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Hades BCMD Wolffe Application [WAIVED]


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Steam Name:

RP Name:
104th DS REGO 1st LT Tracer

RP Rank:

1st Lieutenant

Steam ID:


Battalion You Are Applying For:

104th Mechanized Assault Battalion


RANCOR 2018/2019 PVT- CMD (MEDL, Colt)

When I joined Synergy, I joined with the intention of challenging myself. Which is why my eyes first landed on the Rancor. I joined that Battalion, and along with a great deal of other former members, had a hand in reviving the battalion revamping an at the time outdated Weapons and tactics and worked my way all the way up to Commander Colt. I believe I was Commander Colt for around 3 months or so. During said time I worked with the other members of high command at the time, being Tofu, Miller, Rider, Dark, and many others. At times myself and the other members butted heads but at the end of the day it was all about Making Rancor Better.


Rancor Round 2 SGT- CMD (Alpha-66,22,26,98,77,17, and 78, MEDO, Alpha Lead)

I am not so good on the timeframe of things, but I do know it was at least a year or 2 in between when I left and when I joined back. Anyways when I did decide to come back, I landed right back where it all started, Rancor. This time was a lot different. No one from my time was around. We were on a new map and Rancor had a subunit, TF? Never thought we'd see that. But I decided I'd give Alpha a try. Best choice I made. I have been literally every single Alph ARC at one point or another. I worked my way up to Alpha-78 Valiant, which for those who aren't aware used to be the lead of the Alpha Arcs on the server. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I still believe to this day I had the BEST squad of alphas, The MOST ACTIVE Squad of Alphas, and a group of guys who all got along and had a great time together. Shoutout to Brooklyn, Wulf, Xiao, Rezz, and Malore. However, after a while all good things must come to an end. I am not ashamed to admit that there is a lot more I could have and should have done in my time as Commander and the leader of Alpha ARC's. People ended up getting removed from positions because of me and some lost months of hard work they had put into the battalion. I have made amends with these people, but it is probably my deepest regret on the server. At the time of the "purge" of Rancor HC. My mental health was not in the best state so rather than staying somewhere that in my mind, didn't want me. I decided to write a new chapter, with the 104th


SKRRRRT before we get to 104th let's talk about another fun thing BOUNTY HUNTER

During the time of returning for rancor I discovered the Bounty Hunter Faction and when we moved to titan base, I decided to really go headfirst into it. I created Willy as a way for me to escape from a lot of my real-world issues that I was both facing and causing to myself. And I had a lot of fun with it. All I would do is go on base and sing a really..... really dumb song and blast bagpipes. And after a while people just accepted it. Once other people saw that you could actually be a bounty hunter and be friendly with the republic, people started copying what I was doing. Which ended up causing the creation of base passes to be needed. I made tons of fun and new rp situations. I was given the role of council member, or whatever we called it before guild Lieutenant and started creating fun new bounties for everyone to enjoy. Eventually I applied for Guild Leader along with a couple other people.  The main 2 that were very close to getting it were myself and Sinister, from what I was told. Sinister ended up getting it which was a huge let down at the time. However, when I look back on what I had planned and what he ended up doing, I can safely say that he did a way better job than I ever could've at the time. I helped him and ratio develop new systems, introduce certifications, we tried to make lead positions for the whitelists which didn't work out, and promote a bunch of fun rp and events for all bounty hunters to get involved in. It was a great time and is still what I am most known for on the server.


104th Late 2020- Early 2021 2nd LT-XO (ARCL, Dash-29, WPL, Comet)

I do not remember who it was in the 104th that reached out about me joining but it couldn't have come at a better time. I was pulled into the 104th and was immediately offered the position of Dash-29 as well as ARCL. It was an immediate sense of belonging and acceptance from a group of people I barely even knew which is what I think makes the 104th so great in the first place. I worked alongside some great members of the ARC Branch and helped build it into an active branch As I worked my way through the ranks, I worked alongside Cox and my boy "Big Daddy '' Deku. Together we had a very fun and successful time together. Leading the 104th in all aspects. Cox was more in charge of the background like intel and while my main focus was wolfpack and other duties of the XO. 104th was extremely active, very fun place to be in, and had a ton of great people involved. However, after some unfortunate situations that myself and Deku joke about to this day, my mental health came back to bite me as did my issues. Ultimately, I ended up leaving the server and went to rehab for about 6 months. Some things got better while others got worse. I took some time away from the server as that was what some people believed was causing some of my issues. I knew full well that I would be back some day. 


Early June -Present 104th PVT-1stLT (1st Dire Squad Tracer, REGO, SUPO, ARCO)

This time I made a promise to myself that I was going to put my best foot forward and finally achieve a rank I have yet to Achieve in the server, BCMD. I have stated from day 1 since returning to the server and to the 104th that I have 2 goals right now: becoming BCMD and hopefully something else after that. With that in mind since returning I have done everything in my power to make the 104th the best Battalion it can be as well as helping it to be a wonderful environment where everyone knows they can have fun. I am trying to work closely with High command, the officer Core, the NCO Core and the enlisted. My key goals coming into the battalion at the start was waiting and assessing the current state of the battalion and found a few areas which I can help fix right away and some that have continued to take time. There was clearly a split in the battalion and as of writing this section on 7/18/2022 the split is still present, but it is getting closer and closer to being fixed day by day. I have also recently taken on the role of REGO, and I am working closely with the REGL to patch some holes we have in our regimental infrastructure due to recent exits. I will also be assisting the Intel team from this point on. My goal is to be working in every single section of the battalion at all times.

Why Should You Become a Battalion Commander?

When I first returned to the Server, I had set myself a few different Goals. The first of which was to become The BCMD of 104th. Once I had this goal in mind, I needed to find steps in order for me to best set myself up and put myself in the position where this is possible. First thing I had to do was find a way to set myself apart from everyone else in the Battalion. When you are able to successfully do this, it allows you to be noticed not just within the Battalion, but to have outside eyes on you as well. When the Marshal Commander himself is putting a "W" in chat and saying, "very Deserved" and stuff like that for your Warrant Officer Promo, you know you're getting somewhere. Another step to making this possible is you have to be honest with people. I have stated since day 1 of me coming back that I was going to be the BCMD of 104th.  I have hidden nothing from anyone and everyone in the 104th knows me as a man of my word. Another step I had to take was talking to some of my good friends on the server who have held ALOT of high ranks and asking them what they looked for in an applicant and what I can do to make myself the most appealing person not only to my Battalion but to the entire Server. This was to help me be aware of what it took to reach where I wanted to go, and it has helped me a lot in that regard. Also, who better to tell you how to get a position than someone who has held your position before? The next step I took was establishing myself as a communication point within the battalion. The way I did that was one has to present themself as someone people can come to talk about issues when they may not feel as comfortable going to higher ups. I was able to establish that fairly easily being that I have been on the server for a while, I am well known, I was very outgoing, and I showed I liked to have fun while being professional when needed. What this allowed me to find out was there was a massive rift in the battalion between the NCO's and the officers. I cannot fully divulge the entire issue because this is something I feel we are still working to resolve. But from my point of view, I established myself as a link between high command and the group of people who were very dissatisfied with what was going on. I will go over more about how I plan to prevent this from happening again in a later section of this application. Another part of this step was that I was able to gather information within the battalion very easily. Because people trusted me with their thoughts and opinions and knew that if they wished to remain anonymous that they would. At the end of all the information gathering I did I was able to present the necessary information to both High Command and our Reg Lead at the time so that everyone could be on the same page. Some people may look at this and say, "why did you only give HC some info and not everything you heard" and this is a great question. The reason I decided to withhold some of the information was that it wasn't relevant to solving the problem, it was an opinion of someone that would only increase hostilities within the battalion, or the person who gave me the information didn't wish for it to be shared. My next step was to make sure I was involved in as many aspects of the battalion as I could. My mindset behind this was that I needed to have as much knowledge as I could so that I am aware of how everything will operate. I have joined our intel squad and will be working very closely with our new REGL Tec, who is also our intel Director, I joined Dire Squad in order to assist in really getting us off to a good start and setting the pace for what it will be and lastly, I became REGO so I can understand how every single regiment is ran.
Every step I have taken in this battalion has had at least an hour of thought behind it. Everything that I did needed to lead to one of my 2 goals, Becoming BCMD or Making the 104th the best it can be. If it didn't lead to 1 of those 2 things it was placed on the backburner.
Now that I've listed the steps, I have taken I will list out some of the steps I will take in order to improve our current issues. Bear in mind this is not their order of importance this is just the issues I see as i sit here contemplating over the past months

I'm a guy who likes to know things that he shouldn't. I have bugged Xaze for info that he never gave me countless times, but I'll get that info sooner or later kitten. I am someone who likes to be kept informed. I am constantly talking to people about how they feel about the battalion, what they want to see changed, and many other things constantly. One of the ways that I plan to fix this is to keep true to myself. I have been transparent with the Battalion since I returned, and I am not going to change that if I am chosen to be the BCMD. I'm going to work with both the officer and NCO Core in order to establish new lines of communication that most everyone can be comfortable with. While I do not enjoy anonymous forms, I feel as though at this time and in the current state of the battalion one is needed. Currently If I am placed in charge, I don't see this being an issue for much longer. I am friends with both sides of the rift in 104th and I feel that just by placing me in this position it will bring everyone closer to each other. There is a lot of underlying animosity between people. But rather than running from it I chose to face it head on and will continue to do so with any issue that may come my or 104th's way. The way I plan on doing that is making sure both parties are heard and able to speak freely about issues they see with the other side. In my experience I have had great success with this technique IRL. If it doesn't work, I'll try another Technique and another. This issue will be solved within the 1st 2 weeks of my term if I am chosen. I guarantee that
Officer Core:

Currently we do not have the strongest Officer Core on the Server. I feel as though we have the perfect number of officers it's just, we need to move the people who are worth going and being senior officers up and seeing if they can uphold the standards of being in that position. In my personal opinion If you're putting someone in a high officer position, they need to already hold responsibilities within the battalion. I'm not the fan of giving someone a promotion just because they are popular, or they have don’t this and that before. NO. Not anymore. Any Senior Officer Under me will have something they are responsible for. Whether it be intel, Regimental, A subunit, there are no exceptions anymore. We also have an issue with officer inactivity. It is my personal opinion that some people in these positions are just here along for the ride. That's great and all but if you're going to hold a high rank in this battalion it needs to be your priority. I know that there are A LOT of hungry NCOs, Senior NCOs, and Junior Officers that are itching to go up. What I can say for the people who may be under me. If you put in the work and you show some dedication, not to me, but to the idea of this Battalion and Family I am trying to build, you will be noticed, you will be rewarded, and You will have a Great time in 104th.


WAIT I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. "This is going to be the same BS everyone always writes about recruitment" WRONG. I have a Different outlook than most people. Let me explain. To understand my line of thinking we have to look at the state of the server as a whole. We haven't been seeing many new people or new CT's joining the server recently. Due to this, in a lot of people's eyes, battalions always state that they need to recruit more. This line of thinking is misguided. How are you supposed to Recruit someone if there are no new people coming in? I will not be telling my men to sit in front of a fancy booth and spam and advertise some cool or catchy phrase to get someone who isn't interested to join. This makes no sense. The only time a booth should be set up and pings should be spammed is when someone new joins the server and gets on the CT job. Other than that, it is about how your battalion is presented to the rest of the server. In my opinion, when someone leaves a battalion by choice, they already have a general idea of who they want to join when they make this decision. How did they come to that decision? Because they like what they see when they are watching that battalion, They Like the positions/ Characters in that battalion, they like the specific job that that battalion can do, or they have a lot of friends within that battalion. I'm not talking about going out and convincing people to join our battalion over theirs. I'm talking about improving our Public Image.

Public Image:

This section ties into the last section by the way that I want to handle recruitment. The current state of the 104th’s public image is not bad at all. I think there are a few people who need to work on the way they portray themselves on a regular basis. Myself included. We need to show people that we can have a lot of fun and still be professional when it's time to be. I always relate to this because, as a lot of people have seen, I can be joking around and acting crazy one minute but when that switch is flicked I change into a professional who is here to get the job done the right way. That’s what I’d like to see from a lot of the 104th. Some of them are always trying to be professional while some never know when to stop being mingy. I’d like to bring these 2 sides closer together. This will be on a case-by-case basis depending on the person. Myself and the rest of high command will look to push this first onto the officer core and then with the help of the officers we will hold up these standards across the entire battalion. This one will take a lot of time but i feel with the people I will hopefully be working with; we can get this pushed out and make it how 104th operates


Currently 104th is in charge of hosting both negotiations and tx-130 trainings. My first goal is to talk to a few people I know who are very good with google forms and create a public form that someone can fill out with their name and what time works best for them to get the training. This again will keep people from having to sit there and advert over and over for training and will allow them to be able to do it on a case-by-case basis. This form will also link to our discord and ping the necessary people who need to know that someone wishes to get trained. This way we can accommodate everyone, and more people get the opportunity to host and give out training to those who want it. 


Currently the subunits are doing well. I would like to move closer back to when wolfpack were all Branch leads and make it mandatory for them to be at least an officer in the regiment. I feel like these positions are held to a higher standard and they should be treated as such. The inactivity I have personally seen from some of the Members of Wolfpack is troubling to me as well. I feel the standard of what a WP member should be has also gone down since my return to 104th. I plan to work with Comet and share our points of view for what we expect from those who are selected to hold these positions and come to a common agreement as to what the subbranch standards should be. For Dire Squad it is still fairly new, but I like what Foe is currently trying to do. Every chance he gets he is trying to push the boundaries and step up to make DS better. I really admire his drive and it is what is to be expected of anyone in any lore position within this battalion. I plan on working with him to further raise Dire Squad up and make it the best it can be.


I am not too happy with our current state of Jedi. I feel that our jedi branch needs a lot of work. We have a few jedi on the roster, but I hardly ever see them on. Even for our deployments. In the past 3 deployments I haven't seen a single 104th Jedi. This troubles me because Jedi can help in many different ways within the battalion. I plan on working with Plo Koon and work with him to get people more active on their jedis by allowing jedi to participate in a lot more of what the 104th does. Again, my philosophy with activity remains the same on this one as well. I know for a lot of people jedi is a secondary role but that doesn’t change the fact that if you are going to be a part of the battalion you need to actually be a part of the battalion and participate in deployments, training and events with us. This is what I believe is the proper way to fix the issues within Jedi

Do You Understand the Lore of Your Battalion?



Weekdays mainly 1pm EST - 10pm EST (unless i get called in to work full time hours. which is rare but it changes my hours to 5pm EST to 10pm EST)

Weekends 10am EST - 10pm EST
I also always make time to respond to discord when I am able to

Estimate How Long You Have Played on Synergy:

I have played off and on since late 2018. My first account got hacked so when I came back the second time, I lost those hours, but I can safely say 3000+ hours on Synergy servers

Do you have a Microphone?


Where do you want your Battalion to be at the end of your Term?

 What I would like to say is I want the battalion to have solid activity across all branches, a strong presence on the server, a good reputation amongst the other battalions, and honestly be a place for people to come after a long day of school or work and get some kind of enjoyment. I can never stress this enough that some people seem to forget that we are playing a video game. I want all the people in 104th to be able to talk to each other about issues they are having in a respectful way and by the end of that conversation be able to fix said issues and move along. I want an active and diverse officer core that is upholding the standards set forth by me and the rest of High command. I want to be able to have a few competent people who are fully prepared to take over the battalion after my term. The subunits should be full of people who want to be there and want to make the battalion the best it can be. And lastly, I want the Jedi to be stable and have a good leader in place who is active and can attract a balanced amount of people to our Jedi Branch.
None of this will be possible without the help of my fellow members of the 104th. I want to thank those who have supported me in this endeavor and those who have guided me to this point where I am the most confident, I have ever been that I can obtain this position and make all of these goals I have set forth a reality. Thank you all for your consideration and time and I promise that if chosen i will live up to the high standards I have set for this term.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?


Do you understand that your position has a 3-month term limit, and you must reapply after 3 months to maintain your Commander Rank?








  • Agree 1
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Massive +1

Hades was one of the first people I talked to when I joined this server, and has constantly been an incredible leader in 104th and to me personally. Hades is by far the best leader we have in 104th, and more than qualified. 

I know for fact under him 104th will strive better than ever before, his leadership is a huge asset and I cant stress that enough. 

Hades is more often than not the leader during events, training and patrols, even when he was a mere NCO he was still the heart and soul of this battalion. 

Any time we've had issue with high command, or other internal issues Hades is always the one I turn to. 

+1 again because he deserves this position and I'm excited to see what he can accomplish. 

  • Friendly 3
  • Confused 2
  • Dumb 2
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21 minutes ago, Hades3481 said:

Currently the subunits are doing well. I would like to move closer back to when wolfpack were all Branch leads and make it mandatory for them to be at least an officer in the regiment. I feel like these positions are held to a higher standard and they should be treated as such.


I'll be honest, this is one of the worst possible ideas for you to do with Wolfpack. While they were all branch leads, it wasn't the greatest from memory. You'd have someone gain a position who was while yes, good for WP, but they weren't good for a position such as HVYL or even HVYO. It really gatekeeps positions and locks progression within the regiments behind lore characters. Definitely not the way to go.

23 minutes ago, Hades3481 said:

public form that someone can fill out with their name and what time works best for them to get the training. This again will keep people from having to sit there and advert over and over for training and will allow them to be able to do it on a case-by-case basis

Another thing, the adverting in game shows activity and the willingness to actually host these two trainings. A public form can be harder to locate or your schedule can be unusual, meaning that an advert to just host it on the spot can really work for awareness and for people's schedules. 

Also, with your section on recruitment, public image isn't everything. Even if a certain battalion looks incredible, their kit or opportunities can drive people away from joining them. It's better to have that desk going for the chance a CT comes or some random person says "ah screw it" after seeing the activity at the desk. How do you plan to combat people leaving/retention of members as well? Battalions have a lot of people leaving and need a good influx of recruitments to combat this or a good reason to prevent the resignations.

Overall, a -1 from me.

  • Agree 4
  • Informative 2
  • Dumb 1

i carried onderon events


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6 minutes ago, Zeros said:

I'll be honest, this is one of the worst possible ideas for you to do with Wolfpack. While they were all branch leads, it wasn't the greatest from memory. You'd have someone gain a position who was while yes, good for WP, but they weren't good for a position such as HVYL or even HVYO. It really gatekeeps positions and locks progression within the regiments behind lore characters. Definitely not the way to go.

In my opinion if you are good enough for the position itself then you should be able to handle the responsibilities that come with being an officer in a regiment. I do not want them to fully go back to being the automatic lead position of these regiments. I find that to be very limiting to the position. The minimum requirement for becoming wolfpack is 1SG. Once you have entered the Senior NCO core you should be looking to help out more than just doing the standard trainings and recruitment that are expected of an NCO. I also stated that I would be working with Comet in hopes of finding a middle ground if he is opposed to this idea. Wolfpack is led by Comet and no decision will ever be finalized without his approval. I apologize if i made it seem like I was just going to make this change without consulting the leader of said Subunit.


11 minutes ago, Zeros said:

Another thing, the adverting in game shows activity and the willingness to actually host these two trainings. A public form can be harder to locate or your schedule can be unusual, meaning that an advert to just host it on the spot can really work for awareness and for people's schedules. 

Also, with your section on recruitment, public image isn't everything. Even if a certain battalion looks incredible, their kit or opportunities can drive people away from joining them. It's better to have that desk going for the chance a CT comes or some random person says "ah screw it" after seeing the activity at the desk. How do you plan to combat people leaving/retention of members as well? Battalions have a lot of people leaving and need a good influx of recruitments to combat this or a good reason to prevent the resignations.

I never stated that I don't want them to ever sit there at the desk or just do the adverts at all. I just don't want that to be our go to way of doing things anymore. A Public form is only hard to locate if people are not informed on where to find them. This can be solved with regular reminders in discord and placing it in a clear and easy to find place such as the ts Channel. the idea of the form is to also help with people who have abnormal schedules compared to the members within the battalion.

I also agree that public image is not everything. However, I do feel it is a very Important to making the battalion more attractive to these people who decide to leave abruptly. If you know the 104th is known by everyone as a place where you can go and have a good time and they are also professional when they need to be. I Don't believe that someone on the server will make a decision on which battalion to join based on how many people are sitting at a spawned in desk. 

I'm very happy you asked about the retention as well. My plan in terms of this is to work with the game master very closely and be able to make it fairly common for 104th specific assignments to be in a lot more events, such as negotiations. If people see that 104th is able to do a lot during the events such as negotiate or hostage rescue, when it comes to dire squad. This is a big thing that sets the 104th apart on the server is our negotiations priority. I also strongly feel that out of game get togethers in discord such as a game night has had great success in raising the morale of the battalion and keeping people happy. I recall all of us having a great time playing scribble io and gartic phone. i want to make this at least a biweekly thing within the battalion that everyone can just chill and have a few good laughs.

I hope these answers some of your questions and I appreciate you taking the time to read the app through

  • Informative 1
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Ever since I have joined this battalion Hades has consistently found issues from withing the battalion and then has found solutions to those problems showing me that he is a capable leader so i'm going to +1 this. good luck 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Wildfire

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I don't agree with making Wolfpack branch leads. I saw DU do this with Havoc squad and it seems it didn't hold up well, however! I know what you've done in the past, i know you're a solid candidate! +1. You deserve at least the interview, love u <3

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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-1, you wanting to making WP branch officer again just shows you've got old head mentality about 104th. This was literally the worst 104th policy and made WP a pseudo officer corps you were forced to join in order to progess. This should never be implemented again

Generally you come off quite a rude and arrogant person, your whole "I planned an hour every step" makes you sound like a mad super villain. This wouldn't be an issue but I've personally never seen you display any leadership ability besides talking very loudly. I can't imagine you'd be a good change for 104th.

  • Agree 3
  • Dumb 4

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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I'm gonna be honest, based on my interactions with you, I don't believe you're mature enough for this position. My first interaction with you, you had decided to take it upon yourself to yell at one of my Galactic Marines officers for not following my orders, despite him out ranking you, and you having nothing to do with the GM or the situation. I had the situation under control, and I was talking to him in Team Speak. At the time you were an NCO, and that's not something I want to see. Any other interactions I've had with you sense, you've acted like a minge, and I don't want to see that behavior from any Wolffe.

I had a long and respectful conversation with Hades, and we talked a lot about the situation I was referring to. We explained both out sides, and came to a mutual understanding about it, and both of us apologized for how we handled the situation. After this, I believe my original stance is no longer applicable. Hades approached me very respectfully, and we had a very civil conversation, something which most people would not be able to do. I believe he will actually do very well as Wolffe.

 Furthermore, I don't like your plan for Wolfpack. I believe making it an officer only sub branch is making the bar too high, considering several members of the unit are NCO. I also believe making them branch leads is a bad idea. This will lead to intense favoritism, and lead to a situation where not every member wants to be Wolfpack, but will have to in order to be a branch lead. You're restricting any NCO from taking a branch lead position. Your plan overall just seems to be gatekeeping these positions, and it's not something I want to see with the 104th as a former Wolfpack Jedi.

Similarly, we spoke about this and I had a very clear misunderstanding of this plan. He does not plan to make WP an officer only sub branch, he wants to make all WP an automatic Officer in their regiment (MED, SUP), which is already how it us, just unofficially. He ALSO said that he would not do anything without Comet's approval. He heavily believes that the sub branches are for the sub-branch leaders to lead. I appreciate that mentality.

Edited by Lovestruck
I wrote this at 5AM and I had to re-word some things because they were incoherent
  • Friendly 1

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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  • Friendly 1

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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Veteran Admin

+1 this man..I don't even know what to say- all I got to say is he's the legend for 104th 

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+1 You're great to roleplay with. I remember when I first joined the server and you were Senator Aang, you have a real good vibe about you that makes it fun to interact with you both in RP and OOC. I think that you could achieve some legendary moments if you get Wolffe. 

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+1 Hades is a great leader, very easy to talk to, I prefer the WP members as branch leads

  • Friendly 1

Current:  CT Alpha-88 PVT Iceman
Former: Rancor BCMD Blitz | 41st BCMD Gree | SPEC RCMD | SOBDE BCMD | Anakin Skywalker | Plo Koon | Hunter | Echo | Muzzle | Alpha 17 | Guild LT

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+1 Good luck. See it through

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


  • Friendly 1

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


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