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Havoc/Tofu's RANCOR Battalion Commander Application


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Steam Name:

 Emperor Dankatine

RP Name:

 RANCOR Commander Havoc 

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Battalion or squad you are applying for:



 Commander Havoc: Due to some circumstances with Colt and Blitz at the time, I was the only RANCOR commander online and active for a month. This forced me into the position of hosting the ARC training for every battalion on the ship alone, and was essentially tasked with running the battalion alone for the time being. And in the time period of bearing the responsibility of 3 commanders, I missed only one day due to a family emergency, and coordinated with other officers of RANCOR to both improve and teach the training. As well as a month worth of scheduled training, I hosted approximately 6-7 unscheduled trainings for people that of which could not make our time slots, and about a dozen private leadership sessions as well. I helped revive the battalion from a nearly dead state, thanks to a wakeup call from @Kirawrasaurus Rex 

RANCOR Lieutenant Colonel:  Before becoming Commander Havoc, I was Lieutenant Colonel Tofu. I've been with RANCOR since (Insert previous server that of which has a name relating to the solid state of water), and I've loved this battalion since the start. I'm one of the oldest members, and I've seen plenty of brothers come and go, but they've never left me truly. I am one of the most experienced people when it comes to RANCOR, I attended the very first ever ARC trainings when the program was just born. This time has given me much experience, and I will never forget the journey it took from ARC PVT Tofu to where I am today. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?

 With no intentions of boasting, I am one of the most experienced active players on currently in RANCOR. I'm one of the oldest, witnessing the coming and going of four men carrying the title RANCOR Battalion Commander Blitz, Arcantus, Fizzik, Vint, and Snow. I am a part of the origins of the ARC program that we use today, and I attended the very first training ever hosted. I've followed numerous commanding officers, and lead countless men bearing the title RANCOR. I've seen brothers and family come and go, shared brilliant victories, and said heartbreaking goodbyes. To be quite honest, I've never even truly committed to any other battalion besides RANCOR. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:



Weekdays: 4:30 PM-11:30PM PST. Weekends: 10:00 AM-1:00 AM PST. 

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

 Since the very beginning when we split off. 

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

 Stable, competent, effective. RANCOR has recently been in a slump that of which was revived beautifully, like a phoenix from the ashes. I plan to leave this battalion better than I joined it. With a person in every high command position, from the 3 commanders, to the ARCL, and to the ARFL. I plan on instilling a universal system of communication, consistent ARC training, and an overwhelmingly positive image that comes to mind when you mutter the name "RANCOR". To have troopers that of which live up completely to the title of "elite", and to bring a sense of pride after every operation with a knowledge that it was a job well done. I plan on making RANCOR as best as it can be, with loyal, experienced men. I plan on making it the best that it was meant to be.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Absolutely, I have no plans or intentions to soon, and if an unforeseen hurdle were to come into my life, and LOA would be posted swiftly.

Edited by Tofu
font now blends in with the new site color, had to change color
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This guy is the only guy I've got to sit down and talk to about things in rancor. His activity is there (no shade but I don't see active blitzs/BCMDs) and hes willing to help others when they are in the position of need. He helped me out with a few ideas for DU. 

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I've got more faith in you than anyone else who could be eligible. You were among one of my best captains back in the day, I don't even need to question if you'll do a good job.


+1, and if you need someone to help help you out, you know who to call. 

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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+1 He was here when I came back, I don't really have anything too bad to say about him, As long he keeps to his statements i have no doubts he can handle the position. When i resigned last time it was for my own reasons, that being said I like the idea of another new Commander.

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+1 Amazing leader and all around trooper, if you are looking for someone who will serve with distinction, this is the one.

Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore - "Pressure makes diamonds, Ease makes decay"

2 time Rancor BCMD, 3 time Commander Havoc

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To my son.


This is not favoritism when I say that nor when I have read others but I had the privilege of being there when you first became a little PVT and am honoured to see you applying for a role that takes a lot of guys, patience, willpower, fortitude and many more important mental and physical struggles but in the end are worth it all. It does me proud to see that someone I know and can trust will make something shine again after I left and had thought of returning. My worries are over so with that said I give you a +1 not only as a BCMD but as the one who will always be there to watch and help from the sidelines when needed, though I'm gonna make sure you fall on your ass a bit to learn a thing or two.


Current 327th BCMD Commander Bly

Old ARC 1150 CPT Arcantus

And also a past blitz.

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I will give a HUGE +1 to this man. Point-being, earlier when all my Commanders were inactive and/or on LOA, Tofu/Havoc really stepped up and hosted all of the ARC trainings, did standards, was a well designated leader during events and such. He is an excellent leader and is not afraid to voice his opinion. I believe he will do a superb job as our BCMD Blitz. 

-WO Hammer

Edited by Scion
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+1 in the absence of Snow, I can't imagine anyone more active, and cares about the future than Tofu. Tofu, preached the Rancor standards Snow did.. and Tofu brought Rancor alive to the numbers it can proudly claim. If anyone was to take Blitz, i'd be glad that it was Tofu

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