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Ryders Palpy App


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Steam Name:  Nightrunner453

RP Name: Marshal Commander Ryder

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42071921

Why Should you become Chancellor?:

I know this server and the people on if anyone has any problems battalion wise or life wise they know they can come to me with my open door and I can see if I can help some how.  I can also make tough decisions when needed that may not be popular.  My channel is a Neutral  place where arguments and disputes can be settled in a civil manner.

Do you understand the lore of the Republic Military?: 



Anytime in TS and discord and from 5pm to whenever I pass out in game 

Give a Brief overview of your achievements on the server:


Became a Recon trooper which was their ARC Trooper


Became their MEDL for a time.

Became the last Alpha ARC before their official instatement into the server 

Became the BCMD and help bring RANCOR back from the brink of death along with some other peoples help 

Trim down the ARC training and reversed some decisions  made by the BCMD  before me.


Helped All the recon Regs get to a stable number they may have been a few bad spots but Recon as a whole was in good position at the end of my term as Recon reg

Attack and Recon Senior Commander:

Was the Last Senior Commander on the server Helped get both attack and recon in stables positions and advise them on any situations that needed help or a voice of reason.

Marshal Commander:

Helped out many different Battalions with Situations that was out of hand. Get and keep a mostly Active High command Team that helped their Battalions with their Problems

Advise  the battalions with anything they asked  and give my honest thoughts on many problems and training.

What do you feel the role of the Chancellor is ?:

The role of the chancellor is the voice of reason on the server someone people look up to and  gets together with the right people to make fun and exciting events. Also bring Rp suitions that can be fun funny or serious when needed. 

Do you have a Microphone?: Yes of course 

Where do you want the Republic Military to be at the end of your term?: 

Want the Republic Military to be stable have all the battalions et up so they have a clear command structed So that incase someone ever asks a question they can find the answer they need easily. Also Make sure Base ops has good clean and clear ideas and a fun place to play so people will want to join it. Also bring in new types of RP encounters.

How do you plan to change the Republic Military under your command?:

Some of my ideas was said in the part above. I have a lot more but I don't talk or explain myself writing stuff out. If you would like to talk to me about my ideas please fill free to message me on discord or TS.

Do you understand that if you go inactive you will be removed from your position? :


Do you understand your that your position has a two month term and you many only serve two terms maximum?:  

Yes of course 

Disclaimer: I don't really explain myself well in text if you would like to talk to me about anything about this app please PM me in discord or TS  and we can talk.


Edited by Night453
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Fuck, 2 really good applicants, Ryder I’ve seen you grow from BCMD-MCMD, and have helped me when I really needed it, I know you will do the best you possibly can if you get the position, +1. May the best interviewee win I guess.

Edited by Kronos Jones

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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Hi, You may not be aware of who I am but I know the current state of the Clone Army in terms of a roleplay sense. Now I want to start that when it comes to roleplay its not entirely up to the Marshal Commander to create or run the roleplay on the base, but you have a massive influence on how serious people do roleplay. Since returning I have made a post about the roleplay of the server which has since received a lot of positive feedback from members of the community and staff in variety of ranks making the information non bias.


But I quote the following from your Marshal Commander application


I wish to remain a marshal cuz I love interacting with everyone on the server high command and all the battalions . Also making people smile and laugh at stuff is the best and I want to improve on some the battalions that aren't performing as well as well as some of the other battalions  by bring new ideas and rp Elements 

Now there is nothing to say you might not have done that in your first term, and that you may have been active during that term. But from my perspective only having been here for the last half of your term I have seen you becoming less active, and no effort to fix the roleplay at all. You state you wanted to bring in new ideas and RP elements for the battalions but the seriousrp element must have been left out which is weird for a community that is labeled as a SeriousRP Server.



Help the battalions with the transition to the ground map more and help with the rotation of battalions to outpost or patrols get them more comfortable with the battalions and then develop new systems for them. Keep being one of the few people that is not bias so the BCMDs or anyone can come to for help with anything 

Yet to see you do a training or simulation from anytime from 7pm EST onwards. Not to say you havent done it. But during the prime time late hours im yet to see anything for the past 2 weeks.


Now I want to bring up your initial Marshal Commander Application.



I  want all the battalions and  to have decent numbers do some fun and different RP I want everyone to be able to achieve and earn the rank and position they want to be in and deserve to be in I want to make sure all the Regimental spots are filled and all the bcmd spots are filled with active BCMDs that care about their battalion. 


Firstly, The roleplay is different thats for sure. But not in a real good way, it needs more work and discipline and that all starts with high command. The Regimental Commanders are good so i'll give you that.

For myself personally. I am someone who cares for the community like you and dont want it to be what it was when I no lifed the server but what I do want is some Serious Roleplay from a server that flourished from it. So far no clone High Command have taken a solid step in emphasizing Serious Roleplay within the battalions, And if they have I am sorry but its clearly not visible from someone who has serious roleplay intent.

I would also like to mention the detail thats getting put into your applications for me personally seems to be on the decrease.

First Marshal Commander Application - 730 Words all up.

Marshal 2nd Term Application - 319 Words all up. (Now I am aware that this is a reapply template used so there is less to fill out.)

Palpy App - 583 Words all up. (Yes Its a different template i know but thats not the point)

What I am getting at with this is that Palpatine is a very serious role and I feel like there should be more effort put into this application along with effort in game. you are almost 200 words off from one of your first serious applications for Marshal.

I understand Teamspeak doesnt mean much, but for me it shows activity. Your teamspeak channel currently states the following which is outdated:

Gree ~ (Thats it. Thats all it says, We have now had a Gree for 10 days)
Boss- JB (He is not Boss anymore. Not for 13 days. Almost a month)

Niner- Korm (Incorrect, Turbine is and has been for 13 Days)

Fox - N/A (So UneJamMut is not the guy to talk to incharge of Shock? So ive been lied to for the past 20 days?)

Even your clone High Command is out of date:

Recon: N/A (Wombat has been that for almost a month)

SOBDE - Nade (Hasnt been here for the past 29 days, thats almost a month too)


Teamspeak is not a massive issue but you need to keep it updated so new players can go to your channel and see who the right people to get in contact with. Should be the main focus point for all of that, not an outdated office for you to AFK in.



I personally cannot +1 or -1 due to the current state of the roleplay on Synergy and I apologize as I am aware that not all of it can be pinned on you, But as you stated in both your applications. Roleplay as a massive focus for yourself and its currently not in a good shape.

(Lmao this has more words written than your application)

(A Regimental Application with more effort that a Palatine Application(Reference: Wombats Application)).

Edited by OldMateDreams
  • Agree 1


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I've known Ryder since i was a RANCOR PVT when he was Blitz, I know he did good work both In Game and behind the Scenes kinds of stuff, I think Ryder have worked more than hard to reach his current position & i do highly believe he is a great fit for this position

I wish you good luck. 

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I remember when you were Blitz and you were iffy about becoming reg and me and a couple others talked you into applying for it, at first it didn’t seem you liked the position until you got fitted in and kicked that shit into full gear.

Now, here you are, applying for Palpy. 


You did a lot of work as Marshal Commander and i’m proud to +1 your application.


Good luck, Ryder. Both applicants will need it as it will be a very tough fight between you and Quill.

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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