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Striker's Cody Reapplication


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==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

 Steam Name: Striker


RP Name: Battalion Commander Cody


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:53229086


Battalion or squad you are applying for: 212th Commander Cody


How many terms you've held the position?: 2 terms so far


Why do you wish to maintain this position?: I would like to continue to be Cody because I want to continue to grow the 212th and continue to make them the best that they can be. This past term was difficult but the 212th alongside myself have worked through it and persevered. And I hope to continue the perseverance and growth for another 3 months. 


Current availability: Availability recently has been a bit iffy because of school ending and adult things I am starting to have to do (This is largely the reason for my lower than usual hours) but as soon as school ends by the end of this week (the 31st) I should be 100% available again almost 24/7. This should be from around 12:00 PM EST - 2 AM EST.


What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?: I have achieved a lot. High battalion activity being the main one. The 212th right now is flourishing with leaders in every branch and many active officers with promising NCOs. I also have many other officers that are promising as well and I hope to build up the next generation of Commanders as well with both of my already great Commanders at the head. There is a bright future to be had and even if I don't receive a 3rd term then I hope to leave that as my legacy. 


What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?: There aren't many things that I can think of currently to change. As the old saying goes, if it works don't fix it. However I can and will continue to look for ways to improve already working systems within the 212th. As well as continue to build up my officers and continue to push them to be the best that they can be. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes. 

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+1 Good luck

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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Neutral, I rarely see you on line. Now idk if this is a time Zone issue or what, however from what I can tell you’re a good leader good luck!

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
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Striker has already proven himself through previous terms and it’s evident his stern approach is effective, it’s important to keep people who get the job done in those positions for as long as possible in order to not disrupt fluidity and prevent everything being changed, I believe striker is a great leader and I would be proud to serve under his lead for atleast another term 


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Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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I'm gonna be totally honest here. 

As a member of 212th as an officer, I've really not had a huge amount of time to critique your decisions, which is saying a lot considering you're the leader of the battalion. 

In my COMPLETE OPINION, Striker can come off as a rude individual when it comes to running a group of people. He's definitely qualified to run the battalion, but recently I've seen nothing but bad things come out of him being in charge. There are plenty of other people in the battalion that deserve a chance. 

Again, I don't get to talk to you all that often, and that might be contributed to us just not being on at similar times, or you simply just not being on the server so you can play other games or do other things, which is probably not a good quality for the leader of an entire battalion to have. 

Tldr, I really don't think you deserve another term as Cody, from the things I've seen to the stories I've heard, you've ran your course. 


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At the risk of being beaned from 212th and my rank completely, I'm going to say that in my opinion, you aren't the best choice as a leader of our battalion. There have been times where you've made horrible decisions that detriment our battalion, and you aren't that approachable of a person, especially when expressing thoughts. You aren't on all that much, even on weekends, and it's understandable if you have IRL stuff that is in the way but if you do maybe you shouldn't be lead? Just a thought. From other things I've heard from when you have been on, it's not great. You're mainly only there for big events which gives a lot of time when you aren't. 

TL;DR: -1

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25 minutes ago, Ori-nament said:

At the risk of being beaned from 212th and my rank completely, I'm going to say that in my opinion, you aren't the best choice as a leader of our battalion. There have been times where you've made horrible decisions that detriment our battalion, and you aren't that approachable of a person, especially when expressing thoughts. You aren't on all that much, even on weekends, and it's understandable if you have IRL stuff that is in the way but if you do maybe you shouldn't be lead? Just a thought. From other things I've heard from when you have been on, it's not great. You're mainly only there for big events which gives a lot of time when you aren't. 

TL;DR: -1

You can’t get beaned for that,

also striker is an alright guy 


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35 minutes ago, Ori-nament said:

@Cabrera He's an alright guy, I can agree with that. But leader I am unsure and I really would prefer a new leader who is way more approachable. 

I haven't seen much of you at all for a while, and Striker is approachable but blunt. Like no one even TRIES to talk with him, he will listen and tell you why something wont work or take your viewpoint into consideration and coming up with something WITH you to fix the issue that was presented, a compromise. Thats one of the big things I like about Striker is that he knows how to say NO to people.

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Striker and us high command in 212th have been doing a lot lately and making lots of great changes and I can see the battalion going in a really great direction, I don't want that to change and I want to continue going in that direction, with Bro having very different viewpoints for what needs to be done in the battalion I think this change would make it very very hard to stay on that path. Striker has got 1 more term left in him and I truly believe it would be best for the battalion if he got to serve it. +1

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phat -1


Striker, you're a good dude, but not a real good Cody. Aside from some of the decisions made that I personally disagree with (the whole 2ndAC issue still leaves a bad taste in my mouth), your attitude in general is horrible for a commander. You yell at people for seemingly no reason, overreact to the smallest things, constantly tell people they can't question you, and generally make it difficult to approach you with things we know you aren't a fan of. This isn't even getting into you demoting people as a joke (or getting mad over being the butt of the joke and demoting people for real). It's gotten to the point (for me at least) where I haven't really played on the server because I don't want to really be involved with any of the drama that might happen.

I wish you luck in getting Cody, but I can't give you my support.

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|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Every bcmd has some sort of issues during their time. Striker had proven that he is able to lead his battalion and that he cares for it greatly. I might not have interacted with him all too many times, but he cares for his battalion and the people in it, or else he would not be running again. I believe that striker can continue to lead his battalion successfully and efficiently, and that is why I am leaving this with a +1

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On 5/28/2019 at 4:58 AM, Ori-nament said:

@Cabrera He's an alright guy, I can agree with that. But leader I am unsure and I really would prefer a new leader who is way more approachable. 

If you gather the balls to talk to him maybe you would have another stand point...


Edited by Josh Schneider
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These people saying you're a bad Cody clearly haven't been here for your full time as Cody, and are just assuming shit because things aren't going the way THEY want things to go.

Striker you're a good lad, and you've done well as Cody so far, and honestly, you're the best candidate for this position so far. 



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26 minutes ago, Freck said:

These people saying you're a bad Cody clearly haven't been here for your full time as Cody, and are just assuming shit because things aren't going the way THEY want things to go.

Striker you're a good lad, and you've done well as Cody so far, and honestly, you're the best candidate for this position so far. 




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11 minutes ago, Rexko Xeros said:

-1, has a bad temper sometimes and is not active in game 
and because of this


Okay posting shit without context is a fucking dick move let’s not forget what you did that day to get yourself removed.

  • Winner 7



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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Striker is a god among men. Basically fixed 212th. Made it back to its former glory. I do not doubt that it will continue to be this great. 
As for the things people are saying about striker, I don't know what they mean. I can approach striker, and I have when I was in 212th many times. I don't feel intimidated by striker unless he is trying to intimidate me, then he does it really well. Good man big boy does great.

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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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20 minutes ago, justuscloud5 said:

The thing is rexko is actually autistic...

Okay, IDK if this is a joke, but as a person who deals with Autistic children every day (my brother and one of my closest friends is one) but the reason he got removed has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT HE MAY BE AUTISTIC. I don't see why you bring this up. Rexko was doing dumb shit in discord and doing dumb shit in teamspeak and in game and it got him removed. It was not because he's autistic (if he is or isn't), and its because he was being stupid as hell.

  • Funny 1

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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1 minute ago, Eclipse said:

Okay, IDK if this is a joke, but as a person who deals with Autistic children every day (my brother and one of my closest friends is one) but the reason he got removed has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT HE MAY BE AUTISTIC. I don't see why you bring this up. Rexko was doing dumb shit in discord and doing dumb shit in teamspeak and in game and it got him removed. It was not because he's autistic (if he is or isn't), and its because he was being stupid as hell.

I'm not saying it is I'm just saying calling him a retard he may take offense to 

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Just now, justuscloud5 said:

I'm not saying it is I'm just saying calling him a retard he may take offense to

oh my bad I thought you were saying that it wasn't his fault he got beaned cause he's autistic. Yeah, I can see that. Sorry cloud :(

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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2 hours ago, justuscloud5 said:

I'm not saying it is I'm just saying calling him a retard he may take offense to 


2 hours ago, Eclipse said:

Okay, IDK if this is a joke, but as a person who deals with Autistic children every day (my brother and one of my closest friends is one) but the reason he got removed has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT HE MAY BE AUTISTIC. I don't see why you bring this up. Rexko was doing dumb shit in discord and doing dumb shit in teamspeak and in game and it got him removed. It was not because he's autistic (if he is or isn't), and its because he was being stupid as hell.

I do have it I like joke around with it, but I dislike it when people use it as an insult towards people with disabilities 

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Striker is one of most hard working Cody's i have ever seen. He revived his battalion and kept it alive during his entire term. I feel like he should stay Cody for now. This lad is a perfect example of what a good Leader should be like, but he is also a very hard working person. U got my support fam.


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First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Neutral, you seem like a good guy and the 212th has always done well but I haven't seen you on much best of luck to both of you. 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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12 hours ago, justuscloud5 said:

The thing is rexko is actually autistic...

Probably doesnt make him feel so great

This is low blow dog a very low blow you gotta call someone out like this when the guy isint that bad you might not like him but you don’t got to say this keep it to your self

Edited by Hawky
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Striker and I stepped into the BCMD position at the same time. I've had the pleasure to work with him and his 212th as they are quite close to the 501st. A BCMD can make or break the battalion and Striker has really lifted the 212th up. From the sheer amount of 212th on to the quality of his men, he has done a fine job for the 212th. Striker has led the 212th for 6 months now and I have always looked up to him and his work with his battalion. Striker is a wonderful dude to work with and I've had no problems with him during our time as fellow BCMDs. When any problem has risen we've discussed it and solved it. I've trusted his judgment and he's trusted mine. Striker has proven himself a great leader of the 212th and I see no reason why he cannot remain as Cody.

Good luck

Massive +1

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 Papa Kal

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I just want to +1 this application real quick here. Like others have said, Striker is a good guy. He is blunt, from what I have seen, but that can be a good thing. I think he works well as a leader for the 212th. Some people here have raised that Striker's activity has been an issue in the past; I would agree, to an extent. I think he is as active as one can expect from someone who has a life going on outside of GMOD. An increase of activity would be welcome, but is by no means necessary in my opinon. 

TL;DR - +1, good luck!

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Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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I like Striker. I know he is capable of continuing his success within the 212th. But I also agree with points said by Col. I see the 212th in a stagnant position right now. If you do get selected for a 3rd term, I do believe that so changes are in order. Other then that I will support you both.


Now to address the comments said. For most of you, what you said is completely unacceptable. There is no way you think it is ok to bash someone because they have "Autism". Now weather he has it or not is none of your concern. I understand him posting it and not elaborating on his points why Striker should not receive a 3rd term. But I also understand why he felt as if he did not need to. What Striker did was wrong without a doubt, but why not ask him to speak more about his view instead of saying such mean and rude comments blatantly showing that you are an indecent human being. I know this is not the server I love and respect and I know we can be better than this.

Edited by DaddyCro
I had to input my ideas and views.
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44 minutes ago, DaddyCro said:

I see the 212th in a stagnant position

I disagree.


44 minutes ago, DaddyCro said:

Now to address the comments said. For most of you, what you said is completely unacceptable. There is no way you think it is ok to bash someone because they have "Autism". Now weather he has it or not is none of your concern. I understand him posting it and not elaborating on his points why Striker should not receive a 3rd term. But I also understand why he felt as if he did not need to. What Striker did was wrong without a doubt, but why not ask him to speak more about his view instead of saying such mean and rude comments blatantly showing that you are an indecent human being. I know this is not the server I love and respect and I know we can be better than this.

This is so unnecessary and unrelated please leave it.



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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Just now, DaddyCro said:

It is not unnecessary. So are you going to allow someone to be belittled because he has a mental illness? 

Dude this is a commander application if you wish to discuss the apparent "belittling" of someone you can do that in private, starting drama is prohibited on applications.



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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1 minute ago, Nade Jones said:

Dude this is a commander application if you wish to discuss the apparent "belittling" of someone you can do that in private, starting drama is prohibited on applications.

Starting? Alright my guy.


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