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Willys BCMD Bly Application


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Steam Name: WO1 Willyworm1

RP Name: 327th REGL Commander A'den (Willy)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:88673790

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 327th Star Corps

327th (PVT-CSM)
When i first joined the server i literally spent the first day Crouch walking around the base exploring the areas that i was allowed to enter, by the end of the day i decided i was going to join Shock the next day. When the next day came around i was going to do the tryouts, but i stumbled upon the 327th when they were getting ready for sims, i asked if i could join the sim and they said "sorry it's 327th only, but if you want, you can join the 327th and jump in the next round with us", at which point i responded, "i'll probably fail them, but i'll give it the good old try". After the tryouts, i passed and became a member of the 327th Star Corps. Working Hard, i made it up to SPC and decided to join the Medical branch, i got my training's for it and i took a tryout to join and made it in, i had always felt like medic was a great job because you get to give support and allow the rest of the players to keep fighting. Over the span of like 5 promotions i ended up going for the MEDO position and was accepted, i assisted Cannon with the Medical branch to make sure it stayed strong, and it did. I got promoted almost as quick as my cool-downs were ending. My drive and dedication was being seen by the Officers and was being commended. While at that point i was focused on getting as many training's as possible, which meant i convinced to heavy lead and jet lead to train me in it but not switch me to the regiment. The only Qualification i never got was ARC, but i was alright with that because my focus was to get a lot, not necessarily all of them.

327th (WO-CPT)
Getting to WO was an important turning point for my job because this was around the time when i was looking at battalion specific groups. I decided that i wanted to work in the Intel group and the Discipline group, so i started talking to the directors of them and made my way into the ranks of it. These were really helpful because i could properly lead others and give them the correct punishments when they caused problems. While being these ranks, i worked on making a name for myself in the 327th beyond what i already was seen as. I began working with Enlisted and Junior NCOs to improve their abilities and make them better in the battalion. More so i worked on helping the other regiments where they needed it. The work i did helped me sharpen my leadership skills and made the rest of the battalion respect me as a person and not just because of my rank. While being a Junior Officer, i often reached out to other battalions for joint sims or i pushed my subordinates in patrols and sims as well. This phase went fairly quickly because of my established leadership in the battalion.

327th (MAJ-COL)
As a Senior officer i began to step back from specific regiments and instead work towards being the Regimental Lead of the battalion. I slowly picked out people that i thought would be great leaders of each regiment and worked on strengthening their regiments by putting them in charge. As well i did more event leading and sims to keep the battalions skills sharp. This is where i started reaching out to other groups and asked for their advice on things as well as gave other battalion officers advice and information on issues that they were our would soon have to deal with. The promotions were much slower than because due to the natural focus on lower ranks and trying to get them to be good member of the battalion, but i stayed strong and continued to work with the other officers that had staff ranks to improve our trainings. During the senior officer phase, i would also help with Events as a job (mostly in Dennis' events) so that i could get some RP moments with the 327th and possibly help motivate them to be involved in the events as a battalion, this also helped me see how they work without me around and how they RP and use communication in game.

327th Commander
This is that rank i have been for the longest out of them all (149 days in the position as of the 7th of October). While being the Commander of the 327th i made sure i was available and approachable so that the rest of the battalion could function properly. I was a Commander for Poe, Tripoli, and now Jayarr. While in this position we received news that we would be getting new models, one of which would be an ARF Trooper. Since i was REGL i started by contacting the 91st, the ARFL, and their REGL on what is needed and how we can/should get this going (because they were in charge of ARF). we began a doc for tryouts and prepared an application docs for the ARF command positions. The first ARFO later quit before the models were added, but the current ARFL was chosen and will soon get the models so we can get the group up and running. My work as a Commander helped the correct people get promotions and made sure that the minges were reprimanded or removed to keep the battalions status better. Finally after a Long LOA i had in the summer i returned and began to get good members into regimental positions so that they could lead the regiments properly and improve them. And finally, i became the first 327th A'den. This name was highly criticized due to the name being the same as Null-12, but i respected the name and tried to make sure every following SOBDE A'den was alright with the name. Since the character had very little to no Lore, i had to play the character as i perceived him, which was a fairly relaxed commander, that can loose his temper, but is knowledgeable.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 
I have spent almost all of my time on the server as a 327th member, i have gone through and gotten to know how the battalion works and how the members act. I am a fairly approachable person who is reasonable but won't take shit from people without giving my opinion. I don't think that i am better than the other people applying for Bly or that have applied in the past, i know what it means to be shit on by higher ranks and what it feels like to achieve things despite people trying to keep me from getting them. But most importantly, i am respecting in the battalion (unless people are faking it around me) and am more than willing to take my brothers opinions in order to better the battalion.

I was originally going to put this in the Experience, but i decided to leave that for in server stuff. Before joining the server i worked on an MRP server where i joined the US Army. Upon joining i slowly worked way up and trained new members for the army, As i ended and retired from the Army, i left as a General (second highest rank on the server other than staff) and left it with a strong officer corp of capable soldiers and a standard of doing 3 training's daily as a requirement for them. as well i joined the Green berets which was an elite group.

When it comes to work ethics, i will work towards things until they are done (unless IRL gets in the way). I am not one to beat around the bush with people when it comes down to it, i am a "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" kind of guy that wants to see my group improve and advance to the level it should be. My persistence to get through to people and make sure everyone understand where i am at in terms of what i want is high. I am a clear person when it comes to things i care about and i don't believe that obstacles should stop people from reaching what they want. Yes there is no such thing as perfection, and i am probably far from it, but no one will ever know if it exists if we don't try.

Most importantly in terms of leadership, i am (soon to be was) a member of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. I will not get into it that much, but i will focus on the fact that is teaches leadership and values of a good citizen. I became a Drill instructor and a survival instructor as well was the Squadron commander and highest rank that can be achieved. Doing this for 7 years taught me what it means to be a leader and an achiever. From this program i received a Long service medal, my first aid training, a level 2 marksmanship badge (goes up to level 4), a silver Duke of Edinburgh Award (working on my gold), a bronze marksmanship badge, a silver effective speaking badge, a scholarship, and the respect of all my subordinates. I am telling you this because all of this has helped mold me into a capable leader and citizen. along with this i worked a training center for 3 years in the summer, in which the first two i was in charge of flights (platoon) of cadets wanting to learn survival, over the span of 6 weeks on the first year, my cadets won top flight of the week 3 times (this one was out of 4 flights), on the 6 weeks of the second year, my cadets won top flight of the week 4 times and won top flight overall (this one was out of 3). This was to show my ability as a leader and what i have achieved IRL. Lastly i plan on joining the Canadian Armed Forces soon.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes

All of these times are based off of a perfect situation (i.e. if something comes up, i have connection problems, school gets harder or out of control situations, i will let people know though):
Monday: 1400h - 2030h CST
Tuesday: 1300h - 2030h CST
Wednesday: Busy that day (i may get on if i bring my laptop to school, cause i have a large break in between classes i use for studying mostly)
Thursday: 1300h - 2030h CST
Friday: 1400h - 1700h CST
Saturday: 1000h - 1700h CST
Sunday: Busy that day (i may get on if regular schedule is cancelled)

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
680:05:37 (check at 1532h CST 7th October 2019)

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
I want the 327th to end up being more respected, which is something i always am trying to do when i RP. I want to end with all the Leads of each Regiment be in good positions with a solid handle on their duties and obligations. This will take a lot of focus and precision for most people to do that, and i know some people will think of these as either way too simple of goals or way to difficult or vague goals (depending on their personal abilities and stances), but these will be broken down and focused on carefully as primary goals that could branch into more specific goals. 

The most important thing is that i want the battalion members to not feel how they are currently feeling, which is mostly like they are being left behind because of the lower number of members or being looked down on because other people have had bad experiences with on specific member in the 327th. To me being a leader requires the will to take other that most people would give up on, a leader is someone who doesn't stop because they feel like the goal is out of reach, to me a leader is someone that can follow too. I am a stubborn asshole that will not give up until i got what i wanted or i can't go on anymore. When i finish my 3 month term i know that they will miss me in that position, but they will have been given the tools to move further without me, just like my commanders did before me, that is where i want the 327th Star Corp and the K Company.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

  • Winner 1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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I literally cant give a bigger +1. Willy is the man we need for Bly he knows how things worked and knows how to fix things +9999999

  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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An actual candidate that's been deserving of this for ages.
You are dedicated, a leader, and a hard worker. Everything the battalions needs and wants. Good luck.


  • Friendly 1
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Probably the biggest +1 I can give for the position. Willy has been one of my most dependable commanders when I was Bly, and I continue to see him improve afterwards. He's a great leader with an amazing personality. Probably my most active commander at the time he was consistently working with me to improve the regiments and foster personal growth for each member in the battalion. Willy is constantly trying to improve the battalion in whatever way he can. I've never seen him dive into drama in the server or the 327th. He is completely dedicated to the 327th, and I feel as if he would be a great Bly. I know it will be a difficult role for the next Bly to bring back the 327th, but I feel as if Willy would be perfect for the role. His firm but fair leadership style is something the 327th needs at the moment. Every task he's given he's completed, and I expect he will do the same in the position as Bly. Good luck Willy, I know you'll do great in the position and hopefully you can revive the 327th and develop it into a new and brighter future.



  • Friendly 1

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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+1 Willlllllllllly you got this


  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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6 hours ago, Tinovious said:

I haven't really seen you in TS, In game or do anything really notable tbh. -1
Good luck though!


10 hours ago, Regional said:

I don't really ever see you tbh Willy, I always never seen you, In TS or Game. But i'll +1

That is odd, cause I am usually in the TS from the listed times above, but keep in mine my lore character is A'den, but the name I normally go by is willy, so that might explain you don't seeing "willy". But fair critique.

Edited by WO1 Willyworm1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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+1 Even though my 212th 2ndAC guys keep mistaking your name A'den for A'den in-game and start talking mando shit, I think you're a good candidate from the few interactions we have.

  • Friendly 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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+1 BET go get em

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 May the best man win 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED for interview

Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/19/2019 or your application will be DENIED


//moved to Pending


i am literally captain tukk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Management

This Application has been DENIED due to the other applicant getting the position.

You may apply for a Commander position in 30 days.

//moved to denied


i am literally captain tukk

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