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CWRP - Maymays Ban Appeal


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RP Name/Steam Name: Maymays

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:136648136

Date of Ban: I don't remember, some time in September. 

Length of Ban: Perma

Offense: Not handing over ownership of the discord. (In addition to harrassing directors +)

Banned By: Lighig

Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: It's been four months since my ban, to put it simply I think I have done my time and I've matured since. I know in my last couple weeks in synergy I had become toxic. The main reason to that is because I played to much. In 8 months, I put over 2000 hours into the synergy server. It was wearing on me mentally and people could tell. In a way I am grateful for my ban because it has given me time to see the error of my way. I have no intentions of ever leading anything ever again. If I am unbanned, if it hasn't happened already, I will be revoking my own legacy ranks to all battalions and naval (BO). I want to start fresh and rebuild my tarnished reputation on Synergy. I'm sorry to @Zim I was extremely childish in our final discord messages when for the most part we were rather civil towards each other. But our alpha mentalities finally hit a spilling point and we had a competition of who had the bigger dick or thats how it felt. I don't expect any sympathy from anyone because of what has happened in the past. I just hope you all remember all the good times of simple enjoyment. And to all the friendships I've ruined with those like Andrews, and Chambers, I am also sorry. I once again don't expect any sympathy but a sorry is a good start to rebuilding friendships. I said stupid shit to both of you, it happens. I haven't had the chance to say sorry because I've had no form of contact to you all. I did play a role in the removal of Alfa because of my arrogance. I had wanted back into the naval discord after being kicked from it, so I told alfa to reinvite me which he did. I had changed my discord profile picture (Had not changed it since) to hide my identity. I wanted back in the discord for the sole reason to see what was happening in it. No other reason. When you have done everything for naval as I had done then to be ripped away from it, the one thing I had wanted to keep was the discord. This was seen as traitorous from the founders and decided that removing alfa was the best course of action for lying. My intention was never to get alfa removed, I had just wanted to keep up to date to the changes to naval since I had been serving it for the last 8 months. I felt bad after the removal of alfa as I was the main cause behind it and accept responsibility behind his removal. 

I have since handed over all ownership of any documentation and discord information to the appropriate people. I am not in anything synergy related, so my reason for ban is no longer a reason for ban as I no longer hold any documentation or discord information related to Synergy. 

Also,  there was a code of honor that was there before frecks time. All Yularens wait to hand over discord ownership and don't hand it off to anyone else. I was simply sticking to the code of honor even in face of a ban. While it may seem foolish to some, honor is one of the more important things in my life. I always try my best to be honorable, and the smart thing to me felt like waiting until we had a new Yularen. Which is what I had done after my ban. I had handed it off to Alfa. I did not deface anything on Synergy or in the discord. I did not touch any messages that were important. All I had done was waited out the time until we had a new yularen rather handing it off to a director or owner. 

To add on to this, if I am going to be fair I am going to include the harrassment that I had done to Andrews, Zim, as well as Chambers. Most of it directed towards chambers because of my strong dislike to him at the time, As well as when I feel something needs to be said it will be said. It's how I always have been, you can ask anyone, If I feel like you are doing something dumb or outragous I will call you out on it. Harrassment is never fun I have been the victim of and and the aggressor of it, these screenshots will definitely show you who I am when I am pissed off and the things I am not afraid to say when it comes down to things. As I said, I expect no sympathy.


Messages to Chambers:







Message to Andrews: This was after I was removed from the naval discord when we had an argument over snapchat. 


Messages to Zim:














Evidence to support your claims: http://prntscr.com/m3qdwx Proof that I am no longer affilated with any synergy discord.


Edited by Maymays
added a screenshot I had forgotten
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Yikes, when we tell you to put everything out there and you exclude some of the ones that make you look the worst.

NNynkos.jpgThis is one of the more disgusting ones about the whole situation




You also left out the fact that we specifically asked you address regarding Alfas removal.

You know the whole thing where you convinced him to go against the founder's decision regarding your ban and got him removed?

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1 minute ago, Carter said:

Yikes, when we tell you to put everything out there and you exclude some of the ones that make you look the worst.

NNynkos.jpgThis is one of the more disgusting ones about the whole situation





Fuckin yikes dawg.



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With the whole bullying Patrick situations I’m just going to leave my 2 cents. I think there was a big over reaction and Maymays got thrown in the mix and he was blamed for all of it. I disagree with Maymays bullying Patrick completely because as far as I could see, Maymays demoted Patrick and Patrick got the maddest you can get. And then Maymays got blamed for it. If I’m wrong correct me.

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15 minutes ago, Carter said:

Yikes, when we tell you to put everything out there and you exclude some of the ones that make you look the worst.

NNynkos.jpgThis is one of the more disgusting ones about the whole situation




You also left out the fact that we specifically asked you address regarding Alfas removal.

You know the whole thing where you convinced him to go against the founder's decision regarding your ban and got him removed?

The Alfa Situation is stated in the post. 


37 minutes ago, Gambit said:

I did play a role in the removal of Alfa because of my arrogance. I had wanted back into the naval discord after being kicked from it, so I told alfa to reinvite me which he did. I had changed my discord profile picture (Had not changed it since) to hide my identity. I wanted back in the discord for the sole reason to see what was happening in it. No other reason. When you have done everything for naval as I had done then to be ripped away from it, the one thing I had wanted to keep was the discord. This was seen as traitorous from the founders and decided that removing alfa was the best course of action for lying. My intention was never to get alfa removed, I had just wanted to keep up to date to the changes to naval since I had been serving it for the last 8 months. I felt bad after the removal of alfa as I was the main cause behind it and accept responsibility behind his removal. 

Also I thought I had gotten all the screenshots in the post so that is my mistake. 

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+1 to this appeal. He laid "almost" the full story out. Which is more then i can say for most people who do ban appeals. Yes it shows how bad maymays could be. At the end of the day the patrick thing was a cluster fuck and was the fault of ALOT of people not just good ol maymays here. Anyways at the end of the day it has been awhile and I feel a second chance wouldn't hurt, worse comes to worse like i always say. It takes only seconds to reban em lol

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Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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50 minutes ago, Joah said:

They always talk shit about Synergy but then they always come crawling back to appeal. It’s amazing how that works 😂. Gonna stay out of the decision on this one. Good luck 

It's called "Getting frustrated at something that you love or have been in love with in a long time" :)) 




lmao why am im doing diz

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8 hours ago, Carvis said:


Doesn't matter what he did, disrespect is something that should be taken very seriously no matter the circumstances even if done out of anger.

There is two sides to the story, but I agree to an extent that maymays may have gotten angry 

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+1, Bullying is bothering someone directly. I know what the fuck bullying is as I got bullied hella in middle school. 

Also, I still think the Patrick incident was a sham and a moment to get the founders and directors on there toes for the “FBI” to be involved in a gaming community...We’re not CS:GO Trading sites.


Edited by Red_Panda
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Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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8 hours ago, Joah said:

They always talk shit about Synergy but then they always come crawling back to appeal. It’s amazing how that works 😂. Gonna stay out of the decision on this one. Good luck 

/me talks shit about Synergy yet somehow crawls back to the server from time to time, f@#$ing things up from inside out





Otherwise, I personally believe he deserves a 2nd chance, though I would like to abstain giving +1/-1 as there were two sides of story.

Also, let us not forget that there were some in this community who +1 to this particular Ban Appeal:

You know, one of 'em Joey's (or Lily the trap) pals.

AKA, the ones that ruined that reputation for 187th greatly and leaked some tryouts.

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7 minutes ago, KanZ said:

/me talks shit about Synergy yet somehow crawls back to the server from time to time, f@#$ing things up from inside out





Otherwise, I personally believe he deserves a 2nd chance, though I would like to abstain giving +1/-1 as there were two sides of story.

Also, let us not forget that there were some in this community who +1 to this particular Ban Appeal:

You know, one of 'em Joey's (or Lily the trap) pals.

AKA, the ones that ruined that reputation for 187th greatly and leaked some tryouts.

Just this. ^

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Man you got my favorite yularen removed.... 


But I feel you have changed and matured....



Idk man +1 you’ll be under watch if you do get unbanned, and You can’t damage anyone when chambers is watching

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I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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+1 Maymays even if maybe did some shit cause i am kinda confused  with all the new information comming up lately you aint the only one responcible for the whole thing also i dont think a man who took under his wings naval to make it greater would harm or try one of it members , tough is was in his hands to decides as the co and  thats always to the hands of the co . MayMays if you come back i want see u in naval not matters what ~Scouty

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Forum Admin

+1 maymays is a good guy, i like him 


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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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  • Retired Founder

Saying it now,
If you +1 this post, you're an idiot. I'm not going into detail as to why, but if you can't see the blatant manipulation Maymays has done in the past to being the "victim" of the Patrick situation, or even with this appeal, you're blind. The proof is in the very carefully cut screenshots and situations he's left out of this appeal that Chambers had to bring up. I don't normally get heated on these things, but Maymays, you're a sack of shit that cares about nothing but yourself. I in no way, wish to share the work that I put into this community with you. You lie, you manipulate and you can't even own the fuck up to it, you pretend to be the victim.

If I could rewind time back to when I was very seriously speaking to the police department with @Square, over the Patrick situation, not as @Red_Panda thinks is some joke. I would of handed them all your personal information and let them deal with you legally. This would of been done with. 

My final thoughts are Synergy is a place for new beginnings and working together to create something better. A place where people can make new friends and have fun escaping their reality. You however, are the lowest filth on this planet, the kind that only takes and uses.
You have no place in Synergy Roleplay.

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32 minutes ago, Zim said:

Saying it now,
If you +1 this post, you're an idiot. I'm not going into detail as to why, but if you can't see the blatant manipulation Maymays has done in the past to being the "victim" of the Patrick situation, or even with this appeal, you're blind. The proof is in the very carefully cut screenshots and situations he's left out of this appeal that Chambers had to bring up. I don't normally get heated on these things, but Maymays, you're a sack of shit that cares about nothing but yourself. I in no way, wish to share the work that I put into this community with you. You lie, you manipulate and you can't even own the fuck up to it, you pretend to be the victim.

If I could rewind time back to when I was very seriously speaking to the police department with @Square, over the Patrick situation, not as @Red_Panda thinks is some joke. I would of handed them all your personal information and let them deal with you legally. This would of been done with. 

My final thoughts are Synergy is a place for new beginnings and working together to create something better. A place where people can make new friends and have fun escaping their reality. You however, are the lowest filth on this planet, the kind that only takes and uses.
You have no place in Synergy Roleplay.

Oh fuck, now I understand xD

I see your point, and I guess you're right :)

didnt know all the police stuff :/

Edited by Firat/Abi
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2 hours ago, Zim said:

Saying it now,
If you +1 this post, you're an idiot. I'm not going into detail as to why, but if you can't see the blatant manipulation Maymays has done in the past to being the "victim" of the Patrick situation, or even with this appeal, you're blind. The proof is in the very carefully cut screenshots and situations he's left out of this appeal that Chambers had to bring up. I don't normally get heated on these things, but Maymays, you're a sack of shit that cares about nothing but yourself. I in no way, wish to share the work that I put into this community with you. You lie, you manipulate and you can't even own the fuck up to it, you pretend to be the victim.

If I could rewind time back to when I was very seriously speaking to the police department with @Square, over the Patrick situation, not as @Red_Panda thinks is some joke. I would of handed them all your personal information and let them deal with you legally. This would of been done with. 

My final thoughts are Synergy is a place for new beginnings and working together to create something better. A place where people can make new friends and have fun escaping their reality. You however, are the lowest filth on this planet, the kind that only takes and uses.
You have no place in Synergy Roleplay.

@Zim is 100% correct. 

After doing further investigation, i find it crazy that you ever attempted to appeal.

Someone please deny this ASAP. 

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2 hours ago, Zim said:

Saying it now,
If you +1 this post, you're an idiot. I'm not going into detail as to why, but if you can't see the blatant manipulation Maymays has done in the past to being the "victim" of the Patrick situation, or even with this appeal, you're blind. The proof is in the very carefully cut screenshots and situations he's left out of this appeal that Chambers had to bring up. I don't normally get heated on these things, but Maymays, you're a sack of shit that cares about nothing but yourself. I in no way, wish to share the work that I put into this community with you. You lie, you manipulate and you can't even own the fuck up to it, you pretend to be the victim.

If I could rewind time back to when I was very seriously speaking to the police department with @Square, over the Patrick situation, not as @Red_Panda thinks is some joke. I would of handed them all your personal information and let them deal with you legally. This would of been done with. 

My final thoughts are Synergy is a place for new beginnings and working together to create something better. A place where people can make new friends and have fun escaping their reality. You however, are the lowest filth on this planet, the kind that only takes and uses.
You have no place in Synergy Roleplay.

Yeah -1 Absolutely after reading that 

Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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My mind is not changing. Maymays is not 100% the bad guy. This is yes a place for a new start, but I’ll say it time and time again. It’s also a place for second chances. I would know. This appeal was made to help him, and I can show, that he feels bad for whatever he did. He loves this community, and so have other people. He did a lot when he was here, and yes he might have had a few tears in the wind, but that not the point. The point is he knows he did wrong on some parts, and I am not gonna say that everything he did was bad, but hey that’s my opinion. 

The man has what it takes to come back after that, when he has told me myself he didn’t want to after the ordeal, but after he thought about and made some adjustments. He wants to come back and prove to be a better person. 

Thats what synergy is. Built for Another chance. As well as new Beginnings, and new friends.

All I am asking is to put the past aside, and end the drama, and look forward

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Former: Liaison


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I remember not wanting to apply for yularen cause of how fucked up I thought putting the Patrick situation onto maymays was. The fact that it's happening again means I have to say something regardless if I get beaned for it I gotta give my 2 cents.

I was in all those meetings with Patrick and maymays and absolute no bullying of any sort of  took place. @COC4INE and @Punybob also were in those meetings several times and can give their two cents. The fact that this narrative is still being pushed is bullshit. The bullying came from the people in game making fun of him when he talked in debrief....not maymays.

Patrick got demoted and that was a group decision that was made. If your going to give the police information that this person is at fault for someones suicidal actions because he demoted him in a starwarsrp server that is fucked up. 

I'm only speaking on the Patrick situation when it comes to this appeal.

@Zim we had this conversation before, dont push this false narrative to your community, cause Patrick wasn't bullied by maymays..he was bullied by your community. 

2 hours ago, Zim said:

If I could rewind time back to when I was very seriously speaking to the police department with @Square, over the Patrick situation, not as @Red_Panda thinks is some joke. I would of handed them all your personal information and let them deal with you legally. This would of been done with. 



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  • Retired Founder
1 hour ago, Alfa said:

I remember not wanting to apply for yularen cause of how fucked up I thought putting the Patrick situation onto maymays was. The fact that it's happening again means I have to say something regardless if I get beaned for it I gotta give my 2 cents.

I was in all those meetings with Patrick and maymays and absolute no bullying of any sort of  took place. @COC4INE and @Punybob also were in those meetings several times and can give their two cents. The fact that this narrative is still being pushed is bullshit. The bullying came from the people in game making fun of him when he talked in debrief....not maymays.

Patrick got demoted and that was a group decision that was made. If your going to give the police information that this person is at fault for someones suicidal actions because he demoted him in a starwarsrp server that is fucked up. 

I'm only speaking on the Patrick situation when it comes to this appeal.

@Zim we had this conversation before, dont push this false narrative to your community, cause Patrick wasn't bullied by maymays..he was bullied by your community. 



From what I heard, this was not the only situation with Patrick but I don't want to make this about Patrick., there is also multiple screenshots of MayMay's being toxic against Synergy as a whole.

I personally don't care much for the bullying situation / etc. However Maymay's attitude overall shows he doesn't want to be here, so he's welcome to not be here :). Also, the continuous cancerous attitude he had the forums didn't follow much further away.

I think you're shining way to much light on the Patrick situation and forgetting about the multiple discords talking shit about the community and even things said in his own private discord that we have access to on random accounts that would lead to a cause for immediately saying no to this urban. However, I said I'm not going to vote on the situation, this is an issue between Zim, Jackson, Maymays. So it needs to be approved by them and them alone as it's their decision. I also saw private messages between Chambers/MayMays and discord messages shown that proves to me that Maymays still isn't ready to return, and who's to say the toxic behavior won't start back up. Multiple people who have been given second chances in this community have ended up being banned again... Spooky is a perfect example of this... or Dargon, after exploiting the credit system. Toxic people are toxic and it is how it is.

I wish Maymays the best of luck in his appeal, but this is not the only reason Maymays was banned from the community and you need to realize that. Including ban avoiding, which you know about in multiple synergy discords and the forums.. =/. So anyway that's my 2 cents.

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  • Retired Founder
2 minutes ago, IKE said:

I believe singnificanty more members of the community have been more toxic than maymays

Yep and a lot of them are banned. If you've seen the discord conversations between Maymays and founders + his own private discords, You'd say otherwise, I personally did not screenshot them, I believe Chambers may have screenshots to give clarity to what I'm talking about, I have first hand seen his attitude and its pretty fucking bad. 


Just a small fraction of the conversations were posted in the ban appeal.

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2 minutes ago, Joah said:

Yep and a lot of them are banned. If you've seen the discord conversations between Maymays and founders + his own private discords, You'd say otherwise, I personally did not screenshot them, I believe Chambers may have screenshots to give clarity to what I'm talking about, I have first hand seen his attitude and its pretty fucking bad. 


Just a small fraction of the conversations were posted in the ban appeal.

Undertanable. @Carter

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1 hour ago, Alfa said:
11 minutes ago, Joah said:

I think you're shining way to much light on the Patrick situation


I'm only speaking on the Patrick situation when it comes to this appeal.


 I'm only speaking on what I know which is the Patrick situation, im just correcting what was said. Everything else he did I'm not here to defend that.

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  • Retired Founder
1 hour ago, Alfa said:

@Zim we had this conversation before, dont push this false narrative to your community, cause Patrick wasn't bullied by maymays..he was bullied by your community. 

1 hour ago, IKE said:

Absolutely well put Alfa. 
I believe singnificanty more members of the community have been more toxic than maymays

I find it funny you are trying to lie to the community and state it's a false narrative, when you yourself were an issue during this, leaving opinion little to none. I have been transparent sent all my chatlogs and explain in detail in the past of what happened. We have shown a bunch of proof and for you to publicly state that Maymays did nothing is patheticly stupid. It makes me wonder if you have functioning eyes. I also find it hilarious how you're point to bring back Maymays is all on Patrick, let's note how many other things Maymays has done since that incident. He has much more then the one situation to atone too. As to IKE, I feel you're also missing the point, no one is completely innocent, sure Patrick had issues, he was dealt with, but the difference between getting upset and trash talking versus bullying a child as a grown ass man trying to go into the Military on a regular basis is not acceptable. It's sad. 

After reading: Didn't realize Joah adressed part of what I just did. But it should drill the point home, it's not just me and my "false narrative" that has seen and stands by these things.

4 minutes ago, Alfa said:

 I'm only speaking on what I know which is the Patrick situation, im just correcting what was said. Everything else he did I'm not here to defend that.

I refine the point, seeing as this was posted while I was typing that, if you only "know" about one situation, which I can promise you you have less then 50% of the truth in, you shouldn't vocalize your opinion. If you know the whole truth or were actively apart of it, sure but you were not. 

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11 minutes ago, IKE said:

The reason why I kept going to the Patrick issue BTW is cause I heard that was the original reason for ban but idk

I'm sure he was removed for something along those lines, then banned for not giving ownership of the discord up.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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9 minutes ago, IKE said:

The reason why I kept going to the Patrick issue BTW is cause I heard that was the original reason for ban but idk

Maymays was never banned for that suitation, he was only removed from Admiral.

This has been a consistent problem with this case that everyone thinks it's only about Patrick which it is not.

Regardless every interaction I had with Maymays after the ban was either toxic or shitting on the community so I don't believe he should be allowed back.

Others that we banned for toxicity have come back and caused issues then end up getting rebanned again

The only one who's kept his nose clean is Nightmare and he was actually able to get me to change my mind regarding his appeal.(not causing issues or being toxic after being banned)

(Maymays violated the terms of his appeal again so his alt account has been banned again)

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I still say at the end of the day it takes a few seconds to reban him if he fucks up. If the community wants him unbanned then let him be unbanned. If the community wants him to stay banned then leave him banned. At the end of the day synergys motto is "A community by the people, for the people" it doesnt matter if he rubbed one person the wrong way or not. Write your side and shut up and let the community decide. There is to much dick measuring in this post.

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Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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  • Retired Founder
1 hour ago, Alfa said:

 I'm only speaking on what I know which is the Patrick situation, im just correcting what was said. Everything else he did I'm not here to defend that.


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  • Retired Founder
1 hour ago, Baelfire said:

I still say at the end of the day it takes a few seconds to reban him if he fucks up. If the community wants him unbanned then let him be unbanned. If the community wants him to stay banned then leave him banned. At the end of the day synergys motto is "A community by the people, for the people" it doesnt matter if he rubbed one person the wrong way or not. Write your side and shut up and let the community decide. There is to much dick measuring in this post.


Baelfire, Only 1 out of 20 ban appeals have been successful.  (Nightmare being the only case where it worked out) Nightmare being the youngest of all them.

Meaning by statistic there is a 5% chance of this working out if we did unban him.

And to be honest, maymays has close to 5 different counts on him which leads to a permanent ban. bans are not up to the community otherwise you would do the final decision. +1's and -1's are taken into account by those who can unban him. Meaning you are allowed to have an opinion on it (Giving the opportunity the convince those who can unban him).  " "A community by the people, for the people" Means the content is created by the players and driven by the players. It doesn't mean they make 100% of the decisions.

I'll put the counts below of what maymays has

1.) bullying - which lead to police involvement in a suicide well-being check (A little dramatic I understand) but it still happened
2.) Ban evading - making multiple accounts
3.) Refusal of handing over the discords after removal
4.) Staff disrespect - Constant bashing
5.) community disrespect - bashing the community/server/founders/staff

He is more of a liability if anything.

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Okay yes more a liability, but I am sure, that a lot of the members in the community now are also a liability. Not gonna snitch names, but there are. If we can  help teach them to not be retards, then they wouldn’t be that risky

Former: Liaison


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19 minutes ago, Pythin said:

Okay yes more a liability, but I am sure, that a lot of the members in the community now are also a liability. Not gonna snitch names, but there are. If we can  help teach them to not be retards, then they wouldn’t be that risky

Pythin I love ya, but we aren't a daycare center nor are we a behavioral center. None of us are here to teach people how to be a decent human being, it's something they learn and do themselves. Nightmare learned on his own how to be less toxic and I hope I can say the same thing for MayMays.

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That’s what I’m saying. He has. I have talked to him. He says he wants to come back, and I say we give him a chance. There is nothing here to still cause problems, except for us sticking our feet in the past. Give the man a fucking chance like you gave the others 

Former: Liaison


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Don’t kill me 


I think he could come back if he says he has changed he should be allowed back.

what i do think is maymays and directors or Joah or someone should sit in a TS and have a CONVERSATION about what’s gonna change and some agreemts on what’s gonna happen then sure bet do whatever 

i do think he should be held on a short-medium leash for his first few weeks/months

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  • Founder
On 1/11/2019 at 2:29 PM, Alfa said:

I remember not wanting to apply for yularen cause of how fucked up I thought putting the Patrick situation onto maymays was. The fact that it's happening again means I have to say something regardless if I get beaned for it I gotta give my 2 cents.

I was in all those meetings with Patrick and maymays and absolute no bullying of any sort of  took place. @COC4INE and @Punybob also were in those meetings several times and can give their two cents. The fact that this narrative is still being pushed is bullshit. The bullying came from the people in game making fun of him when he talked in debrief....not maymays.

Patrick got demoted and that was a group decision that was made. If your going to give the police information that this person is at fault for someones suicidal actions because he demoted him in a starwarsrp server that is fucked up. 

I'm only speaking on the Patrick situation when it comes to this appeal.

@Zim we had this conversation before, dont push this false narrative to your community, cause Patrick wasn't bullied by maymays..he was bullied by your community. 


You are missing so much in this. I know for an absolute fact you were not involved in all of the situations. Like you stated in your second post, you were speaking on the times you were there. I think its best that you don't assume anything or jump to conclusions if you don't know the whole story. This keyboard warrior mentality is a huge issue with many people in this community and it only creates more drama that isn't even true because you don't even know the whole story. 

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I know im not really active in the community that much anymore, but an opinion is an opinion. The Patrick thing wasn't a sham, I was there when Zim had to leave and talk to the police with Square and spoke to Patrick when he was still in the hospital when he popped into the discord a week or so after this all happened. My opinion is simple, Cyber Bullying falls under bullying so all the the ones saying "He DiDnT bUlLy HiM iTs A lIe" don't know the full story.  On top of that, those saying the full incident is a lie, youre genuinely pathetic. Why would so many people make one lie to put one man down? This hasn't happened previously so why would it happen now. 

The fact of the matter is the evidence is provided by both sides, Maymays only cares about himself and even bashed the community multiple times and is now crawling back. Funny how the world turns, you do something to make an ass out of yourself you're treated like an asshole. 

If it wasn't obvious enough. -1

Edited by WaterMelonWolf
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Lets remember the rules of commenting on ban appeals (Yes I know im breaking them myself with this post. But gotta remind people)

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Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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5 hours ago, Carvis said:

@Joah @Zim @Carter @Heart 

Can we please just deny this appeal and stop the fighting? He obviously has no place in Synergy and is no longer welcome so let’s enforce it. 


5 hours ago, Lucky said:

It's not for you to decide 


2 hours ago, Carvis said:

You’re correct, but i’m sure they agree with me.

Plus if it was up to me it would be denied already. 

Dude, really. And as Lucky stated it's not your decision.  

Yes its quite obvious that people don't want Maymays back. (those who were more closely involved with Maymay's removal and ban) Hence the Directors and Founders not wanting him back. 


Yes Maymays has done some SERIOUSLY shady shit. And the Patrick situation was no help. Then him being stubborn either. He was following a code and it got him banned essentially. He has talked shit about the community after he was removed and banned. Zim even offered him a chance to appeal but he continued to talk shit. Not so bright. 


But, thats just one side. On the other hand, Maymay's, for a long time wasn't a bad person. He put naval in a fantastic position while he was in it. They were doing good and when he was removed, it became a shit show. Ever since Alfa and Maymay's removal. Naval has been a pile of garbage. One admiral to the next.

Everyone has this perception of Maymay's after his ban and removal, "hes a bad dude".  When in reality its basically a couple things that ruined his reputation. Before then, he was a highly respected member of the community. 


Honestly, IMO he's not a bad person. I personally don't think the Patrick situation is all his fault. Patrick was unstable to begin with. (hate me, but it's true)). Him not giving the discord till a new admiral was chosen has been a long standing tradition. I think talking shit after his ban was inexcusable, but he did it. No changing it. 


Neutral. There is a lot of negatives here, but I believe that he has positives too.  





Edited by LixCoffee
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Fat yikes in chat boys.

For real though, Looking at the Patrick situation, regardless of who is at fault for what, he can't be blamed for more than half the issues Patrick was facing. Not me personally, but those close to me have had those sorts of tendencies and if it isn't going to be one thing it's going to be something else. Like Joah said though, the Patrick thing is minuet in comparison to the way that he acted after his removal and current activity within the community forums.

Seems like the appeal is being made not because he cares about playing here, but because he can make one again. I see the best outcome here is to just move on. It's SWRP and nothing worth more than the dirt on the ground when you look at it for what it is. Seems like everyone on both side forgets that this is a game. Myself included, it's easy to forget that it is just a game and nothing serious at all. (Not meaning to shit on the community as a whole, pretty cool guys all around.)

Lastly, for a contrast against this ban. I was banned permanently July 11th, (Only know it because the date I went to basic is July 12th you memes.) for toxicity. I won't deny my own fault in how I ended up with the ban, but nor did I really do any retarded clap backs against anyone or try and cause harm to the community. Hell, I didn't even ask to be unbanned, because even after I was able to log in again did I really care about it.

-1. The best second chance is keeping the option off the table.  

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19 hours ago, LixCoffee said:

Everyone has this perception of Maymay's after his ban and removal, "hes a bad dude".  When in reality its basically a couple things that ruined his reputation. Before then, he was a highly respected member of the community. 

Hitler was highly respected in Germany. 
But I am not sure he was a good dude.

16 hours ago, Thexan said:

It's SWRP and nothing worth more than the dirt on the ground when you look at it for what it is.

I work hard on this dirt. ;~;


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5 minutes ago, Zim said:

Hitler was highly respected in Germany. 
But I am not sure he was a good dude.

I work hard on this dirt. ;~;


I mean you changed my opinion from a +1. But I don’t think maymays commited mass murder so 

Edited by LixCoffee
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The issue i'm seeing is everyone saying you don't know the full story to everyone. Well what the fuck is the full story then? Why is everyone being so god damn vague about it? Its pretty fucking ridiculous to say peoples opinions are wrong and they don't know the full thing when your being vague and refusing to tell it.

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

The issue i'm seeing is everyone saying you don't know the full story to everyone. Well what the fuck is the full story then? Why is everyone being so god damn vague about it? Its pretty fucking ridiculous to say peoples opinions are wrong and they don't know the full thing when your being vague and refusing to tell it.

ZIm and Joah have already told most of the story, I honestly think they don't want to say the full thing because of the police involved in the story. If you want to know just ask them privately.

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On 1/14/2019 at 8:22 PM, Jax said:

The issue i'm seeing is everyone saying you don't know the full story to everyone. Well what the fuck is the full story then? Why is everyone being so god damn vague about it? Its pretty fucking ridiculous to say peoples opinions are wrong and they don't know the full thing when your being vague and refusing to tell it.

Because it's not for the Founders or High Staff to prove, we don't openly slander people here. Nor would we like to, NOR, did we record the conversation with the Police. This is strictly what was hear from word of mouth, for us to tell you what we heard would soon turn into "We don't believe you" so why give the information to you at all" It's a pretty straight forward why not to 101.

If you can't believe the people who are here for the community, not much else is needed to be said other than you might be in the wrong community. (That's if you don't trust us)

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Just now, Stern said:

This is a gmod rp server

Not to everyone. For some it's a business, for some it's a hangout, and for some it's an internship.

But the big picture is that it's all three.

If someone comes into a business where people go to hang out, and causes legal trouble, they don't have to be let back in. Hell, businesses can ban anybody. Sure it's a game on the surface, but if you're looking at the core aspects of how it's run, this is basically a business.

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27 minutes ago, Heart said:

Not to everyone. For some it's a business, for some it's a hangout, and for some it's an internship.

But the big picture is that it's all three.

If someone comes into a business where people go to hang out, and causes legal trouble, they don't have to be let back in. Hell, businesses can ban anybody. Sure it's a game on the surface, but if you're looking at the core aspects of how it's run, this is basically a business.

A non-profit business everything earned by the server stays with the server.

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On 1/14/2019 at 2:48 AM, Thexan said:

Fat yikes in chat boys.

For real though, Looking at the Patrick situation, regardless of who is at fault for what, he can't be blamed for more than half the issues Patrick was facing. Not me personally, but those close to me have had those sorts of tendencies and if it isn't going to be one thing it's going to be something else. Like Joah said though, the Patrick thing is minuet in comparison to the way that he acted after his removal and current activity within the community forums.

Seems like the appeal is being made not because he cares about playing here, but because he can make one again. I see the best outcome here is to just move on. It's SWRP and nothing worth more than the dirt on the ground when you look at it for what it is. Seems like everyone on both side forgets that this is a game. Myself included, it's easy to forget that it is just a game and nothing serious at all. (Not meaning to shit on the community as a whole, pretty cool guys all around.)

Lastly, for a contrast against this ban. I was banned permanently July 11th, (Only know it because the date I went to basic is July 12th you memes.) for toxicity. I won't deny my own fault in how I ended up with the ban, but nor did I really do any retarded clap backs against anyone or try and cause harm to the community. Hell, I didn't even ask to be unbanned, because even after I was able to log in again did I really care about it.

-1. The best second chance is keeping the option off the table.  

This pretty much exactly spells out how I feel on a perspective of someone who is banned who took the correct path. Thank you Thexan for shedding light on the situation.

After careful review of this ban-appeal and taking into consideration all the -1's and +1's and actual information that showed that you were claiming to be "genuinely sorry" does not equate to any truth whatsoever.

Maymays you are the type of toxic individual that will never be allowed on SynergyRoleplay ever again, it's time for you to move on to other things in life rather than wanting to come back to SWRP Garry's Mod Server. I personally feel your level of disrespect heavily outweighs how sorry you say you are.

I'd hate to see another server have to deal with your attitude as you have been nothing but grief on this server and have caused numerous issues time and time again. At one point you were considered a respected community member now your name will fade into none existence through the generations.

You're not sorry, you just want to play with friends.

Given the opportunity, you'd become more toxic and create more issues for the server.

Synergy is headed in a bright direction and continues to improve each day, with that being said, I'd like to continue improving synergy, 

So for that reason.

 Your ban appeal is denied.
You may never re-appeal, nor will you ever be given this chance.

Best of luck in your future endeavors. Take care.

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