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Entity's Grandmaster Yoda Application

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Steam Name: TheCosmicEntity

RP Name: Shaak Ti

RP Rank: Jedi Order Overseer/Chief Instructor

Steam ID: 76561198295157066


Master, DU and Consular Work 2020
My first experiences in leadership positions and such start in 2020. Because of the pandemic, I came back in February 2020 and began working my way up as a Jedi. I joined the Consular branch and quickly became a Consular Manager under Newt and began hosting trials.
From there, I slowly rose through the ranks of the Jedi, achieving enough Knight recommendations to become a Knight. I joined 327th the same day it ended up being removed and then later joined Doom’s Unit with a push from Reaper, one of my first mentors. I remained a Knight for some time, but eventually a Master tournament was announced.
I practiced sparring fervently until the day of the tournament and I managed to win.  I was granted the title of Blademaster and given a Purple Crystal by Lulu. Lulu as Windu inspired me to push myself more in Jedi, and pursue the position of Windu.
It was in Doom’s Unit and Consular that I climbed the most, eventually becoming Sage and then Sage Lead within Consular, and achieving Tiplar in DU before moving up through the Officer ranks until eventually I became Commander equivalent. As I did this, I achieved the rank of Master for the first time after a grueling Interview and went up the ranks of Jedi from there, achieving Jedi General and then Senior Jedi General.
I became A’sharad Hett and continued in these positions until I resigned from the server as a whole in August, as I wanted to focus more on my last year of High School.

In my leadership positions within Consular in 2020, I first learned what it took to be a leader as I was directly responsible for ensuring my Managers did good work and in sustaining the health of the Branch overall. I managed to fill the limited 8 slots of Sage before Diamond Storm was even added to the server.
I also worked to help Healer/Seer (a Sub branch at the time) and main Consular flourish, encouraging roleplay classes or passive rp as much as I was able. Within Doom’s Unit I did my best to assist where I could, hosting trainings and recruitments, dishing out discipline and guiding Troopers and new Jedi that I brought into the Battalion, as well as assisting in Havoc Squad Tryouts and hosting trials to gain new Tiplar or Tiplees when needed. I managed to fill up DU Jedi with many active members from different branches.
In Doom’s Unit, I faced my first trial with handling discipline, when I had to remove Tiplee, one who became Tiplee alongside me when I became Tiplar as a Knight. A difficult removal but one I learned from, with guidance from Gears. I began to understand better how to handle dishing out any forms of punishment if needed


Recent experience, Rancor, High Council and Consular 2023
I returned to the server in February of this year, having gotten back into Star Wars. I came back to Consular, which was in the worst state I had ever seen; no active members and people asking for trials and not getting them. I applied for Consular Manager, became Sage and Sage Manager once more, and worked hard hosting trials and engaging in passive RP to entice people back into the Branch.
I eventually became Consular Lead once more and managed to revive the branch, gaining managers for both Consular and Sage. While doing this, I joined Rancor on my Jedi and eventually became fully ARC trained. I helped out with ARC trainings, recruited members and helped with trainings whenever possible. During these first few months back I also came up with ideas on how to get the Jedi more active in RP and have fun. One major idea I put into practice was a new type of tournament, a roleplay-focused Debate tournament. The first one I hosted in March was a success, gaining a significant audience as the 4 participants went through the rounds of their debate.
Eventually, I rose up to Master again, continuing as Consular Lead. The branch continued to flourish and I went for the character of Saesee Tiin to increase roleplay. I hosted another Debate tournament which succeeded once more and continued helping in ARC training, until eventually I achieved the character of Shaak Ti and became Officer equivalent in Rancor. From there I started hosting ARC training myself. As a Master I also worked to continue to encourage Jedi to succeed, pushing them to host tournaments or attend them. I kept my eye out for Jedi who were doing good work and pushed those deserving towards Master.
Eventually I went for positions in the High Council, and achieved the position of Chief Instructor. As Chief Instructor I’ve already begun work on pushing Masters more, as well as changing and tuning up the Knight and Youngling Trials. The specifics of what changed about them I can’t elaborate too much yet, as it hasn’t been implemented and I do not wish to leak the trials of course.
In the past six months since my return to the server, I’ve learned more about what it takes to be a leader or help a faction succeed and flourish. In Consular, I had to deal with the difficult situation of its near total death, but I learned that pushing people more to participate in the RP of the branches, beyond simply hosting trials, is an effective way to keep people interested and participating. Today Consular Managers host lore RP sessions, push to the front to try to negotiate and participate as the keepers of peace they should be.

In Rancor I learned to actually analyze what it means to be a Leader and conceptualize that idea in my mind. Working under Brooklyn and Lulu gave me perspective as to how to be a more charismatic leader, that pushes others to take positions of leadership. To not go into too much detail, ARC challenged this idea more, and I believe I have a better understanding of what exactly the kind of Leader I want to be. The ideal Leader in my mind is one along the lines of a “servant leader”, a Leader who puts the needs of those who follow them first and strives to raise up those they lead. Continuing then under Snow I have had more hands-on time to put this into practice by pushing Jedi as well as Troopers in Rancor to do as much as they can to take on Leadership roles, and become Leaders themselves.

Why should you become Grand Master?:

When I first joined Jedi my goals were simple: I wanted to have fun and worry about little else. But, when taking more and more leadership roles I began to see how I can put myself back into Jedi and help it grow. I first joined Consular, only interested in the RP but ended up striving to help Sage grow. The same happened again when I came back to Consular this year.
When I take a position of leadership, I put my all into seeing the faction I lead flourish and grow, as well as have a fun and engaging experience for all within it. Hosting Debate tournaments or pushing passive RP is one aspect of this. Pushing those who work under me to be leaders themselves, go for those positions and achieve those positions are the highlight of my career as a Jedi. Nothing beats the feeling of helping someone grow and reach their potential. As Yoda, I will continue this to an even greater extent, pushing more Jedi to achieve positions within their branches or battalions, as well as improving the experiences you can have as a Jedi.
Yoda, as I view the position, is the penultimate Jedi: a leader who gives a fair guiding hand and pushes others to better themselves and become leaders as well. This hearkens back to what I view as the ideal leader, the “Servant Leader”. I seek to be a Yoda who raises up Jedi around them, a Leader that makes Leaders. 

Monday: 2 PM EST - 9 PM EST

Tuesday: 2 PM EST - 9 PM EST

Wednesday: 2 PM EST - 9 PM EST

Thursday: 2 PM EST - 9 PM EST

Friday: 2 PM EST - 9 PM EST

Weekend: All day
I’m really available all times of day as I have lots of free time, being on summer break, but these are the hours I’d be actually on. 

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

Jedi Master x2
Senior Jedi General
Blademaster (title)
Council Member
Jedi High Council - Chief Instructor
Consular Lead
Sage Lead
DU Commander (Tiplar then Hett)
Rancor Officer (Lieutenant, as Shaak Ti)


Do you have a microphone?:  Yes

Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?:
I hope to see a Jedi Order flourishing to heights above and beyond what it has achieved before. I have plans I believe will help the branches grow as well as set a clearer standard of expectations for all those in the Jedi Order, the Master team especially.

My goals:

As Yoda there are changes I plan to make in regards to the functions of Sub-branches, how these positions are mained. Knight and Youngling Trials. And lastly a standard I wish to set for discipline and expectations


The first thing I will do is have it so that each Sub-branch can only have a maximum of 6 active members at a time. Currently no forms of honorary exist for Sub branches. With this it is ensured the Sub-branch is active and participating within the Order, encouraging new Jedi to pursue this Sub-branch as well as showcasing the best each branch has to offer. This is a small step however. The biggest change to be made is a requirement Branch Jedi will have to pursue Sub-branches.

At the current moment one can, for example, become a Sentinel, and then pursue Shadow immediately. The only measure to ensure at the moment they are ready for the position is the trial itself. I plan to expand this by utilizing a feature that already exists within the Rosters but is neglected, a tracker for training. To pursue a Sub-branch I will make it so it is required for the main Branch Jedi to complete the training relevant to said main branch in order to pursue the Sub-branch position.

For example within the Consular Roster there is already an existing tracker for three trainings on every member, Negotiations, Medical and AT. In the future for a Consular to pursue the limited position of Sage, a Consular has to be fully trained in the relevant trainings of their Main branch (Med, Neg, AT).

This change will both enshrine the Sub-branches as a more prestigious and noteworthy position. Only the best may hold it and they must be active and participating. It will also help increase Jedi and clone relations as Jedi will be seeking out trainings more for their relevant branch. Helping Jedi become more involved on the clone side of things. It also serves the dual purpose of training Jedi to take on the challenge of the Sub-Branch trials, which are notably more difficult than the Main branch and sometimes more difficult than even Knight Trials.


Knight and Youngling Trials:
Knight and Youngling Trials are going to be changed. I’ve already begun this now in my current position. I want to make them more focused on testing what we want most of our new Jedi Knights. Youngling Trial wise I am mainly tuning it to be smoother and less clunky. Again I can not elaborate too much without straight up leaking them, but I can clarify one particular change coming in for Knight will be a basic Merit requirement to attend the trial. This can help avoid situations where someone joins the server and is Padawan for all of one day before passing Knight Trials. The merit requirement will be a simple 625 merits, equivalent to assisting in 5 youngling trials. 

Clear direction of Discipline:

My last plan is to create a standardized plan of Discipline for the whole of the Jedi Order. This will be in the form of a document that gives clear guidance on how to handle various situations, as well as who to go to in the chain of command if assistance is necessary. This will assist in clear understanding for all Leaders in the Order what their expectations are as well as give fair, clear and concise warnings should ever they be necessary.

Overall my goal is to have the Jedi Order in the healthiest state it can be by the end of my term. Passive RP and active participation occurring in the Branches, with Leadership guiding and raising up those around them to become leaders. I want a Jedi Order that helps itself grow and flourish. 

How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:

One of the key steps in ensuring the health of the Branches is ensuring that the Padawans and Knights who work hard within these branches are watched over, guided and recognized by the leadership of the branches. At the moment the Master team is keeping a close eye on many Knights and Padawans who have taken up Manager positions within the branches.

The current health of the branches is also vital, something that Tetra, our Branch Overseer has done great work towards cultivating. To go more into depth on the current state of the branches:

Sentinel at this time is doing very well thanks to the leadership from Kirara, Raven and Spookz. There are a good number of Sentinel managers at this time participating and bringing in new members. Shadow is near its limit membership-wise and as a sub-branch will be completely full soon.
Guardian has some struggle with existing Managers but trials are still largely being done and Weapon Specialist has a healthy amount of members, close to the limit. Iceman, Sina and Hysterical are working hard to bring in new Managers and keep Trials consistent.
Consular is doing very well at this time, with strong leadership from Ganar/Megatron the branch has a near maximum number of managers who engage with their fellow consulars beyond not just trials but also hosting RP sessions. A new Consular Lead was also just selected and I look forward to seeing their work in Consular.
Temple Guard
Temple Guard is currently being rebuilt at this time by its newest Master Deathtiger. With the last Keto’s removal and some managers being pushed more. I trust Deathtiger to help TG grow once more.

With the Branches’ health aside, relations will also be improved with further encouragement from Branch leadership to work together on the Server in different “passive RP” missions. Examples I’ve already put into practice, include when the BH faction planned an assault on the Temple to steal Holocrons. And so the Shadows and Sentinels worked to steal data from the Village while Consulars and Guardians negotiated. Or for another example when Temple Guards would pass by the Holocron Vault and do rolls to check for missing Holocrons, situations like this can develop into large and engaging passive rp scenarios, sometimes even leading into events. This helps the Branches become closer within the Server while also encouraging more RP and activity from Jedi as a whole. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I fully understand.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: Yes


  • Winner 2
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Entity is good 👍 +1

  • Friendly 1


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+1 if we are speaking for the longevity of the Order there IS NOT a better option than Entity. He knows what the Order needs, was basically second hand to Patrick during his term, and ran the Order in Windu and Yoda's absence. 

Having worked with Entity since he returned earlier this year, he has been a shining face in the Order and has been planning this since Patrick took up his Yoda term. He has plans and a team willing to execute them alongside him. 

One of the biggest +1s i can give.

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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+1 this man came back either during or before my term and was consistant as all hell with great RP and work ethic. i have been checking in on the orders discord to see how its going and this man is still going strong. i have full trust in entity good luck man :)

  • Friendly 1

Certified Femboy!!
Current Positions: Jedi KU Elder Master Simms| Former Friendly Neighborhood Yoda

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+1 give it to him

  • Friendly 1
  • Current:
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  • CG Regimental Lead
  • Diplomatic Service Lead Stone
  • Naval Petty Officer 
  • Naval Zak
  • Jedi Master
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  • Former:
  • 187th COL (Former)
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  • 501st PLTL hawk (Former)
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  • GC Reed (Former)
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  • Temple Guard Lead (Former)
  • Serra Keto (Former)
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+1 known this guy for ages and he has always been performing well, im sure he can do a fine job.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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On 7/3/2023 at 11:39 PM, Mystic said:

+1 if we are speaking for the longevity of the Order there IS NOT a better option than Entity. He knows what the Order needs, was basically second hand to Patrick during his term, and ran the Order in Windu and Yoda's absence. 

Having worked with Entity since he returned earlier this year, he has been a shining face in the Order and has been planning this since Patrick took up his Yoda term. He has plans and a team willing to execute them alongside him. 

One of the biggest +1s i can give.


  • Friendly 1

I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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+100 The goat

  • Friendly 1

                               Current: Havoc ARC Overseer / Rancor MAJ  

                Ex: Alpha-22 Aven Sage Manager



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+1 W


  • Friendly 1

Former 327th Former DU Officer x2 Former 501st TC Last ATKO Former Blackout and Shortest JetFormer 41st GCD Cooker Former CIS Droideka Former 104th Wolpack Lead Warthog 212th GC Jedi Knight Siri Tachi 

"Certified Clover Crew Member"-Lucky IKEA Squad 2019-Omalic

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Veteran Admin


  • Friendly 1

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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