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Operations Regiment

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  • Retired Founder



Today we are making another change to the way things are structured on the server, as per Coruscant Guard and Base Operations to try to improve how smoothly things are ran within these two areas of the server and to even out the regiments a little more. Coruscant Guard and Base Operatives will be side-by-side in the new "Operations Regiment" which will be overseen by Admiral Yularen who will now hold the powers of Regimental Commander.

Commander Fox will still hold his BCMD position and be in charge of Coruscant Guard and the operations of his battalion. Anderson will remain in his position as Fox and continue to do his job as fantastically as he has been.

Base Operations will now have the "Base Commander" as their equivalent to BCMD and Foxey will retain his term within Base Ops. and will be moved into the Base Commander role.


Admiral Yularen's application rules will be as follows:

  • Admiral Yularen positions are applicable to those who have a minimum of 1 months experience as a Commander or higher within the operations regiment & hold a current position of  Colonel within the Operations Regiment for a minimum of 1 week and must be a VIP.
  • You must also be within the Operations Regiment to apply, as this is a very special position. This may be changed in future.


The Yularen position will not be open for applications for one month from this post. (2/27/20)

If you have any questions or comments based on these changes, please discuss them below.


To clarify, Yularen will no longer be considered Base Operations in any way. The decision to make Yularen hold this position is as he would be the person running the base, as he has been, and CG is in charge of the Security of the base. If Yularen is in charge of the base, then he will also be in charge of the Security of the base.

This will be in a testing phase to see how it goes and if this does not perform well or as intended then it
can and will be reversed.

These changes have been decided on by a group discussion of the Founders, Management & Director teams and has been discussed with the current Base Commander and Coruscant Guard Commander and both are happy with this change.

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Do honorary ranks in said battalions count? Such a problem I see is former base ops memebers who hold honorary ranks applying for the spot because “I’m in base ops”

Edited by Dennis
  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Retired Founder
5 minutes ago, Dennis said:

Do honorary ranks in said battalions count? Such a problem I see is former base ops memebers who hold honorary ranks applying for the spot because “I’m in base ops”

Negative, they must have 1 Month of experience within the Regiment and as the Regiment has only been created today, that 1 month starts from today.

Honorary positions are not a thing, and that's the point of the whole "current position" thing.

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5 minutes ago, Jflag24 said:

This is completely unnecessary. Fox answering to Yularen? Are you kidding m

Just now, AriZona said:
6 minutes ago, Jflag24 said:

This is completely unnecessary. Fox answering to Yularen? Are you kidding me?

Bruh I wish they were kidding 

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9 minutes ago, Jflag24 said:

This is completely unnecessary. Fox answering to Yularen? Are you kidding me?

Look I understand but think about it this way. Yularen is a fleet admiral which makes him in charge of at least 5 ships a fleet in other words. It also makes him the highest naval on base making him in charge and representing Base Operations and Naval operations on Anaxes/the system. CG which on base make sure that everything is going fine and that theirs no crimes committed or making sure the base is safe. Base ops also sorta have that responsibility so by the end they are kinda similar. I can clarify more if to you want. 

Just Finished a Trilogy Marathon so here are some Lord of the Rings  Reaction Gifs - Album on Imgur

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19 minutes ago, AriZona said:

No just no. No reason for this at all everything is fine as it is why change something when it isn’t needed. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it I love ya forseen but please noooooo


18 minutes ago, Jflag24 said:

This is completely unnecessary. Fox answering to Yularen? Are you kidding me?

I mean let’s be real chief no flame to you or CG but they could have just merged you and made you 5th fleet security or some shit like that just be happy you didn’t get yeeted.

  • Winner 5

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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I’m sorry why is this such a big deal?

Base Operations seems pretty self explicable when it comes to how a base operates lol.

If security are running on a base then they ultimately have to answer to someone other then Fox.


All for it, good shit boys.

  • Winner 2



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this will balance out the regiments. Well done Director Forseen! 

  • Winner 2


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6 minutes ago, Husky said:

It makes sense. Might be a bit jarring for some CG, but the only change is that Fox answers to Yularen...Which makes sense considering he's a got'damn Fleet Admiral.

How lucky is Ratio that this didn't happen when he was Fox and you were Yularen.

  • Agree 1
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Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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GM Leadership

Just to alleviate any Concerns from CG and Base Ops. The Regimental Commander aka Yularen acts as an Advisor role just like I did. We do not fully control you. That is up to Fox. Yularen is now just your Regimental Commander. As far as running your Battalions, it should not change. I personally do not agree with this but that is the way it has always been ran. Regimentals act as Overseers/Advisors while the BCMD runs the Battalion. Stop thinking Foxey is going to run you directly.



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Just now, Crimson said:

Just to alleviate any Concerns from CG and Base Ops. The Regimental Commander aka Yularen acts as an Advisor role just like I did. We do not fully control you. That is up to Fox. Yularen is now just your Regimental Commander. As far as running your Battalions, it should not change. I personally do not agree with this but that is the way it has always been ran. Regimentals act as Overseers/Advisors while the BCMD runs the Battalion. Stop thinking Foxey is going to run you directly.

Foxey isn't even the reg


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GM Leadership

It was an example @ Sanchez Resident

  • Friendly 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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  • Retired Founder

If i’m being honest, this is definitely needed and I’d hope the upcoming Admiral takes an active role in CG management.

Why? Because in my opinion, a large majority of “RuleRP” is being carried out and enforced by CG. I never understood why shock was given full server rule authority over a majority of OOC issues. If someone is breaking IC rules, it should be a shock issue; if someone is breaking OOC rules it should be a staff issue.

Running up to someone and screaming “FAIL RP!” in itself is breaking character. Using the “scoreboard to check kill counts” when someone reports RDM, is infact metagaming. CG claims they do this, along with other OOC methods to enforce in-character rules. 

I’m probably speaking for a large number of players when I say this, but the current attitude that CG/Shock carry among themselves is quite toxic and ruins the RP experience on a daily basis. Quoting non-existant server rules, claiming its within their SOPs, using metagaming methods to enforce arrests, lack of respect for superior officers/ranks by not saluting, referring to them as sir, and quickly baton smashing them at their first opportunity.

CG/Shock/any Security battalion should be widely respected, and act as example clones for our new players. Instead, most battalions have little respect for CG due to their consistent negative attitudes, unnecessarily forcing themselves into RP scenarios, yelling at people in OOC, and taking rule enforcement to the extreme; the weird part is they are mostly proud of this reputation.

I would only hope, that the upcoming Admiral takes a personal role in fixing both the negative attitudes and perception within CG itself. Work with the server directors to clarify IC/OOC rules, instill extreme respect for their fellow clones/superiors, and form CG into the highly respected security force they are meant to be.

Currently, I feel like CG has little to no oversight, and a lot of the issues stated above could have been resolved with an active REG/Senior/General overseeing direct CG operations.

#C U L T U R E check


@ Forseen

Random thought after reading this post, but what if we allowed Generals to be assigned to each REG Commander to help oversee specific battalion operations from a High Command level. I feel like a number of battalion management and cultural issues could be resolved with unbiased high command oversight, including active REGs, Marshal, and Generals becoming involved at both the battalion & H.C. level. This isn’t to say REG/General should come in and completely fuck an entire battalion, but sometimes the only way to fix a bigbully is put a bigger bully above them.


just my 2c and personal opinions above, i’m not involved in the server or RP enough to have any emotional attachment to these types of changes, but I honestly believe the RP experience would be improved 2-fold with active changes within CG/BO/Naval leadership. Both battalions serve unique roles and need to be working seamlessly, alongside our server staff to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone.

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Okay since everyone is putting their two cents in I guess I’ll put in mine. As a Commander in CG. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this Change. We’re a security Battalion. Meant to protect important VIPs, planets/ areas we are stationed. And it would make sense that the people that RUN the base. Would tell us what to do. Is that’s what’s happening? No. Admiral Yularen (Operations Regimental) will be over Fox yes. Will CG be answering directly to him? No. He’s our advisor as Crimson has said. If he orders us to say BCC or HMC cause it was breached, it would be done anyways, I don’t see an issue. We’re the bases security, WE have our own say in what we secure, and who we secure. You guys are saying we have to listen to base Ops, I disagree. We will be working CLOSELY with them, not answering to them. Besides, this happened in Lore. Admiral Tarkin gave orders to Fox that HE had to listen to. If Fox has to listen to another Admiral in Lore. Why can’t we listen to one on the server? This won’t change anything, in my personal opinion you guys are overreacting about something you THINK is bad when in reality you haven’t experienced it to even know it’s bad. Please, from one player to another that has been in CG for 3 years and Synergy for around 4. Stop complaining and just wait until you experience the change before voicing your dislike. 

  • Agree 2

Was a Fox I guess. Just an old Synergy vet.
Explore roman centurian GIFs

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10 minutes ago, Ron said:

If i’m being honest, this is definitely needed and I’d hope the upcoming Admiral takes an active role in CG management.

Why? Because in my opinion, a large majority of “RuleRP” is being carried out and enforced by CG. I never understood why shock was given full server rule authority over a majority of OOC issues. If someone is breaking IC rules, it should be a shock issue; if someone is breaking OOC rules it should be a staff issue.

Running up to someone and screaming “FAIL RP!” in itself is breaking character. Using the “scoreboard to check kill counts” when someone reports RDM, is infact metagaming. CG claims they do this, along with other OOC methods to enforce in-character rules. 

I’m probably speaking for a large number of players when I say this, but the current attitude that CG/Shock carry among themselves is quite toxic and ruins the RP experience on a daily basis. Quoting non-existant server rules, claiming its within their SOPs, using metagaming methods to enforce arrests, lack of respect for superior officers/ranks by not saluting, referring to them as sir, and quickly baton smashing them at their first opportunity.

CG/Shock/any Security battalion should be widely respected, and act as example clones for our new players. Instead, most battalions have little respect for CG due to their consistent negative attitudes, unnecessarily forcing themselves into RP scenarios, yelling at people in OOC, and taking rule enforcement to the extreme; the weird part is they are mostly proud of this reputation.

I would only hope, that the upcoming Admiral takes a personal role in fixing both the negative attitudes and perception within CG itself. Work with the server directors to clarify IC/OOC rules, instill extreme respect for their fellow clones/superiors, and form CG into the highly respected security force they are meant to be.

Currently, I feel like CG has little to no oversight, and a lot of the issues stated above could have been resolved with an active REG/Senior/General overseeing direct CG operations.

#C U L T U R E check


@ Forseen

Random thought after reading this post, but what if we allowed Generals to be assigned to each REG Commander to help oversee specific battalion operations from a High Command level. I feel like a number of battalion management and cultural issues could be resolved with unbiased high command oversight, including active REGs, Marshal, and Generals becoming involved at both the battalion & H.C. level. This isn’t to say REG/General should come in and completely fuck an entire battalion, but sometimes the only way to fix a bigbully is put a bigger bully above them.


just my 2c and personal opinions above, i’m not involved in the server or RP enough to have any emotional attachment to these types of changes, but I honestly believe the RP experience would be improved 2-fold with active changes within CG/BO/Naval leadership. Both battalions serve unique roles and need to be working seamlessly, alongside our server staff to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone.

For the first part about rules and such i agree, and if a player makes a ticket about a false arrest and TP to them then CG should only come up and get involved if that staff member needs them. Once a staff member steps into any situation of they feel necessary then CG needs to immediately stand down and go about their RP same with all players but CG recently more so.

  • Agree 2

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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I, as Base Ops try and work hand and hand with CG as much as possible by the way. I'd like to think this will bring us closer. I am currently in the process of writing a document for the newly founded Visitor's Center in hangar 1, where both BO and CG will work together as Operations.

In case it isnt clear enough, it just means that CG will have a different REG commander, literally nothing else changed. Chill ya'll. I know some of you dont like base ops but damn. Fox is a clone, Clones answer to Admiral's. CG isn't some hyper elite black ops squad that only answers to the chancellor. Take it in the perspective of the actual real life military. If you're on a base, and you're an Army Security Forces member, and a Navy Admiral comes up to you and tells you to do something, you fucking do it. He has command over you, even if he isn't in your same branch, and in this case, Yularen >WILL< be in your branch.

Edited by Husky
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50 minutes ago, Ron said:


@ Forseen

Random thought after reading this post, but what if we allowed Generals to be assigned to each REG Commander to help oversee specific battalion operations from a High Command level. I feel like a number of battalion management and cultural issues could be resolved with unbiased high command oversight, including active REGs, Marshal, and Generals becoming involved at both the battalion & H.C. level. This isn’t to say REG/General should come in and completely fuck an entire battalion, but sometimes the only way to fix a bigbully is put a bigger bully above them.

Ya'll ready General Chambers to get all up in your biz again.



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@ Ron

As the current BCMD of CG I appreciate the criticism given, though I wish some other people on the sever could be just as forward as yourself. I understand the issues in CG and the stigma it usually has, like any security battalion. However, during my term I have been Trying to change it. I for one agree with the change (Obviously). I'm sorry to read that you believe that CG is some sort of "Bully" on the server. However, some aspects of your statement I must say I disagree with. 

One of your biggest complaints is obviously the whole "CG deal with OOC matters" which I understand. I'm currently working with Forseen to try and Iron that stuff out. psychical acts of RDM (Murder), Trespassing, Insubordination and Disrespect should be handled by CG. FailRP is honestly debatable and it could be summarised in-character by stating that a Trooper is "Defective" or a Jedi/Naval/Senator is having a "psychotic breakdown." Anything else in OOC or what have if frankly staff's issue. But some people don't realise that all this OOC stuff is offloaded to CG. We didn't ask to have it, we've been given the responsibility. Furthermore, sometimes when players see a break within the server rules their first instinct is to call for CG. At that point we have a obligation to go and investigate, sometime all the evidence is presented to us and we make an arrest quickly. Not because of some power complex, but to ensure that players are no longer disrupted by someone's possible malicious intentions. Which brings me to my second point.

For every arrest, unless its outstanding, usually is accompanied with communication within our TS Channel. Sometimes people forget the rules or are unsure about the specifics of certain rules. It is here where we discuss if it is a valid arrest or not. I understand that some people are "baton happy" looking for any reason to arrest someone. I can only apologise for that small group of individuals and more times than not, people who are "baton happy" are punished for their actions. Furthermore, I would like to address the stigma around baton happy members of CG. While I do not deny their existence, I use to be one of them when I first started GMOD SWRP, there number is small. Think of it this way, for every arrest a member of CG (usually the arresting member) fills out a form for their arrest. I don't know about you, but my idea of fun isn't filling out forms 24/7. 

To address the "attitude problem" within CG, unfortunately members of CG do come under a lot of stress and find themselves easily irritated. Which in turn leads to some outbursts. While this isn't acceptable, sometimes other community members lead to the increase of stress for a regular CG member. I fondly remember times where CG have been the centre of harassment or "joke", some instances see Founders or those with similar power on server using CG as a method to "have fun" on the server. Whether this is RDMing/MRDMing us or aggravating the members of CG to the point where they just find no other option but to leave the server until said Founder or member of equivalence leaves the server. They don't deserve that. At the end of the day they're players too.

Furthermore, members around the server adopted a different means of RP. Some are caring Clones, Some follow orders without question, some people delve into their "edgy" RP which is fine. Everyone has different methods of Roleplay. Some members of CG like to RP as a no nonsense, fanatically loyal soldiers. I'm sorry to say that if you are someone on the server that can't identify the difference between RP and OOC on an RP server, then I personally think you take a back seat on the RP until you develop some better understanding of the differences. (Just a general statement btw, not aimed a you specifically Ron.)

Obviously there is a lot more to your statement, which like I said I agree with some of it. However, this is one of the first things I've read since I got off College and I'm completely tired. Please don't take this post personally, I just wanted to address some of the concerns you raised with your post as the BCMD. 

On a that note, I will say that not ALL of CG disagrees with this change. I've made an announcement explaining the situation and everything else. I can only apologise for the small minority that began to whine on this specific post. 

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4 hours ago, Xander said:


Then go back to Corusant lol

  • Funny 2

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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9 hours ago, Forseen said:

Admiral Yularen's application rules will be as follows:

  • Admiral Yularen positions are applicable to those who have a minimum of 1 months experience as a Commander or higher within the operations regiment & hold a current position of  Colonel within the Operations Regiment for a minimum of 1 week and must be a VIP.
  • You must also be within the Operations Regiment to apply, as this is a very special position. This may be changed in future.



My main question is; if you are going have this rule for being in the regiment, are we gonna see that for all or most applicable positions. Basically preventing myself (for example) in the 21st applying for Rex or SOBDE Reg, unless I get waived or is it just for cutie but tutie  here?

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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  • Retired Founder
3 hours ago, Gadget said:



My main question is; if you are going have this rule for being in the regiment, are we gonna see that for all or most applicable positions. Basically preventing myself (for example) in the 21st applying for Rex or SOBDE Reg, unless I get waived or is it just for cutie but tutie  here?

For the time being this will only apply to this new regiment as a trial period and this can be discussed at a later point, however this is mainly meant for this new regiment as it's operation is different to the running of a normal battalion

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  • Management



i am literally captain tukk

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13 hours ago, Anders0n said:

@ Ron

To address the "attitude problem" within CG, unfortunately members of CG do come under a lot of stress and find themselves easily irritated. Which in turn leads to some outbursts. While this isn't acceptable, sometimes other community members lead to the increase of stress for a regular CG member. I fondly remember times where CG have been the centre of harassment or "joke", some instances see Founders or those with similar power on server using CG as a method to "have fun" on the server. Whether this is RDMing/MRDMing us or aggravating the members of CG to the point where they just find no other option but to leave the server until said Founder or member of equivalence leaves the server. They don't deserve that. At the end of the day they're players too.

I mean as CG shouldnt they be mature enough to tell them, or at very least turn the other way

CG could get people from specific battalions demoted for getting arrested so when your start bringing emotion into it, its bad.

Edited by UhohStinky
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From what I can understand at this current time, it's intend to help CG and BO work together. This is one of the Big issues I have with Base Ops being handled, they are constantly attacked, and the only reason why CG seems to care about BO, is because they're typically underneath the Chancellors Office. The CG on this Server, is the best i've seen on any Server, the Current Fox amazing especially in regards to staying In character and keeping that, in character. He's made it clear that the intent is not to interfere with CG, the person  who gets Yularen when they can, will likely need to be in good standing with CG, or be able to make good Standing with them. 

Base Ops, CG wont bite, they're great to work with and they don't forget the people who do. Currently, if Base Ops lost it's Authority on Anaxes Base, the BCC would get raided by Troopers. It's not uncommon for Base Ops Shinies, to think that they can treat Troopers like Pawns, it's a Lesson that some have to learn the Hard way. Merging CG with BO, will help keep them Grounded, help improve their Security, and will hopefully help Mergers not be so Severe in the future. it's not always one Battalion going into another,  and with the Addition of Strike Teams for Jedi, I think that something with Troopers, that isn't on the same level as SOBDE, wouldn't be a bad idea. 

What would be a Bad Idea, is having the person who gets Yuleran, be someone that can't work with CG, and tries to Regulate the hell out of CG. Part of what makes CG so good, in my Personal Opinion, is that they're Efficient, Dedicated, and not allowed to be an Absolute Prick. Getting into CG isn't like getting in a Standard Bat, staying in, is impressive. And, the High Ups in CG, Previous or Current, deserve Respect  for what they've done to help that. Yuleran being a Middle Ground for CG, and Base Ops, is likely why he wont be considered as such, if not, it should be considered. 

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13 hours ago, UhohStinky said:

I mean as CG shouldnt they be mature enough to tell them, or at very least turn the other way

CG could get people from specific battalions demoted for getting arrested so when your start bringing emotion into it, its bad.

Yes, that is what we promote within CG. However, my guys aren't perfect. No one is. However, I have more sympathy for them as they do deal with a bit more shit than the rest of the server does. I know that might seem "biased" however, it is the plain and simple truth of how CG operates and what they get in return from the community overall. Stress and a feeling of being unwanted.

However, those who act childish are almost all the time punished severely within the battalion with Demotions and rarely promoted back to their rank until they proved themselves via changing their ways, helping out the battalion more with Intel etc. or until CG Comamnd feels they have proven themselves. The only acception that is RARELY made is if the specific trooper in question has been continuously harassed by specific a group or individual and they finally snap (yes this does and has happened in the past). 

If you have any more questions I'm more than happy to answer them. 

Edited by Anders0n
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I like this.

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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