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Fizzik's Base Ops App


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Steam Name: Currently Jackmerius Tacktheritrix, 90% of the time [SR] Fizzik [SA].


RP Name: Alpha 66 CSM Muzzle


Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞 STEAM_0:0:68077876



RANCOR Battalion: 4-time BCMD. I've served this battalion loyally since December of 2016. 91st: Was part of 91st for 5 months andd achieved the rank of XO before moving to RANCOR BCMD. I also had a brief stint as an RC squad-lead (Niner.) I am also one of the four founding regimental commanders and served as the first recon* regimental commander.

*Back then Recon wasn't called recon but was called Specialized, consisting of mostly the same battalions (some were removed). All current Specialized battalions were called Defense.


Why should you become Base Commander?: While a good majority of people weren't around for my first term as RANCOR BCMD, I've proven that I'm able to take a group of people (or in my case, a battalion) and turn it into something great from scratch. I inherited the battalion against someone who was ruining the battalion and was giving the battalion an awful name (you could say fuck N-words and skip tryouts) which could be argued to be even worse than starting from scratch since everyone in the battalion was working against me. If I was able to turn a then-racist minge fest into the battalion it is today, I'm positive I can start Base Ops over from scratch and have it perform like it never has before.  While some may argue that with me returning recently, I might not be the best fit for it, there's nothing I can say to you to convince you, all I can say is "trust me."


Do you understand  the purpose of BO on the server?: Yes


Availability: I'm on almost every day. The time varies. Days where I'm doing school I'll be in TS the entire time, days where I'm working I can be contacted through Discord on my phone. I generally put a good 4+ hours a day in.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Formed one of the most professional battalions on the ship and invented the ARC Training Program.

Helped create the current Alpha-ARC sub-unit for RANCOR.

Helped found the Clone High Command program.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want the Base Ops to be at the end of your term?: I want Base Ops to be fun first and foremost. The main reason why I and a lot of others never even bothered trying out is because of how incredibly boring it was to perform that role. I want to have a competent 2IC who shares my values and will continue to progress Base Ops and will be capable of training his successor, building a chain of successful leadership figures. I want it to be filled with leaders who are capable of performing great roleplay, and I want our own personnel to be trained to be the same way. I want there to be a level of accountability for the leadership that only the community can provide. I would like Base Ops to be integrated with each battalion in a friendly/professional relationship. They are, after all, our responsibility as Base Command.  If I am unable to achieve this by the end of my term, I will try again if the community is willing.


How do you plan to change the Base Ops under your command?: Every time I've seen Base Ops/Naval fail, it's failed the same way. Expectations going in are always way too high. This "battalion" was far from entry-level and provided little training to be able to succeed. Whenever I did try out, it seemed like I had to be trained as an Engineer and a Medic to even be close to succeeding in the battalion. While Jedi is meant to be on the same tier as Base Ops as a donator-only battalion, this structure is the complete opposite of what Jedi offers. I'm only a knight and I know the Jedi will progress your skill and train you themselves. I do not recall Naval/BO ever offering this. I will make the Base Ops initiate job exactly what it's supposed to be. Just like how in ARC we don't expect you to be great, but you can be damn sure we'll train you to be, I want Base Ops to train its lower-ranks into success. By supplying the initiates with beginner-level training, it will provide them with something to strive toward, instead of an opportunity to stagnate. It will no longer be an elitist group, that needs to be reserved for SOBDE (not meant as an offense, btw) where that kind of structure is merited. Obviously BO will still control the clone-specific training, unless anyone else has anything to say about it, it more than likely will stay this way. I'm hoping to make these trainings more accessible instead of being centralized on Base Ops. Right now this responsibility is shared with the RC if they're willing, I'd like to keep it this way. I'd like to branch out further and potentially assign leads in battalions who are able to perform this training. Besides this, their normal duties will be mostly the same. They'll be tasked with base upkeep and making sure the gates are manned. Relatively simple stuff.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Base Commander rank?: Yes.

  • Winner 1

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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Forum Admin

+1,  you have a lot of experience but none in navy/base ops but I think you can do great.

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Oof it’s Commander *Screw Panda’s ARC status* Blitz. +1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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In the time i've been around, I'm pretty sure fizziks been there too. He has more then enough experience.

never forget clone assassins

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