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Baxter's SOBDE Regimental Application


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===Before anyone asks, Forseen gave me his blessing to make this===

Steam Name: [SR] Baxter/Niner [OVS]


RP Name: RC 09 Omega LEAD Niner Skirata


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:26780882


Regiment you are applying for: SOBDE Regimental



I’m going to keep this strictly to Synergy experience since I personally believe that it’s the most relevant in my case.

Keller’s Unit

The transfer from IFN to Synergy was pretty rough on GM as a whole and especially bad for Keller’s Unit. We were expecting to transfer with about 4-5 people (Keller included) but only ended up transferring with 3 (Keller, Myself, and Viper). Once we had a stable footing and ground rules for the battalion set up, I got to work on rebuilding the GM via recruiting. I spent the first few days - a week of the server pretty much recruiting non-stop. I also took it upon myself to try and rebuild the support regiment within the battalion, as it was suffering. I spend any spare time I had writing up tryout docs for the Support, Medical, and Engineer branches of the Galactic Marines.  All of this garnered the attention of both the Bacara at the time (@Gene) and Commander Keller himself. Through the work and dedication, I showed to the battalion, they both agreed to make me the second in command of Keller’s Unit. As time went on, things changed and Tank(Keller) decided it was his time to depart. It was between me and Oxen to take the reigns of Keller’s Unit as it’s new Keller, and the people of GM chose me to be their next Keller.

Now, I had some pretty big shoes to fill, and I got to work right away. I began revising the documents that Tank and I had written before his departure, and wrote some strict guidelines for how I expected the troops within Keller’s Unit to act. The tryouts were supposed to rival those of the infamous Republic Commandos. Though with me not having the ability to build and Bacara having a busy work schedule, it was hard to find time to build the dupes we needed for the tryouts, but we got by. I won’t lie, I could have done a much better job as Keller, but I tried my best to set up a solid foothold for whoever would take the reigns from me once I decided to depart for whatever roads I chose to go down.

Omega Squad

Once I found that my time with the Galactic Marines was done, I chose to become part of something I had longed for since I originally started playing, and that was to become a Republic Commando. Once I managed to pass RC tryouts for the spot of Atin in Omega Squad, I felt right at home. Being in a smaller group of people was something I had to get used to, but I adapted quickly and carried my good work ethic over here from GM. I assisted in pretty much every tryout that RC held, regardless of the squad, and I also assisted in the training that we held frequently. Through my work and dedication to the squad, Niner(Fido) decided to make me the second in command of the squad. Though his activity decreased over time, I tried my best to keep the spirits high within the squad, as was my job. Sadly, Fido too chose to depart from the server, and after applying for the role, I was accepted as the new Niner.

As Niner, I feel like I have been able to give not only my Squad but RC as a whole a better reputation on the server. With help from Boss(Punda), we revamped the trainings to be more streamlined and set up a schedule weekly to ensure those who needed the training, had a chance to get it. We have also implemented a few more systems into RC, such as the ‘sign in program’, in which members of the squads are to sign in once every 3 to 4 days, as we want to make sure that activity says up. We have also shifted the training to be more Squad focused, rather than individually focused, so Squad members can get to know each other more and for it to be less stress on one single person. There have been some bumps in the road along the way, but I feel as though the Squad is healthier than ever and we are received fairly well by the community.


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I wish to become Regimental Commander of SOBDE so I can hopefully spread the success I have had with Omega Squad to the other units that fall under the SOBDE umbrella. As of writing this, SOBDE is not in the best shape, all things considered. Delta Squad needs to find stable footing with a new Boss, and I plan on assisting SC in any way I can with whatever they need. I’d like to play more of an Advisor role, where if someone needs advice on how to deal with a situation in their battalion/squad, I can be there to help. Same goes for NULL, though Cipher has made them pretty self-sufficient.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes, all the way from when the RC were nothing but pod babies to when Shadow Company placed jammers that allowed Obi-Wan and the Third Systems Army to invade Utapau without being noticed.


Every day, almost always between 2pm-12am


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

  • Received a MoH when I was in Keller’s Unit for keeping everyone in MHB alive during an event

  • Setting up documents that would help assist in the stability of the Support Regiment of the Galactic Marines

  • Created documents for both Keller’s Unit tryouts(not the ones used on the server currently, sadly) as well as a Code of Conduct and Rules that would ensure that anyone inside KU takes it seriously

  • Added multiple changes to RC as a whole, including streamlining tryouts, adding the RC sign-in system, and creating a schedule for RC training, with help from Boss(Punda)


Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want the SOBDE Regiment to be in stable condition at the end of my term. Delta Squad is a bit shaky at the moment due to recent events, and I think Shadow Company could be in a better spot, but they are pretty stable as it stands. I hope to have it where each squad is decently active, and SC having nice, consistent numbers on daily. NULL is down a few members, but they are pretty self-sufficient, so I have no worries about them.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I’m going to be honest here, I don’t think the relations between RC, NULL, and SC are not terrible, but they aren’t great either. There was recent drama caused by issues with certain members, but that has all been resolved now. Now that this storm has passed hopefully RC, NULL, and SC can finally start having excellent relations with each other. One plan I have is offering a version of the NULL outreach to the RC squads, not forcing anyone to do anything, as I wasn’t too keen about the idea myself, but if someone wants to do it, they are more than welcome to. Also, I plan on hosting special training for SC and RC/NULL together, where they can learn each other's strengths and weaknesses, so when they do go into a mission together, there will not need to be much communication needed to understand who needs to do what during a mission.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that your position has a two-month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:


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+1 this man has done alot for Rc and can do even more with the regimental

spot best man for the job

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Don't take this to heart, just my opinion from what I've seen. 

-1 and here's a few reasons 

1. You don't want to improve relations yet you say you do, you hated that I got SC into our discord,  you hated the null outreach program, you think it's stupid, you'd rather focus on your rp character that doesn't hang out with battalions then actually improve relations and give the regiment a better image. Now all of a sudden your changing it where you want to do the outreach program for RC? Yesterday you were saying you hated it, if I still had chat logs of the conversation about it on steam PMs, it would say that you despise the outreach program. 

2. You talk shit behind people's backs, I'm sorry but I know for a fact that you talk shit about me when I'm not around, I've heard it from PLENTY of people. Not really something a REGCMD should be doing in my honest opinion. Instead of coming to me about what I was doing wrong as Boss, you instead decided to talk shit about me behind my back. 

3. You haven't pushed for a major change within RC, let alone SOBDE from what I've seen, in my personal opinion someone applying for a high role should already be in the process of doing something major within their regiment/order/whatever. 

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 5
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+1, knows when to take a stand against bullshit happening within his Regiment, which in my opinion was a major change. He has the ability to lead and that is very clear by Omega's current status. You don't force your squad mates into things they don't agree to and understand that this is more of Squad effort than a Dictatorship. I'd love to work with Baxter as Regimental as he is always honest and a hard worker.

Edited by Metro
  • Agree 4

"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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4 hours ago, Punda said:

1. You don't want to improve relations yet you say you do, you hated that I got SC into our discord,  you hated the null outreach program, you think it's stupid, you'd rather focus on your rp character that doesn't hang out with battalions then actually improve relations and give the regiment a better image. Now all of a sudden your changing it where you want to do the outreach program for RC? Yesterday you were saying you hated it, if I still had chat logs of the conversation about it on steam PMs, it would say that you despise the outreach program. 

2. You talk shit behind people's backs, I'm sorry but I know for a fact that you talk shit about me when I'm not around, I've heard it from PLENTY of people. Not really something a REGCMD should be doing in my honest opinion. Instead of coming to me about what I was doing wrong as Boss, you instead decided to talk shit about me behind my back. 

3. You haven't pushed for a major change within RC, let alone SOBDE from what I've seen, in my personal opinion someone applying for a high role should already be in the process of doing something major within their regiment/order/whatever. 


1. I even said in my app that I wasn't fond of the idea, but I'm not going to stop someone from doing it if they want to. It should be their choice if they want to hang out with a battalion and give them a helping hand, not something I force on them. I didn't dislike having SC in the discord, I disliked that you brought them in without consulting everyone it was going to affect first. Even further than that, you used Duck as your excuse, and when he came in and shut that shit down you knew you fucked up. I even explained my reasons for my discomfort to Ryx and he completely understands.

2. Literally everybody does it. If you deny it, you are lying to yourself.

3. I think us changing the tryouts, adding in the schedule for RC training and adding the sign-in process were all pretty major change, but you might disagree. I'm also not going to try to step on other people's toes for any reason what so ever, no matter what. I'm just going to leave it at that.

Now, I don't want this to turn into a flame war, so if you have any rebuttal to my responses, send them to me in a pm on discord, the forums, or TS. Thank you.

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7 minutes ago, Baxter said:

1. I even said in my app that I wasn't fond of the idea, but I'm not going to stop someone from doing it if they want to. It should be their choice if they want to hang out with a battalion and give them a helping hand, not something I force on them. I didn't dislike having SC in the discord, I disliked that you brought them in without consulting everyone it was going to affect first. Even further than that, you used Duck as your excuse, and when he came in and shut that shit down you knew you fucked up. I even explained my reasons for my discomfort to Ryx and he completely understands.

2. Literally everybody does it. If you deny it, you are lying to yourself.

3. I think us changing the tryouts, adding in the schedule for RC training and adding the sign-in process were all pretty major change, but you might disagree. I'm also not going to try to step on other people's toes for any reason what so ever, no matter what. I'm just going to leave it at that.

Now, I don't want this to turn into a flame war, so if you have any rebuttal to my responses, send them to me in a pm on discord, the forums, or TS. Thank you.

1. "Duck shut that shit down" what? All you guys did was ask him he had planned to have SC in our discord, he said no, so I removed them and some of them left. Not my fault he waited weeks to finally say he wasn't going to put them in there. 

2. An overseer and a person going for REGCMD shit talking people behind their backs and causing more drama, seems great

3. Tryouts changed by like 5%, duck suggested the current training schedule that's in place, the signing in thing was small as well. 

I'll leave it at this, I won't post anymore unless I'm being spoken to.

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1 hour ago, Punda said:

2. An overseer and a person going for REGCMD shit talking people behind their backs and causing more drama, seems great

Legit every high staff including the founders and the high command have done this at some point. It's in human nature. I would recommend just bringing up your problems with the person to them. If you sit there talking about something and let it sit it will eventually get so bad that it destroys itself.

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+1 baxter is a real G when it comes to the server i always knew that baxter would be my replacement and that he would overthrow me (in which he did successfully as an RC member) and that he will forever be a captain in my books


-101st PVT Captain Fido Excuse me but ima captain idc what the system says

Edited by Fido™
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    I have known Baxter since ICEFUSE days and of course the start of Synergy. If I did not think he was of good stock and quality I would not have backed him for Keller and to this day in his endeavors.  

  While he is not perfect (none of us are) he is a very strong candidate for this position.

    The problem with senior staff moving into senior trooper/jedi/naval roles is the natural progression on most occasions. He started out like everyone else, putting in his staff application and working (WORKING) his way to Overseer today. It is possible for ANYONE to do that. Those that do seem to excel and push for more responsibility.

Again +1 Baxter.

Good luck.

- Oxen

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+1, At first i thought that Baxter was extremely strict and stuck up tbh, but i now know him fot much more and thats a sound roleplayer and leader. I would love to see this guy around as the SOBDE


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