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Old System Vs New one


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Do you guys perfer the old Synergy, this includes battalion boosts, certain groups having weapons (DU’s Z6, 212th DC-15A), old weapons (LD-1, Advanced Flame Thrower, Grenade Launcher), Cheap Perma Weapon prices, old Movement, etc


The new Synergy 
No battalion boosts, New Weapons (Cycler Rifle, Z6 updates, Etc..), Slower Movement & Jump, More expensive Perma weapons, etc..


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Still can't believe they nerfed movement and jump. Thought we was only tryna nerf health to make combat more interesting. 

Obviously nostalgia speaks volumes, the only thing I'd really want back is the old Jet Pack.

Edited by BigZach
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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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I think the movement changes were fine, theres always been a problem with lag affecting moving target hitboxes and that was made worse with players being faster in the past in my view. I definitely think that maybe there should perhaps be some entry level perma weapons for newer players who are tired of the DC-15a but dont have 1 mill on hand for the cheapest viable perma.

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First and Last Jaing Skirata

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So I was the one who suggested to nerf player stats to incentivize teamwork and strategy during events but then weapons like the DC-17m shotgun and the Wrist Flamethrower came out. If I ever see anyone run into swarms of droids with either of those weapons I intentionally friendly fire them. Also all the new perma weapons have stupid stats and shouldn't be more powerful than class specific weapons, ie. perma weapon snipers shouldn't outclass the DC-15x etc, because all that does is make it to where jobs with the DC-15x aren't all that special when you can just buy a sniper and go be a Jet Trooper and fly around with a much powerful sniper. Just my two cents. I think the old perma weapons were much more balanced compared to the new ones.

Though my intentions were never to touch battalion and job buffs it was mainly just to stop people from being one man armies on crack because we could run at mach 10 back then. Hopefully we can look into buffing battalions and/or certain jobs in the future however I think we are much better off with less hp and run speed.

  • Agree 3


i am literally captain tukk

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21 minutes ago, Marvel said:

So I was the one who suggested to nerf player stats to incentivize teamwork and strategy during events but then weapons like the DC-17m shotgun and the Wrist Flamethrower came out. If I ever see anyone run into swarms of droids with either of those weapons I intentionally friendly fire them. Also all the new perma weapons have stupid stats and shouldn't be more powerful than class specific weapons, ie. perma weapon snipers shouldn't outclass the DC-15x etc, because all that does is make it to where jobs with the DC-15x aren't all that special when you can just buy a sniper and go be a Jet Trooper and fly around with a much powerful sniper. Just my two cents. I think the old perma weapons were much more balanced compared to the new ones.

Though my intentions were never to touch battalion and job buffs it was mainly just to stop people from being one man armies on crack because we could run at mach 10 back then. Hopefully we can look into buffing battalions and/or certain jobs in the future however I think we are much better off with less hp and run speed.

This, basically.

I just don't like the new weapons and movement constraints. I miss when the 15A and 15S were actually good weapons.

15A was always 100% accurate and still fired relatively fast

15S was slightly more inaccurate but fired stronger bolts at a faster rate


LD-1 was the shit back in the day because it 3 shot people on the old stats but you could realistically beat an LD-1 with a DC-15A. Now we have snipers that 1-2 shot and scoped weapons completely dominate in all instances except for the 90 dollar wiener-chopper. Unless I was fighting a mad powerful EJ, when I died, it felt like it was my fault. Do I still have these instances? Yeah, I play like a retard. But I have far more instances in which I feel like my death wasn't deserved because I tried to fight with a class weapon (usually my IQA-11c, a 3-shot sniper). So I just started using the scattergun which people still cry about occasionally. But they're usually using a WESTAR-M5 (which still has no downsides, btw) or some other thing so they can't really complain.

The thing that I really have a love/hate relationship with is armor. Back in the day, armor didn't matter. You could walk around with 500 health and zero armor and the Galactic Marines never dropped armor anyway because they stunk. Now, armor is probably doing more work keeping you alive than your HP is. If you take a hit to your armor, you'll live. But a lot of the snipers do 300 damage so you'll be fucked if you run around with no armor. I like this because it actually makes armor have a point but I also hate it since there's no reliable way to get armor other than support troopers. And they usually just wanna fly their TIE fighter dupes anyway.

I also wish that pistols were more viable. I wanna be pistolero.

  • Agree 1

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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The issue that no one whats to address in the user echelon of server command is the power creep.


Wrist Flammer 


Mandalorian rifle

These are all stupid strong guns and result in GMs having to combat them more by either banning them or using ludicrous health event jobs. I hate the RC shotgun, its a stupid weapons that just make everyone into an idiot who uses it. The NT means there is no point fighting them and EJs literally just leave them alone. Mando is okay due to the 4 shots things but eh.

Flammer isn't much of a problem anymore, only for jedi but it makes antlion NPCs pointless as it one hits them.

  • Agree 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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I'll try to voice my opinion without being overcome by the nostalgia of just enjoying everything more back then than I do now...

Back in the day my favorite weapon was the Dual Pistols that sort of screeched as you shot them. I can't remember what they were called, but boy oh boy they were fun. And I'd occasionally just resort to using my DC15S or DC15A and it's like Ratio said, I actually felt like I had a chance. Nowadays it takes a hot second to kill a droid with a Cycler or a Westar, which essentially means the default weapons as well as pretty much all pistols are completely useless. I've owned the ZX Flamethrower for a long time, and honestly, I didn't really ever feel like using it until after all of the changes that nerfed the basic weapons and made using god-tier weapons the only viable option to survive. It's a kill-or-be-killed world, and every time someone pulls out an RC Shotgun I go from "this is a roleplay situation that might end in a firefight" to "BHOP AND FLAMETHROWER OR I DEFINITELY DIE" 

I'd personally love to see the weapon balancing update they have in the works include a nerf of the common permaweapons as well as the store bought ones, a buff to class weapons, and a return to the good old days of every weapon being somewhat viable and deciding which to use based on how cool it looks or sounds. Plus like Marvel said it'd be a massive bonus to ARF if they got the best sniper, as opposed to everyone with a Jetpack being capable of 2-shot sniping. 

But then I'd also like to see the hangar on Anaxes as well as the Courtyard downsized by a fuckton so that I can feel the same way I used to when people were lined up in that tiny Endor MHB fending off a massive droid assault by going in and out of the rayshield. Some things about the old days were just better than what we've got now. 

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LD-1 was the shit back then. Loved it. Now I have the cycler rifle, 25m its sound is glorious but its a massive flex. 

I can see both sides of the coin but I've started to lean towards having perma weapons that don't over power the kit of the best jobs. That way regiments serve a larger purpose that they do today.

I absolutely despise the dc17m shotgun or as I call it "the rp killer". I bought the mando rifle due to its limited ability but that was with credits so I don't feel any regret hardly ever using it (mainly cause I'm sobde and the sniper is just as good). 

Im hopeful for the weapon update, see what comes out of it. Perma weapons should just be a flex imo. Not something that becomes your main weapon.

Wouldnt mind seeing a rebalance of skill points however. 


Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Head Admin

Old system definitely, but I can say from personal view that having all the perma weapons had something to it. Like, I could pull out a grenade launcher, falmethrower, explosive bowcaster, 4 different assault rifles and call it a day. Wasn't really any uniqueness for me. I barely used the class weapons, as opposed to now. 

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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10 hours ago, Ratio said:

I also wish that pistols were more viable. I wanna be pistolero.

I got the dual DC pistols for this reason. I wanted to kinda feel like one of those clone captains in the shows or even just a sorta desperado on my BH but most of the time I felt like I was just handicapping myself.

  • Agree 3

Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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18 hours ago, Ratio said:

This, basically.

I just don't like the new weapons and movement constraints. I miss when the 15A and 15S were actually good weapons.

15A was always 100% accurate and still fired relatively fast

15S was slightly more inaccurate but fired stronger bolts at a faster rate


LD-1 was the shit back in the day because it 3 shot people on the old stats but you could realistically beat an LD-1 with a DC-15A. Now we have snipers that 1-2 shot and scoped weapons completely dominate in all instances except for the 90 dollar wiener-chopper. Unless I was fighting a mad powerful EJ, when I died, it felt like it was my fault. Do I still have these instances? Yeah, I play like a retard. But I have far more instances in which I feel like my death wasn't deserved because I tried to fight with a class weapon (usually my IQA-11c, a 3-shot sniper). So I just started using the scattergun which people still cry about occasionally. But they're usually using a WESTAR-M5 (which still has no downsides, btw) or some other thing so they can't really complain.

The thing that I really have a love/hate relationship with is armor. Back in the day, armor didn't matter. You could walk around with 500 health and zero armor and the Galactic Marines never dropped armor anyway because they stunk. Now, armor is probably doing more work keeping you alive than your HP is. If you take a hit to your armor, you'll live. But a lot of the snipers do 300 damage so you'll be fucked if you run around with no armor. I like this because it actually makes armor have a point but I also hate it since there's no reliable way to get armor other than support troopers. And they usually just wanna fly their TIE fighter dupes anyway.

I also wish that pistols were more viable. I wanna be pistolero.

yea the 15-S is so fucking meat rn

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22 hours ago, Gadget said:

The issue that no one whats to address in the user echelon of server command is the power creep.


Wrist Flammer 


Mandalorian rifle

These are all stupid strong guns and result in GMs having to combat them more by either banning them or using ludicrous health event jobs. I hate the RC shotgun, its a stupid weapons that just make everyone into an idiot who uses it. The NT means there is no point fighting them and EJs literally just leave them alone. Mando is okay due to the 4 shots things but eh.

Flammer isn't much of a problem anymore, only for jedi but it makes antlion NPCs pointless as it one hits them.

the only reason I bought the DC-17M was so I could actually participate in FFAs since they're like one of the funnest things on the server. When I came back and couldn't participate in FFAs shit had me tilted fr.

  • Confused 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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2 hours ago, BigZach said:

the only reason I bought the DC-17M was so I could actually participate in FFAs since they're like one of the funnest things on the server. When I came back and couldn't participate in FFAs shit had me tilted fr.

But thats just make it worse, that you need the gun to be competitive or to have fun/enjoy your time on the server. 

  • Agree 2
  • Disagree 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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Man I miss the old days. That was long before I was in SOBDE, so I had the regular old pleb paycheck for the most part. I was still able to buy two cheap (but incredibly effective) perma weapons. One was the DL-44 (which used to be AMAZING) and the other was the DLT-something-or-the-other sniper rifle (also a great weapon). 

In my eyes, the perma weapon prices right now are absolutely absurd. 25 million for most decent weapons (i.e. cycler rifle) and 40 million (or more) for a good weapon (i.e. the AR that acts like a Westar) is ridiculous pricing. After 3 months of sub and various AFKing on an officer job and on an SOBDE job (when they racked in 800 credits per tick), I've "only" accumulated 20 mil in credits. That's a ridiculous number, and according to store prices, is around $100 worth of credits. What can I buy with these credits, you ask? Literally nothing of value. My kit DC-17m AR, while not the best weapon, is a better weapon than anything the store has to offer right now.

The player economy on the server is absolutely fucked. It's worse than Venezuela. On the one hand you have the average player, who maybe manages to rack up 1 mil in credits after maxing stats over half a year. On the other hand you have the incredibly high wage players (of which there are maybe 6) who have 100s of millions of credits but can still only afford a few things on the store. It's crazy.

I can understand the desire to make money - higher permaweapon prices and shitty kit weapon stats (see: 15s, 15x, etc.) - really incentivize buying credits off the store for good money. After all, SR is a business and needs some way to stay afloat.

Yet, there isn't a balance being struck between making gameplay interesting and making money.

I would like to see a tiered system of permaweapons. Here are some off-the-cuff prices:

"Low-Tier" - <1 mil credits

"Mid-Tier" < 3 mil credits

"High-Tier" 8 mil credits and greater, with a cap at 15-18 mil. 

In my eyes, these prices are much more reasonable if we consider the average player on the server rarely (if ever) reaching the "High-Tier" of weapons without buying credits off the store. Especially considering that SOBDE job income was nerfed recently, many fewer players will be able to afford 10 million for a perma weapon. The key to this system would be properly balancing the Tiers of weapons.

The 15a and S could be considered on-par with the "Low Tier" of weapons (we'd still need to see buffs for these two as in their current state I see them as below "Low Tier")- these weapons can perform adequately enough against enemies but don't bring anything super unique to the table. The "Low Tier" permaweapons could bring something different to the table from the 15a and s by being guns like basic pump shotguns or bolt action sniper rifles, etc. So, there is an incentive to purchase the "Low Tier" weapons, but they aren't GREAT weapons. 

The "Mid-Tier" of weapons can be where things start to get a little interesting. Maybe semi-auto shotguns, DMRs, a wide variety of weapons that constitute the majority of the lesser-used perma weapons on the store right now. Guns that are somewhat unique in their style (i.e. high capacity LMGs, other kinds of star wars weapons that actual soldiers or bounty hunters or assassins would use). These guns would be very good against the standard enemies we see on the server, deploying a high DPS that makes them efficient and effective choices. The key here is to make these Mid Tier guns VERY attractive options for people to save up for. 

The "High-Tier" of weapons is where things get real spicy. These can be wacky guns that are rare. Things like verpine shatter rifles (maybe a projectile weapon that deals a huge amount of damage with a low fire rate). Other weapons that add something unique - maybe a grenade launcher with different grenade options or a multi-barrel pistol/AR. These guns are unique options that are somewhat more effective than the "Mid-Tier." To balance these guns properly, they would have to be GREAT, but not so great that they are the ONLY option for players on the server. But, because they are super expensive (up to 18 mil) this means that 99% of players will AT MOST own only one. They have to be good guns that bring something fun and cool to the table. 

Anyways, that's my rant. Sorry if it took up too much space - I've been thinking about this for a while now. Please let me know what you think!

  • Winner 2
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Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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As a gamemaster hands down new system. It was very difficult to scale difficulty with the old system because commandos / ARC would just complete an event in 5 min. Or regular clones would end up getting shit on by super powerful droids. 

If you ever wondered why the droids are more balanced now that's why. New players appreciate the new system 

  • Agree 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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I don't like the direction the battalions are in right now. This idea of "every battalion needs to be the same" is weird, and just hurts smaller battalions. When every battalion has the same jobs, same loadouts, and no buffs/extras to differentiate them, it just makes every battalion lame. I think the old system where each battalion had something unique to them make it interesting.

  • Agree 2
  • Winner 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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The new system didn't seem to change anything & it just made combat way fucking slower.
No one liked it and new frogs don't know any better, bless their souls.

And DC-17m & Flame thrower destroy any chances of team work ever.
And the price of all these weapons are fucking crazy, I can't even get 1 decent weapon from like a straight month of LOA

Edited by Comics

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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On 5/24/2021 at 8:30 AM, Foxey said:

I'll try to voice my opinion without being overcome by the nostalgia of just enjoying everything more back then than I do now...

Back in the day my favorite weapon was the Dual Pistols that sort of screeched as you shot them. I can't remember what they were called, but boy oh boy they were fun. And I'd occasionally just resort to using my DC15S or DC15A and it's like Ratio said, I actually felt like I had a chance. Nowadays it takes a hot second to kill a droid with a Cycler or a Westar, which essentially means the default weapons as well as pretty much all pistols are completely useless. I've owned the ZX Flamethrower for a long time, and honestly, I didn't really ever feel like using it until after all of the changes that nerfed the basic weapons and made using god-tier weapons the only viable option to survive. It's a kill-or-be-killed world, and every time someone pulls out an RC Shotgun I go from "this is a roleplay situation that might end in a firefight" to "BHOP AND FLAMETHROWER OR I DEFINITELY DIE" 

I'd personally love to see the weapon balancing update they have in the works include a nerf of the common permaweapons as well as the store bought ones, a buff to class weapons, and a return to the good old days of every weapon being somewhat viable and deciding which to use based on how cool it looks or sounds. Plus like Marvel said it'd be a massive bonus to ARF if they got the best sniper, as opposed to everyone with a Jetpack being capable of 2-shot sniping. 

But then I'd also like to see the hangar on Anaxes as well as the Courtyard downsized by a fuckton so that I can feel the same way I used to when people were lined up in that tiny Endor MHB fending off a massive droid assault by going in and out of the rayshield. Some things about the old days were just better than what we've got now. 

I think your talking about the dual westar pistols. 


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