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Naavi's Resignation from Staff.


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Name: Naavi 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:167696633

The final day of work (Must be three days later): 11/08/2017

Reason for leaving: I had this big speech lined up as to why I am leaving, but honestly; I just don't want to get myself upset again. So with that, Ill make sure to remove myself from everything, and leave in peace. This is a full resignation from Staff, and Trainer program. I am done.

Farewells: I am not good with goodbyes, so with that being said, this is not goodbye to the people who mean a lot to me. I will still be in contact with you all through steam. Feel free to message me anytime. You may see me in TS from time to time, and I will still play on the server.

I had a great time with you all.

All good things come to an end; Either by choice, or not.  

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  • Coordinator

Make sure to come by every now and then :D

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  • Retired Founder

You were amazing as the head of the training program since the beginning of the server, it was a pleasure to work beside you from having you as our Ahsoka to when I first became a TRO all the way to now. It is sad to see you go but I understand your reasoning given all that has happened, Ill make sure to keep the trainer program that you built from nothing going so that all you did is not in vain.  Hopefully we can continue to stay in contact whatever you end up deciding to do. It was a pleasure to work with you all of this time.

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I remember when I first met this server walking down the MHB with squeaks and moltar we were all new and in the 91st together and you were so excited to see us (Specifically me and squeaks cuz you were no longer the only girl) from there you became my server mom... I will miss you so much... please make sure you stay in touch with me....

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"You where good son, real good. Maybe even the best>"

I hate to see you go from staff, but you did a fantastic job while you where in it. I think I speak for many of us when I say thank for working in staff. You gave your all, always, and life gave you a suckerpunch in the end.

I hope you do stick around. Would feel off without ya.

Edited by Captin_Blackfire
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I never really interacted with you very much but I have to say, you did your best at everything you did and it is sad to see another one bite the dust. Good luck and hope to still see you around from time to time.

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I think I had maybe 3 conversations with you in my time since as soon as you started doing stuff I was on my way out or busy doing staff stuff; I think the first time I met you was when it was 3am and the 187th channel was lit as fuck as it always was in the morning back from March to maybe June when the late night population killed itself.

It was chill as fuck and I miss Sugga n shit; if you were here a month earlier (let's say 187th-time when I was the BCMD and you weren't a private or whatnot) you'd prolly have gone up really fucking fast even for 187th standards because you were a baller; Alistair and I constantly meme about how you going for 101st commander was pretty fucking unexpectedly good (for a 101st term).

7/10, needs more cowbell.


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6 hours ago, Naavi said:

Name: Naavi 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:167696633

The final day of work (Must be three days later): 11/08/2017

Reason for leaving: I had this big speech lined up as to why I am leaving, but honestly; I just don't want to get myself upset again. So with that, Ill make sure to remove myself from everything, and leave in peace. This is a full resignation from Staff, and Trainer program. I am done.

Farewells: I am not good with goodbyes, so with that being said, this is not goodbye to the people who mean a lot to me. I will still be in contact with you all through steam. Feel free to message me anytime. You may see me in TS from time to time, and I will still play on the server.

I had a great time with you all.

All good things come to an end; Either by choice, or not.  

One of the best staff members in existence, the rolemodel, the definition of hard work. Thank you for all you've done for us Naavi and we won't forget you. Enjoy the rest of your life from here on out and always come by to chat with us.






"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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-1, Denied.  Serious tho.  I wish you good fortune and a successful life. Whatever you do and end up going, I am always around to bounce an idea or thoughts off of.

Good luck to you and just as those above me said, will be sad to see you go, but real life comes first ALWAYS.

- Commander Keller / Oxen

Edited by oxen96818
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On 11/6/2017 at 0:08 AM, Naavi said:

Name: Naavi 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:167696633

The final day of work (Must be three days later): 11/08/2017

Reason for leaving: I had this big speech lined up as to why I am leaving, but honestly; I just don't want to get myself upset again. So with that, Ill make sure to remove myself from everything, and leave in peace. This is a full resignation from Staff, and Trainer program. I am done.

Farewells: I am not good with goodbyes, so with that being said, this is not goodbye to the people who mean a lot to me. I will still be in contact with you all through steam. Feel free to message me anytime. You may see me in TS from time to time, and I will still play on the server.

I had a great time with you all.

All good things come to an end; Either by choice, or not.  



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Welp this is a little sad, i havent been around much lately and when i decide to lift my LOA you resign.... spewin. First staff member to ever welcome me was you when my name was Kev and i wont forget that. Remember if your fishing be patient theres plenty of fish in the sea just some are big and scary, and im not fat only slightly obese


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  • 1 month later...
11 minutes ago, Scottish said:

When did all the old server gods die Jesus's 

why would you even post on this

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