RC Regimental Ponds and Kal Skirata:

Now I'm putting both of these in the same paragraph as I wasn’t Ponds for long and I also feel both positions were and are almost the same thing. As Ponds and Kal I more of tried to let the people under me run the things how they want to run things and more of acted as an advisor only chipping in my opinion when it was needed.Do note that although I have acted as an advisor I have and will put my foot down when needed, as although I let them run it how they want to run it I put a structure in place. If they begin to tear down that structure such as trying to let people get in easier, that's when I put my foot down as I said before a Commanders should not crack under pressure.


SOBDE Regimental CMD Breaker:

As breaker, I didnt do much. However that may sound "bad" however it was not. Infact it was what the regiment preferred. As RC/Null were self sufficient and SC didnt much help at the time. Instead during my time as Breaker, I would normally just hop in and chat with the lads.However I still got serious when it came to be, such as a RC/Null fucking up and potentially harming all of RC/Null Reputation.


Senior Commander Arligan Zey/ Armand Isard/(Names go On. Cant fully remember all of them)

As senior commander, many may have the assumption "I didn't do anything" however this isn't true. Although I didn't run trainings there was a major reason for that, this was due to the last time I ran "Mandatory trainings" it was met with heavy backlash. So I kinda of decided against the whole thing. As although people complain about someone not doing trainings, the same people also complain about having to go to training. So thus is why I more of did things behind the scenes. Many may think I didn't know at all what was going on in battalions however I did. I would often keep updated with battalions and when a problem arised I would fix it as fast I could, while also bringing to the people above me such as @Max,@Core(And recently @Gene_Starwind However, due to gene just recently getting marshal I've only been able to talk to him about RM)

I'm normally so involved with the back-scenes so I will list some of the things I have worked on helping fixing, But do note all this will be just "my word" and will only have few people able to back it up. So do take everything I say with a bit of "Salt"


  • Starting off Core and I went in and attempted to help 91st when it went through its crisis in December. We implemented multiple officers who could help the structure and recruiting(However I have heard that 91st may be going through another crisis right now. Which is sad, As I do not oversee them anymore)
  • I also stepped in and gave my advice when there was a 327th Vs Rancor Problem(although it was pretty small and short lived problem)
  • Recently there was also a RM Document problem, in which I stepped into. The problem more or less, was that they were outdated by almost a week and they had very few officers to actually work on the doc(Only Joah was the only officer able to edit it, due to the BCMD thinking only Joah could give out edit access)

    Recently I also have attempted to make meeting with the "New" commanders after they have been in there position for a week- 2 weeks so that I could see if there is any help they need due to them pretty fresh to the Commander scene.


    Why should you become a Senior Commander?:

I believe I should be Senior Commander due to the fact I have the experience of knowing how to solve most problems when they arise. When ever a battalion Commander has a problem and they bring it up to me, I normally am able to bring up suggestions for the individual to fix themselves. However there are also times I cant wait for the Battalion Commander to wait to come to me as the problem has gotten really bad. Overall I feel as though I've have met and do meet the role of Senior Commander of being more of a "Advisor" to the battalion commanders so that they can come to me and get help with any problem if they themselves do not know how to solve it. However I do believe I also have just been a "Advisor" I also have been checking in on them in making sure they are doing all they should be. Ex:Keeping docs updated(As docs are one of the most important things, due to it essentially telling you Whos in your battalion).


    Do you understand the lore of your brigade?:

I feel I am proficient in most of the battalions lore. There are few that I do believe I need to study up on a little more. That being GM and CG. Due to the fact they were not originally here when I first applied.


Due to school, I'm not as available as I used to be but I can still be semi-active

The times go as listed below


6:30 PM-2 AM EST


6:30 PM-2 AM EST


6:00 PM-2 AM EST


6:00 PM-2 AM EST


6:30 PM-5 AM EST.

Saturday(On this day More than Often I will go and hang out with my brothers for about 2.5 Hours. The time is often random):

4:00 PM-3 AM EST


4:00 PM-12 AM EST


    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

  • Setting a structure with Dragon and all the other Original Null for future null to come. I feel as though all of the original null set a standard for all the future null to come and how it is supposed to be ran.Ex: Nulls are ran like a brotherhood, their are only two superiors when it comes to Null, Kal and Ordo other than them all the nulls are suppose to treat each other with respect and work together instead of ordering each other around.
  • Pushing towards null having better relations with Rancor. For the first couple months, I attempted to form good relations with Rancor as I felt it was only reasonable as null are ARC troopers anyways. I event went as far as giving colt the permission to command around any Null(except for ordo),with certain limitations, as he wishes
  • At the current moment still in the process of getting every single tryout doc on Roster thus Null can Run Training's for multiple specializations
  • the pushing towards the implement of SOBDE. Sentence pretty much explains it self. SOBDE was a idea that came due to CG being removed from the senior commander.
  • Helping create a more organized training system since ION team was added.(However, The trainings were eventually removed and given to Galactic Marines)
    Helping setting a structure for 91st(However, this did eventually fall down, due to alot of the members who were brought in leaving due to them thinking the problems were "Solved")
  • Helping make sure there was a way keep the RM Docs Up to date after being out of date for almost week.



    Do you have a microphone?:



    Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?:

This is a really tricky question in my opinion. As it stands right now most Battalions under SOBDE and SPEC are doing fine. However at the End of my term I want to help @Gene_Starwind implement more of a serious Attitude into server. I also want to see RM continue to strive as it is right now. Due to them being a very new battalion.
However a very brief  TLDR of what I want my brigade to be at the end of my term is this

RC/Null: A more serious aspect, as they are seen a little mingy now.
Dooms Unit: Less numbers due to them being a "Unit"
104th: They are doing majorly better than they have in the past. I want to help ensure that they keep up there numbers and dont sink back down to where they were few months ago.
RM: They are really new so there numbers are small, so I want to help them fix on that. I also want to help them get a better structure for Battalion Medics.
GM: Honestly GM are doing fine. I want them to kind of stay where they are now. Serious RP with alot of Trainings (While keeping a decently massive number of troops)
CG: I want to have CG help Gene with his plan to make the server more "Serious RP". While also making sure they arent too "Anal" with the arrests.

    How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:

Most relations in the battalion are already fine, even to the point where you see some of the battalions hosting trainings together (Ex: RM and CG)

however there is a major communication problem between RC and DU which I wish to improve upon by having them participate in events more, and having more DU officers come hang out with RC, so that RC can get out of there "Little box".

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

I'm going to say yes, However I will bet someone will quote this going "Good Joke". Which I still will argue that although there are times in which I cant get in-game "Due to life" I am still on TS and running things behind the scenes.


Do you understand that your position has a two-month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:





Edited by Duck
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I've talked to Duck a lot about stuff; he might not be the most active person but he definitely puts his shit in to ensure specialized (at least) is not getting beaned

+1, could stand to be a bit more active <3


Edited by Faoeoa
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You haven't said a word to me since I've been Doom, and you're supposed to be giving me advise and telling me where you want my battalion to be at the next week that you see me. I don't think we've ever even had a conversation, instead you send Gene or Jayarr to talk to me instead. Not a single person in our battalion other than me even knew that we had a senior commander. Sorry, but you just haven't helped me at all so far as our senior commander.

2 hours ago, Duck said:

Dooms Unit: Less numbers due to them being a "Unit"

If you were actively conversing with us, you would know that we are already at around 43 members at this time; in actual military terms, Units are around 80-150. I wish you would just come talk to me/us instead of having to run it through Gene or Jayarr first.


In my opinion, you haven't done anything for Dooms Unit since I've been on this server, and so I don't think you should be in charge of our battalion. Other battalions may disagree, but just because you have experience doesn't mean you are doing a good job.


P.S. Not trying to attack you, as I don't really know you or how the battalions see you due to a complete lack of communication, but from what I can tell it just seems like you have been a higher-up before, and therefore, feel you are entitled to this position.

2 hours ago, Duck said:

Overall I feel as though I've have met and do meet the role of Senior Commander of being more of a "Advisor" to the battalion commanders so that they can come to me and get help with any problem if they themselves do not know how to solve it.

I didn't know who you were at all during Jayarr's term and this is still true during my term as Doom so far. From what I can tell, the Marshall Commander is picking up your job on top of his.

Due to those reasons, I have no choice but to give a 


               -BCMD Doom | Deadly

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18 minutes ago, Deadly said:

You haven't said a word to me since I've been Doom, and you're supposed to be giving me advise and telling me where you want my battalion to be at the next week that you see me. I don't think we've ever even had a conversation, instead you send Gene or Jayarr to talk to me instead. Not a single person in our battalion other than me even knew that we had a senior commander. Sorry, but you just haven't helped me at all so far as our senior commander.

If you were actively conversing with us, you would know that we are already at around 43 members at this time; in actual military terms, Units are around 80-150. I wish you would just come talk to me/us instead of having to run it through Gene or Jayarr first.


In my opinion, you haven't done anything for Dooms Unit since I've been on this server, and so I don't think you should be in charge of our battalion. Other battalions may disagree, but just because you have experience doesn't mean you are doing a good job.


P.S. Not trying to attack you, as I don't really know you or how the battalions see you due to a complete lack of communication, but from what I can tell it just seems like you have been a higher-up before, and therefore, feel you are entitled to this position.

I didn't know who you were at all during Jayarr's term and this is still true during my term as Doom so far. From what I can tell, the Marshall Commander is picking up your job on top of his.

Due to those reasons, I have no choice but to give a 


               -BCMD Doom | Deadly

So I normally go point by point on other peoples posts so I shall do the same here.

You just got DU On Tuesday. I normally wait a little before I talk to the BCMD.(To let them get comfortable). The only time I havent done this was when I asked to speak with Wolffe/black, due to the tensions already being high with me and their previous BCMD(And kinda their whole battalion).  Also during @Jayarr's Term we did speak however light it was. In fact I did join the channel even sometimes just amazed when there was 23 People at time, actually complimenting Jayarr on changing it from 0-23(Which wasnt really liked by many but those numbers were needed AT FIRST)

Also you were not at "43" numbers until recently(Which you just gloated about 20 minutes ago in OOC, so this is very recent. So why you gloat like it has been 4 days makes me confused.) and also do not use "In actual military terms around 80-150". Cause guess what, if its 80-150 in actual military terms it more often than not needs to be 20% of that number. Cause we cant do the actual Term.Ex: That why battalions do not have the Thousands in which they should in military terms.

Also I do not send @Gene_Starwind or @Jayarr or @Core Or anyone else you want to mention to "talk to you" for me. The only time I have someone go talk to someone else for me is when I'm scheduling a meeting. If I really didn't want to talk to you through voice, I would still at least to do it through chat.

(Also if I were to have Jayarr talk to you, that honestly would not be wrong of me due to the fact he is your Reg. He should be more up in your face than myself.)

I will admit I talk to @Gene_Starwind and @Jayarr about the status. however it is just talk between the higher ups about how they are doing. Ex: "Yeah deadly did say he was going to work on making the tryouts harder so the numbers go down.". It is never full out talk of "YEAH HE NEEDS TO DO IT THIS WAY."No if I were to have that type of conversation I would come to you afterword. Don't trust me? Ask @Turbine about this. @Gene_Starwind and I had a conversation about Turbine, in which points were brought up. So I had a conversation with Turbine as soon as I could.

Edited by Duck
Grammar Mistakes
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22 minutes ago, Deadly said:

You haven't said a word to me since I've been Doom, and you're supposed to be giving me advise and telling me where you want my battalion to be at the next week that you see me. I don't think we've ever even had a conversation, instead you send Gene or Jayarr to talk to me instead. Not a single person in our battalion other than me even knew that we had a senior commander. Sorry, but you just haven't helped me at all so far as our senior commander.

If you were actively conversing with us, you would know that we are already at around 43 members at this time; in actual military terms, Units are around 80-150. I wish you would just come talk to me/us instead of having to run it through Gene or Jayarr first.


In my opinion, you haven't done anything for Dooms Unit since I've been on this server, and so I don't think you should be in charge of our battalion. Other battalions may disagree, but just because you have experience doesn't mean you are doing a good job.


P.S. Not trying to attack you, as I don't really know you or how the battalions see you due to a complete lack of communication, but from what I can tell it just seems like you have been a higher-up before, and therefore, feel you are entitled to this position.

I didn't know who you were at all during Jayarr's term and this is still true during my term as Doom so far. From what I can tell, the Marshall Commander is picking up your job on top of his.

Due to those reasons, I have no choice but to give a 


               -BCMD Doom | Deadly

He's your senior commander, not your baby sitter. His job is to make sure the Reg is doing his job properly and to help the Reg where needed and from time to time, when needed he'd to step in. Regardless DU seems to have been well off before you took command and still under your command they look to be doing just fine. However I'll admit that in the middle of his term he was a bit shaky with activity he has definitely picked up on it recently.

Edited by Vires
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On 2/11/2018 at 1:57 PM, Duck said:

I'm going to say yes, However I will bet someone will quote this going "Good Joke". Which I still will argue that although there are times in which I cant get in-game "Due to life" I am still on TS and running things behind the scenes.

Good Joke











+1In all seriousness, Duck is a great leader. He may not have had the best activitey, but he knows how to lead, and lead well. He follows a similar doctrine to me, and we take this as an Advisory role, and are able to provide great advice to the people be low us. He managed to help the 91st not completely die, and is trying to rebuild his activity. I believed this man should've been given a second chance and he was, and now I feel that I can confidently support him again.

I remain,

                   Attack & Recon Senior Commander Washington

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+1 just up the actively a bit 



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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