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Atlex's Rex Resignation

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Battalion: 501st

RP Name: Commander Rex

Date: 2/24/22

Reason: It's the end of my term (ends on the 28th but I'll be gone on the weekend)


I'm not gonna ping all of 501st cause there are a shit ton of you right now but if I could, I would. I love each and everyone one of you and it has been such an amazing ride to share it with everyone here. Not only in the battalion but outside too. I enjoyed the crap out of everyone I encountered, interacted with, and talked to. I will never forget this experience as Rex and hope the best for the future Rexes and the battalion.

One of my best friends on the server. Man I enjoyed talking, playing, do whatever with you and I'm so sad that it ended a way too early. I wish there was more. Still, enjoyed my time with you and am so glad you're safe and all. Hopefully we meet again sometime in the future.

 @BlackFirst Rex I served under while high command. It was great learning things from you. I was a fresh trooper and it was my first time as high command of any battalion. Loved it.

 @JovanovicBest mentor around. I owe you so much and everytime I ask for advice, you give the best shit out there. And I pretty much owe it all to you

 @OrionOf course I couldn't not include you. My guy, we've been through everything together and I'm sad we didn't get to do the Anakin and Rex combo. Loved my time spent with you and one of the most genuine guys out there I know. Good shit man. Your Ahsoka time was great and loved the interaction between us.

 @BudAm so glad I met you again the other day. One of the best guys I've ever seen and was a joy to work with you.

 @MarvelThe man, the myth, the legend. You are the man I looked up to even after you finished your term and I started mine. Even then, I would use things I learned under your leadership and I'm thankful I learned so much. Thank you for everything

@Mater Doood. I wish our terms lined up more. I had the best interactions between BCMDs and the best time in my last 2 weeks. You'll make a great Cody, 212th should be proud to have you and I'm certain that you make 212th an amazing battalion.

 @ConradTHE BEST Palpatine I've ever known. I enjoyed the little shits we've done. Keep up the great work and thanks for all the great advice on... everything.

 @Abraham Muthafuka I... I don't know what to say. I watched you join and I'm so glad I'm watching you step up into your next position. You're gonna do great in server and in life. Keep @Silly@Corey, and @Phaserunder control... those doods are the best.

@DrageReach for the stars dood! You've been a great help and a great help. Don't undersell yourself. We all know you're capable of amazing things. You are truly an amazing person and it's been the best working with you and abraham, forming this trio of great people.

 @SillyOml my guy I don't think we wouldn't anywhere near as advanced as we are right now. I am so thankful you're here and I'm sure you can definitely get a great job in the future with this knowledge. Not to mention, you're an incredibly funny dood and it's fun playing all these different games with you.
@CoreyMan I enjoyed playing the best shit with you. GMOD, SoT, and Phasma with you. Good luck with all that's going on with your future and your internship. GOOD LUCK!

 @PhaserMans is one of the best Ahsoka's out there. Loved how the whole time you and Orion had an unofficial battle on how long y'all can go as Ahsoka, its the best shit ever.  For real though, loved your time as Ahsoka and I'm sure you're gonna do great in the future. 

 @KryptosLoved working with you. An amazing man you are, continue to work on what you love and continue being a great person!

 @Goda I see a bright future ahead of you man. Enjoy GettNett (I gave you a satellite upgrade. You should be able to see thermal imaging now)

 @SEXICOcontinue the "MEXICO'S LOCOS TACOS" legacy


And to all of those I didn't ping, sorry but I still love  you all. I don't plan to leave the server just yet so I'll just see you around.



^ The TREX-130. My pride, aside from the 501st.

P.S. -> Next Rex gets RexNet AI


Edited by Atlex
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Current: Obi-Wan Kenobi (x2), Guardian Master (x2)
Ex: Rex, Tup, Kix, and Appo, Bultar Swan


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o7 im gonna miss you 

 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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It's crazy to think about how far the 501st has come in the past year. The battalion would not be where it was today if it wasn't also for you and the hard work and dedication you put into it. I might not of shown it at the time but I was very ecstatic when you told me you were wanting to go for Rex after me and I'm extremely happy to see that the 501st thrived underneath you. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do next on the server and in life. Thanks for everything you've done.

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Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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I’m so proud of you dude. How far you’ve come out of your shell and the fantastic work you’ve done for the 501st. We clicked the second we met and everyone knew you would be something special. I just wish we could have had more time together before I lost my PC. You were one of the first to make sure I was ok when the tornado hit, and that meant a lot.spacer.png Thank you for being such a great friend. You’ll always be my Tup/Kix. :peepoLove:

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                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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11 hours ago, Atlex said:

 @JovanovicBest mentor around. I owe you so much and everytime I ask for advice, you give the best shit out there. And I pretty much owe it all to you

This shit right here, is what makes it worth it. You have no clue how gratifying it is to know that even one person has been impacted that way by my time here. By god did I need that this week, thank you.

That being said, this is the biggest cap I've ever seen. You don't owe me jack. You did it yourself brother, and don't let anyone take that away from you, not even yourself. I've given advice to a lot of people, very very few are able to consider, internalize, and use it not only as quickly as you did, but also as independently and effectively. You did a great job as Rex Atlex, and I hope you feel as proud of that as I do. 

Goodbye, everyone. 

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13 hours ago, Atlex said:

 @SillyOml my guy I don't think we wouldn't anywhere near as advanced as we are right now. I am so thankful you're here and I'm sure you can definitely get a great job in the future with this knowledge. Not to mention, you're an incredibly funny dood and it's fun playing all these different games with you.

Atlex you will always do great wherever you go. I will always be here and keep having fun on different games, but also keep doing what makes you always a great person and friend o7.


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o7 goodbye atlex ill miss u


Former: Puddle WifeTorrent Company REGL COL Boomer

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*Crys* Im going to miss you. I love playing Gmod and all the other games with you. and will continue to play games with you mf dont disapoint me ;(. You were an amazing rex and one for the history books in synergy. Much love g 


Ex. 332nd Commander Vaughn

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was always fun talking to you. ill miss you

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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