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Unkindled's Hunter Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Unkindled [NA]

RP Name: Wrecker

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:218493380


Battalion or Squad: Bad Batch Hunter



41st Experience: 

In my previous time on the server before returning in 2019, I was a member of the 41st Elite Corps under the guidance of Egg who was BCMD for the whole time I was a part of the battalion. I joined around November of 2017 soon after I bought my PC and Gmod was one of my first games. I immediately got intrigued with Star Wars and all the different people that played on Synergy from this period. I went from PVT-CMD within the 41st in this time. Going through the ranks, my main important roles were ARC-ARCL and Scout-Scout Lead. This is truly where I gained and built friendships that I still have outside of Garry's mod and spent hundreds of hours playing and talking  with. These people are true brothers to me and have a good place in my heart.


Rancor Experience:

I transfered to Rancor as an ARC trooper in the 41st and gained the rank of SGM. I helped actively with the ARC program alongside Tofu, who was the current Blitz at the time. I really had a good intake of what Rancor was truly about and how serious and great they are. During my time I learned a lot about respect and loyalty, but I soon retransfered back to the 41st as I was not ready to leave my boys in green.

Rancor (2019)

When I did come back to the server, I joined Rancor and decided that was going to be my new home. I was given the rank of SGT and was immediately able to start recruiting people for the battalion because of my previous ARC status. I learned and loved how much Rancor was still as Badass as I used to remember it and how they continued their old traditions. I met all the new and old players within rancor and I truly love the people within rancor so many good and loving personalities in rancor, If you truly want to play with people that treat you like brothers with respect and honor, Rancor is the place to go. Within my time in Rancor for the second time, I went from SGT-SGM. I also was a MEDO under the guidance of MEDL Atomic and Hopper.

Shock Troopers Experience:

I was in ST for a few weeks and had first hand experience on what staff did. The server had a good and high population which brought a lot of minges onto the server, I was shown how serious this position is and learned how to detect people if they were not serious about playing on the server. Being this position showed me on how to handle people like this before I went into staff. 

21st or GM experience: 

I'm not sure what rank I was in the 21st I think I was an NCO but I did participate in the 2nd BvB with them and helped them for a little bit before making my leave on the server. I think I played with them for 1-2 Weeks.

Meena Tills/Senate Guard Experience: 

I was Senator Meena Tills for around 1 month before all Senators were wiped with new tryouts. At this time I did basic roleplay scenarios on the old ship map before the extensive map. I did enjoy playing as the job but had little time to really enjoy the character as I had school exams at this time. I was also Senate Guard on the Extensive Ship map along with Dargon and Bbstine and was the rank of LT. As a LT, I recruited many people for Senate Guard, Even though their time on the server was short, this was a really cool and new experience on something that I really didn’t look into that much.

Recon Regimental Commander: 

I became Recon Regimental Commander after being a 41st Commander for several months and was well known on the server. I went into this position with really great ideas on what to do and really wanted to expand my knowledge with the rest of the Recon battalions and have them become more of a unit together. I held Recon Regimental for nearly one month before I had to resign because of computer problems and depression. It was really a dream come true to gain this position and had a real great time as it fighting alongside all the different Recon battalions.

Bad Batch Experience:

My time in Bad Batch was my first time actually being in SO BDE. I’m with all the cool people I used to know and get to play as Wrecker. It’s truly a new thing to play as a SO BDE job. I feel like you have much more freedom and your character has more meaning when you roleplay as a named character. It’s definitely one of the main jobs I had that generated lots of great memories. As someone who goes nose deep into lore about the characters he plays, it’s interesting to have the opportunity to truly act as a certain character.

Staff Experience:

I joined staff soon after I  joined the server and was introduced into it by my fellow 41st and Essit. I was a staff member from late 2017 to late 2018. During this time I did all jobs other than maining TR. I was a TR during my lower ranks as staff and became a Gamemaster as soon it was possible. Doing CC trainings and maybe training up to 10 people at a time really put a strain on my throat with all the talking I had to do. When I became a Gamemaster I loved doing events, especially ones with lots of details. I remember spending hours on planning out events and building them to allow people have a great time on the server. I became a GMO when I was Veteran admin and had to do some removal and shadows as this. I dealt with people that needed to be removed or taught things that they might not have known in the gamemaster program. When I became a HA I was promoted to the GMC and managed the whole gamemaster program. I later resigned from staff because I couldn’t handle the mass amount of document work I was given and had other things related to family I had to deal with.

Jedi Experience:

Now I rarely played on my Jedi and I’ve given it a few shots to see how it was but I’ve been a Jedi since the lightsabers you would have to stare at the ground with to spar. It’s kinda weird but I still remember my youngling trial and how hilarious it was to me at the time. I didn’t get too far into jedi I think the farthest I got was a few knight recs and was an apprentice to Knight Woody. I tried to become a Temple Guard a few times when Jefferson was Cin Drallig. 


Why should I become Squad Lead?:

Becoming a Squad Lead for Bad Batch would be something that is new to me and I’m grateful for this chance to go for this position. I like to think that I’ve held very high positions on the server and done many things on the server alongside other BCMDs and people of high rank. I know how to manage document work within battalions and was an intel officer in the 41st and did lots of intel work during my time as staff. I’ve done many removals before with troopers, Staff Members, and Gamemasters. I know how to discipline people if they’re needing to be disciplined. I’m going to be more strict and serious as the position and not allow members of Bad Batch to get away with minging or being arrested and will be treated fairly depending on the offense they did. We will not give chances to members that continue to have offenses on the server and will be given only one warning. If they are caught being a fool on another server they will immediately be removed from this position and blacklisted from the squad.

Do you understand the lore of your squad?: 


Availability? : 

My Time Zone is EST

Mon-Thursday: 2:30PM-11PM

Friday: 7PM-11PM 

Sat-Sunday: 4PM-12AM.


Playtime on server:

Wrecker has played for 1000:33:17.

Do you have a microphone?: 


Where do you want your squad at the end of your term?:

I want my squad to achieve each of their specific jobs in the squad and come on more actively as well as participate in events with each other. That Bad Batch does their missions together I’d like to see them more together on the server as a whole. Right now I think Bad Batch is already fine on activity but one thing I notice more than anything is that Bad Batch is not seen as the equivalent to other SO BDE squads, which is something I’d like to change. By doing this, I want Bad Batch to act more appropriately to how they are in lore and overall act more mature when roaming around the server. In the outreach program, I would like to change the amount of Outreaches we can have at one time and allow battalions to choose which member of Bad Batch they would like to have as there outreach. If a certain outreach is requested, the person being asked can decide to either accept or decline becoming that certain outreach. Each Member will be required to have at least 2 battalions and can have up to all battalions. (Must be requested by the battalion to participate in Deployment events and have confirmation from the Gamemaster to attend) This will not be abused by squad members to be deployed. If they are doing so, they should expect a punishment. I built up trust within Bad Batch and have talked to many of the squad leads and XO’s of the rest of SO BDE. I have also talked with several other people that I have played with, for their opinion of me applying for Hunter. I’d like to change how Bad Batch is seen by other individuals that interact with Bad Batch on a regular basis, as some people on the server believe we are a useless squad or something not quite as equal compared to the other SO BDE squads.


Do you understand that if you go active you will be removed?:


Do you understand that your position has a 3 month term and you have to reapply?:



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Hell of a plus 1. When Pythin left people kept wondering who should be Hunter and its you man. I trust in you and support you for the position of Squad Lead. +1 if you don't know am Bad Batch's XO

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Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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+1 Good Luck

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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I have known Unkindled for a very long time on this server and even a bit outside of it through our decent length snapchat streak, but that is beside the point. Unkindled was one of the most dedicated members of my battalion when I was in charge and when he moved on to high command, was a very good reg. His work ethic is very good, he is respectful, and understands what it means to be a leader. I admire him for all that he has done for the server and also in helping me along the way with 41st and I believe that he is more than ready to take on this responsibility of being a squad lead. I wish you luck and I truly believe that you can make this work effectively and keep things going smoothly.

Good luck out there gamer, +1

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Head Admin

+1, seems very qualified for the job.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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Alright, so I know Unkindled IRL so throughout this Ill be referring to him as Rob. Rob introduced me to this server 2 months ago when my Arma server was shut down. I was really into Star Wars, but had 30 hours on Gmod and wasnt really a fan of the engine. From step one he has given me patience, guidance, and most of all motivation to succeed on this server. I personally cannot speak to his previous experience on this server but what I can say is this. During his break time, him and I ran a Rust Clan. I was the leader, he was my second in command. During that time, i believe he grew incredibly as a patient, understanding individual due to the sheer nature of Rust. He always spoke about Synergy in a positive light and I know he wont make the same mistake again of leaving. His leadership and communications skills are out of this world, and I would trust him to know when to ask for suggestions and guidance. He is humble, and knows when he should take outside influence. All in all, he is the best fit out of anybody eligible to apply, and for that, he gets 


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I was with Unkindled back when he was a MAJ in 41st. He was the ARCL at the time, so when I hit the rank of SGT I asked him if I could go to arc selections and he said yes. At the time when I was climbing the ranks, we were in need of a ARCO and since Unkindled saw me doing a good job in the 41st, he made me ARCO. After a few weeks of being ARCO Unkindled got  the rank of CMD. He was an absolute great CMD, he knew how to lead during events and was serious when it came to RP. After a bit the Recon Reg spot opened and Unkindled put in his app for Recon Reg. Of course he won. He was only Recon for a bit, but he knew how to do his job as Recon Reg. Now that I am talking to him again, I realize that he is still a great person to play with and be around. I think he os the best spot for Hunter. That is why he gets my 



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