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Cmo's Grand Master of the Order Yoda


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==========[ Grand Master of the Order ]==========

Steam Name: Cmo4740


RP Name: Grand Master of the Order Yoda


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:161869846



Outside the Order:

101st Captain- I was only a 101st for a couple of months, under BCMD Forge. During this time, the expectations of me, was to help new players transition into Battalions on the server.  I learned how to deal with a lot of different players during this time.  Though a Captain role might not seem like much work, in the 101st it was a lot of effort.  I learned to give people benefit of the doubt, and how to work with people that are Mingy.  I helped a lot of people while in this position, to get into the battalions they were interested in.  Also teach the basics of being a clone, and start the foundation of a new player to succeed on this server.

187th Commander-  My first battalion I ever joined (while on Icefuse then transitioned over to Synergy).  I worked from the bottom, on up in this battalion.  Here I learned how to host a tryout, lead people in events, and how to manage a Battalion.  During my time in 187th, I had a lot of different roles.  Starting from Sharpshooter Lead, then to Jet Trooper Lead, last Heavy Lead.  I was also part of first ARC trained for this battalion.  ARC was responsible for Scout Troopers, and selection of new ARC.  These positions, included creating tryouts, managing docs, hosting tryouts, and giving orders to the people under my command.  I have led the 187th in events, in this position, and over saw lower ranking officers lead the Battalion in events.  Created Sims for the battalion, and ran sims for training and evaluations.

91st CPL- Before the mass exodus to Synergy, there was a time on Icefuse were there was two servers.  During this time, you could have a clone on both servers, in different Battalions.  On the planet side, I joined the 91st.  As I was already a XO on the Venator in 187th, so I could not become an officer in 91st.  I was offered a high NCO position, but turned it down, as not to affect the balance in 91st at the time.  My time here was spent as a grunt in events.  But while in the teamspeak, I like to think I help mentor some of the officers.  I gave my opinions on some matters, but had no real decision-making role.  I enjoyed my time working with Thexan, and his XOs at the time.  They taught me some things, that I could try in the 187th, and I gave them ideas for improvements in the 91st.  But overall, my time in the 91st was cut short due to issues within the Community, and the creation of Synergy Roleplay.

Vet Admin- As a Vet Admin, I got to give back to the community, that was given me over 1000 hours of entertainment.  This experience taught me how to help others out with issues.  Also, how to deal with people that are toxic to this community.  I have built multiple dupes, and used them for different things.  I have built dupes for a lot of different Jedi Trials, and have been health setter for different occasions on the server.  I have also helped with white listings, not only for tickets, but for trials within the order.  I was also able to help spectate on trials which allows the trial to run more smoothly.  The biggest lesson I learned from Vet Admin, was to allow things to be handled in RP first, if available.  Also, to not rush to conclusions.  I have given training to new admins as well.  Now I am Senior Admin, as my activity fell with staff upon receiving Yoda position. 

TR- Once Synergy became a thing, I knew I wanted to start giving back to the community.  Something that was always on my mind on Icefuse, but never pulled the trigger on.  I also wanted to be apart of the training program from the start, as I had experience as an XO.  As a trainer, it is their duty to train newcomers to the server.  A simple task, that hardly is simple.  I got to train a lot of newcomers that became long lasting members of this community, and also newcomers that didn’t last 10 sec after training was complete.  This gave me even more experience with working with others, and become more efficient at training. Even when they didn’t want to listen.

Within the Order:

Temple Guard Manager-  I became a TGM under Bagel, on Icefuse.  In this position I hosted Sentinel and Temple Guard trials.  Being in this position allowed to provide input on the Temple Guards needs, and provide Information to the Temple Guards.  When the transition to Synergy came, most managers were wiped.  I was shortly after put back to Temple Guard Manager and helped build the Temple Guards to where they are at today.  I almost forgot to mention, as a Temple Guard, my job was to enforce the rules of the Jedi Order and in rare cases Server Rules.  This gave me a large understanding of the current rules and regulations regarding Jedi, and how they are implemented. 

Sentinel Manager-  I received this position, during a transition period on Synergy.  It was after False stepped down, and Bobonator was Gate Keeper.  Bobonator needed some help with running trials, and before this position I was Temple Guard Manager.  Also at this time, there wasn’t any active Shadow Managers.  I was given Sentinel Manager, but allowed to host every trial in the Sentinel Branch.  This position, set me up for Sentinel Lead.  Hosting trials for both sub-branches allowed me to see, that the Sentinels needed a major update to their trials.

Sentinel Lead-  Sentinel Lead is my biggest accomplishment on Synergy by far.  It was an honor to be accepted into the position by the Council.  Like mentioned before, receiving this promotion came with a lot of work ahead of me.  My plans originally started with just cleaning up all the trials, and adding RP that was more fluent.  Also at this time, the Shadow sub-branch was non-existent.  I put the best that the Sentinel branch had to offer, into leadership positions.  We continuously worked together as a team, and made the Sentinel Branch into the most popular branch.  I worked with Padawans within the branch, and paired them with Knights.  Which lead to more Sentinels moving up within the Order.  I modified the Temple Guard rules & regulations to fit on Synergy.  The Sentinel branch had meetings before I was Lead (as per Jedi Rules, all branches must hold a meeting once a week), but there was little to no participation.  I started with encouraging my Managers to come to these meetings, so we could work as a team to fix our Docs, and improve our trials.  After a month, maybe a bit longer, I opened it up to the whole Branch.  So even the newest member can give feedback on our work.  Because of all of these improvements, the Sentinel Branch is more active than ever.  I set out on goal, which led me to try different people in different positions, which led me to create a team, which led to a lot of hours debating/brainstorming/and working on trials, and ended up with one of the BEST Branches on Synergy.

41st High Jedi General Luminara-  This was my second biggest accomplishment on Synergy.  When I got this position (just general Luminara), I had a lot going on at the time.  Like everything mentioned above (having a long list of changes to Sentinel Branch), I was also Vet Admin.  The 41st kept me on my toes.  As I had to learn how to juggle life outside the game, bringing life back into the Sentinel Branch, helping the community out as an Vet Admin, and be active with the 41st.  Working with the 41st, let me experience working with more people.  At times, I helped with sims, but I enjoyed being around for the daily shenanigans.  Working with Egg taught me a lot.  Egg has a lot of experience running the 41st battalion, and has an amazing team under him.  His commanders past and present are second to none.  Though they have the spiciest memes on the server, they made the game enjoyable for everyone within the battalion.  Also in this position, I got to promote Knights.  Which taught me to how to keep track of people I never interact with, or rarely interact with.  I also held saber training for Padawans, and sat on the Council.  Sitting on the council, taught me how the Order works.  It also allowed me to voice my opinions on changes brought to the Council.

Yoda- Now there was a lot that went down in the order while I was Yoda.  There was animosity among  some of the members of council.  Now we have solved all of the issues, and working together like a team.  We are building the branches as some of the leaders have moved on or moved up in the server.  As Yoda, there was a lot of times, where I was second guessed, or believed I was making the wrong choice.  Some of those were closing Aces when only LAATs were on the server, taking the community feedback and making Ashoka and Barris Padawans, (upon a directors suggestion and with agreement with RC/Null) ending the allowing of Named Characters within the order to also be RC/Null, and allowing Nightmare to be Shaak Ti.  These were hard choices, and they had a lot of people on both sides with strong beliefs. The order today, is moving forward.  We are back on track, to improving the Order as a whole.  I've encouraged new Padawan tourneys that led to a "floating platform" tournament, which has been well received (thanks Killer)

Why should you become Grand Master?:   I want to continue from where we are now at this point in time.  We have promoted alot of new masters in the past few weeks, and have fresh blood within the order.  They are bringing a lot of new ideas.  Also, the Order went through a trial by fire on one occasion, and since has brought us together.  I did have a rocky start to my first term, but now meetings are ending within a timely matter.  Like I mentioned above, we have had alot of new ideas come to council.  I also revived the Jedi Suggestion Form, which Council members have brought these suggestions to council.  I will continue to consider community feedback, and consider new ideas even when they are not popular.    Lastly, I want to improve the RP in the Order, before I leave, and will do the voice, way more often.



Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: Yes.


Availability: Prime time week days and mostly all weekends (WHEN I'M NOT IN Quincy, IL with GARBO Internet!)

If I am at work, I am always available through Discord.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

187th ARC Commander- XO of the 187th second highest rank in a battalion.  At the time, the only way to get higher (BCMD), was for Reaper to leave or be removed (No Terms during that time). I was in this position for about 5 to 6 months.

High Jedi General – I was a High General on the server.  Once your voted on for a named Character and pass, you get General.  From there your voted on by the council for Senior, then High General Yoda and Mace agree.  High General is not a rank that is given out to anyone. Nor is there any amount of time that it takes to get it.  Its no small feat.

Luminara – Named Character, attached to the 41st. Voted on by council.  Activity with the battalion affects your ability to play the character.

Vet Admin – Veteran Admin.  Worked my way from New Admin to Vet Admin. 

TR – Trainer Basic entry level for training program.

Temple Guard Manager – First you have to be a Temple Guard, which is difficult within itself.  Then you must be recognized by the Sentinel Branch Lead.  Then voted on by council.  Your held accountable for every arrest (by Temple Guards), and have control over the Temple during defcons under 6.

Sentinel Branch Lead- This is voted on by council.  Lead the Sentinel Branch, and mange the Branch.  Create docs, and trials for the branch.  Generally, have to be in a Manager position before being considered for the position.

Yoda- Yoda for one term. 


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?: 

            Council working together.  Trials being held on time, branches holding trials on both on western times, and eventually eastern.  RP Jedi events, that get Padawans more used to RP with event jobs.  More involvement within the Order, which means giving Padawans and Knights more chances to get recommendations, or prove they are worthy of a promotion.


How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:

            I assume this means branch relations.  At this time, they are very good.  Example being if there is a Force sensitive Event Job, cousulars get their chance to RP and bring them to the Order (if it makes sense), if they don't succeed, shadows get their chance to get information that will help the Republic / Order win the war.  Moving forward, I would like the branches to help each other when needed.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, of course.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: Yes.

Edited by Cmo
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+1 to this man! I have seen the council meetings since before CMO took over as Yoda. Even though there have been some rocky points within his term we have come out stronger than we had before. A big problem we had for a while was how most masters would only interact with each other at the council meetings and no where else. Since CMO has become Yoda we have all grown together and talk almost on a daily between each other. The order has been very strong the last few weeks and that is thanks to CMO and many others. so that being said


-Forge / Mace Windu

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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From my point of view the jedi are evil


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A pretty big -1 from me, and here is why; The Jedi order as it stands under CMO is at it's worst yet. Only 2-3 Padawans go to trials, nobody teaches Padawans how to spar, and tons of EO's. The only people who think the order is going good, are either people with named character, or Masters. They don't see that there was a point in time when there was 20-30 Jedi on at once, sparring, trying to get better. Now nobody does that. Nobody works to try to get promoted anymore, because the promotions mean nothing. Padawans don't pass trials, because Knights don't train them, as they should be. Knights don't train Padawans cause there's no reason for them to. At least in Lore a Knight would get a Padawan to gain recognition for how well they train them. The order needs a different leader, one who can get its numbers up, and make people interested in being Jedi. For those who don't know Yoda can Executive Order something to accept it or deny it. If a Yoda does it to much, it means either A; they don't trust their current council, or B; they want to abuse their power. When I was master he used the EO power about 1-2 times a week. Which is an insane amount. If you use an EO, it should be rare.

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I was going to -1 due to the fact of  I rarely see you on, but I remembered. You have a job that requires you to travel often, so... I hear you're doing okay, besides in a few spots where you REALLY need to improve. I feel you and Tyzen should fix this.

+1 for now.

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So I'm going to give a +1

Despite the fact you have had a seemingly controversial term, and I may disagree extremely with some of your decisions, I still feel as you are the candidate for the position. From what I have seem, it looks as if you are being slightly walked over by Higher-Ups and that can force your hand on some judgements, so all of the Council's shortcomings do not necessarily reflect your performance completely. I had the upmost faith going into your first term, and I was let down. However, I hope to see a change in the Jedi Order for the better under your second term.

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I think you know I do not 100% fully agree, as all former Yodas do, with some of the ideas you had and decisions that have been made, some were out of your control and some were not. I try to avoid saying the other applicants name in my vote as much as I can, but I think Tyzen would be a good Yoda. However, I think if you got accepted for a second term you would continue to improve and could do a way better job than you did in your first term (not saying your first term was bad). No offense to the council you had, but some of the members weren't the best (for example: the power-playing, backstabbing/going behind your back, and the ridiculous child behavior).

+1 Both CMO and Tyzen has done great things for the Order, has had, and will continue to have great ideas to further improve the Order in the best way possible. I can confidently say the Order is in good hands no matter who gets it.

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+1 I think there are areas for improvement, but that is not just you, that is order wide.  That being said I have always had an enthusiastic and prompt response from you when I see something out of line in the order and bring your attention to it. most people do not realize the immense struggle of being in the position of Yoda, and I may have only been a Mace, but we all know who ran the order during that time lol and therefore I understand and commend you for the job you are doing. Keep up the good work if you are granted a second term!

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5 hours ago, Kurama_Senpai_ said:

A pretty big -1 from me, and here is why; The Jedi order as it stands under CMO is at it's worst yet. Only 2-3 Padawans go to trials, nobody teaches Padawans how to spar, and tons of EO's. The only people who think the order is going good, are either people with named character, or Masters. They don't see that there was a point in time when there was 20-30 Jedi on at once, sparring, trying to get better. Now nobody does that. Nobody works to try to get promoted anymore, because the promotions mean nothing. Padawans don't pass trials, because Knights don't train them, as they should be. Knights don't train Padawans cause there's no reason for them to. At least in Lore a Knight would get a Padawan to gain recognition for how well they train them. The order needs a different leader, one who can get its numbers up, and make people interested in being Jedi. For those who don't know Yoda can Executive Order something to accept it or deny it. If a Yoda does it to much, it means either A; they don't trust their current council, or B; they want to abuse their power. When I was master he used the EO power about 1-2 times a week. Which is an insane amount. If you use an EO, it should be rare.

Kurama, I like you, you were one of the best luminaras that the 41st had the pleasure of having and I consider you a friend but what you said is just wrong or completely out of context or even could have been fixed if you didn't get mad and throw up a half baked commander report then resign from master.

The EO's are denying something stupid like yoda force lightning or just making it something so we don't need to vote on it to make the meeting and cause a 5 hour meeting every week. Next, nothing has been EOd by yoda in the last month.

Your next point. The next reason why promotions are not taken as seriously is because of the fact that people like you defend people getting free positions even though many people have worked harder and longer to achieve those positions. None of these issues are Yoda's fault. Padawans not getting trained is also not yoda's fault. It is the fault of the Knights as it is their job. People don't go on jedi much anymore because there is more to do on clone, like Medical RP, sims, and even naval. The current ship was not really made with jedi in mind and that is probably the main contributing factor to why there aren't 30 people on anymore, there is actually more stuff to do.


My reasons for giving CMO my +1 are as follows:

While he was my Luminara, and then when he went for yoda did and does a great job, he tries his best at everything he does, even if the odds are against him and it shows. The jedi order is not in the best place at the moment but it has been worse (leadership and council wise) but it is not his fault, it is the council as a whole and we need to learn how to work together and overcome our differences and needs to further ourselves instead of the whole order. CMO has the experience and dedication to the jedi to make this happen. 

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18 hours ago, Kurama_Senpai_ said:

A pretty big -1 from me, and here is why; The Jedi order as it stands under CMO is at it's worst yet. Only 2-3 Padawans go to trials, nobody teaches Padawans how to spar, and tons of EO's. The only people who think the order is going good, are either people with named character, or Masters. They don't see that there was a point in time when there was 20-30 Jedi on at once, sparring, trying to get better. Now nobody does that. Nobody works to try to get promoted anymore, because the promotions mean nothing. Padawans don't pass trials, because Knights don't train them, as they should be. Knights don't train Padawans cause there's no reason for them to. At least in Lore a Knight would get a Padawan to gain recognition for how well they train them. The order needs a different leader, one who can get its numbers up, and make people interested in being Jedi. For those who don't know Yoda can Executive Order something to accept it or deny it. If a Yoda does it to much, it means either A; they don't trust their current council, or B; they want to abuse their power. When I was master he used the EO power about 1-2 times a week. Which is an insane amount. If you use an EO, it should be rare.

In regards to your statement, I do apologize if Padawans have not been getting trained to spar lately. Me as myself am responsible for it I think and lately I really haven't had the drive to train the padawans due to personal boredom and somewhat of the minginess I'm faced with currently. I will try to get on to do it more but currently, I'm managing a commander spot and a general spot which makes it difficult to put time into doing that now. Lightsaber Instructor is probably the least thing we want to put on our attention due to other things, more important that are needing to be fixed. I know that shouldn't be an excuse but LSI only has like 2 people or 3 so my apologies my guy.





Edited by chhing
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On 28/01/2018 at 5:06 PM, Kurama_Senpai_ said:

A pretty big -1 from me, and here is why; The Jedi order as it stands under CMO is at it's worst yet. Only 2-3 Padawans go to trials, nobody teaches Padawans how to spar, and tons of EO's. The only people who think the order is going good, are either people with named character, or Masters. They don't see that there was a point in time when there was 20-30 Jedi on at once, sparring, trying to get better. Now nobody does that. Nobody works to try to get promoted anymore, because the promotions mean nothing. Padawans don't pass trials, because Knights don't train them, as they should be. Knights don't train Padawans cause there's no reason for them to. At least in Lore a Knight would get a Padawan to gain recognition for how well they train them. The order needs a different leader, one who can get its numbers up, and make people interested in being Jedi. For those who don't know Yoda can Executive Order something to accept it or deny it. If a Yoda does it to much, it means either A; they don't trust their current council, or B; they want to abuse their power. When I was master he used the EO power about 1-2 times a week. Which is an insane amount. If you use an EO, it should be rare.

dude back when the 20 to 30 jedi were on was the old days on icefuse. u know theres not as many jedi here or people who main.

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So, with great regret, I am voiding this APP @Jackson @Oxen.   The past 2 weeks, I've been in some out of the way cities like Cabool, MO and Quincy, IL.  In both of these cities, I could even hold a connection to Google Docs, while on my phone for team speak.  My work load is only increasing from here till June.  I cannot in good faith, apply for a position on this server when I know I will not have the time.  On top of that, I am planning on moving this summer, and need to start focusing on packing and getting rid of stuff now, as i'm only usually home for 4 days out of a month.  For someone that is always home that seems like forever, for me that is about 20 days home before I have to pack and leave.  Basically, I have IRL stuff I will have to attend to and the Order deserves a full time Yoda.  I appreciate every +1, and every person who left feedback, weather good or bad.  Thanks for caring about the position, and taking Yoda serious.  Both of the current candidates have pros and cons, but are more then qualified to holding the position.  Please leave constructive feedback, so when it comes time for the voting, everything can be considered.  I will still be around, but my activity cannot be guaranteed for the next coming months.

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  • Retired Founder

This application has been voided. This is your
only void given for the next 30 days. If you void another
application in the next 30 days you will unable to apply for another commander position for 30 days.

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