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Logic's Commander Gree Application [Waived]


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Steam Name: [SR]Logic[SA]


RP Name: 41stGC SUP LTC Draa


Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞 STEAM_0:0:159926113


Battalion or squad you are applying for: 41st Elite Corps



Day 1: 327th Star Corps

I was a lowly Clone Trooper, Fresh from Kamino, I was lost as fuck on the venator extensive, and suddenly, a saint, offering me direction and help, Zahariel, he was my savior, explained to me simple workings within battalions, how to rank up, what are the ranks, what even is trigger discipline, what jedi is what, I didn't even watch the clone wars before joining the CWRP... I was a lost cause, I was unsure what to do, how to act, when to speak, it was awkward until I got the rank of specialist in 3 days, and then I met Starkill and TayTay who convinced me to leave the 327th.

Galactic Marines

TayTay basically convinced me that the Galactic Marines were alot better and I was like "Oh wow cool armor, I'm in" I tried out, Passed, easy. I was now a Galactic Marine, and from then on I was excited to get on the server to do some awesome training every single day. Then TayTay rebuilt the GMACTS for the Venator's sim rooms, New, difficult trainings to set me on the path to becoming an Galactic Marine rather than the Glorified Clone Trooper that is Nova Corps. After I finished my first and third GMACT I reached the rank of Sergeant and learned to give tryouts, and was introduced to the Galactic Marines Enlisted Leadership Trainings, a set of 5 trainings required to even rank up. they taught me what I was doing wrong when I led events and through the next weeks I saw myself flourishing, with some rough patches, with some issues but I was trying to iron those out. Luckily Starkill saw me fit to tryout for Keller's Unit. Definitely one of the hardest ordeals of my time on this server, I passed and become Keller's Unit and was so fucking proud of myself. Unfortunately I wasn't up to standard by the time I reached CSM and got demoted. After a few more weeks of grinding and learning I reached the rank of CSM again and even made it up to 2ndLT, I was an officer for the first time ever, and after that I even made 1stLT, but mistakes were made and I was removed from the battalion leaving me a homeless CT. My removal was caused by stressing myself out in real life with some really personal issues with my girlfriend at the time and my dad. I ended up getting snappy at a CSM who was not following orders, I apologized afterwards but Snadvich did not see me fit for leadership and demoted me. My full removal was caused by me being salty about the demotion and sending him  a picture of people bothering me about it, cornering me into the commons right after it happened. I missworded the explanation of that picture and snadvich saw it as manipulation of evidence. Nothing of the sort has happened since, do to this experience teaching me to communicate and lead better.

104th Mechanized Assault

I was lost, so I found someone and tried out, thinking they could make me not want to quit the server, I learned the function of every battalion is very different, starting again from a private and working back up to Staff Sergeant through the week. I made many friends that I still talk to today and learned several things with them, such as different functions during events and different leadership styles further teaching myself to lead others. Then Cyclops got Bly.

327th Part 2 Electric Boogaloo

Tristan and I never got along, its no secret, he blacklisted me after I rejoined 327th on my jedi and then decided to leave to put it into the 41st. So when Cyclops got Bly I jumped ship on 104th and joined back as a Private once again, on a tight leash, as instructed to Cyclops by Tristan. I had no issue with this, Through the week I made new friends, reconnected with old, led, got led, and grew as a person. after about 2 weeks, I started having doubts, I was being more active on my Naval to avoid certain people within 327th, thats when I jumped ship again.


I began to be more active on my Naval at the rank of PO3, I quickly began rising, making friends, doing RP, leading events, leading debriefs, I was really enjoying my time in Naval. I began embracing Engineer RP alot more. I got promoted to ENGO and convinced to run for ENGM and COE on the same day, I had my interview and Lord Alfa came with the decision, Ben was the new COE, but I was to be his ENGM, I did trainings and tried to keep everyone else doing trainings, and shortly after I reached the rank of Ensign. My joy was shortlived however because Alfa was removed a week later, Tears were shed, Boutineer got Yularen. Then came the new map... I wrote the Advanced Engineering document from scratch, but couldn't force myself to RP as BaseOps since I just didn't enjoy it, so I took a long LOA and stepped down from ENGM and 2ndLT (the rank equivalent for Ensign) to Master Sergeant, where I remain to this day, helping out when needed, giving input, especially in Engineering.

41st Elite Corps

I put my jedi here, only got into the channel when I wanted to talk to new people, then I resigned my jedi completely when I jumped ship out of 327th and joined the 41st at the rank of Staff Sergeant. It took me a bit to adjust to Egg's leadership, so used to marching and trainings, wasn't used to the let loose, so I took lead during events, showed my leaderships skills to the best of my ability. I worked my way up the ranks recruiting, showing myself, doing trainings for the battalion to help with communication, doing what I can within my power to stop minginess, which got extremely bad in the absence of Egg who had dissapeared, My work did not go unnoticed, I was promoted to Sergeant Major then to Warrant Officer by Sanchez soon after Egg's removal. I began doing recruiter of the week and continue doing it to this day. Bean then promoted me to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. I continued with the trainings with new dupes I made and all kinds of things I do, leading during events, and trying to give leadership to the NCO's who are up and coming, while also managing PT to prevent minginess. A few weeks after my promotion Sanchez dissapeared to study for finals and was forced on a family trip, our officer corps was suffering and I ran intel and the battalion when Bean wasn't on. My work did not go unnoticed and Wombat promoted me to Captain then soon after to Lieutenant Colonel. Then Sanchez resigned, and the future holds much more experience for me.

Senior Admin

Sometime in the Galactic Marines I applied for staff, got accepted, went for my interview and miraculously got accepted. As a New Admin I trained Clone Cadets and learned different ways of dealing with minges, or people who don't listen, ones who can't talk, and this seriously improved my communication by teaching me to simplify if I mess up in my explanation or there is a simple miscommunication. I learned to deal with some crazy situations with the tickets I took, learned how to properly get both sides to every story, and how to make hard decisions and punish accordingly. After about a month I reached the rank of Admin, I instantly resigned from the Trainer program, became a game helper, and began helping. then the system of 2 admins can make an event became a thing and I GRINDED that. Me and a few other admins who are now Vet admins constantly did events together, communicating, and leading as a team. Together we all got promoted to Senior Admin, all applied for gamemaster, all got accepted. I spent several weeks as a gamemaster, working with event jobs, and game helpers, but I struggled with coming up with ideas so I resigned to help with TR, applying to TRO after getting waived, got accepted for interview, and then got accepted to TRO, where I now remain.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 

With the issues within the battalion I am someone who stepped up. With Egg's removal I stepped up to help the NCO's to the best of my ability. With my promotion to Warrant Officer I was told to keep the NCO's in line, I dealth with removals, I dealt with demotions. I took charge of the NCO's. I think I should be BCMD because when the battalion needed someone, I was there. I like to believe the NCO's feel listened to, and that they can always come to me if they need anything, I want to believe that I have been a good leader to them, though most have gone through PT they stick around and talk to me as their friend. I think I should be BCMD because when the entire officer corps went on LOA I stepped up and ran the battalion to the best of my ability. I think I should be BCMD because I am able to talk issues out with people rather than yell and demote instantaneously. I experienced good leaders and bad leaders and discerned my own way of leading. I believe it is within my ability to change the entire reputation of the 41st Elite Corps and Green Compnay for the better. Thats why I should be BCMD


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes, I was able to pass green company tryouts by only searching one question on the lore portion.



(In terms of EST)

Saturday and Sunday at all waking hours and sometimes much much later

Monday-Thursday 2:50PM-10PM sometimes later

Friday 2:50PM-Late


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Nearing 4 months with hundreds and hundreds of active hours


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want to solidifiy the entirity of the officer corps like sanchez intended before his break and resignation. At the end of my term I expect to have 7 or more active working officers who meet the expectation for a mature officers. I plan on regrowing Green Company from its current state by establishing a trustworthy Green Company Lead. At the end of my term 41st will NOT be the minge battalion. There will be very little tolerance on in game minge behavior enforced by PT and trainings. I want 41st as a whole to be in a healthy state of growth. I plan to work with the 91st, RANCOR, and Spec Ops for recon trainings and activities.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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+1 Logic you've proven a lot to me since I think you were in GM or that may have been a different logic. You stepped down from BO officer when you knew you wouldn't have time for it which is the responsible thing to do. You are also a incredibly dedicated 41st

ALSO 1st

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I support both candidates. Although I've seen your struggles and you have been in multiple battalions in a rather short period. I believe you've found your stride within 41st. May the interview process decide!

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327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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Seems that some people kind of are hung up on your attitude. While I can understand where they're coming from, I noticed you only really kinda lose it in a situation that's unfair or one you find yourself cornered in. I support both applicants here, but if you can bring seriousness to the 41st, then you can do great things.

Edited by Ratio
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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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Forum Admin

Neutral, i see good potential in you and you mean well, but you are still kind of rude and dont let things go

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Alright, Logic. As much as I've heard that you have an ego with an occasion to get toxic, I'm fairly certain you'll mature and fast.

This is coming from someone who's been on Icefuse/Synergy since Summit was Gree and Forseen was actually here (For anyone who loves time, that's about hmm... I don't know... Oh yeah, it's closing in on 2 years.) I have seen so many people run 41st into the ground (Cough cough fucking Diego.) and while Egg was BCMD, we all need to admit that things have gone rather mingey over the past handful of months since Synergy was born. Were there moments of pure gold? Yes. But I'd like to say that 41st needs to be rebuilt. Actually, now that you mention, a lot of people have been saying that, but hey.

Logic, I have the belief that you can be least decent (Y'know, not running the whole thing back to the appalling Rishi moon outpost era of 41st.).

If you do turn out to the next Golden Gree that the battalion needed, hey, remind me to give you pat on the back then.

I guess I should stop rambling and just tell you that I'll refresh my standing by Wednesday


Edited by Switzer
I can so I will
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Shit b two great canidates. +1


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