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Neptune's Niner Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Neptune [VA]


RP Name: Omega Three-Six ''Darman''


Steam ID (SteamID Finder: ) STEAM_0:0:156688535


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Omega Squad Niner



Rancor (5/17/19-8/2/19) (PVT-2ndLT)

5 minutes upon receiving my CT whitelist I was with the guy that I met at the CC training and we were walking the halls and we met SFC Guttler who persuaded us to join the battalion which is what we did. Which is where I failed the tryout but passed the second attempt. I was immediately hooked on playing this game for the next few years of my life. That guy got blacklisted and banned from the server the next day, but unlike him, I stook around for a while. During my time as an enlisted within the battalion I was medically trained in both BMED and AMED and upon completing my three basic ARC trainings and reaching SGT I became a full ARC Medic where I stayed for the rest of my time in Rancor. Medic numbers were low and I was seen to show great dedication to the medic branch, so upon being promoted to  SSG I was given the status of MEDO where I trained new medics for the battalion for a short while. Upon the previous MEDL transferring to a different status within the battalion I was trusted from him with status of Medical Lead where I stayed at that position for the rest of my time in the battalion. As a MEDL I created a new roster to replace the old one with new features and quality of life changes as well as create an entirely new medic training document due to the previous one being dated. While I was a SGM, I skipped 2 ranks and was promoted to 2ndLT. Upon getting frustrated with the state of the battalion, I left for the 501st.

(501st 8/2/19-8/22/19) (2ndLT)

During my time in the 501st, I received a 1 to 1 rank transfer as a Torrent Company trooper known as "Mixer". On that very same day I attended the Torrent Company Kix tryouts where I received the lore character showing my excellence in medical role play. I stayed in 501st for about 20 days where I was a MEDO. I tried to stay active and professional within the position. During the meetings I attended I gave voiced the opinions I had along with attempt to be a solid overall medic.

(SOBDE-8/22/19-X) (Squad XO)

Even before joining SOBDE, The one character that I wanted the most was Darman. I attended the tryouts and luckily passed with my persistence. I never really served this type of position but over the course of my time here I've made SOBDE my new home. I try keeping relationships with my outreaches high by regularly talking to them, hosting sims when I can, and deploying with them. I am the current XO of Omega Squad where I see the importance of being a leader since when Harte isn't on I'm in charge of my two other highly capable squad mates. I thoroughly enjoy my time here.

Jedi (Padawan-Knight)

My Jedi life, however, is a different tale since I passed my youngling trials and joined the Sentinel branch which led me to become a Shadow. I have been in 4 different battalions which were Dooms Unit, 212th, Rancor, and now currently, 501st. Thr current Shaak Ti (Patricia) also took me as his padawan to train under. After 10 attempts and 3 months of trying, I reached the rank of Knight. As a Shadow, in the order, I have helped out with a handful of trials and to make myself stick out more in the order, I recently became a Sentinel Manager to perform my own trials. Ever since the new Padawan and Knight duo system has came out I have adopted a Padawan to train under who is the current Wrecker where we do passive rp's and trainings.


(Base Ops)

During my time in the Base Operations, I have reached the rank of SGM, along with being part of the medical branch as well as the intel.  Within the medical branch I was one of the two members to survive the branch wipe. I'm also trying my best to keep the intel department flowing. I hold the position of Intel Manager. I try to get on my base ops every now and then to help run the base and enforce RP among the troopers during events and out of events by giving troopers tasks on delivering supplies and etc.

Senator (I forgot)

I tried out to be a senator a while back and remember getting Senator Aang where I just RP’d with troopers but I prioritized my clone and staff work which resulted in me resigning from my senator.


A few weeks on joining the server I wrote my staff application up after partaking in events and realizing that I myself want to become a game master. That person that inspired me to become a game master was none other than Dennis. As a new admin, I tried my best with CC training and taking simple tickets that I was tasked with doing. Upon becoming an admin my Game Helper training where I helped with a few events but tried my best to fill the quote required to become a Game Master. Once I reached the quote I filled out my Game Master application which was accepted and I eventually became a Senior Admin with the ability to do my own events.  I stayed in the SA position for the next two months where I tried hard to make events for people to enjoy. Towards the middle of last month, I was promoted to VA where I tried to appear as a professional person while also enjoying to make a nice joke every now and then while not appearing toxic. Very recently I was promoted in the GM program to the rank of GMO where I handle GH training and handling GM applications.

General Accomplishments

Rancor MEDL

501st MEDO

Torrent Company Kix

eARC status

Omega Three-Six ‘’Darman’’

Veteran Admin

Jedi Shadow Knight

Trainer Officer

Jedi Sentinel Manager

Game Master Officer


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I have multiple goals to be done while at the position

  • Outreach Work: As far as outreach goes, we mainly just host EOD and or TECH trainings but even then we barely do them, which is on my behalf since I am in charge of hosting my specialized training. As Niner, I will do my best to enforce that my squadmates should host their designated training at least once a week along with hosting CIT runs and or CSR sims with our outreaches. Ensuring that trainings are hosted can ensure that troopers get to know the squad more and hopefully develop the idea that we’re not egotistical fucks that just want to do what we want. Along with that, since we are hosting trainings we can also ensure that more players can take part in RP. Outreach is a priority in my eyes since it affects how we are seen by other players. I want us as a squad to deploy alongside our outreaches and talk to them and get to them and develop friendly bond.

  • Enforcing RP: Being in SO BDE means that you obtained an actual lore character, and I want my squad to represent that character. There is so much lore on these characters and I want to enforce that these people should act like them in how they act and communicate to other players, and even others in SO BDE. No they don’t have to fully embody these characters but to an extend learn how to act like them when in game since they’re actual characters. Roleplaying as yourself can lead to people being mislead on how to roleplay as the character and leave an imprint. 

  • Docs: The most difficult part about being in Omega is passing the tryout. I want to ensure that the tryout stays up to date and updating anything that I see needs to be lightened and or made more difficult. I want to ensure those that enter Omega Squad are proficient in everything we need as a squad and can handle hosting a tryout when if need be.

  • Professionalism: Yes I know I might not be the most professional person on the server, but from writing this application I feel that being professional is what keeps us seen as an elite squad of troopers. Ensuring that my squadmates do not minge but at least have a level of fun is my priority since what would you do if you’re not having any fun whatsoever? You’ll resign. I want to make sure that we can still have a level of fun but want to prioritize that being professional in front of other troopers is the top priority.

  • Preparation: I want to prepare my squadmates to not be an idiot and ensure that by the time that they are going to resign from the squad they have learned new things and how to be a more confident leader and as a whole be a great roleplayer. Yes, we are a squad, but I believe that still working alongside battalions will keep my squadmates feel isolated from other players.

In short, I want to make sure that all of these goals are fulfilled and I hope that by the time my term is over my squadmates embody their character, are professional yet enjoy being part of this family, are prepared for what to do after the squad, and make sure we have good bonds with our outreaches.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: 



Monday-Thursday 3pm-9pm

Friday-Saturday All Day

Sunday 10 am-10pm

(Available any time on Discord, Neptune508#4902)

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

6 months, about 1250 hours.

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want it to be seen as a professional squad that keeps a strong relationship with other battalions along with keeping true to each of their characters and ready to handle any situation when I am not there. I want to ensure that us as a squad can rely on each other, especially at times of disagreement and still persevere and still be family. I also want to make sure that I have completed the things I want to accomplish within the squad.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:  



(If there's anything that you feel that I have left out, you may ask a question, and I will answer it to the best of my ability) 





Hi, I'm Neptune

winkwink- Tumblr posts - Tumbig.com

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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As a Previous Niner, I've watched Neptune since I was Kal and he's done an excellent job as Darman and XO. Harte picked him to be XO and must have faith in him. He'll be a good addition to the hall of Niner's. Good luck, NER VOD. You'll make Harte proud.

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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+1 i will enjoy to work with you 

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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Head Admin

+1, poopyhead ❤️

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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I think you'll do great, Neptune.

But I also think you're very quiet and worried you may be "chill" to a fault. You should loosen up a bit more and maybe get more involved in talking with your Squad and the Regiment as a whole. You're a very nice guy as well, but if someone's being an idiot, just don't be afraid to put your foot down.

Other than that minor concern, like I said, you'll do great.


The Reprehensible Ratio!



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+1 good luck

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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