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Unkindled's Gree Application


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Steam Name:
Unkindled Synr.gg

RP Name:
41st GC ARC LTC Unkindled


Battalion Commander you are applying for:
41st Battalion Commander Gree


41st Experience: Private to Commander x3

During my time within the 41st I was under the mentorship of Egg and many other great commanders that taught me everything that I know of today. The 41st was the first battalion I joined on Synergy and was the one battalion I always had an attachment to. I have always been in leadership positions within this battalion, always learning something new everyday from my mentors and combining all their teaching to create the person I am now. During my time within the battalion I have done everything you could ever do within the battalion. Some key examples of what I’ve done within the battalion are; Maintain activity and professionalism in each branch of the battalion, personally become the leader of each branch/regiment, maintained good communication throughout the battalion and always remained an unbiased figure anyone could go to, focused on maintaining professionalism and seriousness within the battalion and the battalions image, and much more. Within the 41st I have held every important position within the battalion and I could go on forever explaining what I did in each regiment and branch. During the time I’ve held leadership positions for regiments within the battalion I always gave it my 110% effort to maintain the regiment and to make sure everything was as organized as it could be. Whenever something needed to be changed, finished, or adjusted I always found a way to adapt and allow my regiment to persevere. During my time in Green Company I always had such a great honor to be within the sub-unit. I knew our sub-unit was respected and skilled on the server and we had a great reputation of being competitive and skillful on the battlefield. What I’ve learned so much from being in this battalion and have had so many great and amazing memories that I will remember for a very long time.

Rancor/ARC Experience: SGT to CSM

Within my time on the server I have explored and have joined Rancor before because I respected the amount of seriousness and professionalism they had on the server. I became an ARC trooper looking to become one of these troopers and uphold the image they have. ARC was one of the classes I strived to become and currently on the server I’m probably one of the last remaining veterans that had the privilege to experience the old process of becoming an ARC trooper and the amount of professionalism you needed to have. ARC has always been my go to class because they are always equipped with special weapons and gear that make them stand out from the rest. It really shows that you put the work in to earn the gear you’re equipped with. Out of all the regiments I’ve been in I can without a doubt say I mainly maintained my position as an ARC trooper and Leader of the squad during my time as ARC. Back when I had a lot more time available to me I helped out as much as I possibly could to help the ARC class grow, always encouraging and helping people become ARC troopers. As an ARC trooper you were taught the most important basics of being a leader. I’m always thankful to Rancor for the dedication they give to ARC and the responsibility they have maintaining what an ARC trooper is.

104th Experience: Private to Major
After some time on the server and coming back from a short break I decided to join the 104th. The 104th was a different change of pace for me and really motivated me to learn and experience this battalion. During my time here I had my first encounter using the merit system within battalions. I adapted quickly to the new environment I was in and had an amazing time while under the command of Cox and Paladin. Within my time here I trained many individuals on how to use the AT-TE’s & TX-130's. It was 104ths job to train individuals on how to use the vehicles properly with the rules and guidelines with them. Another key role I learned was hostage negotiations which was one of the more important things I learned during my time within this battalion. I learned that this was a very cherished role that 104th had and it changed how I interacted with event jobs. Next within the 104th I pursued becoming a part of Wolfpack and was accepted soon after I now had a key important role within the 104th to lead negotiations alongside my other wolfpack members. 


212th Experience:  SGM to Captain

After returning to the server for another time I soon joined 212th and was excited to try something new. During my time here I was reintroduced to the merit system I had previously used before in the 104th and hustled to finish my merits as soon as I could. I always made sure to be on top of my duties within the battalion and always made it my focus to do training, events, and dupes for my battalion. Once getting settled within the battalion I was invited to tryout for Ghost Company and then after passing I made it my passion to do anything I could to benefit both the battalion and the Sub-Unit I joined. After working alongside the battalion for six continuous months I reached the rank of Captain and eventually Ghost Company Commander. During my time as leadership within Ghost Company my main goal was reviving the Sub-Unit and adjusting the roles and responsibilities of each rank within Ghost Company. I worked in this position to do anything I could to find new and qualified candidates for the Sub-Unit. Things I’ve done during my time in Ghost Company was create new and advanced dupes for the tryout, touch up on the responsibilities of ranks within Ghost Company, worked on communication within the Sub-Unit, created a waiving process for any candidates that fit the role of Ghost Company but didn’t reach the requirements yet, adjusted and worked on finishing ITG training document for Ghost Company, and worked on getting tryouts to candidates that have been waiting. These were the main projects that I worked on during my time in leadership for Ghost Company.


Recon Regimental Commander
Within my time on the server I’ve had the chance and opportunity to become a Regimental Commander. I’ve held the rank of commander within 41st for about six months around the time I’ve decided to go for this position. At the time we still had an active and populated Recon Regiment with the battalions of 91st, 41st, and Rancor. I had full support of all the battalions within the regiment and got the position soon afterwards. Once becoming Regimental Commander, my main goals were to see what problems needed to be fixed, how to fix them, and working on battalion relationships. At this time during Synergy the server was very unfiltered and competitive so I had my main goal of working alongside all my battalions and playing alongside all three to get an understanding to see how they all operate differently than each other. Once understanding what’s different from each one I worked on cleaning up any problems within each battalion such as finishing documents, working on the rosters of the battalions, assisting rancor with the ARC program, hosting trainings for the three battalions to enjoy, regimental meetings where all three battalions would get together and discuss subjects related to the Recon Regiment as a whole, and much more. Everything was running smoothly and good for each battalion which allowed me to get into a position to not step on any toes and just oversee the operation as a whole.

Squad Leader Hunter of Bad Batch
Another experience I was able to enjoy was joining the Republic Commandos/Special Operations Brigade. After being in 104th for some time I really was starting to become interested in Special Operations, at the time they were having a lot of tryouts and open positions for people to fill in and not many people were passing the tryout. I took this opportunity to join and ended up passing the tryout in only three rounds. I ended up going for the position of Wrecker because they were the newest and coolest squad at the time to me. I was happy to play a character such as wrecker because it literally gave me permission to not be a tactical thinker but more of an aggressive brute in roleplay. After about three months within the squad and how things rolled out with my other squad members I ended up becoming the most qualified and senior member of Bad Batch with another opportunity to fill in the position of Hunter. I gladly took this opportunity and was accepted into the position. My main goals as squad leader was to refurbish the tryouts for this squad, work on battalion relationship with battalions and other squads, and to work on the squad roleplay which I took the most serious. During my time as Hunter I accomplished all the goals I set for myself. 


Why should you become Battalion Commander:
I should become Battalion Commander Gree because of the experiences, dedication, and leadership I’ve had in this battalion. Throughout the time I’ve always had an attachment to the 41st and always seen the 41st as my home. I always want the best for the 41st and I want our battalion to be seen as one of the greatest to all players of the server. I am very knowledgeable on all aspects of the battalion and have held nearly all positions and lore characters in the battalion other than the Improcco Company.  My main goal as battalion commander is to focus on the battalion itself and to make sure everything is tuned out for the next person after me to have another successful run as commander gree. A lot of people from back in the day know me just for my time in 41st and the amount of dedication I had to making my battalion the best. I’ve been able to experience all different leaders during my time here. I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I can say I learned a little bit from all my predecessors and I think I’m a good round mix of all the teaching I’ve been taught over the years. I’ve made so many good friends over the years and have had so many laughs that I will literally remember forever. I want to continue Mexico's goal of having the battalion be in the top three but instead have it be number one!



Creating clear communication within the battalion is one of the most vital parts within any battalion. How I want to tackle this during my term is to refine the chain of command, work on the layouts of meetings and the importance of them, and to organize and clean up documents, tryouts, and the discord. My main overall focus that goes into communication is the chain of command. I want the chain command to be refined and enforced more so than ever in my term. I want the battalion to be able to run by itself and to be set for the future. I’m going to be setting the standard about this and I’ll be working to make all needed information accessible for the appropriate ranks. For the battalion as a whole I’m going to be creating battalion goals for each type of unit such as (NCO’s, Officers, Green Company, Improcco Company, Battalion Goal). The way I’m going to do this is by having short term and long term goals set for the battalion and to give the player more objectives to achieve. I hope to keep my battalion engaged and entertained by doing this by having RP goals and more. I’ll also distribute the workload evenly to easily spread out the work of the battalion so it’s easier for us to complete. Another problem I see currently is that a lot of members of the battalion have the discord notifications muted. I want to work on this by creating separate roles that will message individuals in the discord only specifically for what they’re looking for. It will be more advanced than what we have already and will hopefully reduce the amount of people that have the discord muted. I’ll also be making sure that members of the battalion don’t abuse the messaging system on discord to message a large quantity of members for no reason. 


Objectives and Organization:

Like how I was explaining previously I want to have clear objectives and organization within the battalion that will allow us to operate smoothly. I want all of our members in 41st to be qualified for the positions they have and to understand how to handle themselves. I want to set standards that must be achieved by our members by having members organize meetings, lead events and trainings, handle punishments and disciplinary, and to be able to handle any position given to them. The main reason why I plan on doing this is because I see a lot of newer members don’t know or were never explained what to do in certain situations. I want to create some guidelines that explain and suggest what to do in certain scenarios. I want the members of 41st to have objectives set for themselves that they want to accomplish and to have a larger picture in mind. Explaining more in depth I want members to explore different ways of achieving their goals and to really express themselves by going over and beyond trying to achieve the goal they had. The next thing I’m going to work on accomplishing is evaluations of the entire battalion. I’m going to be evaluating how members of the battalion perform in roleplay scenarios, simulations, personal questions, and what to do in scenarios. I want to do this to gain an understanding on where the battalion stands and usually these evaluations are going to be performed after large battalion meetings. 


Standards and Infrastructure:

Rebuilding the infrastructure and carving the pathway for success is one of the biggest goals I have in mind for the 41st. In my mind I want to make sure my battalion is always going to thrive and be able to handle itself. In these battalion evaluations I’ll be doing occasionally I’m going to hold meetings with the Subunits to get an update on how they’re performing and give them recommendations on what to do if they’re underperforming. I don’t want to pull the carpet out from any leader of the subunits but if I must I’ll make some changes that I see are beneficial. I want to make sure the battalion rebuilds the infrastructure to have the solid chain of command I want. When rebuilding the infrastructure I’m going to make sure each leader role is filled within the battalion, making sure the leaders of the battalion are doing the jobs they’ve been given, and to make sure members are able to enjoy the positions they have by giving them goals and roles that will help the battalion overall. What I mean by this is if people are in green company I want them to be the first men into battle to give the rest of the battalion a quick recon report, I want Improcco company to specialize as special forces that are sent on high priority missions for the 41st that will encourage them to utilize each of their roles they have, and I want the rest of 41st to be the backbone of the battalion. I want the 41st to be over achievers and to want to stay attached to the battalion. 


Discipline and roleplay:

Roleplay has always been something the 41st has been back and forth with quite a lot over the years. My main goal for the battalion is to work on this by setting the standard and having members in the 41st be examples for the rest of the server. How I want to achieve this is to start conducting light disciplinary actions to members that go too far out of hand and are ruining the reputation of the battalion as a whole. We’ve previously had encounters where members don’t think of the consequences ahead of them by doing dumb stuff and are shocked when disciplinary action happens. I plan on having guidelines that officers will use to oversee the battalion and make sure no troopers get too out of hand. This will mainly be effective during events, trainings, simulations, and during roleplay scenarios. I plan on making sure the battalion is still friendly but some things can not continue as it is right now.  I plan on making the disciplinary actions aware to all ranks and will be given to new troopers as a document soon after being recruited or handed out when they reach the rank of sergeant. 


Do you understand the lore of your Battalion:



  • Always available over discord.

  • In teamspeak whenever on the computer. 

  • Weekdays anytime past 4PM est.

  • Weekends change day to day. 


Estimate of how long you’ve played on Synergy:

The total time played on synergy is roughly 2600 hours over a five year period.

Do you have a microphone:


Where do you want your Battalion at the end of your term:
The place I want my battalion to stand at the end of my term with the work of myself and the officers is to have a clear and organized infrastructure within the battalion. How I want to achieve this is by creating clear communication within the battalion by restructuring the chain of command, creating guidelines to assist new and upcoming members, and to tidy up anything that may still be confusing. I plan on working on the standards, discipline, and roleplay in the battalion by having members understand the role and positions they carry and what to do as their position. I plan on working closely with all parts of my battalion to make sure everything is running smoothly and suggesting ideas that might help them in the long run. Evaluations of the battalion will allow me to evaluate where we stand as the battalion and what to do next. Setting short and long term goals will allow the battalion to achieve much more and have us work towards a final goal as a team.


Do you understand if you go inactive you will be removed from your position:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank:


  • Confused 1
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I know at this point I am just a spooky ghost lurker and my words may not mean much, but, I have known Unkindled for his entire SWRP career on Synergy, and I have watched him grow from a cringe retard, who came to minge and RDM without a care about the server, to a mature and competent person and leader. Unkindled is one of the most dedicated and hard working people that I know and I am proud that he is finally making this run for Gree. He has been through nearly every single one of the battalions highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. He knows how great things can be and how bad things can get. He knows how to keep a level head and achieve the goals he sets for himself and I think that is something that every BCMD needs to have to keep not only themselves motivated, but the battalion as a whole as well. Anyway, enough rambling. I believe this man here will do a good job and leave the battalion in a better spot than when he takes over. 

Good luck out there brother.


Edited by Egg
forgot my vote
  • Friendly 2
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This is going to be the first app I have ever +1'd on this server. I personally feel (without going into any details and creating drama) that Unkindled can work with 41st very well and fix the issues I have personally heard since I have left. Working with Unkindled in 212th Ghost Company I know he is dedicated to what he puts his mind to and truthfully believe he is the best fit for Gree out of anyone that is in 41st at this current moment.

  • Friendly 1
  • Confused 1


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I can't really see anyone else running for Gree tbh. If you managed to handle being an RCMD i have faith you can handle being a BCMD. You've shown alot of dedication to the 41st. 


  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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Unkindled is one of the few people that I have wanted to see as Gree since being a long time member of 41st. I can confidently say he is one the more mature people in the battalion currently as well as a very good leader and I have see this since my first encounter with him 2 years ago. Wish you best of luck buddy. You got Eggs support, you just got to get passed interview now.


  • Friendly 1

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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Forum Admin

+1 I got full faith in Unkindled to set the right standards and motivation to maintain 41st in a great state

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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+1 Very dedicated and loves 41st.

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Good Interactions
Very good app

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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Veteran Admin

+1 I know you will lead 41st to victory!

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • Coordinator

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


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