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BOOM's 501st BCMD Application

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Veteran Admin

Steam Name: No2DriftKing | Syns.gg  

RP Name: Kano

RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID: 76561199258802757

Battalion you are applying for: 501st


501st Legion (PVT-CMD) 2022 - Present Day

In April of 2022, I joined the 501st Legion, to immerse myself in Star Wars roleplay. After joining the battalion, I realized this place was home. I then dedicated myself to learn from my Senior NCOs and Officers. I was encouraged to join 332nd Company so I decided to join as Vyse, an ARC lore character. As I progressed through the ranks, I reached the position of Sergeant Major. My real world military obligations serving in the Army briefly called me away which forced me to resign, but my passion for playing on the sever and being with 501st remained strong. I returned seven months later after completing my active duty service, and resumed my journey by joining the battalion again. Recognizing my exceptional performance, the battalion Regimental Advisor who was Ajax, encouraged me to pursue the second open Regimental Advisor position to support all regiments within the battalion. With achieving the position, I collaborated closely with Ajax to enhance the performance of each regiment. Sooner than later I swiftly advanced from Warrant Officer to Lieutenant. When Zeros assumed the role of BCMD and initiated a restructuring within the entire battalion, I was left as the sole active member within 332nd Company. Teaming up with Zeros, we revitalized the sub-unit, implementing new tryout templates and stricter entry requirements, which led to a remarkable surge in interest and recruitment into 332nd. I was then promoted to Captain and appointed as 332nd Company Commander Vaughn. I continued to lead with dedication and passion. However, I was seeking to broaden my command experience, so I made a plan to pursue the position of Torrent Company Commander Appo, which I successfully achieved through hard work and dedication. Throughout my command in Torrent Company, I maintained its momentum and success, and continued recruiting new members. Eventually, I stepped down to return to 332nd Company as Vaughn once more, and revamped the sub-unit to elevate it and make it into an elite sub-unit like Torrent Company. I was eventually promoted to Major and not too long after I became a Commander! I focused on shaping our Officers into professional leaders, and worked on creating comprehensive training handbooks, and ensured smooth battalion operations. I worked closely with Reborn and Joyboy carrying out their plans for the battalion, and I continue to uphold the legacy and strength of the 501st Legion, ensuring its continued success and cohesion.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

My dedication to the 501st Legion drives my belief that I am the ideal candidate for the position of Battalion Commander. Among all the battalions in the garrison, the 501st holds a special place in my heart for me. The 501st episodes in the Clone Wars show are legendary. Growing up I immersed myself in the Star Wars, I developed a fascination with its lore that has only deepened through my experiences playing Synergy being in the 501st. Each role I've held within the battalion has shaped me into the leader I am today, preparing me for the responsibility of transitioning into the role of 501st Battalion Commander. My goal is to uphold the legacy of the 501st, ensuring that the seeds planted by my past Battalion Commanders continue to flourish. Collaborating with my officers, I aim to lead the battalion towards ongoing success, maintaining the standards of excellence that define us. I am committed to guiding the 501st with integrity, and determination. I want to implement some concepts I have that can increase and improve our battalion’s performance more than it is currently. I want to be Commander Rex because he represents what being a leader is and because of the strong bonds he has with everyone in the 501st Legion. Rex is brave, has respect, is trustworthy, and is loyal to his soldiers. I believe I represent those leadership values every single day as I continuously help build 501st to be the best and brightest! I am eager to introduce innovative concepts that I believe will elevate and enhance the performance of our battalion beyond its current level.                          


I’m on every day from the afternoon through the night/super early mornings

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

18 Months - Around 1500 Hours played
Do you have a microphone?:

Of Course!

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

I am deeply committed to shaping a vibrant and active community in the battalion, where people are eager to join and participate because of our amazing standards set in place. My vision is for our battalion to radiate warmth and inclusivity, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and welcomed. My goal is to create and lead the best Officers and NCOs who are fully equipped to carry out our tasks effectively. I want to ensure that our documentation remains accurate and up-to-date throughout every level of the battalion. I am dedicated to preparing the Commanders to lead the battalion with confidence and with the proper knowledge that will support them. It's crucial to me that the Officers, NCOs, Jedi, sub-units, and regiments receive the resources and assistance they need to thrive under my leadership. To keep our members engaged, I plan to introduce a variety of quests and tasks both on and off the server, providing more opportunities for participation and growth. Achieving the title of Battalion of the Month is a goal I am determined to reach, as it serves as a source of motivation and inspiration to people. I want to have people have multiple leadership opportunities to broaden their experience and pave the way for advancement in moving up in the battalion. Ultimately, I aim to ensure that our battalion operates smoothly, remains organized, and continues to be a beacon of excellence within our community. HOOAH!                   

NCO Core

The Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) core forms the very foundation of our battalion, embodying the values of responsibility, discipline, professionalism, and proficiency that define the 501st. They are the driving force behind our operations, tirelessly training and instructing our troopers to maintain the organization's momentum. I believe there is room for improvement in our NCOs education and training, particularly in the transition from being a Corporal to Sergeant . To address this, I intend to enhance the SGT Training Document, providing more comprehensive guidance on the expectations and responsibilities of NCOs. Similar to our Officer Training Handbook, I plan to work with the officers to publish a step-by-step guide on how to be an NCO. When promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, you will undergo EOD training alongside your SGT training. Additionally, I intend to establish a Senior NCO system, aimed at equipping NCOs from Master Sergeant to Sergeant Major with the necessary expertise to lead and guide their junior counterparts within the 501st. To execute this, I plan on creating a SNCO handbook as well that will explain everything about leading the junior NCOs. When promoted to being a SNCO a Warrant Officer or higher will train them. This initiative will ready them for potential advancement to the role of Warrant Officer in the future. My vision is for our NCOs to approach their duties with enthusiasm, and satisfaction from conducting trainings, recruiting new players, and coordinating entertainments. By incentivizing these tasks and providing opportunities for advancement within the battalion, we can ensure that our NCOs remain engaged and motivated. To augment their leadership skills, I aim to introduce fresh leadership duties and obligations for NCOs to take on. Through these initiatives, I am confident that we can elevate the effectiveness and cohesion of our NCO core, which will reinforce the strength of the battalion as a whole. To illustrate my plans for promotion requirements per NCO rank, please refer below.
Sergeant will have a time in grade of two days and will need to complete two requirements of choice which consist of recruitment, event lead, EOD training, SIM, and joint training.
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant will have a time in grade of four days and will need to complete three requirements of choice which consist of recruitment, event lead, EOD training, SIM, and joint training.
Sergeant First Class
Sergeant First Class will have a time in grade of five days and will need to complete four requirements of choice which consist of recruitment, event lead, EOD training, SIM, and joint training.
Master Sergeant
Master Sergeant will have a time in grade of seven days and will need to complete two EOD shadows by watching over a junior NCO or by hosting an EOD SIM. They will have three requirements of choice which consist of recruitment, deployment lead, EOD training, SIM, and joint training.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major will have a time in grade of ten days and will need to complete two EOD shadows by watching over a junior NCO or by hosting an EOD SIM. They will also need to complete two SGT trainings and will have two requirements of choice which consist of recruitment, deployment lead, EOD training, SIM, and joint training. 

Officer Core
The Officer core plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the operations of our battalion, ensuring tasks are assigned and executed seamlessly. They serve as the guiding force of the 501st, directing and overseeing the efforts of our NCOs. The individuals within our Officer core are truly exceptional, and I am confident in their ability to uphold and strengthen the battalion. I envision each officer rank having a distinct purpose and role. I believe in dividing the workload among officer ranks to promote balance and prevent burnout. By assigning specific responsibilities to each rank, we can create a more efficient and sustainable system that allows Officers to decompress and focus on their assigned tasks.
Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer is a trial period for people to learn their roles in becoming an Officer. The opportunity to apply for this position is now facilitated through submitting an application, followed by a vote by the entire officer team. Candidates who receive adequate support will proceed to an interview with the Majors to evaluate their readiness and objectives within the battalion. The Warrant Officer position is restricted to three slots and involves a three-week training period, during which candidates shadow officers and become acquainted with their duties. Their duties consist of assisting the NCOs, leading deployments, and hosting trainings. Furthermore, Warrant Officers will SGT train CPLs when promoted. Based on their proficiency in the role of being a Warrant Officer, candidates may be promoted or demoted to SGM upon the end of their three-week trial.

Lieutenants bear the responsibility of supervising NCOs, ensuring their compliance with standards, and working closely with them to embody the principles of officer leadership. Additionally, they are entrusted with handling disciplinary matters within the NCO core, they uphold a tight code of conduct. Lieutenants are the role models for Warrant Officers and are expected to teach them what to do. Moreover, Lieutenants are anticipated to inform Majors of exceptional performances or instances where NCOs surpass expectations for consideration of the individual to be promoted. Lieutenants are now going to be able to work alongside the Senior Officers and update the in-game battalion roster weekly. 

Captains are accountable for managing the battalion discord. Such as LOAs, ROAs, and resignations, ensuring they are properly documented and tagged. They are also responsible for managing tag assignments in role assignment, as well as overseeing regiment and name changes. They participate in maintaining the in-game battalion roster, ensuring it is updated on a weekly basis. Since Captains are Senior Officers they will delegate tasks and assignments to the NCOs, and Warrant Officers. Captains will additionally help manage promotions alongside the Majors for input on who should be promoted within the officer core. Moreover, Captains collaborate with Majors in the selection and appointment of Warrant Officers for the battalion, while also gaining insights into leading the officer team as a cohesive unit. Additionally, they support Lieutenants in overseeing NCOs and provide guidance to new Warrant Officers throughout their training phase.

At the helm of the Senior Officer team, Majors supervise daily operations. They oversee the entire officer team, including managing all promotions, which undergo discussion and voting processes. Majors also wield authority over disciplinary measures within the officer team, they have the ultimate decision-making power in such instances. They participate in maintaining the in-game battalion roster, ensuring it is updated on a weekly basis. Furthermore, they conduct interviews for prospective Warrant Officers and compile weekly reports on officers who perform exceptionally in their battalion duties. They will inform the Commanders weekly on the performances of the officers.
The responsibilities of Commanders encompass a wide array of crucial tasks vital for the smooth functioning and advancement of the battalion. These encompass overseeing the entirety of the battalion, as well as managing the battalion Discord and Roster. Additionally, they are involved in creating constructive relations with other battalions, orchestrating collaborative training sessions, and arranging scheduled events to build unity and morale. Commanders are also entrusted with overseeing the subunits, to ensure effective leadership within them, and promoting people to leadership roles when necessary. They actively seek out opportunities for improvement and innovation, while also enforcing the chain of command and conducting regular weekly check-ins with the entire officer core. Furthermore, Commanders play a key role in appointing Majors, monitoring their performance, and providing support and guidance to Captains in their preparation for higher leadership roles. They are involved in making battalion engagement through trainings and events, patrols, and simulations, to enhance operational readiness and camaraderie within the battalion.            


The Jedi members of the 501st Legion are of equal significance to our clone troopers. It's truly a great sight to see when people express their interest in joining the battalion as a Jedi. I am super enthusiastic about enhancing the promotion and recognition of our battalion's Jedi! Collaborating with our Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano, is a top priority for me. Together, our overall goal is to focus on promoting recruiting Jedi and filling Jedi subunit slots. Additionally, our present Anakin has reviewed and improved our battalion's Jedi documents, ensuring they are up-to-date and easily accessible. Recently, we have implemented a policy prohibiting individuals from holding simultaneous positions as both a clone trooper and a Jedi within the 501st. This decision reflects our commitment to maintaining clarity and consistency within our ranks. Additionally, we have ceased the practice of transferring ranks between clone trooper and Jedi roles, maintaining a clear distinction between the two.         


 In my perspective, the regiments are essential for the success of our battalion. I'm focused on exploring ways to elevate them. A primary objective of mine is to establish weekly specialized training sessions for each regiment, supervised by officers and leads. Although we provide training documents during tryouts, there's often a lack of ongoing self-improvement and assessment. I aim to rectify this to ensure our troopers remain sharp consistently. Additionally, I plan to introduce interviews within each regiment for individuals aspiring to become Officers or Leads. With strong leadership in place, we can further improve and expand regiment tryouts and guidelines.           


In January, we were honored to receive the Battalion of the Month award in recognition of our exceptional numbers and growth within the battalion! This achievement sparked a surge in motivation among our members, inspiring them to host more trainings and entertainments. I am dedicated to continuing this momentum by encouraging our NCOs and Officers to continue their efforts in hosting trainings, with the goal of achieving Battalion of the Month again in the future. In acknowledgment of their hard work and dedication, we recognize these individuals with awards such as Trooper of the Week and Trooper of the Month. Additionally, to further incentivize participation, we offer rewards such as in-game credits, allowing members to make purchases from the server's store or even receive games as gifts from Steam. As Battalion Commander, I am committed to upholding this system of recognition and rewards, ensuring that our members feel valued and motivated to contribute to the success of the battalion. As a combat-focused battalion, I am enthusiastic about partnerships with other battalions across the garrison. I aim to create stronger bonds through coordinated training sessions, and joint missions. Furthermore, I am dedicated to hosting joint operations with the subunits, as this not only boosts morale but also creates unity and camaraderie among us.

Our battalion specializes in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), a critical aspect of role-playing on the server. We must prioritize EOD training to ensure people are proficient in this area. I want our NCOs and Officers to actively engage with new players on the server, urging them to undergo EOD training to receive their certification. My goal is to see all players across the server equipped with the skills to perform EOD role-play without relying solely on the 501st during events and deployments. I want to implement thorough reevaluations of our EOD training protocols in my battalion to ensure that we maintain the highest level of knowledge and proficiency in this vital area so that 501st will always prove we are the best at what we do!                    


As our battalion grows, I am committed to enriching our roleplay experiences. Often, during events and deployments, off-topic distractions can steer us away from our mission's core objective. It's my goal to keep us laser-focused on our goals to ensure success. Emphasizing a serious tone in our battle communications helps hone effective leadership skills. Moreover, I want people playing lore characters to actually act as the characters, which will amplify immersion and enjoyment playing on the server.


Another priority for the battalion is ensuring our troops remain engaged and active to prevent boredom. I aim to maintain a steady stream of activities, including events, trainings, quests, and more, to keep everyone entertained and eager to participate. I plan to implement a calendar system for organizing and posting events that will help keep people informed and encourage their participation. Additionally, I want our NCOs and Officers to warmly welcome and guide new players on the server, and showcase everything we can do. This act of hospitality not only leaves a positive impression but also has the potential to turn newcomers into valuable recruits.                          

Torrent Company

Torrent Company represents all of the beloved characters and sets a high standard compared to the rest of the battalion. I see several areas within Torrent Company where opportunities for enhancement abound. One area I aim to enhance is the tryout process, making it more difficult and immersive to better align with the specified character. Recently, we reinstated the TC voting process, enabling individuals to submit character applications for tryout consideration. The approval of these tryouts is determined through a company-wide voting process, where everyone in TC collectively decides on accepting or denying the applicant to undergo tryouts and potentially join Torrent Company. Following the server's map switch, updates were made to the tryout dupe. As Torrent Company emphasizes seriousness, members must adhere strictly to standards and guidelines. Additionally, the TC Rule Manual has been revised and updated. New recruits joining Torrent Company are introduced to this manual, which comprehensively covers all the rules and regulations governing membership in TC. I plan on expanding the number of Jedi slots in Torrent Company to three, aligning it with 332nd which provides more opportunities for Jedi to try out and join TC. I additionally would like to collaborate with TC Command and see about submitting a suggestion in the future on adding to Tup and Dogma’s kits since they only have pistols unlike the rest of TC having a full proper kit. With the updates implemented in TC, the sub-unit is set up for continued success and growth.

332nd Company

332nd Company, specializing in siege warfare tactics to isolate and capture enemy forces, has thrived under the recent leadership changes. Significant improvements have been made, including the introduction of enhanced tryout processes for both regular troopers and Jedi within 332nd. The incorporation of Heavy Ordinance (HVO) into the company has helped increase its appeal. Utilizing a modified version of Reborn's HVO tryout document, I customized it to reflect the unique rules and regulations of 332nd, ensuring clarity for potential recruits. Following the server's map switch, updates were made to the tryout dupe. Currently, with 332nd’s rising popularity, we have expanded the sub-unit to twelve slots for clone troopers and three slots for Jedi. In response to the growing numbers within our ranks, we've implemented a new position known as the 332nd Marshal. This role is designed to assist with tryouts and provide oversight of the company's operations. 332nd is supposed to be about siege warfare, and that's what it's going to be. I plan on actually implementing siege warfare tactics and training. This will be executed by creating a new training guide handbook and simulating close-quarters combat training. While we wait for the suggestion to change the 501st Officer job to a 332nd siege trooper to be accepted or not, this will help make 332nd unique and give people motivation to join even more. From this, 332nd can live up to its name and true purpose of being a sub-unit. Overall, with the implemented changes within 332nd, the pumpkin heads shall continue to spread!          


With my goals and ambitions moving the battalion forward, I know with confidence that the battalion will continue to grow and adapt to my plans. We will maintain operations, provide support, operational readiness, logistical efficiency, and uphold standards. My objective is to create a positive atmosphere and uphold community morale. I am committed to the development of our personnel, offering positions for advancement in the battalion. I pledge to lead with integrity, professionalism, and ethical conduct. With the backing of my mentors who have paved the path to success, I eagerly anticipate assuming the role of BCMD. With the leverage of my past leadership experiences, I am fully equipped and ready to handle the responsibilities and obligations. I am determined to make 501st a healthy and proactive environment where everyone feels valued and actively engaged.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

Edited by BOOM
  • Winner 1

Current: 501st BCMD Rex | Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager | Quest Master TRO
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma


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Welcome to the 501st Legion! I am BOOM, one of the Commanders of the battalion. Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions! We are here for you.

  • Agree 1
  • Funny 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate


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Veteran Admin

+1 Me like Boom! On a serious note everytime I speak with Boom its always positive and full of laughter! Good luck! 501st will do well with you!

  • Friendly 1

Currently: 332nd CPT Vaughn  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose 


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Veteran Admin

+1 for my roommate GOOD LUCK!

  • Friendly 1

Current: Yoda | Walon Vau

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye Alpha-26 Maze

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+1 to the man that does daily check ups 

Boom, boom, boom, boom
I want you in my room
Let's spend the night together
From now until forever
Boom, boom, boom, boom
I wanna go boom boom
Let's spend the night together
Together in my room

  • Friendly 1

former CG Major Jek , Former Senior senator Lux Bonteri , Former 501st TCO Cpt HawkCurrent 332ndO CPT Jesse , Former Vice chairmen Mas Amedda , 

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GM Leadership


Welcome to the 501st Legion! I am BOOM, one of the Commanders of the battalion. Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions! We are here for you.


  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1

My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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+1 you are already set up for success just keep the drive man, if you feel burnt out take a break and talk with you friends as that is what a battalion mostly is.


Edit only question is what will you do if you don’t get the position @BOOM

Edited by KillJoy
  • Pay Respect 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Huge +1 Ive been with boom on this server for about 2 years since he joined and hes only everbeen in the 501st, hes also only ever wanted nothing but the best for that battalion. I feel boom has gone through it all and deserves his chance as BCMD Rex. @Coreywould agree with me!!

  • Friendly 1


Current: 501st Ajax

Former: TC REGL Kano, TC REGA Dogma, TC Hardcase TC REGL Tup      41st Clanky,   41st Cooker WP REGL Sinker WP Mortar 332ndO Ross 332ndO Gunner

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Veteran Admin
4 hours ago, KillJoy said:

+1 you are already set up for success just keep the drive man, if you feel burnt out take a break and talk with you friends as that is what a battalion mostly is.


Edit only question is what will you do if you don’t get the position @BOOM

Thank you for asking! 501st is my only home, I've never been in another battalion. This place holds my heart, I love the family we have built together. This community is a blessing. I will continue to help keep 501st strong no matter whether I get BCMD or not.

  • Winner 1

Current: 501st BCMD Rex | Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager | Quest Master TRO
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma


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6 hours ago, BOOM said:

Thank you for asking! 501st is my only home, I've never been in another battalion. This place holds my heart, I love the family we have built together. This community is a blessing. I will continue to help keep 501st strong no matter whether I get BCMD or not.

I respect battalion loyalty. +1

  • Friendly 1
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I can't read so +1. 

Seriously though, I feel you are ready for this position. Good luck

  • Friendly 1

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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 Welcome to the 501st Legion! I am BOOM, one of the Commanders of the battalion. Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions! We are here for you.

  • Funny 1


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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+1, normally was very helpful when I wanted to plan joint trainings between 212th and 501st, I think he's got what it takes.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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GM Leadership

+1 the only person I see who deserves it ngl

  • Friendly 1
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+1 I believe you have what it takes

  • Friendly 1

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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  • Director

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • Director

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


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