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RoboRobs Gree Application


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Steam Name: Twsted Rob

RP Name: RoboRob

RP Rank: Executive Officer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:180912147

Battalion you are applying for: 41st Elite Corps



Unnamed Wolfpack>Boost




In my time in the 104th, I was a part of the "104th Dynasty" if you could call it that in 2020? I think it was. For more context Hanz and Cox were active leaders within the 104th and Brooklyn had just become Wolffe, Deku was MCMD Cyris I believe. Back when there was a full/nearly full wolfpack that was active almost every day and a huge 104th player base. I served as an unnamed wolfpack (when those were a thing) Then eventually I got boost where I served almost a full 365-day term but resigned due to a huge opportunity I couldn't pass up. Regrettably I didn't build any long-term systems to help grow Wolfpack or 104th in general. Unfortunately, the opportunity didn't go as planned and I returned back to the server in 2021. By this time Brooklyn was long gone so was cox and Hanz, and the 104th didn't have the same culture/atmosphere. so, I left in search of a new battalion. I took a stop in 501st but they didn't have the environment I was looking for, so I left them and joined what has become my home for the last couple of months (4 months to be precise). 41st.







Where do I even get started here. I joined 41st as a PVT back when @SEXICO was Gree and he had built this environment that felt like family. It felt like no matter what ambitions you had everyone was there to support you. With this I felt like I could take on the world, quickly I became a Medic which led me into becoming a MEDO and then eventually MEDL. My MED Leadership term was short but eventful we had a large number of active medics and there were no internal problems, we created a new tryout and training doc fo internal use but eventually got scrapped by unkindled in the document reworks. Then I became IC Fi where my leadership was tested in a sense. IC was in a good place but not a great place. Our Gett had just stepped down, so I figured "screw it" and applied and actually got it. during my time as Gett I ushered in a revitalization of IC. I created a dedicated database/roster for IC to look at for years to come. I've emphasized the "nothing is given everything is earned" using an internal ranking system with IC. I've opened my arms to a couple different Fis, Nyes, Tenns, and clankys. It's going to be tough stepping down from IC as my main focus, since I've considered IC to be my baby for a while now. A passion project that I've dedicated my all to. But I have to put that behind me, because in this bliss of IC success I've ignored 41st success, which I wish to change if I get Gree. I've seen 41st at its best and I want to return it to that level of greatness. I currently don't hold an ITO+ position but since no one other than myself or Keegan really did intel work you could technically consider myself an ITO without formally calling myself ITO.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 

41st is the worse it's been in years I want to bring it back. I don't have a lot of Battalion leadership but that's one thing I hope to gain during my term. As of the moment I'm typing this application 41st has a total of 13 members total on the roster including myself. I'm also working actively on implementing systems that will increase activity and participation while in my position of XO. for the time being, the 41st is without a BCMD and I wish to step in and make sure that the battalion still runs and isn't falling apart. I will also work hard on making sure all members are held accountable for activity and that all members are not just on the server, but also participating in the server not outside bunks AFK. I'm guilty of this and I'm going to work on it and make sure if I'm on the server I'm working on something that helps the 41st, whether that is joint operations, patrols, recruitment and what not. Recruitment is a thing I don't think the last 2 BCMD Grees have focused on. The last time I remember Recruitment being rewarded or even reinforced was when Mexico was BCMD. 


Sunday: Noon until I go to bed
Monday: Noon until I go to bed
Tuesday: Noon until I go to bed
Wednesday: Noon until I go to bed
Thursday: Noon until I go to bed
Friday: Noon until I go to bed
Saturday: Noon until I go to bed

I'm very flexible in my hours. the times stated above are not concrete I will always try to be on for the 41st whenever I can but this I generally when I catch myself on the most


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 41st IC REGL XO Gett has played for 1037:49:18. . I joined the server back in the early stage of the server starting but never really built a name for myself. I went to Military school in 2019-2021 so I was never really on the server a lot. but now since I've joined 41st I've tried to up my activity to be on at least 3-4 days a week. 

Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

Ideally in a perfect world I want 41st to hit those 15 members active a day mark, but I don't see that happening. At least not in my 1st term. I wish to apply for at least 2 terms as Gree on the server, but as many of you know people rarely get that far. My first term is going to be the building/ foundation phase. As much as I hate to say it but 41st is pretty much crumbled to dust/hit rock bottom, this is a blessing in disguise. This means I can build the 41st back up without having to delete things to make room for more improvements. This is very weirdly worded if you need further clarification feel free to reach out to me. The specifics of what I want to see will be listed below. keep in mind at the time of writing this application there are 13 members within the 41st, meaning these goals could change during my term if granted to me.


The 41st Regiments and specializations are in shambles right now, and I'm currently, proactively working in my position as REGL to fill and make sure the standards of both the regimental leads and its members are upheld. As much as I want to fill the spots, I don't want to put someone who is going to destroy their regiment in the position to do so. I'm going to fix this by pressing hard and reinforcing that recruitment is the door to success. Even though using the thought process of "more people = more people to put into positions" is good it must be used cautiously because you don't want to put minges into positions of power and regret doing so.


Improcco Company and Green Company is also in a bad position, and by the end of my term I wish to have both a full and active IC roster and a GCL and GCO with at least 10 maybe 12 members under their command. I also wish to fill the lore characters. My thought process behind filling lore characters is that most people who play on clone wars servers have seen the clone wars and have formed a connection with the lore characters, so when new players see that there is a Buzz, Cooker, Draa, Faie etc.. on they will probably be more convinced to join the battalion as opposed to seeing 4 EC on with 3 GC to supplement. But like I stated before I don't want to put the wrong people in the wrong positions. One thing that has been talked about within 41st internally is Green Company tryouts being mandatory every weekend with anyone being able to join even if they aren't in 41st first, with a few requirements i.e., Engineer training, CPL+. I wish to implement this if I get Gree. My ideology behind this is that new players or players looking to switch battalions will be able to join GC without having to wait to get into 41st and then progress through ranks. I will also make sure that there are learning and advancement opportunities like those in IC right now. This is explained below. I will work closely with the GCL and its officers to establish a roster/database like the one IC uses.


Now to focus more on Improcco, I personally with the help of @KeeganHave put a lot of effort into making IC the elite squad its known as. such as a new application as well as keeping the interview and tryout phase, putting the knowledge and application of all the requirements and trainings to use. This makes it so that you must earn you spot in IC, not be given it. IC also has a new database which will be given to all of the Getts from now into the future so that there is tangible evidence that there is work being put into IC and that it's not just a cosmetic unit. IC currently has an IC member lead event system in place where once a week a member of IC has to host a training that involves every member's specialty, such as Fis Medical prowess, and clankys engineering, nyes battalion strategy. I wish to maintain this and improve upon it. This might be a little biased, but I want to make IC the elite unit it is but also a learning center for NCO/SNCO to learn leadership values so that when they become Officers, they know exactly what is expected of them and they have that experience. IC currently has an internal ranking system that shows who is putting in the work and earning their spot. The advancement in this ranking system is based on the judgement of the Gett and the IC XO. IC is a huge responsibility that will not be under looked.

 The 41st Jedi "Branch" Is actually surprisingly well we currently have 4 members and growing by the day. I will of course monitor this and make sure it doesn't fall. but my main focus will be on the clone side of 41st for my first term if bestowed upon me

The intel team is good for the number of members in the battalion, Our ITD is still Finn and unless he wants to be replaced by his own accord, I see no problem in keeping him there. I will of course still be working as an informal ITO. Since most of our Intel work is automated, unless it's a regiment specific thing, I see no reason to expand the intel team unless we get a sudden influx of members. but I personally believe a small intel team is better than a bigger one.

During my term I wish to have the enlisted corps to be the second to largest chunk of the battalion. You may be wondering why, let me explain. During this very vulnerable time of rebuilding, I want to build an infrastructure of NCOS, SNCOS, and Officers that I can trust will do the job right. I want the enlisted members to show me they deserve to be a part of the NCO corps. I also want them to use this time to learn the inside outs of the battalion such as the responsibilities as an NCO, SNCO, Etc... Aswell as gets some experience of how the leadership works during events and what not.

During my term I wish to have the NCO corps be the largest but also have the largest responsibility before hitting the officer rank. My plan for the NCO corps is to be "the leaders from below". All NCOS will have to lead the enlisted members by example, Ideally, I want to implement a Squad system were there will be an NCO in charge of a group of 3-4 enlisted. not only will this encourage responsibility to the NCO in charge, but it will also give them leadership experience so that they are prepared for the SNCO role. idealistically this will give them a sense of pride an accomplishment within their respective squads, I believe this will also give them a chance to know their squad mates and fellow battalion members, and maybe even give them some competition between squads.



During my term I wish to implement a new system that involves the SNCOS and NCOs having a synergic relationship involving a squad system. Like I stated above each NCO will be responsible for a group of 3-4 enlisted, now where the SNCO comes into play is each SNCO will be in charge of 2-3 squads, and they will be called Platoon Leaders. This will be a huge step but also the most complicated because the Platoon Leader has a lot of squad responsibility. All this is to reduce the amount of SNCO over saturation seen in most battalions. the SNCO will also work with the Officer Corps to determine who gets promoted and what not. I somewhat want to phase out the merit system starting at this rank and maybe even NCO. Since there is this new responsibility given to SNCOs and NCOS, there will always be someone to turn to when something goes wrong. This will give experience to NCO/SNCOS to make decisions/ punishments by themselves and they aren't codependent on the officer corps to help them. Idealistically this will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment within their respective squads. I also want to make is so that there is only 1 CSM and roughly 1-2 SGMs depending on numbers, this will be so there is some pride in the positions and not just "another rank"

Officers and Commanders:

 The Role of the Officers and Commanders using this new system will be the Overseers and the problem solvers to the NCOS/SNCOS. Alot of the promotion and Heavy responsibility will still be a part of the officers but I want to see the NCOS and SNCOs really do the most with what they have. The Junior officers will work with the NCO squad leaders and the Senior Officers will work with the SNCOs to work as a guiding hand if the NCO corps doesn't know what to do in a situation/ need's guidance. The Commanders However will consist of only 2 people. One will work very closely with the NCO corps when needed and the other will work with the officers. I don't want the Officer corps to be split between Junior and senior officers because when a member gets to the officer position, I want them to develop the mindset that they work as a collective with votes on thing/changes in the battalion. The commanders+ will obviously have higher say but I don't want to have a system where people on chase ranks and not the betterment of the battalion. I want to develop a sense of pride and accomplishment in being part of the 41st as a whole. I don't want to develop a culture of people using rank to feel higher than others, I want people to respect each other's power but also respect their own power. I want people to be able to be proud of themselves and take pride in saying they are a part of the 41st.

The Executive Officer Position:

This Position will be the most important outside of the squad leaders, this position will act as the battalion commander in training. the battalion commander will work very very closely with the battalion commander. I want the XO to be able to take the position of the battalion commander and the drop of a dime. I want this position to know the ins and out of the battalion so that when the battalion commander resigns, or his term(s) come to an end he is right there ready to take the reins.

41st discipline is in a decent state, with us rarely receiving any issues. When we did have issues, they were quickly addressed in a fair manner. This will continue. The responsibility of managing discipline/reports will largely fall onto the squad leaders and their overseers, but I will personally oversee each case and watch to see if they handled each case right, providing insights whenever possible.

Battalion Relations:
Thanks to @Keegan We have a really good battalion relationship system, and I see no reason to change it. Since there will be a squad system the "ambassadors" will be Senior officers since the junior officers will be working with their respective SNCOS 

I aim to actually complete these goals, and if I am given Gree, I will report new changes/developments to regimental+ commanders. I will also host an optional meeting every month for RCMD+ with progress updates, and for those who won't be able to attend I will provide notes. Ideally this will develop a sense of constant communication, and no one is left in the dark.

As you can see from this application, I have many Aspirations and goals for the 41st that I wish I can implement. Ideally, I want to build a battalion under my leadership that other battalions look to as an example of success. I want to build a battalion not of minges but respectable leaders who eventually become BCMDS and RCMDs. I can't Change the past 41st members mistakes but I can mold future members to not make those mistakes. If you've read this far into my application, thank you for your time and I hope to be your new 41st Battalion Commander Gree.


"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things"

                                                                         -Peter F. Drucker

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes
Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

If you have any questions, please ask below or DM me on Discord: RoboRob#6081

Edited by RoboRob_
Grammar Mistakes

Former:  41st XO GettWolfpack Boost | Unnamed Wolfpack Officer | 41st BCMD Gree / Jedi Knight / SG Lieutenant Faro Argyus             

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+1 @RoboRob_i got you on the Jedi side and with GC until people get in. 41st will thrive under you. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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From being put on a watchlist in 41st to applying for Gree. 


+1 best of luck 

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Alright, heres the deal.

If you truly want the battalion to flourish you will need to make sacrifices. Good things will come through hard work. Prioritize recruitments and put yourself out there. Figure a selling point to joining 41st. A lot of people always say that recruitment is not important and that you should not fight to become the most active battalion or to try to appeal to new players to win those CTs over but I think that is a lot of bogus. You have to find a selling point, "Why do I join 41st". Put an emphashis on this and double down on it. I never wanted to go for gree; but it came to a point in which I had to. Once I signed up for it I put all hands on board. I did not want to go for gree because I was starting a new semester in college and my time was small. Once I finally realized that I had to go for it because the battalion needed it, i put everything else on hold and went at it. You are signing up for a 3 month term, finish the term. The last 2 grees have not finished it. Focus on your life and school but use your free time to work on the battalion. You are signing up for this, don't quit halfway through. Go through the burn out and pummel everything in your way. At this point there is no other person to go for gree, from our history together I know you have the skills. Now its the time to see if you can really put those skills to use. Don't be a failure.

Good luck, finish your term strong.


  • Pay Respect 1


Certified G

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You were a joy to work with in 104th and I have full confidence you can take 41st far, o7 brotha

  • Agree 1


 Current:  Nothing                                                                                                                                                                        

Former: 104th BCMD Wolffe | 212th GCO ARFL Switchblade | 501st ARCO CPT Sina | Knight Etain Tur-Mukan  | Alpha-98 Nate 

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+1 Great ideas i hope having you as BCMD help this battalion become great and i hope to be working closer together in Red Tails

  • Optimistic 1


2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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                                                                                              Current: 2ndAC Spark
Former: 501st Kickback | 501st x2 Havoc Squad Acid | Dooms Unit x10 | CG x6 Rancor x1 | Naval Lightning Staff x5 212th x2 GM x3  | Jedi Lightning | Green Company Lead x4 | 2ndAC x1 

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 I have a question. I tried this EXACT same platoon system in 212th. I gave it a ton of time, attention, and picked good leaders to help me try the project. It went absolutely nowhere. I, and maybe two other people, became the only people actively engaged in the project. 212th was booming at the time, and all members well pretty active. How will you prevent the same thing from happening when the server population/activity is just coming out of a slump? Do you have any backup plans if this does not work?

Edited by Bane


Former: A lot of shit dude

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48 minutes ago, Bane said:

Before I cast my vote, I have a question. I tried this EXACT same platoon system in 212th. I gave it a ton of time, attention, and picked good leaders to help me try the project. It went absolutely nowhere. I, and maybe two other people, became the only people actively engaged in the project. 212th was booming at the time, and all members well pretty active. How will you prevent the same thing from happening when the server population/activity is just coming out of a slump? Do you have any backup plans if this does not work?

I cannot guarantee that this system will work, but I will try my hardest to make it work, using the following principle that will help guide the 41st into this transition: "Everything will be earned not given", Meaning if they want to obtain a higher rank within 41st they have to show me by actively engaging within the battalion in things such as Recruitment, Training, Hosting RP events (Patrols) etc... It is going to be a lot harder to obtain NCO, SNCO ranks due to the fact that there will certain positions such as the CSM and SGM which will only have 1 person in those slots. Also, there will be a lot more responsibility on the shoulders of the CSM and SGM because they are going to basically be running the whole NCO corps with some help little help from the officer corps. The 41st Officer Corps right now has come to the conclusion that there really isn't a lot of responsibility within the NCO corps as of this moment, and this is our solution. We (41st OC) want to see new/old members who actually want to help the battalion use and make the most of this new system. The way I'm going to keep them engaged is rewarding them with in-game credits for recruitments, Rewards for squads who win our internal squad competitions, Rewards for Platoon Leaders who had the best squads in recruiting, and trainings. So, there will be this sense of you have to earn your ranks and earn respect but there will also be rewards along the way so that you know you are doing well, and you don't feel stuck in NCO forever. Also, since Squad Leaders+ are those to which enlisted will look up to, If the SGM, CSM, and Officer Corps are noticing that they aren't putting in the work for their position they will be replaced with someone who will do the work. So, there will never be a hole in which no one is doing anything to help improve the battalions. Because at the end of the day we wall want what's best for the 41st and if you aren't trying to help us accomplish that goal, I'm sorry but we can't have that. Sort of don't keep a thorn in your hand to cause infection type thinking. You can look at this and say I'm being too serious/strict for a roleplay server, but that's how it's got to be to become a good battalion that has good infrastructure you have to have some type of strictness. I'm not saying we won't have fun but there has to be an equal ratio of business to playtime to succeed.

As for a Backup plan, I'm not going to sit here and lie to your face and say I have one, I don't. That is something I'm trying to work on right now. When I have a solid contingency plan, I will let you know. but as of the moment I'm typing out this response I don't have an answer for you.

Thank you for actually raising some skepticism and something to think about. Not that I don't like people showing their support with +1's but it's good to have someone to raise some concerns.

Edited by RoboRob_
Extra Clarification
  • Winner 2

Former:  41st XO GettWolfpack Boost | Unnamed Wolfpack Officer | 41st BCMD Gree / Jedi Knight / SG Lieutenant Faro Argyus             

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  • Coordinator

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director or Myself to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Edited by Woeny
  • Winner 1
  • Confused 1
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  • Coordinator

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


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