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Thexan's BCMD Application


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Steam Name:


RP Name:

91st Lightning CMD Razor

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

91st Reconnaissance Corps


My experience is split between here and icefuse, so i'll put both down separately:



I served out my term as Neyo between the update on icefuse, and really got to shine when it came to the Kachiro server. I managed to get the membership of the battalion to the strongest I believe it's ever been on either icefuse or synergy, balancing 10-15 members on during the peak times. On top of this, I left the battalion with a structured officer roster and documents for lightning squad, an updated roster, and what not. 


Short and too the point, Razor is a named character who is in charge of the separate sub battalion within the 91st called Lightning Squad. Due to the lack of members within the battalion itself, I haven't been able to do everything I would like to do with it, but I have been working on forming it up by making a structure and getting training set up for the future members of the lightning squad.

Executive Officer:

Before I became Neyo, I had just recently been made XO, or CMD as it is known now on synergy, and basically was running the battalion a week in advanced when it came to becoming Neyo. I was already working on the battalion.


Synergy experience as follows.


I'm Razor again, and I've already started improving the process of joining Lightning and the different things that it offers. Instead of it being strictly based around PVP, I have begun giving it RP basics, such as EOD, TECH, and ENG troopers, and hope to get pilots as another thing that is accessible to the members of lightning. I also have begun to utilize the 91st ARC troopers again by making it a requirement to get trained before moving into any of the specialized troops within Lightning Squad.

How lightning is going to be organized:

Pilot (0/2)

Heavy (0/2)

Sharpshooter (0/2)

Medic (0/2)

Technician (0/2)

EOD (0/2)

Engineer (0/2)

Squad Members (0/6)


For a short period of time, about two weeks or so, I got the chance to join the Null Class ARCs, learning some new tricks and making new friends that helped me realize some things that I am doing with the lightning squad, and also gave me the opportunity to see into a different play style on the server.

Obi Wan Kenobi/Master:

This one is an important one, as it's taught me that, even outside of the order, working with a group of trustworthy people can really alleviate the pressure of running a group of people and making sure everything runs smoothly. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

The things that I have already set out on doing is as follows:

I've begun raising numbers and encouraging recruitment, while keeping up with NCO's and making sure they get promoted when they need to be promoted.

Restructuring lightning squad to include a lot more RP based jobs within it, while getting the trainings setup for it.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:



2-4 hours daily, and reachable through multiple discords

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Since the beginning, so around 5 months or so. This doesn't include that I've been in the community for over a year, counting icefuse time.

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want to make it something that isn't dead, giving whoever comes after me the ability to improve it even more

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


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+1 Thexan has shown homosexual tendencies multiple times. Pink is a feminine color, so as a homosexual, he probably has an attraction to the said color. Do to this reasoning alone, you can be sure he'll succeed as Salmon Battalion CMD. 

Edited by Fizzik
  • Agree 1

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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Honestly you're a good dude, if you can actually be active and do shit, then +1.

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  • Coordinator



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Honestly, Thexan has worked very, very hard to get to the position he has gotten to.. Kept the battalion functioning when others could not.

You has stayed with 91st for however long I don't even know. Whilst another candidate was offered the rank of Commander for just joining the battalion.

One of these people definitely do not deserve the position and I'm harshly sticking to my point of dedication.


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